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Why Play Dark Angels?

Do you like to shoot enemies dead and keep shooting the ones dumb enough to assault you? You
hate the traitorous heretical scum, like really really hate? Great, you're in the right place HERETIC
BATTLE-BROTHERS LOYALIST BATTLE-BROTHERS! We are to shooting what Blood Angels are
to assaulting and Space Wolves are to bestiality! Because you want to field an entire army of
Terminators (harder to do now) without being teased about being a powergamer or a furry, or entire
army of Bikers (with re-rollable jinks now). The 7th Edition update boosted
both Ravenwing and Deathwing builds with said jinking fuckery, and "Battle Focus" by another name
with lots of deep striking goodness. Oh, and you have the last Jetbike in the Imperium. Did we
mention it comes with a Plasma Cannon? Bitches love Plasma Cannons. How about a flyer that
thinks he's a Vindicator? We got one of those!
In a nutshell:

You want a flyer with a S10 AP2 Vortex-causing cannon on it's nose with a re-rollable jink
save! Now that's sexy!

You want to use awesome models, damn we have the best looking EVERYTHING (bikers,
land speeders, flyers, veterans, color scheme).

You're a Terminator lover. You can go ALMOST all Terminator in a Battle Forged army (you
need at least one Ven Dread in a drop pod, and be using the Deathwing Strike Force
detachment, better yet take lots of bikes and landspeeders with meltas, re-rollable jink saves
and teleport homers).

You like the idea of wearing robes over your power armor.

You wish to laugh at morale checks.

You want to overwatch at BS2 (normal) or BS4 (Lion's Blade)!

You like plasma (Seriously, there's plasma in anything and everything).

Speed is your need, and Dark Angels are the best marine army for players who wants to use
bikes in support of your army. You are the only Biker Army which can go toe-to-toe with the
White Scars and have a chance at coming out on top:
1. Ravenwing can still outflank without the need to add a special character,

2. 7th Ed Jink saves now cause the rider to snap-fire, so having whole armies of Skilled Riders
is no longer as epic as it used to be. If you really want cover saves take Dark Shrouds.
3. You re-roll your failed jink saves. This statistically kicks more ass than Skilled Rider
alone, and Black Knights have Skilled Rider too.
4. Ravenwing work better with others by having Teleport Homers and some rules interactions
with Deathwing, while their own formations radically support each other in a manner that any
Tau player would feel familiar with.
5. Black Knights are the best bikers in the game.
6. Sammael beats Khan, whether he's on Corvex or inside Sableclaw.

Codex Marines now cost (more or less) the exact same points as Dark Angels do. So you
have to decide if you want to have better flyers and a bigger choice of combinationsfor your
army or a bunch of terminators, fancy bikes, and bonuses against Chaos Marines.

Newfags: Just picked up Dark Vengeance? Welcome to the next step in GW's long-term
upsell scheme.

You are to codex chaos space marine as Grey Knights are to Daemons, with Hatred (Chaos
Space Marines) conferred onto each of your units with the Deathwing rule and some vehicles.
Heldrake spam? Meet the new Nephilim Jetfighter. Some of your weapons even have special
bonuses against the fallen TRAITOR MARINES

With Allied Detachments, DA would make a nice ally army to anyone that needs a strong
beatstick to defend themselves from CQC, or to help drive around the board/camping behind
cover by sending a lot of dakka to make a tough shooty army.

On the downside:

Your aerial game is subpar (forget transport and dogfights, our flyers are for infantry
slaughter). Way better than what 6th Edition Codex gave you, but it still pales in comparison
to sturdy transport fliers, while Forgeworld does have units that can fix this (Caestus Assault
Ram, Storm Eagle), it may not be everyone's cup of tea.

Armory of The Lion[edit]

Let's face it, the heretics have a nice layout on their tactica; no reason we can't use it and say they
got it from us. Other than the fact that they don't exist. So we came up with this layout. With no
inspiration from anywhere else.

Ranged Weapons[edit]
Due to weird wording you can take two ranged weapons if you want, which you really shouldn't,
unless it's two combi-weapons for a non-veteran dakkasarge or maybe twin pistols if you like
the cowboy look.

Bolter - Business as usual, you know what it does. The loss of the Standard of Devastation
is sad and shall be mourned.

Storm Bolter - It's only 5-pts, so why not? Better on an Assault-based character.

Combi-weapon - Tried and true. One-shot melta, plasma, Grav-gun, or flamer is always
handy, if you use them wisely.

Plasma pistol - The most expensive and the least popular choice. The main reason why is
pistol range, which make it useful only to lay some dakka before charge - and on a terminatorarmored model Combi-plasmas do this job better for less points. Still fluffy especially for Dark
Angels and still a decent pick for fluffy games.

Grav-pistol - As expensive as the Plasma pistol, and as unpopular as it is. Still it can help for
dropping a heavily armored foe to I1 before combat. Combo with characters that have unwieldy
weapons (i.e. Powerfist) to strike at the same time.

Melee Weapons[edit]
Remember that your named HQs can't take these, and usually have some sort of special melee
weapon anyway. Also, the new Codex removed the "one weapon with the following", so now you can
Claw/Fist combo for days.

Chainsword - It's a free extra attack. It has nothing else going for it unless you don't have
the points to spare for the options below.

Power Weapon - Come in 4 different flavors: Axe, Maul, Sword, Lance...but only the former
3 actually have official models from GW. The Power Sword is the most reliable, striking at AP3,
base S and base I. The Axe drops you to I1 but you are now S5 and AP2 - good, but only if you
can't get or justify the cost of a Power Fist. The Maul is great against Imperial Guard and Xenos
scum, since the +2S gets you to S6, which is Instant Death for T3 enemy characters. It even has
Concussive, which, along with the +2S, helps against big, tough gribblies. The Lance is only S+1

AP3 on the charge, then in subsequent rounds is only AP4, AND you'd have to convert your own
from Fantasy or other armies. Stick with Corvus Hammers, baby!

Lightning Claws - Not so useful on sergeants due to only one attack base, and not useful
on HQ units, because they need something to pierce through 2+ armor to have a chance of
winning in challenges. Carefully consider power swords instead, or an axe if you're expecting
Terminator Equivalents. Use only if you need to cut up thousands of cultists.

Power Fist - Not recommended on non-veteran sergeants. Otherwise either this or power
axe are obligatory choices for your warlord, as long as you face marines or orks. They continue
to make great surprises for overconfident vehicle commanders...

Eviscerator - A fuck huge Chainsword that Assault Marines can take. S:x2 AP2, Twohanded. Armourbane. This makes the Eviscerator a great can-opener. Does require that you
give up both CCW to have, so you are committing to the model having one chainfist style attack.
Buy a flamer or two to offset this if you go for some Eviscerators.

Thunder Hammer - Paying extra 5 points for a power fist with concussive. Generally not
worth it as with S8 AP2, few things can survive to suffer from concussion. However concussion
can mean between life and death if a combat drags on such as with MC, T5 or up models, and
models with Eternal Warrior.

Force Weapon - Available to your Librarians for free. Power Weapons with Force essentially.
The Axe makes you S5, AP2 but I1 and the Staff at S6 but AP4. The Sword is the most reliable
as with Force and striking first means even one wound can lead to Instant Death. Axe does
provide a benefit of ignoring all armor saves and wounding most MC on 4s to 5s and with Force
it's nothing to sniff at.

Relic Blade - S+2, AP3, Two-Handed, but only accessible by Company Masters both in and
out of Terminator Armour.Provides your captain an additional tactical option against MEQs or
Monstrous Creatures that doesn't require you to strike last. More useful/reliable than the Monster
Slayer sword.

Note: Don't purchase a Relic Blade without Terminator armor as for a few more
points you get the superior Maces of Redemption, unless another HQ is already wielding it.

Blade of Caliban - A Dark Angels-flavored Relic Blade. S+1 AP3 and no longer Unwieldy.
Canny Wolf players may notice that these are now the same as Frost Blades now.

Halberd of Caliban - Exclusive to the Deathwing Champion, it is two-handed S+2 AP2

melee weapon to give him a shot in melee, especially now he is required to issue and accept
challenges. Great because it's one of the few AP2 weapons that strike in initiative order, and will
make mincemeat out of most enemy non-special character champions.

Relics of Caliban[edit]

Shroud of Heroes - Got a huge price drop down to 10 points! Gives the wearer FnP and, if
they're not in a squad, Shrouded. At 10 points for FNP, it's now a bargain. Hilariously troll worthy
on a level 1 Interromancy Libby on a bike going solo. Use mind worm on your opponent's special
snowflake character or monstrous creature, then drive around the board laughing as they throw
retarded amounts of firepower towards your 2+ jinking psyker and he just refuses to die. Unless
you're fighting Tau, of course, in which case you just gave up first blood.

Foe-smiter - S4 AP4 Assault 4 Shred, Master-crafted storm bolter. Three times the cost of a
Storm Bolter, but rightfully so.

Lion's Roar - Master-crafted Combi-bolter with combi-part being assault plasma cannon.
Yeah that's right,a mother-fucking master-crafted assault 1 one-use plasma cannon of rape.

Mace of Redemption - One of the greatest weapons forged by the Dark Angels. +3 STR
and AP3 (AP1 against the CSM faction). It also inflicts blind and concussion. The same cost as a
Thunder Hammer, and against most things other than Termie wearing Loyalists and the odd HQ
choice here and there it is a superior choice. Excellent on an Interrogator-Chaplain and his buff
against Chaos Space Marines.

This causes Necron players nightmares as almost everything in their codex is Sv3+
or worse and causing blind means two-thirds of the time they are drop to WS/BS1. A
Interrogator Chaplain will wreck pretty much everything without a Sv2+ (Only characters that
get it are Vargard, Nemesor, and Imotekh) in close combat hitting on hitting on 4s (re-rolls),
wounding on 2s, and hitting first before everything in the Necron codex.

Monster Slayer of Caliban - A power sword that grows stronger in the hands of a purehearted wielder, or randomly in game terms. Each fight sub-phase you roll a D6. On a 1 it's still
just a power sword. On a 2-4 it adds 1 to the wielder's strength. On a 5-6 it adds 2 to the
wielder's strength and causes instant death. The weapon's biggest weakness is that none of its
random rolls will let it overcome anything it couldn't already deal with (like terminator armor) and
only has a 33% chance of being remotely decent. Take a Relic Blade over this overcosted

The Eye of the Unseen - Grants Fear and Preferred Enemy to the bearer. The most
expensive Relic, but since Preferred Enemy is conferred onto squads if one model has it, put
him in a plasma-equipped command/veteran squad and see the difference it makes. Fear
is meh as always, but you can really force it to happen if you bring along an Interromancy
librarian in your force. Don't forget that PE also applies to your already boosted overwatch

Perfidious Relic of the Unforgiven - All Deathwing terminator/Knight units can now take
one of these, so expect them to become more common, it's a pretty cheap upgrade that gives
you Fear (meaning the codex got a fear overload) AND Adamantium Will. If you play people who
go psyker-heavy *cough*Grey Knights*cough* you get an extra +1 to your deny the witch rolls.
Combine with a Librarius Conclave, and watch the Psychic Hood stack with this for a 4+ Deny
on your opponent.

Banners and Standards[edit]

Company Standard - Friendly Dark Angels within 12" of the bearer can re-roll failed morale
checks and pinning tests.

Dark Angels Chapter Banner - Got a big points decrease in the new codex; provides all
Dark Angels models in the unit with +1A. Also provides the normal standard Ld rerolls. Stack
with Ezekiel's Book of Salvation and/or Righteous Repugnance for extra hilarity.

Ravenwing Company Banner - Provides the the standard Ld rerolls to Dark Angels within
12". Additionally, the Ravenwing Command Squad itself automatically passes its Hit & Run
checks and can move an extra D6 with Hit & Run.

Deathwing Company Banner - Almost exactly like the Chapter Banner: Friendly models
with the Deathwing special rule in the unit gain +1A, the difference in wording means that
Sammael and regular Chaplains are the only guys who don't benefit. It also got a huge points
decrease, only 20 points to give a squad of terminators more attacks.

Sacred Standard - Now all Sacred Standards have been condensed into 1 form, no more 4shot Boltguns (boo). In addition to re-rolling all failed Morale, Pinning, and Fear checks, you now
get Counter-Attack and Relentless on your Command Squad. The older individual Sacred
Standards were way better, but at least it is a cheaper option and can be spammed now, rather
than being a one-only deal. Brilliant on a Command-Squad equipped with gravguns: Relentless
means ALWAYS 3 shots on 18 inch (salvo), and Counter-Attack pairs perfectly with the improved

Special Issue Wargear[edit]

Auspex: It's a scanner array thingamajig that allows the user to lower one enemy unit's
cover save by one (also, it can be a different enemy unit than that rest of the unit shoots at). For
5 points, this sounds nice, recommended to give to a Techmarine (who won't be shooting much
anyway), a Chaplain (1 Bolt Pistol shot. Whoop-dee-doo), or a Librarian (because with
Witchfires and such, his damage output won't exactly be hindered). Should be considered if
you're putting a character on a bike as well since you would want to put them with Black
Knights/Ravenwing Command Squad where a Twin-linked boltgun looks silly in comparison to
the Plasma Talon.

Combat Shield - As of this edition and last, 6+ invuln. It's cheap and better than nothing, but
many HQs have much better invuln saves anyway (Rosarius and Iron Halos) and those who
don't have base invulns can take Terminator Armor and/or the Conversion Field below.

Meltabombs: They're melta bombs. You know them, you love them. Dark Angels don't have
many dedicated assault units that would benefit from taking them, so only take them if you have
points to spare and think you might get close enough to an enemy vehicle.

Digital Weapons: - Re-roll 1 failed to wound roll, as before. Useful with getting that lucky
Force/Power Fist Strike on a target.

Conversion Field: A neat little piece of gear that gives a 4+ invulnerable save... for 20
points. In addition to that awesomeness, whenever the bearer passes an Invulnerable save, all
units within D6" (friend or foe) basically get Blind (and friendly units can reroll the Initiative test
for it). This won't activate all that often (you have Power or Terminator Armour, after all), but
when it will, it's a bit of a crapshoot whether you'll take the brunt or your opponent. Still, even if
you get messed up... it's a fairly cheap 4+ Invulnerable save!

If you want to vent your frustrations at Necrons/Tau without Blacksun Filters/Orks,

take this thing out. Enjoy watching yourself tank the hits while they have a 2/3 chance of
becoming WS/BS1.

Jump pack - Changes model to Jump Infantry (Move 12" instead of 6", gains Deep Strike,
and can opt to not use the 12" movement to gain Hammer of Wrath when charging, as before.)

The following aren't technically listed as Special Issue Wargear, but can be taken by certain units.

Artificer Armour - 2+ Armor Save. Only available to the Company Master. Not a bad buy,
since it allows you to take most transports, and you either have an Iron Halo or a Storm Shield
anyway so your Invuln save is covered.

Terminator Armour - 2+/5++, and grants the Deep Strike and Relentless rules. However,
you cannot attempt Sweeping Advances and are made bulky. Buying this also grants
the Vengeful Strike special rule, allowing the character to twin-link his shooting the turn he
arrives from Deep Strike. If your deep striking a character with terminator armor get a homer
beacon on the ground to get twin linked on that combi-weapon to guarantee a hit on whatever
needs removal.

Space Marine Bike - Grants +1 Toughness, 12" of movement with option to turbo-boost 12"
more, the ability to Jink, the Relentless rule, and brings a Twin-Linked Boltgun. Nice if you're
pairing up with Ravenwing Bikes or Black Knights. Not available to Company Masters, also note
that it still doesn't make the rider Ravenwing so he doesn't reroll his jink saves, but the good
news is the FAQ allows a character on a bike to lead a Ravenwing Strike Force instead of

Storm Shield - 3+ Invulnerable Save, but replaces one of your weapons. May be taken by
Company Masters both in or out of Terminator Armour. Sadly, Librarians and Chaplains cannot
take these. You'll also find them dispersed amongst Company Veteran and Deathwing squads.

Special Rules[edit]

Grim Resolve - Dark Angels' Chapter Tactics part 1. Grants Stubborn, and Overwatch at
BS2 unless they jinked.

Deathwing - Renamed from Inner Circle. Dark Angels' Chapter Tactics part 2. Grants
Fearless and Hatred (Chaos Space Marines).

