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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Grade Level/Subject: 3rd Grade

Central Focus: Cinquain Poems
Essential Standard/Common Core Objective:
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.3.10By the end of the year, read
and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and
Date submitted: 4/18/16
poetry, at the high end of the grades 2-3 text complexity
band independently and proficiently.
Daily Lesson Objective:
Performance The students will be able to write their own cinquain poems in pairs of two.
Conditions The students will write these poems with the parts of speech needed accessible on
the whiteboard.
Criteria The students should be able to complete their poem within a 20-minute period.
21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking Academic Language Demand (Language Function and
and Collaboration.
Students will use their understanding of parts of speech to
create a cinquian poem.
Prior Knowledge: Students should be familiar with the term poem and have some background
knowledge on this concept. Students should also be familiar with the parts of speech and be able
to give examples of them.

1. Focus and Review

2. Statement of
for Student
3. Teacher Input

Description of Activities and Setting

Okay class do you remember all the different kinds of poems
we have been learning about? Today we will be continuing
the study of poems with a new type of poem called a cinquian
poem. I have an example of a cinquain poem displayed on the
white board so you can see what we will be learning about.
Today I am going to be teaching you about a new type of
poem called a cinquian poem. By the end of the lesson you
should be able to make your own cinquian poems about
anything you want.
The teacher will start by giving the students a brief
description of what a cinquain poem is on the power point.
Then the teacher will go over the parts of speech that are
needed on each line of the poem and well as the amount of
words that each line should have. (This will also be shown on
the power point)
The teacher will then go over each of the required parts of
speech for the poem along with some examples. Students will
also have the opportunity to give several examples out loud
as well. The teacher will start with nouns and read the
description of what a noun is and then allow the students to
give a few examples of what a noun is. The teacher will


continue this technique for each of the following parts of

speech: adjective and verb.
The teacher will then read several examples of cinquain
poems that are displayed on the power point. The teacher will
also reiterate that this kind of poem can be written about
anything and that each poem example has had a specific
theme to it. The teacher will allow time for any questions that
students may have about making these poems.
Now that the students have seen how cinquian poems are
made and have also seen a few examples of them, we will
now work on making one together! The topic I have chosen
for us to write one on is school. We will go through making the
poem together and allow the students to share their ideas. If
the students make any errors in the parts of speech remind
them of examples that are correct parts of speech to help
them get back on the right track.

4. Guided Practice

5. Independent

6. Assessment
Methods of

The teacher will write school for the first line on the white
board since that is the chosen topic. For the next line the
teacher will allow the students to pick two adjectives to
describe school and then write those on the line underneath
school. For the third line the teacher will allow the students to
come up with three action verb (better known as action words
ending in ing) For the fourth line the teacher will have the
students come up with four feeling words that phrased
together describe the topic school. If students have trouble
coming up with this the teacher can give the students an
example or two to help them brainstorm some ideas. For the
fifth and last line the teacher will have the students come up
with one synonym for school. The teacher will let the students
know they did a great job and let the students know they will
now work on making their own poems.
For independent practice the students will be broken up into
pair and make their own cinquian poems. They can choose
any topic of their choice to write about. The teacher will pass
out the worksheet for each group of pairs to fill out. On the
board there will be information about the format of cinquian
poems in case the students forget what each line represents.
While the students work on these the teacher will walk around
the classroom and answer any questions and make sure the
students are staying on task.
The students will complete the worksheet they made in pairs and their
proficiency will be based on the amount of parts of speech they got


7. Closure

correctly. The poem contains a total of 11 words and in order to show an

understanding of cinquian poems they should display an accuracy of 9
out of the 11 words.
Now that the students have completed their own poems we
will briefly go over what we learned and summarize todays
lesson. Students will be given the opportunity to share their
poems in front of the class if they wish to do so.

8. Assessment
Results of
Targeted Students
English Language Learners will be paired
with students highly fluent in English to
assist with any vocabulary struggles in the
parts of speech. Students with IEPs will be
checked on more frequently to make sure
they are grasping the concepts.

Pencils for each student

Poem worksheet (enough for pairs, 21 students)
Poem PPT
Marker for the white board

Reflection on lesson:

Student/Small Group
The teacher can give additional examples in the
guided practice section if students are having any
trouble grasping the concepts. Students that need
additional help working with cinquian poems will
be brought together for some small group

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