Learning Plan Semester 2

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LEARNING PLAN NAME: Jacqueline Benjamin DATE: 11° Apyil 2015 WEEK: 12. ‘Area That Requires Development Cardiovascular Assessment “Respiratory Assessment — “Ansell -Abdontinal Assessment — “Neurological Assessment - Peres, & Musculoseleal Assessment = eho Tearning Goal “Tobe able to assess patients using correct techniques for ‘auscultation, percussion, and palpation when performing physical assessments, ‘Strategies and Resources to be Uillized: ill review my class notes, check lists, Text books, and evolve 1e08 to recall the orders and techniques of ll the assessments, -Lwill practice the physical assessment techniques on my family before attending clinical. Evaluation Crier Time Limite Iwill be able to identify ‘normal and abncemel breath sounds, bowel sounds, mental status, and mobility level A would lke to achieve my goals by the end ofthis semester. ‘Students are to attach a Reference List as required for applicable resource listed.

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