Ravenwing - Dark Angels' Chapter Tactics part 3. Re-roll failed Cover Saves when jinking.

Deathwing Assault (Deathwing Redemption Force) - All models in the formation must start
in Deep Strike Reserve, so no Land Raider transports. Your whole formation chooses to arrive
from deep strike on either turn two, three, or four. You decide before the game begins. Since this
is now a formation special rule, rather than a squad rule, ALL units in the formation have to deep
strike at the same time, including Venerable Dreadnoughts in drop pods.

Summoned to War (Deathwing Strike Force) - All units in this formation start in Deep Strike
Reserve, but if there is a Ravenwing Attack Squadron, or a Ravenwing Strike Force detachment
in your army then they can choose to pass/fail their reserve rolls. Unlike Deathwing Assault this
doesn't overrule Drop Pod Assault, since the first Drop Pods don't take reserve rolls and show
up automatically.

In you have no Ravenwing at all, then this rule doesn't do anything other than force
you to Deep Strike, where normal rules apply.

Fortress of Shields - Any model in this unit is equipped with a Storm Shield, including
independent character models with a shield, and is in base-to-base contact with two other
models from this unit, gains a +1 increase to their toughness. The new wording prevents you
from bunching up regular termie squads to increase the benefit of the rule, and also means that
unless your independent character has a shield himself, he cannot benefit either. This also have
the side effect of keeping you from spacing your terminator knights effectively, but this isn't
actually as much of a problem as it might at first appear. If you expect plasma cannons, Meltas
and other high-strength low AP shooting, a 3+ Invulnerable will mean you tank it, so scratch that.
If you're fighting imperial guard lasgun hordes, bunch up and watch their pathetic S3 guns fail to
wound five times out of six, and watch Tau Fire Warriors hit and wound on 4s.

Warlord Traits[edit]
1. The Hunt: Warlord has Precision Shots and Ignores Cover. Belial and Asmodai get this.
2. Courage of the First Legion: The Warlord and all Dark Angel units within 12" of the Warlord
gain Fearless. Ezekiel gets this. Better than most people realize as you can do a neat little
trick with this. Since the HQ projects a 12" Fearless bubble with some clever positioning you
can Go To Ground with multiple units and then move your HQ within range with at least one
model and volia, they can act normally that turn. Anyone without ignore cover is going to
rage hard.
3. For the Lion: Warlord and unit has Furious Charge.
4. Brilliant Planning: While Warlord is on battlefield his force may modify Reserve Rolls by 1.
Perfect if you roll this when having lots of Ravenwing and/or Deathwing.
5. Rapid Maneuver: Warlord and unit add 3" to Flat-Out, Turbo-boost, Run and Charge Moves.
Sammael in both forms gets this.
6. Hold At All Costs: Warlord and unit has Feel No Pain within 3" of an Objective.
Command and Personal Traits also work well if you have a Terminator equipped character as they'll
be in close range most of the time with other squads or stuck in the thick of it.

Psychic Powers[edit]

In a strike of curiosity (but not an unexpected one considering the Harlequins' Phantasmancy), the
Dark Angels got an entire discipline based upon a previously-exclusive power (Mind Worm in this
case). It works heavily upon messing with leadership and stat lines.

Primaris - Mind Worm - WC1 focussed witch fire, 12" S6 AP2 Assault 1, Ignores Cover; if a
model takes an unsaved wound then it takes -3 to BS, WS, I AND Ld for the rest of the game.
With even just 1 wound, that special snowflake or Monstrous creature just became an expensive
paperweight and now that it has been buffed to Strength 6 it is a much more credible threat
against those tougher models where the debuff will really sting. Even though our Librarius is shit
compared to the new Vanilla Librarius, this power goes up to 24" with it. Yeah. You're still
thinking about taking it.
1. Seed of Fear WC1. All enemy units within 9" make all Fear, Pinning, and Morale tests on
3D6. Remember this codex got a fear overload so this is good against even moderately high
Ld armies with every Terminator squad being able to get Perfidious Relic of the Unforgiven
and Interrogator Chaplain. Note that this does not force those checks, you still have to do
that normally.
2. Righteous Repugnance - WC1. Blessing that grants one unit within 24" Rage. Cast on
those Deathwing Knights or Assault Marines and enjoy the maximum carnage. Drop it on
Black Knights and watch them redefine massacre.
3. Aversion - WC1. Malediction affecting one enemy unit within 24". They may only fire Snap
Shots. Perfect for negating a high threat unit to your army such as a antiarmor squad or antiTEQ. *cough* Tau *cough*
4. Maelstrom of Misery - WC2. Witchfire, 24": S1 AP2, Assault 1, Blast, Neural Shock (Always
wounds on 4+). Good for high toughness squads and such.
5. Trephination - WC2. Focused Witchfire with 18" range: the affected model rolls 2d6+2 then
subtracts the leadership value, taking the difference in wounds with no armour or cover
saves allowed. Psychic Shriek, Fuck that guy edition. Combo'd with Mind Worm wounding
first, it'll absolutely destroy characters.
6. Mind Wipe - WC3. Malediction with 24" range. The target unit is reduced to WS/BS 1 until
end of their next turn. THEN they have to take a Ld test, which if failed makes the debuff
permanent. Cast on a Deathstar unit. Just 1 turn of WS/BS1 can mean so much for you and
throw That Guy's carefully thought plan off balance, even better if he fails the Ld test. Not to
mention that (without factoring in modifiers), on average, an opponent needs 18 Warp

Charge dice to deny it should you successfully get it off with only the required 3 Warp
Angels of Death Supplement[edit]
In Angels of Death, Space Marines got 4 new psychic disciplines, possibly to ensure that Ezekiel's
Librarius Conclave isn't full of redundancy and has more variety. Thanks to a note in the book, all
Spehss derivtives including our robed marines, can take these powers if they want.
Primaris Electrosurge - WC1 S5 AP5 Assault 6 witchfire. Point at hordes and explode them.
1. Electroshield - WC1. The Psyker gains a 3++. An almost free Storm Shield for a turn.
Actually useful for our Codex, since we don't get Storm Shields.
2. Electropulse - WC2. A witchfire Nova with radius of 9", which gives enemies S1 APHaywire hits.
3. Lightning Arc - WC2. Witchfire, S5AP4 assault D6. Jumps to enemy units at 6" of the
primary target on a 4+. Same effect.
4. Fists of Lightning - WC1 blessing. Psyker only, +1S and A. For every hit the psyker lands in
close combat (not wound, hits), enemy units suffer 2 additional S5AP- hits.
5. Magnetokinesis - WC2 blessing, 18". Move target unit by 18".
6. Electrodisplacement - WC2 blessing or malediction, 24". Swap target unit with the psyker's
unit. Can work on allies and enemies alike. This will allow for epic trolling. Oh, that enemy
unit's sitting out of charge range from your Assault Terminators/Death Company? Oh look,
now they're right next to your entire army. Have fun blowing them up and charging the
AKA we jacked a bunch of powers from the Eldar and Grey Knights. Enjoy creating cheap as fuck
death stars.
Primaris The Emperor's Wrath - S5 AP3 witchfire blast.
1. Veil of Time - WC2. The Psyker and his entire unit re-roll all failed saving throws. You
Ravenwing with re-rolling Jink saves won't notice this as much, but now your Deathwing
Knights truly are unstoppable with T5 and rerollable 2+/3++.

2. Fury of the Ancients - WC1. A 20" S6 AP4 beam with Pinning.

3. Psychic Fortress - WC1. Blessing that gives the Psyker Fearless and Adamantium Will, as
well as a 4++ bubble of 12" against Witchfire Powers only. Given the shit ton of Adamantium
Will from Perfidious Relics you should be spamming, only the 4++ against them should you
fail to deny is worth it.
4. Might of Heroes - WC1. Gives +2 Strength, Toughness, Initiative, and attacks. It essentially
wraps up both Iron Arm and Warp Speed into 1 nice Warp Charge 1 package.
5. Psychic Scourge - WC1. Focused Witchfire. Roll 2D6+ level against enemy psyker
1D6+level. On a draw or better, enemy lose 1W (no save), if you rolled way more than him
he loses a power.
6. Null Zone - WC2. Targets an enemy unit, drops its invulnerable save by 2 (to a minimum of
6+). This thing is essentially Banishment, but it's much more versatile. This is what you use
to counter fucks with Storm Shields, Smash Fucker's 2++ bullshit, Riptide's Shield Generator
buff, Malefic Cursed Earth and Grimoire bullshit.
Primaris Chasm - WC2 Forces a dangerous terrain test without armor save on a single unit.
1. Earth Blood - WC1. Targets a model in 18" of the Psyker. That guy immediately regains
D3 WOUNDS (The wording by default excludes vehicles), and the target plus his entire unit
gain IWND. The latter effect won't come into play too often unless you're hanging out with
Centurions, but the ability to replenish an HQ's wounds, or restore wounds lost to Perils, is
2. Scorched Earth - WC1 malediction, 24". Choose a point, it deals a single S5AP4 hit to each
unit within 6". This 6" area is dangerous terrain. Crap.
3. Land Quake - WC1 malediction that affects enemy units within 18" of caster. They are
considered to be in dangerous terrain, and cannot run, turbo-boost or flat out.
4. Phase Form - WC1 blessing, 24". Single unit. Give move through cover, and Ignore cover to
all weapons. Unit is also able to shoot on a unit WITHOUT LINE OF SIGHT, only the range
5. Warp Quake - WC1 WC, 24". Target building or ruin. Building gets a glancing or penetrating
hit, ruins: units in it get D6 S6AP- hits;

6. Shifting Worldscape - WC3 24". Move a piece of terrain by 24", including models in it,
forces dangerous terrain tests on the unit inside.
The discipline to use for mechanized armies. Also fares very well with Imperial Guard allies. Heck, a
Librarius Conclave and a CAD of tank-heavy Guard makes this all kinds of epicness. The only
question is, do the blessings affect the whole squadron if a target vehicle is part of said squadron?
Primaris Subvert Machine - 18" Malediction. You Select a weapon on an enemy vehicle. You and
your opponent roll a die. If he rolls higher, nothing happens. If you draw, he can only fire snap shots.
If you roll higher, You take control of said vehicle's weapon for a turn. This will be horrible if your
enemy has a Superheavy of some kind (Lord of Skulls, Stompa, Baneblade variants, Knights), and
given the current meta, it's common to see an Imperial Knight ally.
1. Blessing of the Machine - WC1. Blessing you give to 1 vehicle in 24". It now ignores Crew
Shaken, Crew Stunned, and either gives Power of the Machine Spirit, or +1 BS if the target
vehicle that already has PotMS (So basically every vehicle Space Marines have except
vanilla Rhino-Chassis vehicles)
2. Machine Curse - WC1. Focused Witchfire. Smacks a vehicle with 3 S1 AP- Haywire hits.
3. Reforge - WC1. Blessing that either restores 1 hull point, or repairs either an immobilized or
destroyed weapon result, as well as giving the vehicle IWND.
4. Warpmetal Armour - WC1. Blessing that grants plus 1 AV to all sides for a turn. Or, if put at
a non-vehicle unit, gives +1T. Welcome to AV15 Spartan Assault Tanks/Leman Russes/Land
Raiders. And Gauss Weaponry still doesn't give a shit.
5. Fury of Mars - WC1. A S1 Haywire Beam.
6. Machine Flense - WC2. Focused Witchfire, 18". Target loses D3 HP. For each HP lost,
inflicts D6 S4AP6 rending hits to a nearby enemy unit.

Fighter Aces (Skip This)[edit]

In Skies of Death, you now have a bonus rule allowing you to pay 35 points for one of 3 special traits
for any Flyer or FMC (FGC is still debatable). These are basically just a re-hash of the Fighter Ace
rules from the Crusade of Fire supplement released a few years earlier. The real issue is that the
only dedicated flyers the Dark Angels get are...well, not that great.
1. Hunter of Heretics - +1 BS. The problem is that the Dark Angels (and Forgeworld) flyers
have mostly twin-linked weapons and/or Strafing Run already, so this doesn't really add

much. Yeah, you might get BS6 but you're still limited by the usefulness of the weapons
2. Expert Redeployment - Fighter Ace can move in from any edge when coming from Ongoing
Reserves. Pretty good way to sneak around and strike them from behind.
3. Homing Beacon - It's a Homing Beacon for flyers. DA within 12" of it can't scatter when they
Deep-Strike. Erm... most flyers start the game in reserve without a skyshield landing pad.
Since Deathwing can no longer just choose to come on turn 1-2 (although reserve Flyers
still come on turn 2 or later), this one could now potentially be useful. It is however just
another teleport homer in an army that can get them cheaper on virtually ever Ravenwing
unit, and the most expensive and unreliable one there is to boot. Give it a pass.

Tactical Objectives[edit]

Secret Agenda - A curious rule the Dark Angels get for their Tac-Objectives allows them to
conceal their dice rolls/Cards when generating cards that have the Dark Angels type as seen
above. While it's useless in most cases, when drawing any of these, you get to conceal both the
roll AND the Objective you took until you actually finish it. MIND GAMES!

11. Not One Step Backwards

When this Tactical Objective is generated, secretly choose either your next turn, next two
turns, or next three turns; score 1, D3, or D3+3 Victory Points respectively if this Tactical
Objective is still active at the end of the number of turns you choose. This objective is
immediately discarded if any friendly unit fails a Morale Check. If the game ends before this
Tactical Objective is achieved, no Victory Points are scored.
12. No Forgiveness
Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if you completely destroyed one or more enemy
units that were controlling an Objective Marker at the start of your turn.
13. Let None Escape Your Gaze
Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if you successfully manifested one or more
psychic powers from the Interromancy discipline during your turn. Pretty easy to snag.
14. Apprehend and Interrogate
Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if at least one enemy character was slain in a
challenge during your turn. If your opponent's Warlord was slain in a challenge during your
turn, score D3 Victory Points instead.
15. Flawless Strategy
Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if one or more friendly units with the Deathwing
or Ravenwing special rule arrived from Reserve during your turn. If one or more friendly units
with the Deathwing special rule used a teleport home to arrive by Deep Strike within 6" of a

friendly unit with the Ravenwing special rule during your turn, score D3 Victory Points
instead. If you run a DW Strike Force and a Ravenwing army, this is as good as done.
16. The Path of Redemption
Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if, during your turn, a friendly unit with the Dark
Angels Faction charged an enemy unit that, at the start if the Charge sub-phase, included
more models than their own unit.

Unit Analysis[edit]

Interrogator-Chaplain - He is the go-to Combat HQ. Same profile as a

Company Master with -1 WS, but comes with Zealot and so is therefore
better in the first round of combat and also acts as a close combat
multiplier. Also causes Fear, and has a natural Preferred Enemy against
Chaos Space Marines. He has the ability to take Terminator armour, a
Bike or a Jump Pack and so can fit with virtually any other squad you
want him to. Interestingly, giving him a power fist doesn't replace either
his Crozius or bolt pistol, meaning he can bash regular troops with 4 str
6 attacks a turn, and then turn on the power fist when the bigger things
turn up. The Interrogator Chaplain is advised. In addition, if you're
fielding deathwing knights, this guy is nearly a must-have. With only
one attack on SMITE MODE, those maces must not fail, and he will
ensure they won't. Or else he will bitchslap them in Belial's name. The
only minor downsides is he can't take Artificer Armor, SS, and has one
less WS.

Company Master - Basically a Vanilla Captain who has Grim Resolve

and Deathwing instead of Chapter Tactics and ATSKNF. Take
Terminator Armor, a Storm Shield, a Thunder Hammer, and the Shroud
of Heroes for a Terminator HQ that is cheaper than Belial while being
more survivable with T5 and Feel No Pain if he hangs out with
Deathwing Knights. Since Belial is no longer necessary to lead a
Deathwing Force, just use this.

'Lions Blade: 'Company Master is pretty damn versatile being able

to be put in almost every squad imaginable aside from Bikes since
that's Sammaels job. Take him equipped as above with a Assault
squad and Chaplain and that's a decently deadly unit able to be

used aggressively or defensively as required. Another is a putting

him in a Tactical Squad with Foe Smiter and a power weapon of
some sort and enjoy the added dakka.

Chaplain - A general purpose support HQ. Allows himself and his

squad re-rolls to hit in the first round of combat, no matter what, and
comes with a Rosarius (4++) and a Power Maul. Can ride a Bike or use
a Jump Pack, but cannot wear Terminator armour. Still costs as much
as a Company Master, but doesn't have any special bonuses against
the Chaos Space Marines. There's basically no reason to ever take this
guy over his big brother unless you want a Battle Company; An
Interrogator-Chaplain costs 20 points more for +1 Ballistic Skill, Attacks,
Wounds and Initiative, plus has access to Terminator Armor and Relics.
If you want cheap, just grab a Librarian.

Librarian - Tied with the Techmarine for the actual cheapest HQ

choice, clocking in at 65pts base, and can be upgraded to ML2 for the
same price as Vanilla Librarians (finally). Has access to Terminator
Armor, a Jump Pack, and Bike. Can use the Divination, Pyromancy,
Telepathy, Daemonology, Telekinesis, or Interromancy disciplines
making him useful in a broad variety of roles.

Notes: Comes equipped with a Psychic Hood. All units within 12" of
the psyker can use the psyker for Deny the Witch rolls. Usually
improves the result by 1, by 2 if your psyker is level 2 and the
opponent's psyker is level 1. If he's inside a transport, he can only
attempt to Deny the Witch for the Transport. (Remember this when
your with your biker/termie boys and want to give them some
psyker protection so place accordingly)

He's also one of the better candidates for taking a Conversion Field
and/or an Auspex since he doesn't have his own invulnerable save
off the bat and giving him an auspex doesn't particularly hinder his
ability to blast things at range.

Librarians are both good as in Terminator and Biker form either

deepstriking or riding toward the enemy. Since most psyker powers
are 24 inch and below with even our own discipline, being up close

let's you use your mind bullets/power/buffs/etc if you want to be up

close and smashing face.

Techmarine - Piggybacking off the Codex Marines, you get a Master of

the Forge with a slightly higher pricetag, equal to the Librarian. Still no
access to Conversion Beamers, despite the fact that GW has never
actually released a kit they would still prefer that Vanilla marines got
their imagined model sales. Also, unlike vanilla marines, Dark Angels
techmarines do not get access to Chapter Relics. So basically you are
taking Techmarines to fix your stuff and nothing else, unless you want
your Camo-cloaked Scouts to get a 2+ Cover in Ruins with the Bolster
Defences Rule.

The Servo Harness is really up to you if you want to take it. Dark
Angels techmarines are far less likely (especially on bikes) to be
accompanied by Servitors. So on his own the harness becomes
viable if you still expect him to fix things. Where Vanilla marines
might take techmarines as challenge takers and use the harness to
make him more threatening, Dark Angels tend to use them as
support character so it's better to keep them out of combat. If you
want to go into melee weapon with him, forget taking Power Axes
or Thunder Hammers, take a Lightning Claw instead, which
negates the need for a servo harness, since his servo-arm is a
specialist weapon.

Servitors - They help the Techmarine repair stuff (add 1 to the

Blessings roll for each one that has a servo-arm). That's all you will
use them for, because a 10pt Heavy Bolter or Multi-Melta and 20pt
Plasma Cannon at BS3 is kinda wasteful, as they will need to be
running around with their master repairing stuff. 50pts for a full
squad. Stick the whole lot in a Land Raider or Thunderhawk
Gunship (you rich testicle-deprived bastard) and laugh as the single
gun your enemy's volley of Krak Missiles shot off repairs itself and
shoots back. Oh, and don't leave them alone, they will probably
Mindlock and stand there soaking up bullets with their faces.

Space Marine Command Tanks - 400 points nets you two awesome
command tanks that the Dark Angels can use due to a designer's note!

Rhino Primaris - Gives Dark Angels access to a 7" Blast Orbital

Strike, more plasma from its Twin-Linked Plasma Gun instead of
Stormbolter, and has a fancy Servo-skull hub which can either
grant a friendly unit within 12" Snap-shots (including Overwatch
and Skyfire) at full Ballistic Skill (Give that stupidly broken
Invisibility power the middle finger), restore a nearby vehicle's hull
point on a 2+, or give said Infantry unit Fearless. Also, you can coordinate Reinforcements by selecting a unit held in reserves to
automatically come on. Can transport 6 models. Battle Brothers
may utilize.

Land Raider Excelsior - Gives Dark Angels much needed access

to Grav-weaponry through its Grav-cannon and Grav amp for those
re-rolls to wound and immobilize. Also has a 6+ Invuln and ignores
Crew Shaken/Stunned results. Also can grant a single unit in 12"
one of a huge selection of special rules for the turn (CounterAttack, Fearless, Hit & Run, Interceptor, Preferred Enemy, Skyfire,
Split Fire, or Tank Hunter), and gets +1 BS if a Rhino Primaris is
within 24". Funnily, it's also a character, so it can be your Warlord if
you choose. Can transport 10 models, Battle Brothers may utilize.

Damocles Rhino (Forgeworld) Now 75 pts in IA12 and no longer

takes up a HQ slot, so you still have to take another character. (but
most expensive in terms of real money), but is still one of your cheapest
HQs. Armed with nothing but a storm bolter and a searchlight for
defense, with no transport capacity, it may not seem like an obvious
choice. BUT, the Damocles true power lies in it's incredible support
abilities, it allows a single Orbital bombardment in the same way as a
codex chapter master, lets all teleporting units within 12" arrive without
scatter and allows the owning player to modify reserve rolls by plus or
minus one. This can be useful if you use a traditional CAD, since all the
reserve enhancing special rules come from formations now and you
might not want to take several squads of terminators; the modifier is
also handy for flyers, drop pods, outflanking scouts / ravenwing bikes
and land speeders, of which Dark Angels will have several. The
damocles usefulness does not extend much past this however, and
once the reserves have arrived and its bombardment spent theres not
much you can do with it.

The new Rhino Primaris is MUCH better since even though it's over
triple the cost of the Damocles Rhino, it also gets an uber-Land
Raider, while both give out insane buffs even after the Orbital
Bombardment and Reserve shenanigans are over.

However, the Damocles is cheaper and most

importantly doesn't take up a HQ slot which has very significant
implications, since slotless units can be taken as part of any
detachment (this includes formations by definition) and still gain the
command benefits of the detachment. So while you can't take a
Rhino Primaris + Excelsior in a Lion's Blade, you can take a
Damocles instead.

Special Characters[edit]

Master Sammael of the Ravenwing - His statline's identical to a

Space Marine Bike Captain's. He pilots the dangels last functioning
Jetbike, which just so happens to be loaded with a Plasma Cannon and
a Twin-Linked Stormbolter. He also carries a Bolt Pistol for that ever so
helpful +1 attack. Notably, he can fire 2 of his weapons in the shooting
phase. He swings an AP2 Master-Crafted Power Sword as he rides
through the battle, and has Eternal Warrior and an Iron Halo. To replace
the loss of Inner Circle (and no, since he's 2nd Company he doesn't get
the Deathwing rule) he now just straight up has Fearless and Hatred
(Chaos Space Marines). A good, solid choice. How he rolls is up to your
playstyle. Also, his jetbike model is one of the sexiest motherfucking
models that GW has ever made.

Sableclaw - Alternatively, he can take to the field in an AV14 on the

front and sides, AV10 in the rear, Land Speeder armed with a TwinLinked Heavy Bolter and a Twin-Linked Assault Cannon. With that
Halo still working, meaning the speeder gets 4++. Also, now
Sableclaw can use the Ravensword to dish out D3+1 S4 AP2
Ignores Cover (automatically hits invisible units if that's your target),
randomly allocated attacks to a single enemy unit not locked in
Close Combat that Sammael moved over in the movement phase.
If Sammael moved over a vehicle, it hits the rear armor. He also
has Scouts, Skilled Rider, and Hit and Run like the rest of his
company. The issue with Sableclaw is that it misses out on many of

Sammy's more solid boosts in exchange to immunity to small-arms

fire. Note, you cannot include Sammael and Sableclaw in the same
army for the obvious reasons, and due to the wording this even
circumvents Unbound shenanigans.

Master Belial of the Deathwing - At first Belial looks like a Company

Master in Terminator Armour with the option for either his sword of
silence, a Master-Crafted Fleshbane power sword, pair of Lightning
Claws, or a Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield, but looks can be
deceiving. Any unit he joins does not scatter when deep striking, so
look for combos. Also, Belial gained an extra attack, and re-rolls all
failed hits in a Challenge, fitting the fluff of him taking down an
Interrogator-Chaplain as an Initiate in less than a minute. Take the
Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield loadout if you're gonna face a lot of
AP2 weaponry and his iron halo won't hold out. Otherwise, his sword of
silence is pretty nasty against most things and if you're taking him, take
a DW command squad to keep his ass alive.

Traditionally, Belial fares poorly when compared to other named

heavy hitters. But give him a TH/SS and stick him an a tightly knit
Deathwing Knight squad and his toughness jumps up to five,
making him immune to insta-kills by Fist or Hammer and less likely
to suffer regular wounds from random mooks. Sure, a Knight squad
has no Apothecary, but he wasn't getting FnP against Instant Death
anyway. It's sad that a Terminator Company Master with the same
options plus the Shroud of Heroes is cheaper than Belial, while
giving him T5 with FNP. Since Belial is no longer necessary to lead
a Deathwing Strike Force or Redemption Force, there's little reason
to not go with that.

Ezekiel, Grand Master of Librarians - He comes with the same

statline of the Librarians of old, with stats comparable to a Company
Master -1WS, and is a mastery level 3 psyker who can roll from
Divination, Pyromancy, Telepathy, Daemonology, Telekinesis, or
Interromancy in any combination. Given his gear, he's a really good
choice for a boost to Deathwing knights to make them even more of a
nasty unit. He also works well in a defensive line and Greenwing
making them stronger in the assault phase with one more attack and
Grim Resolve while handing out buffs or mind bullets.

Gear: Ezekiel makes use of a master-crafted Force Sword (Great

for getting a Force hit on target), a master-crafted Bolt Pistol, which
will now get more use since Witchfire no longer hinders shooting,
Artificer Armour (2+ armour save), and he carries the Book of
Salvation, which gives all friendly units within 6" of him +1 Attack,
which is awesome. He also comes equipped with a Psychic Hood,
so all units within 6" of Ezekiel can use the him for Deny the Witch
rolls. Since Ezekiel is Mastery Level 3, this helps quite a bit. Park
him next to some Deathwing Knights with a Perfidious Relic and
enjoy 3+ DtW against everyone with ML lower than 3 (which is like
95% of psykers in the game).

Asmodai, Interrogator Chaplain - Asmodai is back with a welcome

buff, albeit perhaps still not an auto-take he at least has enough going
to make him distinctive. He still comes loaded with his trademark
Blades of Reason. You may scoff at their lack of an AP or strength
bonus and its Specialist Weapon status, but they cause Instant Death.
And if that's not your thing he still has his Crozus Arcanum. He causes
Fear and has Preferred Enemy (CSM), but all Interrogator Chaplains do
that now. His latest buff is that he is now WS6 on a captain's stat line,
and if he slays the enemy warlord in a challenge you immediately gain
D3 victory points, which could be a game changer if he manages to
cause a papercut with those blades of reason. Though he'll run into
major problems versus Eternal Warriors or anyone geared/statted up to
wipe him out and not worry about taking wounds against S4 APattacks. Imperial Guard warlords are fair game though.

An ML1 Librarian with a Conversion Field, Prescience, and a Force

Sword can do roughly the same job as Asmodai while having AP3
to boot, all for less points. And Interrogator Chaplain with Mace of
Redemption will cost the same, kick his ass most of the time, AND
be more generally useful (Instant Death is cool, but not much use
against single wound models. S7 and AP3 on the other hand...)

Interrogator-Chaplain Seraphicus (Dark Vengeance) - According an

FAQ, the limited edition Dark Vengeance Chaplain is actually a special
character. Instead of re-rolls to hit on the charge, he lets his unit re-roll
ones to hit and wound for both shooting and melee. The problem? It
only works against Chaos Space Marines. For 125 points, he's the

same cost as a regular Interrogator-Chaplain with a plasma pistol (he

has one), but you have no reason to waste your points on this guy
unless you know for sure that you will be facing CSM.

Other Notes: Standard Interrogator-Chaplains already get

Preferred Enemy: Chaos Space Marines which does the exact
same thing as Serpahicus's special rule, as well as the Deathwing
Special rule (Hatred: Chaos Space Marines). Chalk this up to a
rushed release and lack of a 7th Edition Dark Angels FAQ, and just
use him as a standard Interrogator-Chaplain with Plasma Pistol.


Tactical Squad: One of two troops choices. These men will be your
main force for the most part and are versatile at the cost of excelling at
nothing. Being durable and with stubborn, they won't run most of the
time and can tie up enemy units in melee forever even with a few
models left. Also make use of that rapid fire as if the enemy tries to
assault you get another round of bolt shots at BS2-4 depending on the
detachment. Use them to capture objectives and hold the line while
Deathwing/Ravenwing take the fight to the enemy.

They are also equipped with bolt pistols if you need to assault.
Recommended to assault units that main strength is shooting but is
weak in melee(Tau, Guardsmen, Guardians, etc.) or low Str units
as their T4 will keep them there. Take a Veteran SGT if you go for a
melee weapon and going to be aggressive or close proximity to
enemy units.

Loadout depends on what you want and need; anti-horde, antitank, or anti-TEQ/MC. Remember to forgo a heavy weapon if you
want them mobile and generally keep your combi-weapon the
same as your special weapon. Or combat squad to keep the heavy
weapon on the objective and while the rest file in a transport.
However a 6 man Tactical Squad with a Grav-Cannon in a rhino for
extra cheese against most armies is a good build as well.

With Grim Resolve, Grav-Cannons and Grav-Guns become

devastating during overwatch, pumping out their full salvo since
Overwatch counts as being stationary, and at full BS in a Lion's

Blade. This also means the iconic Plasma Cannon is less

effective since blast weapons cannot fire snap shots, even
when being allowed to fire at full BS. Similarly, taking
meltaguns and multi-meltas will make enemy walkers (and
Imperial Knights) think twice before charging into melee.

Scout Squad: Buffed to WS4/BS4 now without a cost increase. Scouts

are good medium infantry but the main selling point is to save points for
more Deathwing and/or Ravenwing. However, our Scouts lack teleport
homers which the Ravenwing have so the main use is to defend
objectives which they can do nice for cheap. Camo cloaks are good if
you want them to stay on the field, especially with Techmarine that can
increase a piece of terrain for a great 2+ cover save. Sniper rifles can
be decent as they can reach out and still do something but you really
want to throw in a missile launcher to launch a missile here and there
given the range. Poster below also has a more aggressive role they can

Alternative Opinion: Scouts have an excellent combination of

mobility, survivability, and firepower. Bolters are your go to weapon
here, with the option to take combi-weapons on your sergeants.
Infiltrate and scout move forward, and open up with 6 bolter shots,
3 Heavy Bolter Shots and 3 grav or 2 plasma shots on turn one and
watch them punch way above their weight. Now your opponent has
to devote firepower into killing scouts that could have been shot at
your bikes or try and charge BS2 overwatch rapid fire in the face.
Oversaturate your opponent with 4-5 scout squads and they can do
quite a bit of damage. Scout into exposed flanks and fire into the
rear of enemy vehicles to glance a hull point. Snipers can do some
good work just because of distance, but don't expect to drop more
than 1-2 enemy models in 5-6 rounds of shooting. Throw a missile
launcher in there to reach out and touch things if you have the
points to spare.


Company Veterans Squad - Imagine Tactical Marines with an extra

attack and some individual wargear options. That's pretty much what
this unit is. If you somehow forgot while reading through this page, Dark

Angels are a shooting army and these guys can take combi-weapons,
but don't have the benefit of Sternguard extra bullets, and can take a
heavy and a special weapon at 5 guys and an extra special at ten. If
you're feeling really mean, tool them up with combi-plasmas, take some
plasma guns and then once per game, unleash a shit load of plasma
fire over the enemy scum. Useful for most applications. Or you can give
everyone Plasma/Grav Pistols instead of Chainswords to make a
Cypher Squad for close-range shooting and gain both shots due to the
gunslinger rule. This is one advantage Dark Angels vets have over
Sternguard but gets expensive fast. Also, unless you are using
Greenwing, ignore CC for the most part as your terminators and bikes
should be getting into hand-to-hand, not vets, so don't get tempted by
that extra base attack (Still, remember it. It might be better to exchange
the extra turn of rapid fire shooting so you charge rather then be
charged, however any opponent who charges a squad of AP2 weapons
at BS2>4 is in for a shock).

Another advantage that Company vets have is that they are easier
to take in formations than their equivalent codex counterparts. As
part of a demi-company they gainObjective Secured and and aren't
competing for Elite slots, nor are you forced to buy a minimum of
three squads like the 1st Company Task Force. So instead of
committing a large portion of your points allowance to them, it's
easier to take them as an afterthought.

Alternate Take: - Company Vets can take a Chainsword for free.

This essentially makes them +2 attacks and +1 Ld for +4 points and
makes them quite versatile with just base special weapons. Drop
10 behind the enemy's lines with Meltas or Flamers and start
blasting the backfield. Your opponent will have to divert units from
the front quickly or get his heavy units and vehicles wiped out. A
squad with two Flamers clocks in at 200pts even, Meltas/Plasmas
are also viable. The best part is, they can sling those weapons and
head into Close Combat with their trusty chainswords and pistols.
This makes them either 30 attacks defending (assuming a squad of
ten) or 40 attacks charging. That is a whole lot of WS4, S4 attacks
headed at an opponent and will put a dent in anything their hit.
Don't neglect them having the aforementionedObjective

Secured and improved Overwatch for their Bolt Pistols and

Specials in the Lion's Blade too. Whatever the case, your 180220pt unit is going to require an opponent to make some serious

Company Command Squad - You don't even need an HQ choice to

take them now. They are very similar to Veteran squads in many
respects, they are fixed at five men, and cannot take combat shields
except on the champion (which is of dubious worth anyway), nor can
they take a heavy weapon. On the plus side, every veteran can take a
special weapon rather than just one in five, and they get access to the
typical command squad staff. Honestly, these guys aren't that bad if you
load them up right. Think of them as Loyalist Chosen and you're not far
off, armed to the teeth with a slew of special weapons. Be sure to take
a banner, an Apothecary, and a Champion for S5 AP3 attacks, also
unlike the Deathwing/Ravenwing equivalents they can take as many of
these officers as you have squads, therefore if you were ever thinking
of using a smallveteran squad, take these guys instead.

For 175 points (ie: cheaper than Deathwing) you can get five guys
with Meltaguns and a Drop Pod. Codex Marines can do this too,
but Dark Angels can drop in, erase enemy vehicles/TEQs and are
less fearful of a counter-charge due to better overwatch, and that
Drop Pod can summon in other shooty Deathwing/Land Speeder
squads with its locator beacon.

For a bit more, take 5 grav-guns and a Sacred Standard to get the
full number of shots at full range, then have them arrive from a
Drop Pod and erase units from existence. Made even deadlier
when your opponent considers charging your unit to get a face full
of improved grav overwatch and counter attack. Give them storm
shields for some decent survivability.

Deathwing Terminator Squad - This is one of the reasons you play

Dark Angels. They received only a minor nerf in since Deathwing
Assault is now a formation rule rather than a squad rule and no longer
allows them to arrive on turn one. 200 points now and still have Grim
Resolve which makes them stronger for the inevitable counter assaults.
Fearless Terminators with Split Fire and the ability to twin-link their

weapons the turn they arrive from Deep Strike. Any model can trade
their basic weapons (including the sergeant again) for Thunder
Hammers/Storm Shields and Lightning Claws. Able to up to 10 of these
guys (Note they CAN'T Combat Squad so be aware of that) PLUS you
can give 1 in every five termies an assault cannon, a cyclone missile
launcher OR a fucking plasma cannon! The main strength of Deathwing
Terminators is sheer versatility, being able to mix and max range with
melee means they can handle damn near anything. With split fire one
model can shoot a different target while letting the squad charge
another target. The only thing they shouldn't be equipped for is all out
melee as that is the Deathwing Knights job with their slew of special
rules and awesome melee weapons. Get a heavy weapon with two or
so TH/SS to protect against high AP weapons and you'll have a
dangerous squad against different enemies.

Note that split fire doesn't require two different weapons in 7th. A
unit of 5 terminators where all have TH/SS and one is additionally
upgraded with a cyclone missile launcher is still able to target two
units - this doesn't mean they actually fire at two targets, but they
are able to charge a different target than they actually fire at. That's
cool and all, but remember you cannot Assault the turn you arrive
from Reserve.

Deathwing Command Squad - At it's most basic it is a regular

Deathwing squad for the same cost. But you can throw on upgrades
like candy and do all the normal things you expect a command squad to
do too. It is an incredibly potent squad, and if you ever get given the
choice, you should consider it in place of any other kind of Deathwing
squad, since they all share Elite slots now. Be warned that Champions
and Apothecaries are a "one per Army" deal, so while it might seem
attractive to have multiple command squads taking Elite slots,
subsequent squads would become pretty much just five-man regular
Deathwing squads, unless you choose to spread your specialists
through different squads.

Sergeants were added in as a free upgrade... But don't even

bother. They lose a power fist for a power sword and don't even
have the option to replace anything unlike the regular Deathwing

squads. If you want a character model to lead the squad and take
challenges then have a Champion instead.

Deathwing Champions are fantastic, they get +1WS and can take
the Halberd of Caliban (+2S, AP2, 2-handed), and now they must
auto-issue and auto-accept challenges. They do hilariously well
against most other single-wound champions like vanilla Chapter
Champions and the like, who are compelled to get into a fight that
they will lose.

Apothecaries obviously give the squad Feel No Pain and as

Terminators they become incredibly hard to budge. But they have
to replace their stock power-fist with the Narthecium, and the lack
of other options mean they are mostly useless in close combat. As
characters they can refuse challenges and be kept out of harms
way which does seem like a waste of a terminator, but they still
grant FnP to the squad even then. Also remember that the squad
has Split-Fire so even if he's got the only other ranged weapon
after a Heavy Weapons dude, he can put it to use against a
different target.

Banner options are limited to either the DW Company Banner or

the Sacred Standard, but the go-to option should be the Deathwing
Company banner, which as mentioned above gives them +1 attack.
This is a close combat squad and also serves to overcome any
reduced output from taking an apothecary. The banner bearer can
also be given any other option but should probably be given a
TH/SS to guard against any unfortunate and expensive mishaps.

Deathwing Knights - Deathwing Assault Terminators, your melee

terminators and pretty damn versatile squad. They're the close combat
melee squad you want in while your Deathwing Terminators handle the
ranged support. WS5, Hammer of Wrath, Precision Strikes, and AP3
Maces of Redemption (+2S with concussive!) The Knight Master has
Flail of the Unforgiven which lacks Smite but is Fleshbane AP3. Also
getting +1T if one model is touching two others with Storm Shields.
2+/3++ saves and toughness 5 means these Knights will tank anything
and everything, especially small arms fire. Combined with their very
versatile weapons, they can handle Monstrous Creatures to swathes of

enemies squads. Only things you have to worry about is high AV

walkers or such as even with smite you can have a tough time. Again
let your range support deal with units Knights can't comfortably deal
with. You better not roll ones on assault or Belial will hunt you down and
bitch slap you. They also buff any attached IC's with STORM SHIELDS
with +1T. Able to get Perfidious Relics to get Adamantium Will makes
them even more resistant against psyker attacks; combine with Ezekiel
for some high-yield Calibanian witch denial. If you desire one of the
deadliest close combat squad for points in the game, these Knights are
your men.

A word on those Maces: Sx2 AP2, unlimited use, doesn't sound so

bad at first, until you notice you can only make one attack. In 6th
edition they were only ever AP3 even WITH Bane of the Traitor
anyway, and that was only against CSM, so now they are actually
BETTER because you don't need to smite or be facing Failbadon
and his cronies to instagib MEQ. And smite mode is now a lot more
versatile because you can do it on a model-by-model basis, so you
don't need to only make 1 attack per model if you think it's too risky.

Alternate opinion: sure, they are not as strong as before, and only
attack once, but the maces are still wonderful. The previous poster
missed an important aspect: strength 8, AP2 AT INITIATIVE.
Regular chums need to go down to I1 to get this, even HQ (outside
uber-special snowflakes like Calgar and Dante). You take a bit of a
gamble, yes. But in most cases a single wound will instagib the
unfortunate sod you were charging at (unless it has eternal warrior
or T5, but most things that have 2+ save are T4, barring warbosses
on mega armor)

Dark Angels are all about synergy and that also goes for Deathwing
Knights. One thing they can't do is sweeping advance which is why
there is Ravenwing who can swing behind the enemy once they
break to block their retreat and cut them down for the Deathwing.

Ravenwing Command Squad - Another reshuffling of the FOC, they

are the Ravenwing equivalent to the Deathwing Command Squad. You
can load these biker boyz out with all sorts of goodies including plasma
talons (18" twin-linked plasma guns), Corvus Hammers (+1S, AP-,

Rending) and one really weird grenade launcher. Just like the others,
you can have an apothecary, banner bearer and a company champion
who must now auto-issue and auto-accept challenges, but like DW
command squads, these guys are a one per army choice. Enjoy! The
squad is 3 knights but you can add three more guys. If you're taking a
character on bike and you plan on taking a smallish squad of black
knights, you would be better served taking them as a command squad,
so you can save yourself a FA choice and a few points.

Dreadnoughts - A versatile choice and now coming in squads on 1-3

model. Can do everything generally well. It can punch with its upgraded
four attacks, it can dakka with the normal option of guns and has
improved Overwatch thanks to army-wide Grim Resolve. Dark Angels
might just be the one Space Marine army wherein the Hellfire
configuration (lascannons and missile launcher) make the most sense,
but the rifleman is also a good sell. If you really wanna smash things
with your half-dead space marine robot, get yourself a venerable dread.
Another option is the Missile Launcher and Assault Combo Dread as it
can and will deal with anything smaller than a Land Raider and is really
good in a Lions Blade with the overwatch.

Venerable Dreadnoughts - Another squad of 1-3 dreadnoughts,

clocking in at 125 pts each. Which is a bargain considering it has a BS
and WS of 5. It gets the classic Venerable rule along with the new Grim
Resolve and Deathwing rules for Hatred (Chaos Marines) and
Overwatch at BS2 or higher in certain formations. Venerable
dreadnoughts are recommended against CSM, to whom they will do
terrible things. Also provides a lot of customisation. Pick them 'cause
they easily fill up those elites and in a Deathwing Strike Force, where
they're not only Boss, they are absolutely essential if you want to play
solo Deathwing.

Other Notes: These guys are now really good at melee with their 4
attacks and with WS 5 they'll hit most things and can rip apart tanks
if they survive after drop podding. If you want anti-infantry a good
loadout for infantry mulching is assault cannon, heavy flamer, and
powerfist lets you rampage through most squad without trouble and
with I4 you strike before most other walkers and MC.

If drop podding with Deathwing Strike Force or otherwise a good

loadout for tank busting is just default Multi Melta as Deathwing
otherwise lack hard ranged anti tank in terms of penetration and
being AP 1. Assault Cannon also works if the enemy has weak rear
armor since you can put the drop pod right behind without worry of
mishaps. 4 S6 with rending at BS5 can glance a tank to death
especially if its rear armor is 10.

Ignore Venerables if you want them to sit back and shoot as almost
every Dreadnought weapon is twin linked wasting their WS/BS 5.
Let their less experienced Dreadnought brothers sit back and
provide fire support.

Mortis Dreadnought (Forgeworld) - It's your special dreadnought (all

other chapters are limited to 1 per detachment) 115pts basic with 2
Missile Launchers, which can be upgraded to two Twin-Linked Heavy
Bolters, two Twin-Linked Autocannons or two Twin-Linked Lascannons.
It also counts as Skyfire/Interceptor while stationary - take double
autocannons and think of it like your space marine hydra flak tank. Take
2 or Mortis Contemptor.

Chaplain Dreadnought (Forgeworld) - Ever wanted to roleplay a

Furioso Dreadnought? Well now you have the chance! As of IA2:2nd
edition you can take a Chaplain Dreadnought which is basically a
venerable dreadnought with the Universal Hatred USR, rather than
against Chaos Space Marines for 10 points more than its equivalent,
but it can't get Preferred Enemy so your mileage may vary against
CSM. This is supposed to be your close combat dreadnought as most
of the ranged options are wasted on this machine anyway, your Mortis
or regular Ven-Dreads should do the shooting instead. Unfortunately it
now pales in comparison to regular dreadnoughts since it is stuck with
the base two attacks from the previous edition and the inability to be
taken in squadrons. If you really want to take one, switch the arm for a
Flamestorm cannon since it's not on the usual weapon lists for a
dreadnought and you trade out the extra CCW attack for the ability to
erase MEQ models just prior to your charge. Either that or pester Forge
World for an update.

Siege Dreadnought (Forgeworld) - You get the same forgeworld toys

as the regular marines, comes stock with a Flamestorm Cannon &
Assault Drill w/ Heavy Flamer. The only options are swapping the
Flamestorm with a Multi-Melta and adding Hunter-Killer Missiles to its
pauldrons like an Ironclad. The Assault Drill is a bit useful in that it gives
free hits to occupants of vehicles or buildings with that flamer, but that's
its only gimmick, which has essentially just told you what you should be
doing with this dreadnought and so taking the Multi-Melta actually
becomes a sensible option if you're focusing on buildings/vehicles. If
you want an all-comers dreadnought then a normal dreadnought
squadron can do the same jobs either better or cheaper.

Contemptor Dreadnought (Forgeworld) - Yes, you get the basic one

that regular Spess Muhreens get. The Contemptor is easily
Forgeworld's most popular model and it's not hard to see why: excellent
armour (13/12/10), WS 5, fleet, automatic shielding and a
many, many weapon options available. Unfortunately as a close combat
tool it is now trapped in the mediocre position of being worse than the
regular dreadnoughts due to the difference in base attack stats and the
ability to be taken in squadrons. Now the best way to use Contemptors
is as dakka dreads if you have taken a gun option on each arm.

Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought (Forgeworld): Probably the best

Contemptor variant, this guy trades in fleet heaving a melee weapon for
more dakka and the ability to gain Skyfire and Interceptor by standing
still, and considering the changes to the regular Dreadnought
squadrons, taking a Mortis Dreadnought remains as good an option as
before, since you were not taking it for it's melee capabilities and you
wanted some walking Anti-Air and/or Ground firepower. Here's your
loadout: ignore everything and take 2 Kheres pattern assault cannons
and a cyclone missile launcher. There! You're done. If you find yourself
not in range of the assault cannons, move forward and throw down with
a couple of missiles. If you DO have something in assault cannon
range, hold still and let the rape flow - your dread will loose a total of 12
S6 AP4 rending shots at 24" on a hapless unit and if you stood still, you
can drop 2 more missiles on the poor fuckers. You will tear apart tanks,
mow down infantry and blast aircraft out of the sky with this fucking
thing. is also a victim of Forgeworld's schizophrenia, this bad boy has

been moved back and forth from slot to slot, IA2:2nd moved it back to
Elites and took away its BS5, presumably to balance out the sickening
build recommended above, still rapes things even at BS4 though.

Also this is EASILY the best anti-air model you can take in Codex:
Dark Angels. If you are struggling to win games against Chaos
Daemon Flying Circus or Chaos Space Marine Heldrake spam,
brining one of these guys is usually enough to single-handedly turn
the tide against their stupid OP-as-fuck flyers and you'll only spend
slightly more points going double Kheres-Pattern assault
cannons/TW-LasCannons + Cyclone Launcher as you would on
your own overcosted Nephilim Jetfighter.

If you're looking at the Contemptor Mortis as an anti-air option, and

you probably are, you could consider taking the autocannons as an
alternative to the Kheres assault cannons, especially if you're
desperate to cut points. Why? Just hear me out. I will start off by
saying this setup can under perform compared to the Kheres ACs
but comes with a few perks of its own, the main benefit being
range. At 24" the Kheres pattern ACs can be insufficient for
covering the skies. They are better suited for creating a "no-fly
zone" (albeit a no-fly zone 2/3 the size of the battlefield if positioned
correctly) as opposed to providing table-wide AA coverage. The
autocannons on the other hand operate at a full 48", pairing nicely
with that hefty Cyclone Missile Launcher on your back, and have
base S7. This means that a single hit from an autocannon
(compared to one hit from an assault cannon) is twice as likely to
remove a hull point from your opponents' toughest flyers (ie:
Heldrake, Stormraven, Vendetta) and at double the distance. With
a 48" range (96"-diameter sphere of fire) you also have more
options when it comes to positioning your half-dead tin can during
deployment, and won't ever have to sacrifice a turn of
Skyfire/Interceptor in order to shift your position mid-game. Trading
Heavy 6/Rending for Heavy 2 might sound like an instant dealbreaker at first, but with BS5 and twin-linked your bullets aren't
going to miss, so that extra point of Strength on the autocannons
means your seemingly underwhelming 4 shots will reliably strip as
least one HP from anything AV12 (usually two, and sometimes

three). Whatever remains after your initial volley the Cyclone

Missile Launcher will usually clean up. The 12-shot volley coming
from the Kheres ACs will perform a bit more inconsistently, landing
sporadically between 0 and as many as 5 HP worth of damage on
AV12, but on the plus side will always penetrate. Frankly if you
have the points you should just go with the Kheres ACs and plop
your 'nought down in the center of the table. But if you feel those 15
points are better spent elsewhere or your beardy neck is the
rebellious type, this is a viable alternative and can still
neutralize/neuter your opponents' flyers the same turn they come
in, or at least cuckold whatever strategy they intended to use. Of
course, employing a second autocannon CM mitigates most of the
drawbacks present in using a lone one, and virtually guarantees a
wrecked flyer the second it hits the table. Not to mention 30 extra
spending points (hey, that's a PFG you could purchase to improve
survivability). Some noteworthy bonuses to fielding the
autocannons include a) double the distance of fire support to your
ground units (when you have nothing in the air to shoot at);
considering Deathwing tend to Deep Strike waaay behind enemy
lines, and Ravenwing have the mobility to reach even the farthest
corners of the table quickly this could make a difference,
and b) virtually no chance for your opponent to avoid interceptor
fire, thus shutting down any wasteful (but harrowing) suicide flyer
tactics. At the very least, this option is worth testing out on your
own. Roll a couple dice, run a few simulations and see how the
autocannons perform for you. End Act I.

Prometheus (Forgeworld) - An uber crusader. Two quad heavy bolters

is the same number of shots as hurricane bolters at <12", twice as
many at 12-24, and can actually shoot up to 36, with the advantage of
being S5. It's a HB dev squad, twin-linked. Granted, it loses the assault
cannon but it fucks with cover saves and boosts reserve rolls (2+
reserves ftw!). Don't put it near enemy heavy armour, but a solid tank

Fast Attack[edit]

Assault Squad: DA Assault Marines are a decent unit, although they

don't see much use for players that run Ravenwing/a hybrid with other

Wings, or finds other units to be more useful. Generally Greenwing

armies can find use for them, giving that most of the other units in the
FA slot is RW based. Their main use, in case you don't know, is to mop
up objective campers/shooty units that are either weak, suck in melee,
come in low numbers, or any combination. The major fatal blow that our
Assault Marines suffer is that Allies, not least with Blood Angels, can do
the same jobs better. 7th edition gave them a minor boost in that they
can now score along with everything else, so you get a unit that is
almost as fast as Ravenwing (without turbo boosting) but can dish out
more attacks and can also deep strike but is cheaper than a Terminator
squad. Also, they can take Eviscerators now, which are just fancy
chainfists for the most part, in case you need a can opener.

1). 10 man squad with Meltabombs: Can take on units like Kroot,
Cultists, Pink Horrors, and the like, and can go after vehicles after
they have done their job. I also wouldn't advise dropping their Jump
Packs at all, since they can't take a Razorback instead, and Rhinos
just makes them worse, having to waste a turn in order to assault
the said unit.

2). 5 man squad with a Flamer, inside a Land Raider Redeemer: A

costly build, but works well against Horde armies, at least Orks and
Tyranids. Since the Redeemer is an Assault vehicle, this makes it
easy for the Marines to charge in after the Flamestorm Cannon and
Flamer wreak havoc on your xenos scum targets. This can also
work with a Drop Pod, just add another Flamer and give those
heretics a big surprise.

Thanks to the Battle Demi-Company, they now have easy access

to Objective Secured. Yes, ObSec Jump units. Lordy...

Ravenwing Bike Squadron - You start with 3 Bikes, with the option of
buying 3 more. Unlike most other space marine bikers (except white
scars) these guys all have hit & run, but they also have the scout USR
meaning either extra movement at the start of the game or the ability to
outflank them and ruin your opponents shit, especially if you want to
deep strike your Deathwing close to a board edge using your teleport
homers, which each guy comes with as standard. You can also buy
yourself a single attack bike which does it's own thing if you combat

squad, but at least is no longer forced to ride separately if you wanted

to keep the squad together. Attach Meltaguns for tank hunting fun.
Combine with Assault Cannon-wielding Deathwing for extra fun. No
more Land Speeders in bike squads, you get a special formation for
that now.

Other Notes: Probably the best loadout for these bikers is grav
guns or melta guns. Flamers are okay but with twin linked bolters
and Hit & Run you can pick your engagements and do some
damage to blobs. Plasma shouldn't be used either as Black Knights
have twin linked rapid fire plasma guns already and one thing those
badasses don't have is anti tank. Grav guns are great for dealing
with TEQ and such while a fast squad with melta can easily get in
range to one shot some tanks. However, it's better to take a squad
of Attack bikes if you want a all melta squad as they multi-meltas
which are longer range.

Ravenwing Attack Bike Squadron - Get your own squad of 1-3 attack
bikes, rather than regular bike squads hogging the sidecars. They have
the same basic ravenwing gear and rules but no option other than
Meltas or no Meltas? And to be honest if you've got them running
separately you'll take meltas for swift moving tank popping and keep
any Heavy Bolter bikes in your regular Ravenwing squads.

Alternative Opinion: Always go for multi-melta, a mobile weapon

that can one shot tanks is always great and a heavy bolter isn't
needed with all the twin linked bolters Ravenwing have one heavy
bolter isn't that much of a deal. Also if you're planning to take
Ravenwing for melta a full squad equipped with multi-meltas are
165 pts compared to 170 pts for 6 Ravenwing bikes equipped with
2 melta guns.

Ravenwing Black Knights - Ravenwing Equivalent to Deathwing

Knights. A very potent and versatile squad with 18" twin linked rapid fire
plasma guns and Corvus Hammers (+1S, AP-, Rending) with a veteran
stateline. Rapid firing plasma at 9 inches and four attacks on the charge
(pistol + Corvus Hammer + 2 attacks) they can wipe squads of MEQ
with only 3 models. Even can threaten low model TEQ squads thanks
to rending after taking down most of them with plasma. Add in a re-

rollable 3+ through skill rider these guys can tank fire to charge the next
phase or to get in range. Due to their loadout they can take on almost
anything besides heavier armor, walkers, and squads full of power
weapons unless they're low STR thanks to toughness 5. Limited in antitank capability outside of melta bombs on the sergeant they DO NOT
need to be charged or tied up by walker which will do awful things.
Their grenade launcher should be generally avoided as rad-shells don't
debuff -1T anymore, now only granting 2 wounds on 6s which looks
nice but considering it doesn't ignore any armor saves, is a small blast,
and S3. The plasma talon makes the krak and frag grenade irrelevant
too. The stasis shell (-1 WS and -1 I) can be useful for fighting against
high I armies or MEQ to strike on the same I or before in the case of the
latter meaning less chance of retaliation. The statis also combines very
well with Deathwing Knights just like in fluff. Good for making those
scary models with high WS and I get put down a peg. Have fun wiping
out marines before they strike. GL combines nastily with Deathwing
Knights, AP3 combined with WS/I debuff means your DW Knights
will strike before CSM, hit on 3+, wound on 2+ and won't allow armor

Other Notes:The Black Knights are a bargain for points too. You a
3 man squad with everyone is armed with twin linked plasma guns,
rending corvus hammers, and skilled rider. A 3 man squad of
normal Ravenwing bikers cost 15 more for a Veteran sergeant,
power weapon, melta bombs, and two plasma guns (no twin-linking
so more risk of rolling one's) while being more fragile to fire and
worst in close combat. At lower point games Black Knights shine as
they are cheap for they can bring and do quite a bit of damage for
cost. If you bring them along with normal Ravenwing, equip the
normal bikers with anti-tank as that's one area Black Knights are
weak in.

When taking a Deathwing Army, you're more often than not better
off with these guys instead. Not only do these guys say "Fuck you"
to the whole "Difficult = Dangerous thing" that comes with Skilled
Rider USR (actually, ignoring Dangerous Terrain altogether!) but
they have an improved Jink (extra fuck you), and they're basically
Ymgarl Genestealers that always have the Toughness and Strength

boost, -2 Initiative, -1 Weapon Skill, moving around like an asshole,

and twin plasma guns. We even have the same number of attacks
as a Genestealer (on the charge, thanks to our two weapons), and
rending! Even better, they also keep their Teleport homers, so you
can deepstrike Terminators easily, and in stranger spots.

A bike mounted Chaplain is an especially potent attachment for the

unit. Along with the obvious benefit of Fearless, he combos
surprisingly well with Hit & Run. Instead of charging in for a single
turn of re-rolls then being stuck and unable to get out of combat
thanks to Fearless, the Black Knights can then Hit & Run, letting
them break out of combat, since they're not choosing to fail a
morale check. Now they can assault something else getting the rerolls all over again. Rinse and repeat. Make it an Interrogator and
they can take Hit & Run at I5. He won't get a plasma talon, but you
can give him an Auspex for 5pts and have him forgo shooting to
drop the cover save of whatever the squad's shooting in rapid fire
range. Those ruins won't save those MEQs from your plasma

Ravenwing Land Speeders - Land Speeders, NOT just like what the
other chapters get, for two reasons. First, you can take up to five of
these instead of everyone else who only gets three. This makes
speeders a very versatile if somewhat expensive choice. Equip them
with a Typhoon and a Multi-Melta in order to handle hordes and tanks.
Heavy flamers are good but remember that you can't snapfire
templates which means you have to sacrifice do nothing to take
advantage of jink re-rolls. Assault Cannons and heavy bolters are good
to force multiply with Sammael.

It's the cheapest way to field Heavy Bolters en-masse, if you take
the second heavy bolter. A full squadron is 275 points nets you 10
heavy bolters, all that are arguably more difficult to deal with than
they would be mounted on mere power armor marines. 30 S5AP4
shots at 36 inches on highly mobile with BS4 for only 250 points is
massively underrated



IT. 7E made this a whole lot better. Not the best armour to be had at 11
all around, but it does pack a LOT of dakka, as in double hurricane
bolters and a S10 AP2 heavy 1, blinding, blast rift cannon that becomes
Vortex (and therefore Destroyer) if you roll doubles on the scatter dice,
even if you rolled a direct hit. The stasis bomb drops a can of Derp on
your enemy, debuffing them for a whopping -3 to WS and I until the end
of your turn. Also, all enemies must make initiative tests for unsaved
wounds, or be removed from play. And remember this Initiative test will
be taken at the previously modified -3. So you have virtually guaranteed
a kill on anything that suffers wounds, but with that being said, the
bomb is only S4 AP5 so you'd be lucky to get those wounds in the first
place. Couple one of these with a Black knight unit for extra rage and
hilarity. A Stormtalon now has nothing on this son of a bitch, the Dark
Talon can both dish out carnage plus support your army.

Other Notes:The Dark Talon is a amazing vehicle for supporting

your army and synergizing with Ravenwing and Deathwing just like
in the fluff. The stasis bomb is a large blast and hitting just one
model causes the entire unit to drop their WS and I so aimed right
can make two or even three squads to be easy pickings for your
Black Knights or Deathwing Terminators. Remember to rub it in the
Fallen Tratious scum faces when you're hitting on 3s, striking first
while their only hitting on 5s if their WS4/5

Nephilim Jetfighter: Dropped to 170 points in the new codex and

given a little extra bite. Still 3HP with AV11 all around, and missiles
have been bufed to S7 AP3 and given Missile Lock special rule. Not too
bad, but still doesn't feel like a must-take. It also has a special rule
called Unrelenting Hunter; when firing at enemy vehicles, you can make
the enemy swap out Weapon Destroyed for Immobilized (since the
Lascannon is AP2, it has a half chance of scoring an Immobilized
result, assuming it pens of course). 7th helped this rule out a bit, as
Immobilized flyers now have a 1/3 chance of blowing up. More
importantly, it also has Strafing Run, a (rare) USR that gets +1 BS
against ground targets, which means it'll be chewing away at BS 5. You
can switch out the Lascannon for an Avenger Mega Bolter for free.
You'll get 5 S6, AP 4, Pinning shots at BS 5. Suddenly, it became a
fairly decent ground attack craft.

Consider the Fire Raptor gunship from Forgeworld, if you have the
points/money; it does exactly the same job, but better, for 50 points

Ravenwing Darkshroud - You know how shooty armies have to scurry

around finding cover so they don't get set up for an assault or blasted
for being out in the open? Well, the Dark Angels Techmarines thought
"why not bring our own cover?" Let's be serious for a second: it's a big
landspeeder. Yes, you can deepstrike it like a landspeeder, but you're
gonna miss out on providing cover for things in rhinos. Second, it has
the HUEG GUTS problem, as every Blood Angels player is familiar
with. Just keep this thing behind some rhinos, giving your guys fear &
stealth and doing mean things to whatever thought it was a good idea
to charge that tac squad. Also watch Ravenwing get 2+ re-rollable Jink.
Obviously, this thing NEEDS to be jinked EVERY turn for re-rollable 2+
Cover or it WILL die easily. For this reason it is not worth purchasing
the Assault Cannon to only ever fire snap shots as those points could
be put to better use elsewhere. Plus the stock Heavy Bolter has a
longer range meaning your Darkshroud can comfortably sit out of
return-fire range of rapid fire weapons which CAN glance this thing to
death. Now, any units that charge while in the Shrouded bubble are
protected from Overwatch completely.

Land Speeder Tempest Squadron (Forgeworld) - Feels like a good

fluffy choice for Dark Angels armies as an alternative to Ravenwing
support squad though with slightly improved front armour and the ability
to shrug off crew shaken/stunned with armoured cockpits. IA2:2nd
made this cooler, with the addition of twin-linked flakk missiles, a
squadron of these can perform any role asked of it. Anti-Infantry & AntiTank using rending assault cannons and frag or krak missiles
depending on your situation. Even without skyfire on the assault
cannon, the amount of shots are bound to hit something in the air if you
have several of them. While not true flyers, if you wanted to you can
reposition on the battlefield them as if they were flyers.

Relic Javelin Attack Speeder (Forge World) - An upgunned and

uparmored Land Speeder that flies solo. AV11 means it is now
invulnerable to bolter fire, but still melts under anti-tank (though jink
saves help a bit). Costs less than a Tempest speeder, but it is more

customisable, packs a cyclone missile launcher (for shots instead of

twin-linked) OR a twin linked lascannon for tank hunting and as a nice
bonus it looks absolutely fabulous. The main downside is a real money
price - almost THREE TIMES MORE than regular speeder - like it's
silver-plated or something. Also as a relic requires an Interrogator
Chaplain if you want to take more than one.

Caestus Assault Ram (Forge World) - Craziest vehicle in the game,

designed to ram things (hence the name), and accomplishes this by
having a 5+ inv. save against attacks on the front (inc. rams, either from
the enemy ramming you or you ramming them), re-rolls the armour
penetration dice when ramming, and +1 to the vehicle damage roll, and
godlike-impenetrable for a flyer armour of 13 13 11. Contains a twinlinked MAGNA-MELTA (WTF?), which is: range:18" str:8 AP:1
type:Heavy 1, large blast, melta. Sound fun, eh? Holds ten men, ideal
for punching a hole in the enemy battle lines and disgorging troops,
AND it's an assault vehicle, so straight into close combat (and no
restriction against terminators, in fact, they only count as one man
inside this, not two! *even BETTER in Dark Angels armies*). Now this
means that the Caestus has to be fast, and it is! Its type is: Flyer (hover
mode), and it STILL can ram/tankshock while zooming. Comes stock
with extra armour, and Ceramite shielding (immunity to 'melta' rule).
Options are: Firefury missile battery (range: 36" str:6 AP:4 type:Heavy
4, blast, twin-linked, one-use), Teleport homer, and Frag assault
launchers. One should use the Caestus to ram straight through the
strongest point in your enemies force, in most battles you'll be there on
turn one, thanks to the 36" afterburner. Ram a tank with this (Generally
given the colossal afterburner you'll give them a S10 hit) and then
deploy the men inside (preferably dedicated H2H troops), and charge
straight in against the nearest infantry, or if you feel like it, shove a
grenade up a nearby tank's tailpipe. The latest rules for the Caestus are
in Imperial Armour: Volume 2, 2nd Edition which explicitly gives it an
exception to the supersonic rule where it can choose to enter hover
mode and the passengers can disembark.

Xiphon pattern Interceptor (Forge World) - For 35 points over the

Nephilim you get a "proper" interceptor. You lose one HP, the strafing
run rule and the ability to hover, but you swap the superfluous Heavy

bolter for a second Lascannon and the missiles are FAR superior. It's
also agile and supersonic. It probably is overcosted, but it is exactly
what you want in a vehicle/aircraft hunting role for an interceptor.

Modelling hint - take your Nephilim and just replace the Heavy
Bolters with spare lascannon barrels and you're good to go. It might
not be the Battlestar Galactica jet, but easily fills WYSIWYG for a
significant $ saving.

Heavy Support[edit]

Devastator Squad - Tactical Marines that can take 4 heavy weapons at

the cost of no special weapon. Devastators work better in pairs as one
will get focused down very quick and don't forget to use the Signum on
the sergeant to increase one models BS to 5. Lascannons are good for
anti-tank/MC, Plasma cannons for spaced up units and TEQ, Missile
Launchers for versatility particularly anti-air (very costly though), and
Grav-cannons are good for TEQ/TEQ and if you want them mobile but
they are VERY costly. Multi Meltas are too short range and heavy
bolters are to ineffective for points. But in bigger point games, get the
Dark Talon or a Predator to do your bidding instead.

Fighting mechanized lists? Get one lascannon squad and the other
a plasma cannon squad. Use the Lascannon to crack open the
transport and vaporise the poor grouped up fewls. Works very well
for ID pesky T3 armies.

An Armourium Cherub is also something to consider; it grants you

one turn's worth of re-rolls on all hits when used for one model.
This can make priority removal real easy.

The new Grim Resolve rules made these guys a whole lot scarier.
Where historically Devastators abhor a melee (and they still do)
your opponent will have to weather a face full of whatever they're
packing before getting that charge. Four krak missiles or
lascannons? Plus all the spare bolters and whatever the sergeant
is packing, all at full BS in a Lion's Blade formation. That would
make even a greater daemon / hive tyrant think carefully before
deciding to charge you, especially if he's been wounded earlier in
the fight. Do the same thing with 5-shot Grav Cannons and your

opponent might as well remove those terminators rather than

assault you, cause you're just going to shoot him again if he
doesn't. Ten man squad with drop pod and four heavy bolters can
create a serious light infrantry no-go-zone. Just dare those gaunts
to assault you just don't forget to cover their flank.

While this does increase the cost quite a bit, putting a Librarian on
rolling on Divination greatly increases the threat Devastators pose.
Re-rolls to hit along with whatever other power gives Devastators a
decent advantage over Tri-Las Predators.

Predators - Available in squadrons now between 1-3, and when there

are three of them they all get Tank/Monster Hunter. Two most popular
loadouts are anti-infantry or anti-tank/MC, both are described below.

Infantry killing Predators are equipped with autocannon and heavy

bolter sponsors; for 95pts it's decent infantry killing with 8 AP4
shots per tank. Generally though Whirlwind(s) is better and more
cost effective at infantry killing particularly blobs and with the
benefit of ignore cover shells. On top of that Whirlwinds can shoot
behind cover as well. Outclassed but still useable

The Tri-Las is the best way to field Predator(s) as Dark Angels lack
long range anti-tank outside of Devastators with lascannons, allies,
or Forgeworld. While the anti-infantry Predator is outclassed by
cheaper and better options, the Tri-Las or Autocannon/LC sponsors
are solid long range anti-tank for Dark Angels (Not to mention the
only codex option for long range anti-tank). Remember running
three gives Tank Hunter and Monster Hunter which gives a
squadron of Tri-Las predators a boast in larger games.

It's up to you if you want to go with a Tri-Las predator or a 4lascannon Devastator squad. For 10 points less and losing one
cannon for superior durability, no lose of firepower unless it's a
penetrating hit, and one twin-linked lascannon. Devastators do get
cover saves easier and can fit into smaller spots but can't relocate
unless they're given a transport further bloating their cost.

Whirlwind - A solid cheap artillery piece. Can't do shit against vehicles,

but hordes fear it. May be taken in squadrons, but there may be some
merit in taking a single Whirlwind depending on the point size and who
you're facing. In games below 1000pts, you can find use for these
against lightly armoured infantry. It can also help slow down MEQs from
advancing into close combat, which isn't bad for it's points. Like
Predators, they get a bonus when taken in threes, where they cause
Pinning and have Shredding. Which gives it a new lease on life in large
point games where a single whirlwind is practically useless, a full
squadron becomes a dangerous threat.

Dark Angels are all about synergy and a full squadron can cause
real speed bumps if you managed to hit the target with Seed of
Fear earlier in your turn. Three shredding pie plates should be
enough to cause at least one wound even on MEQs, so guarantee
pinning them in place and neuter their turn.

Vindicator - This tank features a very scary gun. A very scary Strength
10 AP2 Large Blast gun. This tank is a massive fire magnet, and thus
probably won't get to drop its hot steamy load over an unfortunate
squad. It has AV13 on the front though, so if your Demolisher Cannon
gets blown off it's still great for tank shocking. Can also now be taken in
squadrons of up to three if you'd like to change the shooting from all
three of them for an Apocalyptic blast that Ignores Cover. Yes you'd like
to do that wouldn't you. Be careful because the range still remains 24"
so it becomes a bit of a Danger Close situation, especially since your
own infantry is presumably going to somewhere close to the tank and
the enemy you were shooting at.

Land Speeder Vengeance - 120 points for 3 HP AV 10 all around,

range 36, 3 usual plasma shots or one large blast plasma cannon. Use
exclusively for the large blast as three shots will get you a gets hot and
being fragile already will end it. It is worth it for the large blast as it can
erase large amounts of infantry with no issue and stay out of small arm
range. (A Devastator squad with four Plasma cannons costs 130 bare
bones and that's only firing with small blasts.) Keep the heavy bolter to
make use of that range as well. Not sure how it isn't twin linked
considering the two cannons but meh.

If you have one of these (which is only acceptable if you

magnetized it to run it as either this for gimmick games, or as the
superior Protoss Arbiter Darkshroud), bring a Librarian as one of
your HQ choices. The Primaris power for Divination, Prescience,
allows you to re-roll all misses on the target unit. Glancing yourself
to death with Gets Hot rolls effectively gets eliminated, and it lets
you re-roll Gets Hot and your Scatter should you fire the large
plasma blast template. It doesn't eliminate the fact it is overcosted
like woah, but it does make it pretty killy.

Alternate take: You should consider that you aren't just paying
points for one S7 AP2 Large Blast on a chassis flimsier than a
Rhino. This thing fares fine in larger point games where you can
provide much more dangerous units for your opponent to worry
about, use it to grab far objectives when all else fails and dodge
alpha strikes and toy with maximum range like no tomorrow thanks
to Scout from RW Attack Squadron in which it also has the same
target range as a squad of Grav-Gun Bikers so will be granting
them BS5. If your opponent has TEQ then much AV shooting could
be wasted trying to kill it through it's Jink (which could be 3+
rerollable). And altough the Large Blast is almost always better,
don't deny the 3 shot mode capabilities of bursting things like metal
bawkses and other speeders, as well as being able to put some
hurt on Monstrous Creatures from a safe distance. The Speeder
could've at least been 11/11/10 for it's price of course, but try and
think outside the box with it's mobility and targeting versatility and it
might exceed your low expectations.

Land Raider - The classic schizo version. Comes with 2 Twin-Linked

Lascannon sponsons and a Heavy Bolter. In some lists it could see
some use (Deathwing spam with no Dreadnoughts (WHY WOULD YOU
DO THAT) comes to mind), but for most cases I'd suggest leaving this
alone and choosing the Crusader variant instead.

Land Raider Crusader - Your premier Deathwing carrying Metal Box.

Rolls with a Twin-Linked Assault Cannon, a Multi-Melta, two Hurricane
Bolters, and lets whatever assaults out of it count as having Frag
Grenades for the same price as the schizo version. Sadly it's feeling the
loss of the dakka banner just as badly as Ravenwing is, so you may

want to consider a Redeemer or Spartan Assault Tank whenever


Land Raider Redeemer - Used for when you need to apply more fire.
For 10 points cheaper than the Crusader, it replaces the hurricane
bolters and four models worth of transport capacity for two Flamestorm
Cannons. The addition of two strength 6 AP 3 templates helps melt
power armored foes. The lack of the torrent rule does mean that you
will be up close to utilize all your guns, but since it's an assault vehicle
just slap some Thunder Hammer Termies inside and drive closer to hit
them with your sword(hammer). For added shenanigans against
mechanized infantry lists, take a multi-melta, use it with Power of the
Machine Spirit to take away their metal bawkses and the Flamestorm
Cannons to incinerate the fewlz inside.

Forgeworld Heavy Support[edit]

Land Raider Helios - It thinks it's a Whirlwind on steroids, which

comes stock with twin-linked lascannon sponsons. More survivable and
versatile than the Whirlwind, but is definitely not worth the points cost
unless you go for the anti-air version, since the Ordnance rules on the
Launcher cause every other weapon on the tank to snap-fire at BS1,
even if you PotMS with them. Also carries six models for some insane
reason. If you ask us, it'd probably be better off not being able to
transport infantry in exchange for two more gun mounts, probably
autocannons. Mais c'est la vie.

ALTERNATE TAKE: If you prefer, you can swap the ordnance

whirlwind for the AA version, which works very well as an enemy
vehicle hunter, the twin-linked "heat seeking" krak missile launcher
can used PotMS to shoot a flyer separately from the lascannons
(don't forget it has interceptor too!) though skyfire/interceptor
weapons is of little use against ground targets unless they are
skimmers. Not bad if you're only transporting six models anyways
(i.e. HQ + command squad), not that a command squad needs a
LR, but this could be an awesome choice for them if you do it
anyways. Can also be given a Multi-Melta if you want to go nuts for
a premier tank hunter which can even outperform the Achilles
(below) for LESS points.

Land Raider Achilles - Oh hell yes, this beast sports a Thunderfire

Cannon and twin-linked multi-melta sponsons, has immunity to the
Melta and Lance special rules, puts a -1 penalty on most other attacks,
can carry six models, and doesn't go 'splodey. Put a scout squad and a
techmarine in it, plonk it down on an objective, and watch your
opponent throw a shit fit. Eldar and Dark Eldar will really Rage at it
since that don't have much anti-tank outside of meltas and lances.
Though, they have haywire/D-weapon, and you really should beware
them, as hawks, wraithguards, witches and scourges would blow your
"expensive but invincible" tank in eye blink, once they came in threat
range. Just try and destroy that platform of death, I dare you... OH NO
touches Achilles and it explodes* FUCK! Who gave them S:D

Spartan Assault Tank - Forgeworld takes the old schizophrenic Land

Raider, and pumps it up with steroids. Fucking five hull points, two twinlinked two-shot lascannons (it almost gets off as many lascannon shots
as a terminus ultra while still being able to carry troops, doesn't go
boom when you roll badly, and gets way more goodies), TL heavy
bolters, transport capacity of 25, in-built extra armor, good-old 14/14/14,
PotMS and Assault Vehicle. You even can take frag launchers (which
got far more awesome with the new grenade rules) and ceramite
shielding (fuck you, meltaguns) for a marginal increase in points.
Meaning it can do the roles of the Terminus Ultra, the Achilles, and the
Ares all at the same time, all it really needs are some burny weapons.
But what are the drawbacks you ask? This uber metal box can not be
taken as a dedicated transport at all. Also, as a Forgeworld model, it will
cost you a unicorn's soul.

At only 45 points more, there is no reason to take the Godhammer

landraider over this beast ever again.

Your opponent might hate your guts if you field this.

Relic Sicaran - A high speed assault tank that is a halfway between a

Land Raider and a Predator. For 135 points you get 13/12/12, fast and
the Herakles pattern Accelerator Autocannon, which is R48", S7, AP4,
Heavy 6, Rending, and Twin-linked....and no jink saves allowed. This

tank makes the Eldar, Harlequins, and Dark Eldar cry. Even Wave
Serpents will fall before this (sadly you can only have one while the
Eldar player will spam Wave Serpents.) The Sicaran can also take
ceramite plating, making it very durable. Being a Relic of the Armory,
you need to take an Interrogator-Chaplain if you want more than 1
Sicaran or a Fire Raptor as well.

Relic Predator Executioner - Do you remember Leman Russ

Executioner? Well, space marines look at it, and say "we need
something like that". With 3-shot plasma cannon this thing would blast
MEQ and TEQ from table next turn they come in range. Additionally,
you can swap main gun for heavy conversion beamer - this would only
work better at long distances, and forces you to move OR shoot, but
48-72" S10 AP1 big blast shot would retake the price of tank the second
it shot - think of it like a long range Vindicator.

Predator Infernus - Predator with turret mounted flamestorm cannon

(those AP3 flamethrower from Redeemer). While highly devastating at
close range it's just too slow. Slow flamer tanks sucks. If you want one
that bad, just take allied Blood Angels with a Baal Pred. If this thing
come close to any non-TEQ infantry, it would ruin their day, and then
die to a single melta shot, or hail of krak grenades. But most commonly
it would just die, because big scary flamer, approaching your lines
attract a LOT of fire. Thank god, this tank is also cheap, so you can use
it as expendable fire magnet. Alternatively Infernus can exchange his
super-flamer for MAGNA-MELTA (R18 S8 AP1 Heavy1, Large Blast,
Melta), transforming into wannabe-Vindicator.

Whirlwind Hyperios - This thing is supposed to be your main ground

based anti-air, but it sucks. One skyfire/interceptor krak shot per turn,
no longer functions against ground targets as of 7th Edition (but still
heat-seeking against aircraft) and you can not squadron this thing like
IG player squadron their Hydras. This tank now performs quite poorly
so just take Devastators or a Contemptor Mortis or count-it as a normal
Whirlwind if you own one.

Relic Whirlwind Scorpius - Unlike the standard Whirlwind, the

Scorpius fires a small blast, but at S8 and AP3 it eats marines and light
vehicles for breakfast. And if it stands still it can fire D3+1 templates. It

is a relic vehicle so take an Interrogator Chaplain if you use a lot of

similar Forgeworld stuff.

Storm Eagle - Your transport Flyer. (IA12 moved it to Heavy) Occupies

the middle-ground between the Stormraven and the Thunderhawk.
Transport capacity of 20, with deathwing terminators and jump infantry
counting as 2 models each. Impressive arsenal of weaponry, standard
armament: Hull-mounted twin-linked Heavy Bolter, Hull-mounted
Vengeance Launcher (Range:48"|Str:5|AP:4|Heavy 2, Large Blast).
Optional armament includes: Switching Heavy bolters for Multi-meltas
or a Typhoon missile launcher, and adding 4 Hellstrike Missiles or 2
Twin-linked Lascannon under the wings. Also get ceramite shielding,
and the 'Power of the Machine Spirit' special rule, along with 12|12|12
armour. Can also deep strike, and disembarking infantry can assault in
the same turn. = *WIN*

While passengers on zooming flyers after crashing is always a

worry, remember that this flyer is considerably harder than most
other flyers barring the Heldrake anyway, at AV12 all round, HP4
and ceramite plating it is pretty much invulnerable to small arms
fire, so your opponent will have to dedicate his biggest weapons to
take it out; even when it decides to hover. (Therefore NOT shooting
at your newly disembarked terminators). Also, don't forget that with
all things Dark Angels, you use SYNERGY to get the most out of
your units, a hovering flyer gets a jink save that can be boosted by
having a Darkshroud nearby, or you attach a techmarine with a
power field to the passenger unit and he blankets the vehicle
thanks to the 7th Edition FAQ again, hell, the force field can even
protect the passengers if it explodes mid air.

Fire Raptor Gunship - Official rules in IA2:2nd. Comes naked with a

TL Avenger Bolt Cannon (being a proper manly S6 AP3 7 shots instead
of the peewee Nephilim's AP4 5 Shots), 4 Stormtrike Missiles (S8
Concussive, NOT Ordnance, YAY) and two Independent-Turret Quad
Heavy Bolters (which can be replaced with TL Autocannon for free); the
latter which aside from firing at their own targets as rumored, don't
count towards the number of weapons fired! With all the twin-linked
goodness, Strafing Run and PotMS/Independent-turrets; this bastard
can dump its entire payload on FOUR SEPARATE TARGETS in a

single turn and hit almost every time and it's only 45 points more than
the Nephilim = BARGAIN (except for FW prices). It is a relic vehicle, so
if you want to take more than one (or any other relic vehicle) remember
to grab an Interrogator Chaplain as one of your HQ choices.

Rapier Battery - 1-3 Rapier Quad Linked Heavy Bolters (like on the
Prometheus). Two of them are essentially a devastator squad. Though
can be upgraded to Laser Destroyers, which is like a lascannon
devastator squad with a shorter range but are twin-linked and give the
ordnance ability of an extra chance of penetration against vehicles. The
drawback to this is that they dont have the mobility that a tank or
Heavy Support Squad would give you. Youll want to set them up in
terrain somewhere in the backfield and not move them after they are
deployed. Points for points the Rapier will be cheaper than many of the
Heavy Support choices and will probably be just as lethal.

Rapier Quad Mortar Battery - Unlike the other Rapier battery, you
cannot mix and match gun types, but why would you want to? A single
one if these is almost the same as a squad of missile Devastators, each
with four shots analogous to frag/krak missiles. What's different is the
frag version is S5, barrage and causes pinning at -1 Ld. And the Shatter
(Krak) is only AP4 but rerolls penetration against vehicles. That's not
bad at all for only 60 points, so against light infantry like Guard or Orks,
this should be your go-to option over a missile squad. Because you can
take multiples, having twelve S8 rerollable shots against vehicles for
180 points is an absolute bargain. Against TEQs, you've got plasma
elsewhere for dealing with them, but with so much firepower, the Quad
Mortars will always wound something.

Deathstorm Drop Pod - Expecting the drop pod that just landed to
contain troops or a heavy weapons platform you don't have to worry
about until next turn? SURPRISE! Whirlwind missiles! For you! In the
face! There are two different versions though since GW cannot coordinate with Forgeworld: Though Imperial Armour 2 is more recent
than Warzone: Damnos by a margin of a couple of months, Damnos is
a valid core GW product (if your opponent argues with you over
Forgeworld) and uses much the same rules as the Horus Heresy
version which is even more recent than them both.

Warzone Damnos: It is considerably more reliable simply by

dropping most of the old special rules and just saying "Hey, I've got
FIVE whirlwind launchers!!" Each with independent machine spirits
that can shoot in a different direction. While those that read the
small print will find that it fires only the SMALL (3") blast markers,
that downside is traded off with the fact that it forces re-rolls for
pinning and morale checks.

IA2:2nd changed it AGAIN because of FW schizophrenia. It's gone

back to what it used to be, meaning it spams proper whirlwind
missiles on EVERYTHING on the turn it arrives, then reverts to a
stationary whirlwind launcher for the rest of the game. The
launchers may also be upgraded to assault cannons for an extra 20
points, but this should only be done if you expect it to survive more
than one turn (and you really shouldn't). Very situational, but if your
opponent fields lots of small units relatively close together, dropping
this in the middle of them is almost guaranteed to ruin his day.
Can't take a locator beacon, though and does not come with the
Drop Pod Assault rule as standard, that has to be bought.

Space Marine Sentry Gun Battery - From IA:12 you get a battery of
up to three immobile twin-linked Heavy Bolters for the bargain cost of
15 points each and swap them for a Multi-melta for five or pay ten for
TL Lascannons. Being automated, you have very little control over what
they actually do in the battle, they select their own targets based on
pre-set criteria, you basically just get to choose at deployment what
their arcs are: 360 degrees but at 18" range, or 90 degrees at 36"
range, so you're rarely going to be blasting things across the table with
these things. You DO get the ability to deep strike them for a laugh or
give them camo netting for stealth if you can set them up in a good spot
to make them invulnerable to most shooting. (while you can pay the
cost for both, just don't because it you deep strike into cover you are
waiting for a mishap. Set them up behind an aegis defense line with
camo for 2+ cover.

DON'T EVER mix and match guns or targeting criteria, nowhere in

the rules do they say they deploy separately or behave any
differently from any other artillery battery, meaning they should all

be firing at the same target, which is still the one they select for

As a added bonus though, you can instead swap the guns for
Hyperios Missile Launchers, which don't suffer from the firing
modes rules, allowing you to direct the shots at your leisure.
Basically krak missiles with skyfire and interceptor, this
configuration does most jobs you ask it to without complaint, just
don't waste the points (or the money) with the command platform,
as by swapping one of the guns you've replaced the ability to fire
three missiles at the same target with two missiles at different
targets... it should have been a free upgrade or the unit needed to
be bigger than three launchers... certainly not clever.

Relic Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought - A Heavy Support alternative to

a Mortis-Dreadnought or Mortis-Contemptor. For exactly the same cost
as Contemptor-Mortis with a pair of TL Autocannons you get +1 rear
armour, +1 Ballistic Skill, Extra Armour and TL Heavy Bolters built-in
and the Deredeo's Anvillus Autocannons have higher strength and the
Sunder quality (basically Tank Hunters USR for that weapon only). You
get the same Helical Targeting array and Atomantic Shielding, but you
lose a point of strength, one attack and don't have many customisation
options (right now), but since this is not a melee dreadnought at all, for
that cost it's a bargain and preferable over a Contemptor Mortis for an
AA role. The Aiolos Launcher is a bit off-key, since it doesn't really have
the strength to rate highly as an anti-vehicle, even though it always hits
targets side armour (which is often 11-12) and does better as an MEQ
killer due to AP3, which is helped in this role since it can fire
independently of the Deredeo's other weapon. The Deredeo also has
the option of replacing it's Autocannons with a Twin-linked Hellfire
Plasma Cannonade. It reduces range to 36", S7 and loses Sunder. It
gains two AP2 firing modes, either Heavy 4 and doesn't Get Hot or
Heavy 1 with Large Blast and Gets Hot. This makes it very expensive
with the Aiolos but good for killing heavy armor/MCs and dealing with
other TEQs so Deathwing Terminators don't have too fight them.

In a Dark Angels army the Deredeo would be even more invaluable

than the vanilla codex due to the DA codex's lack of "core" Heavy
Support AA options like Stormravens or Hunters/Stalkers.

Relic Leviathan Dreadnought - For about double the price of an

Ironclad, you get a rounder Dread with S8, AV 13/13/12 with a 4+ Invul
that adds d3 to both the range and strength of its death-explosion, two
heavy flamers on his body, total immunity to Maledictions powers, and
two claws with meltas, Wrecker, and the odds to inflict d3 extra wounds.
When this dads to the fact that it adds +1 to its initiative and 2 HoW
attacks on the charge as well as a mandatory sweeping advance, you
see that the goal of this thing is to touch anything that runs near it. For
it's cost, it might have been better off with AV14 or some better tools.
The claws can become drills so you get Armourbane for pennies. You
could also make it shooty by replacing a claw with a Leviathan Storm
Cannon, that is Heavy 6 S7 AP3 hits with Sunder or a Cyclonic melta
lance (not really a lance weapon), which is a Heavy 3 S9 AP1 18"
Meltagun. You could give it Ceramite to cure it of its fear of Melta and
three HKs to help pop tanks, but you've already got so much for that
goal. To add to that, this thing counts as a Relic of the Armoury, but
can't take a Legacy of Glory, nor can it ever score or benefit from a
detachment or formation, not that it really matters since the only
formation/detachment that can actually fit the Leviathan is the CAD,
which doesn't provide any extra benefits to Heavy Support units.
However, with the right loadout it can be an annoyance to any player
fielding a Lord of War.

Lords of War[edit]

Azrael, Supreme Grand Master - The closest thing Dark Angels have
to the traditional "guy who costs as much as a Land Raider", and thus
was turned into a Lord of War with the 7th Edition update in the style of
Calgar, Grimnar, and Dante, yet without the addition of Eternal Warrior.
His statline is the same as the Space Marine Chapter Master, albeit
with a 2+ Save and full blown 5+ FnP nowadays. His Lion's Helm gives
him and the members of any squad he joins a 4+ Invulnerable Save,
which is quite handy, and he also swings an S+2 master-crafted Power
Sword. Oh, and he carries a master-crafted Combi-Plasma (no longer
causes blinding) and a Bolt Pistol for +1 CC attack. Despite not being a
combat monster to match Calgar, Dante or Logan, he's been buffed as
a support character and the entire detachment uses his leadership of
10 (not that this will affect Stubborn/AKSKNF/Fearless Dark Angels that
often, but is still a nice bonus to have), he can choose his warlord trait

from the Dark Angels specific table instead of having to roll and, finally,
he now gets to modify Seize the Initiative rolls by one.

Additional Note Warlord Traits: As stated above; Azrael is a great

support character as high points game. He can pick any Warlord
trait to suit your armies needs and combos VERY well with a
Ravenwing and/or Deathwing army with Brilliant Planning nearly
guaranteeing their arrival when you want or need it.

Beacon of Hope (Apocalypse) - If Azrael uses his finest hour

within 18" of Chaos models in Apocalypse, he causes Fear, grants
friendly units within 24" Fearless and Counter Attack as well as
granting the standard Dark Angels benefit of the Hail of Fire
strategic asset by making all Space Marines Bolt weapons on his
side (Dark Angels or not) become twin-linked for the turn. While
Fear is fairly "meh", everything else he gets makes him one of the
most effective supreme warlords in Apocalypse games consisting
of joint forces.

Fellblade - This is your THIRTEEN BARRELS OF HELL, + 1BS.The

Fellblade mounts a turret mounted twin 'accelerator cannon' which can
fire either high explosive rounds (100" range, S8 AP3 ord1 7" blast) or
armour piercing shells (100" range, heavy 1, S9 AP2, Armourbane, 3"
blast). Add to that 2 quad lascannons, a twin heavy bolter and a hull
demolisher cannon and you have an absolutely rapetastic monster.

Thunderhawk Gunship - There is only one reason why you don't

already have one, it costs a shitload of cash(399), apart from this...
small price... the Thunderhawk has virtually no downsides, at 700
points it's certainly expensive, and it doesn't have much armour
(12,12,10) but it does have 3 structure points and is immune to the
'melta' special rule. It's title of gunship is well deserved, it has a turbo
laser (yes a fucking strength D weapon with a 5" blast!!!), four twinlinked heavy Bolters, two Lascannons and 6 weapon pylons, which can
contain bombs or Hellstrike missiles. It also has a "modest" transport
capacity of 30, so you can hold an entire 10 man squad of Terminators
in this thing AND a techmarine and servitors to keep the thing running
(they ARE allowed to repair vehicles they're embarked on, awesome).
As the most expensive super heavy vehicle in the space marines

armoury, you will almost never even see one, let alone field more than
one, fortunately, you only need one. The best way to use this vehicle is
to get close combat Terminators right into the middle of the enemies
most dangerous shooting formation, then use the fearsome weapons
on the gunship to destroy enemy vehicles that can insta-kill your guys,
allowing your Terminators to destroy the shooty infantry and keep your
grunts alive. Used properly this vehicle WILL make your opponent shit
bricks, used improperly, it will do nothing but die uselessly as it gets
pummeled by 700 points worth of enemy lascannons, rockets, missiles,
battle cannon and lances, then it will explode and take the most of the
rest of your army with it, because of this NEVER EVER keep it static,
it's tempting to just hang back and pummel the enemies vehicles with
the turbo laser, but don't. If you're a bad person you take two CAD and
put Azrael into a Thunderhawk. This is crazily expensive, but having a 9
HP flyer with a 4++ makes people cry.

Thunderhawk Transporter - Get this if you if you have a burning

desire to kneel down and sacrifice your money to the gods of Games
Workshop. It costs the same amount of cash as the regular
thunderhawk, and you'll probably end up wishing you had one of those
instead. It's not that the transporter is awful, the ability to fly in a loaded
up land raider and place it where you want is cool, you can even scoop
up other vehicles while in hover mode without having to cease your
movement. But unless you are playing on REALLY big gaming
tables (we're talking the same size of games where Earthshaker guns
run out of range.), there's no real need to do this and your
Thunderhawk itself doesn't have much else to do with only a few
heavybolters for its defense. Just get the regular Thunderhawk and for
now and you'll feel less guilty.

Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer - An odd superheavy tank. Its

weapon is S10 AP1, but has no blast, so if you miss there's no
consolation prize by accidentally wiping out a nearby unit (it is twin
linked, so you're unlikely to miss). However, whatever it hits is raped. It
fires D3 shots every time it fires and anything that somehow survives a
penetrating hit from it can only snap-fire next turn (including other
superheavies... neutering that poor emperor class titan.) but if it fails a
penetrate ROLL (glances are fine) or to-wound its target (remember it's

a primary weapon, so already gets re-rolls), it instead damages itself by

an automatic hull point on a further roll of 1. It can be given the
standard predator sponsons or pintle mounted heavy weapons, but
you're probably going to want to load up on anti-tank and leave anti
infantry to your other units.

Typhon Heavy Siege Tank - It's a giant vindicator. Cheaper and better
armoured than the Fellblade and more reliable than the Cerberus. It
fires off a 7" Blast S10 AP1 weapon, which ignores cover, and so will
erase entire units on 2s unless they have invulnerable saves. Can also
be equipped with sponsons like a predator and pintlemounted options
including heavy bolters, or a multi-melta. And unlike the Cerberus, since
your main gun doesn't fill an uber specialised role you can choose what
you want and split your fire to shoot in all directions and pick your
targets by relevance. Also give it armoured ceramite so it can never be
killed by melta & lances.

Dedicated Transports[edit]
Virtually identical to Ultramarines, so if you understand those then nothing
much has changed.

Rhino - A great transport, and dirt cheap. They can become a shield
wall once you've dropped off the squad riding inside, and can attempt to
repair themselves in the shooting phase. In a Deathwing/Ravenwing
list, these will see very little use.

Razorback - A Rhino with the transport capacity lowered, but with a big
gun stuck onto it to compensate. Great for ferrying around Command
Squads. The cheapest option is to keep the heavy bolter or switch it
with a twin linked heavy flamer. But an extra heavy gun for only 20
points is almost never points misspent as razorbacks can be used in
the same roll as a predator if you have a shortage of points or have run
out of heavy support options. Dark Angels Razorbacks can also be
equipped with a twin linked assault cannon in addition to all the other
gun options you can choose. This gives you a lot of budget firepower
and even more options for this little box. pair up the assault cannon with
a flak missile equipped devastator squad to make absolutely positively
certain that your opponents flying, vector striking, marine melting hell
drake dies on turn one! (If they have a heldrake on the board turn one,

something has gone very, very wrong). Also makes a good addition in
the Lionsblade Strike Force with a full battlecompany. you can get 10 of
these for free or for 200 points if you get a weapon uppgrade. just stick
5 man squads with flamers in them and keep the devastator squads in
the back with that mandatory scout squad.

Drop Pod - Enters play via Deep Strike and only mishaps if it goes
completely off the board. Great for dropping a suicide Dreadnought
behind a tank that needs liquidation. Also to keep in mind, is our Drop
Pods have Drop Pod Assault. Pretty much when a Drop Pod
successfully comes out of reserve, another one can come on the board
without the need to roll for it. Good if you combine Assault Marines with
Flamers and a Dreadnaught, as you can do some pretty good damage.

One often forgotten thing Drop Pods can get is a locator beacon, meaning
precise deep striking terminators afterward. Damn scary and effective for a
second wave to anchor your line and support your more fragile marine
brothers. Throw in some Ravenwing and you can nearly cover the board for
precise strikes with all those locator beacons on Pods and bikes.

Lucius Pattern Drop Pod (Forge World) - big dreadnought drop pod,
the new IA:A put it back into a dedicated transport role and nerfed it
incredibly. No longer can your close combat rape dreads charge out of
it on the turn it arrives, (though oddly, the rules say that dreadnoughts
CAN charge out of it if they decide to remain embarked for a turn,
which it could do anyway since it's already an open topped transport,
but might be a good idea since your opponent will have to shoot their
way through the drop pod before hitting the Dreadnought) and now it
just grants itself and its passenger the Shrouded USR the turn it
arrives, so now there's a slightly lesser chance of having your
dreadnought blown to bits that turn, but only slghtly. Also, this is the
only drop pod you can fit Contemptor in. So what? They only
Contemptor you'd take is the Mortis with 2 Assault
Cannons/Autocannons and the Cyclone Missile Launcher anyway. Who
needs a pod?


Here are the general tactics for


Aegis Defense Lines: A cheap option to give cover to your backfield

Tacs and/or Devs. It comes with a Quad Gun if you pay extra, so you
can skyfire whatever tries to bomb the shit out of you from the air.

Skyshield Landing Pad: Meh, it's an okay choice for Dark Angels. The
Invulnerable save you can get from it can help, tho for just 30 more pts,
an Aegis Defense Lines with a Quad Gun is better.

Imperial Bastion: Another good choice, comes with a Heavy Bolter on

each side and can also take a Quad Gun. You can only fit limited
amount inside of it tho, so keep that in mind. Pefect for a Devastator
Squad tho.

Firestorm Reboubt: for 20 points more than the Nephilim you get a
dedicated anti-aircraft building. (though you may change either of the
Icarus Quad Cannons for different weapons if you own them) with four
96" range interceptor/skyfire lascannon shots. While being forced to fire
at BS2 seems like a pain, being twin linked means that you hit
approximately 55% of the time, but you can upgrade it to BS3 if you
want to pay more points on the machine spirit, but then any enemy
aircraft on (or coming on to) the table has to worry about the incredible
amount of dakka heading its way since massed S9 AP2 skyfire is
extremely rare.

Wall of Martyrs: Dark Angels already have Stubborn, so there isn't any
benefit over the Aegis Defense Line.

Imperial Bunker: Cheap, tough with 14 armour, and pretty safe to fit a
squad in. Nothing special.

Fortress of Redemption: This is supposed to be YOUR Fortification,

and Unholy shit! This fortress is EXPENSIVE! For the price of A Land
Raider, you get a big fortress that grants you generous cover saves,
along with other cool stuff. Unless you're doing Tactical squads over

Death/RavenWing units, you may want to save your points for

something else.

Plasma Obliterator: Oh my...a simple building at AV14 all around, but

has a Plasma Obliterator which fires a 7" Massive Blast at S7 AP2.
Want to obliterate its point cost in heavy infantry? Look no further.
However, it still gets hot (luckily since it's a fortification it gets a 4+ save
against it), and it has a new rule called Plasma Overheat which means
if it takes a glancing hit due to Gets Hot! a unit embarked takes D3
randomly allocated wounds (just as with classic gets hot! allow saves)
(But too bad the rules for it don't state it has firing points, so there's no
point putting a unit inside). You'd think a building the size of a Bastion
would have an external cooling system to prevent this fucking rule...still,
at 230 points it's quite an expensive Fortification, but oh man will this
thing melt hordes, regardless of how good their save is.

Consider running with a Devastator Squad hiding out downstairs

with 4 Lascannons, now you have anti-tank covered in addition to
the anti-horde, heavy infantry melter upstairs.

Except remember those rules don't state it has firing points

despite how it's modeled.

Official rules state under Access Points and Fire Points: As

per model.

Promethium Relay Pipes: 4+ Cover save, like the Aegis but with a
special bonus, if a model is armed with a Flamer weapon then it
becomes Heavy Torrent if a non-vehicle model's within 2" of a pipe.
Remember that your Deathwing and Ravenwing units are relentless, so
you they can move and still get the Torrent bonus. Deep strike
Deathwing next to a Promethium Relay Pipe for a twin-linked heavy
flamer with Torrent!

Formations and Unique Detachments[edit]

Lion's Blade Strike Force[edit]
In line with the recent 7th Edition releases, Dark Angels get a unique
Detachment comprised of Formations. Mostly, it's the same as our Vanilla

brothers but with The Unforgiven's unique twists added on top. Special
rules are: Everything with Grim Resolve fires Overwatch at full Ballistic Skill.
Also, two Battle Demi-companies may combine into a single formation that
may purchase Rhino/Razorbacks/Drop Pods for FREE (Same as Vanilla
marines). Well harlequins/Swarm Armies aren't winning against these guys
anytime soon.

You need 1+ of the following "Core" choices:

Battle Demi-Company (1+): 1 Company Master or Chaplain, 0-1

Command Squads, 0-1 Company Veteran Squads, 3 Tactical
Marine Squads, 1 Assault Squad, 1 Devastator Squad, and 0-1
units of Dreadnoughts. Everyone in the Demi-Company gets
Objective Secured, just like the Vanilla Demi-company and gets to
fire overwatch at BS3 instead of BS2. The Chaplain is a good
choice as he comes fully equipped at 90pts and can join the assault
squad whether they choose to use jump packs or a drop pod. Give
them two flamers and meltabombs, and you've got a deep-striking
Jump Infantry squad that has Zealot, Objective Secured, and the
ability to put a dent in almost any enemy unit.

You can have 0-1 of the following "Command" choices:

Inner Circle (1 per Battle Demi-Company): Azrael, Belial,

Sammael (Who can take Sableclaw instead of Corvex as always),
1 Company Master, 1 Interrogator-Chaplain (who can be traded for
Asmodai), or 1 Librarian (who can be swapped for Ezekiel). Pretty
much your HQ slot sans Techie.

You need at least 1 of the "Auxiliary" choices, but there's no hard limit
as to how many of them you can take:

Ravenwing Attack Squadron: 1 Ravenwing Bike squad, or Attack

Bike Squad, and 1 Landspeeder Vengeance or lone normal
Landspeeder. They all gain Scout(including the Land Speeder) and
if the Land Speeder shoots an enemy and causes a hit, then the
Ravenwing Bike/Attack Bike squad gains +1 BS when firing at that
target and finally, the whole formation counts as a 12" Teleport
Homer for deep striking Deathwing units. Pretty nifty bonuses as it

helps Deathwing and the Bikes hit more often. Recommended a

heavy bolter or assault cannon to get almost certain hit for that +1

Ravenwing Support Squadron: 1 Ravenwing Land Speeder

Squadron, plus one Darkshroud or Vengeance. Holy shit... they all
get Grim Resolve (wait for it...), Interceptor and Strafing Run. So
they're pretty good at shooting. In addition, they have the
Ravenshield rule; whenever a friendly Ravenwing unit within 24" is
charged, the Support squadron may fire Overwatch (at BS2
because of Grim Resolve) at the offending assaulter, or FULL
ballistic skill if taken as part of a Lion's Blade detachment. Granted
it only protects your Ravenwing units, who themselves will mostly
have twin-linked and/or improved BS overwatch, so any opponent
would be stupid to charge you with this around. Tau players may
now retrieve their jaws from the floor.

Wait! There's more: If you take a Darkshroud, normal Land

Speeders gain Shrouded from it because they all form a single
vehicle squadron; so the unit would have Stealth and Shrouded
for a 4+ cover save in the open, 2+ in cover and rerollable if
jinking. Awesome resistance in a unit that also have Deep
Strike and Scout (also from the Darkshroud) for silencing
ignore cover weapons before they can fire. Forget the bikes,
take as many of these formations as you can. You only have to
think which weapons your speeders will have.

Ravenwing Silence Squadron: 1 Dark Talon and 2 Nephilim

Jetfighters. The Stasis bomb of the Dark Talon always hits on-target
(forcing a target hit bythem to test Initiative on 2d6, picking the
highest), and Slay the Warlord is worth D3 VP when using this
formation to aid in eliminating the enemy's Warlord.

10th Company Support: 1-5 Units of Scout Squads. They get

Supreme Fire Discipline and... nothing else. In other words, this is
just a cheap way to upgrade a Demi Company to a full Lion's Blade

If you really want to take Scouts and a Lion's Blade force,

consider taking a secondary CAD as well, since Scouts don't
get any additional rules beyond Supreme Fire Discipline when
taken here, but Scouts are one of those units you'd prefer didn't
get charged anyway. You can have them with ObSec instead,
plus free slots for those units that you can't really squeeze into
the Lion's Blade in the first place (like Black Knights, spare
flyers, tanks or FW units)

The Hammer of Caliban: 1 Techmarine, 1 Landraider (Schizo,

Redeemer, or Crusader. Your choice), and 1 unit of Predators,
Vindicators, or Whirlwinds. They get Monster Hunter/Tank Hunter,
plus two other rules "Hammer of Heretics" (Techmarine must start
the game in the Land Raider, and gives the Land Raider BS5 as
long as he's in there) and "Might of the Lion" (all four vehicles count
as one vehicle squadron). This is actually kind of a pain to try and
take, which we'll get into in a second...

Deathwing Redemption Force: Led by Belial, or a Termie

Interrogator Chaplain/Company Master/Librarian, 2-5 Deathwing
Terminator Squads, and an option for DW Command Squads,
Deathwing Knights, and Venerable Dreadnoughts. They get their
Preferred Enemy (CSM) back and also gain Take the fight to the
Enemy, which should seem familiar if you play Grey Knights (it's
basically Battle Focus on the turn they arrive from Deep Strike), as
well as choosing in advance which turn they arrive on.

Now there are a couple of comparisons to make with the

Deathwing Strike Force FOC that you get access to, despite
having the same initial prerequisites, especially since the DSF
simply allows you to decide whether they pass/fail reserve rolls
on a squad by squad basis, as well as being more
customisable so you can squeeze in more Knights or
Dreadnought rather than more regular squads. However the
DSF will NOT be part of your larger Lion Strike Force formation
and will therefore not get the Supreme Fire Discipline rule, nor
do they get Preferred Enemy. So choose carefully.

Now, as awesome as Supreme Fire Discipline is, Lion's Blade does have
limitations you need to consider. First off, there's absolutely zero way to
take Black Knights, be it the regular flavor or the Ravenwing Command
kind. Second, your options for tanks are very very restrained. You want a
Predator? All you have to do is buy an entire Land Raider and Techmarine,
plus two more Preds, and park the fucking Raider four inches away at all
times. If you actually wanted 5 twin-linked Lascannons, this is great, but
otherwise you have a vehicle squadron of things that were never meant to
be squadded together. Similarly, if you want ANY Termies at all, you must
take a bare minimum of 495 points. Want Deathwing Knights? 730 points
up front. Another one is to use that awesome overwatch you shouldn't take
any weapons with a blast type since you can't overwatch with blast
weapons. While not a huge downsides it is something to consider.
Against Khorne Daemonkin and other assault armies, Lion's Blade is
awesome. But if your opponent is going shooty too then stick to your CAD,
since it'll let you customize WAY better. The problem I have found is that a
lot of Dark Angels rules don't work because as soon as someone sees dark
angels they auto assume Lions Blade and stay away and wont come near
you to benefit from the overwatch that much.

Alternate Opinion: The thing is with this bonus overwatch it can

be used as a powerful psychological tool. No one would want to
charge your dug in stubborn marines unless they don't want to get
shot to shit and taken out. Using terrain is a major factor in this as if
they lack some type of assault grenades they'll have to attack at I1
AND get shot at BS3-4. Lions Blade overwatch needs some clever
thought to be truly used to full potential.

Deathwing Strike Force[edit]

So, remember how Shield of Baal has a detachment for Blood Angels that
essentially allowed for an all-Vet & Termie army? Well, this happened again,
but with FAR less consistency.
1-3 HQ slots, 2-12 Elites, all units in this detachment must have the
Deathwing rule or be a dedicated transport (also no dreadnought
squadrons, but you can take individual venerable dreadnoughts with a drop
pod) If taken with some Ravenwing Attack Squad/Strike Force, you can
then choose when you can Deep Strike, and then when you do, they can

run and shoot in any order. Oh, and a mandatory WT re-roll. The problem
with this detachment is that unlike the BA Archangels detachment, ALL
units (no exceptions) within the DSF must begin the game in Deep Strike
Reserve. So that means no Land Raider dedicated transports since they
cannot Deep Strike, and it also means there is no way to play solo
Deathwing terminators without any kind of support, because you'd have
nothing on the table on turn one, and automatically lose the game.
You could still use this as a solo army though, since half of your Drop Pods
still have the ability to arrive on turn one, so getting your Dreadnoughts on
the table with locator beacons not only becomes a necessity, but also a
viable tactic. Just bring more than two dreadnoughts, otherwise your
opponent will think it's cute when you drop a lone model onto the table in
the first turn.

Ravenwing Strike Force[edit]

On the other side of the spectrum, you have the Ravenwing detachment.
This is almost like the Dark Eldar Realspace Raiders, except on Astartesgrade hax considering how good Ravenwing got. 1-3 HQ, 2-12 Fast Attack,
with an optional Elites slot and 2 optional HS slots, all for Ravenwing units.
Aside from the mandatory WT re-roll, you can also opt to deploy either
normally or in reserves, where you automatically arrive Turn 2. Whenever
your bikes arrive, they'll be able to go Flat-Out/Turbo-Boost and count as
Jinking. And to drive that further, they DON'T have to fire snap-shots,
making Sammael's boys even better than normally. As per the new
December 2015 FAQ, this detachment now allows any Dark Angels
character mounted on a bike as well, but does not give them the Ravenwing
rule. This means you can now finally use those HQ slots for units other than
Sammael. Interrogator Chaplains or Librarians on bikes make for fantastic
force multipliers especially when combined with Black Knights.
Also, the ENTIRE detachment must start either on the board or in reserves,
or "Deploy as Normal." Since Reserve is normal for Flyers, you can deploy
your bikes on the table and your Flyers in reserve and everything will be


Cypher (Dataslate/Limited Edition Codex) - NO IDIOT, YOU CAN'T

TAKE HIM. However he is worth a substantial mention in that if any of

your opponents bring him, you Dark Angels players get a few benefits
to even the playing field. DO NOT FORGET THEM.
1. All Deathwing Members get Hatred (Everyone) and are now standin Chaplains and your army got a little bit better in melee. Also this
Hatred is not lost if Cypher is defeated.
2. If Cypher goes down anywhere within D6" of one of your Dark
Angels, you get Three Victory Points at the end of the battle,
possibly a game winner. Most of your special characters can
comfortably take him down in close combat (especially with
Hatred). If you're not aiming directly for him you are obviously a
3. Do not forget that your opponent's Warlord's leadership is reduced
by one just for including Cypher. This can be extremely important
for things like Perils of the Warp, Officer Orders or simple
Leadership bubbles. Unfortunately now that you know the
weaknesses of the fallen, the Deathwing will be at your door
momentarily to either purge or recruit you.

Unrelenting Hunt (Dataslate) - Company Master, Librarian, Tac

Squad, Deathwing Terminators, Deathwing Knights, Ravenwing squad,
Black Knights, and a Dark Talon. How convenient of Games
Workshop to put together a formation which just so happens to include
the contents of Dark Vengeance and the Dark Vengeance
Expansion....its not all good news, as this formation is pretty useless.
The ability to re-roll charge ranges are great, but it's only when you face
Chaos Space Marines, and the auto pass on leadership is nice but with
Ld 8/9 and Stubborn, morale is hardly the Dark Angels' weak spot.
Altogether not terrible, as you get relentless on your tacs & characters,
but just another scam from Geedubs to push Dark Vengeance sales.

Librarius Conclave (Dataslate) - You need Ezekiel + 2-4 Librarians.

Though they don't need to be deployed as a single unit and can be
spread around your force. When it comes round to your Psychic Phase,
you choose one model in the formation who sucks up all the collective
power and automatically knows all the psychic powers of each other
member within 12" of himself and in addition can harness warp charges

on 3+. The downside to this is the other librarians under his area of
effect cannot cast powers at all, so can cause problems with respect to
power ranges and actually being able to cast things. As a final added
bonus, Mind Worm doubles its range so long as there are librarians
within 12" of Ezekiel, with the retooled Mind Worm, this is extremely
deadly. This is a very good formation because it not only allows you to
take multiple Librarians, but with good positioning, avoiding repeating
disciplines (and accounting for Daemonology & Psychic Focus) you can
have one psyker with knowledge of sixteen different psychic
powers from FIVE disciplines and a pool of up to 17 warp charges
available (not counting non-formation psykers) who can let rip an
absolute torrent of psychic abuse to rival that of any other psyker in the
game... