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MayJune 2015

Kol Echad

The Voice of Congregation Shir Chadash

Second Floor, Albert Community Centre
610 Clarence Avenue, South, Saskatoon, SK S7H 2E2
(306) 242-3756

Message from the President

Hello everyone,

Spring is here but a bit cooler than Id like it. By this time in 1976,
we had our pool open and running!

Our year rolls on comfortingly and reassuringly. Weve all eaten

way too much at Seders but enjoyed the tradition of being with
family and friends. We had a wonderful Purim carnival and thank
you to all who constantly work so hard to make our congregation
function so well. The Holocaust Memorial Service was beautifully
presented and well received. I, for one, will never forget, and will
carry in my heart forever, Hanna Jodreys rendition of El Mole. It
brought home the terrible suffering, and also the hope of those poor
dear martyrs whom we will never forget.
As you all know, the Lennarks have moved to Ontario, but
Ray has continued as our treasurer. However, it has become a bit
difficult to work at a distance, and he would like us to find someone to replace him. We all know he is irreplaceable; nevertheless he
would like someone else to take over the responsibility. If anyone
knows a retired bookkeeper who would like some extra cash,
please let one of the board members know.

You may have noticed that no individuals were singled out for
a thank you in this newsletter for their work on events over the
past two months. Thats because all were thanked individually,
and if I forget someone, Ill never forgive myself. So, a general
thank you to all and please keep our shul in mind for new members. We need you, and all your friends, to grow.
President, Shir Chadash

Simchas & Announcements

Happy birthday
to Myra Goldstein, Mary Lehrer, Joel Donen, Brayden Michael
Mah, Benjamin Goldstein, Jeff Gonick, Harold Gonick, Irving
Goldenberg, Olive Sonnenschein, Ivor Basker.
Mazel tov
to Davey and Aleyna Mah on their wedding anniversary.
to Dean Donnelly and his family and the entire Reznick
family on the death of Sherron Lee (Reznick) Day (Sausiyenta
bat Sarah).
Board Meeting
A board meeting will be held at the shul on Sunday, May 3, at
10 am.
Special Events and Services
See page 4.

Sisterhood Cards

Condolences to Myra and Ben Goldstein on the death of Myras

sister Grace, from Barbara and Harley Donen, Mary Melnychuk,
Shirley Hagarty, and Linda Epstein.

Membership 2015
Our membership year runs from January to December, renewable annually.
It takes money to run the shul. We do not set a membership
amount for our members, rather we rely on each to give from his or
her heart. Additional funds enable us to arrange special programs
and bring in speakers and spiritual leaders. The earlier these funds
are received, the easier it is to plan these programs.
We would like to expand our numbers. If you know of Jews
who would like to join a warm and welcoming community, please
suggest Shir Chadash. They would be welcomed with open arms.
Sheryl Madsen, Membership Chair

April 24 and 25
May 1 and 2
May 8 and 9
May 15 and 16

May 22 and 23

May 29 and 30
June 5 and 6
June 12 and 13

June 19 and 20
June 26 and 27


Max Sharzer
Sarah Adelman
George Millar
Bernard Sharzer
Rita Epstein
Ettie Orolowitz
Albert Epstein
Semyon Furman
Bessie Golumbia
Maurice Jones
Sarah Charach
Ben Shiffman
Max Gropper
Samuel Forgan
John Adelman

Iyar 10
Iyar 16
Iyar 22
Sivan 1
Sivan 3
Sivan 4
Sivan 5
Sivan 9
Sivan 14
Sivan 23
Sivan 30
Tammuz 1
Tammuz 1
Tammuz 5
Tammuz 9

Yom HaShoah
On Sunday, April 12, 2015, Congregation Shir Chadash remembered those who perished in the Holocaust, those who survived,
and those who held out a hand in a very human way. We shared
this with the general public at a screening of the Israeli documentary, Numbered. The film not only showcases the tattoos, meant
to reduce those in Auschwitz and its sub-camps to the level of
marked animals but also it profiles a variety of personalities and
the way they have dealt with building a new life.

The candle lighting and Hanna Jodreys emotional rendition

of El Mole made our short program extraordinarily moving. It is
rewarding to have those asked to participate say, It is my honour.

Thank you all participants and organizers, and especially to the

Roxy Theatres Jordan Delorme, whose help is also an invaluable
resource. We look forward to continuing our positive relationship
in the future.
We are already beginning to plan our commemoration for
2016. Please contact Linda Epstein with input and ideas, and to


Erev Shabbat: Services as usual unless noted below


8:00 pm
10:00 am

Special Jewish Dates & Services

Lag BOmer
Thursday, May 7

Yom Yerushalayim
Sunday, May 17
Celebrate Israel
Erev Shavuot
Saturday, May 23 (Omer is said until Erev Shavuot)
Sunday, May 24, Service and Yizkor

6:30 pm

10 am

Celebrating Israel!
In Canada, it is easy to forget the rhythms of the Jewish year.
Although we have held commemorations for Yom HaZikaron
(Israel Remembrance Day), and birthday celebrations for Yom
HaAtzmaut (Israel Independence Day) in the past, we did not hold
them this year.
Instead, we are planning a bang-up celebration of our homeland
on Yom Yerushalayim Sunday, May 17, at 6:30 pm. We will
remember Israeli soldiers in years gone by and, in particular, this
past summer in Gaza. Then we will celebrate the many blessings
that Israel has brought upon the Jews and, indeed, the whole world.
Please join us for this celebration and spread the word. Were
hoping for cake and ice cream, singing and dancing and games.

Contacts for Sending Cards or Newsletter Information

Tree of Life: Mary Melnychuk, 653-2453
Sisterhood cards: Barb Donen, 244-3879
Newsletter: Perry Millar,

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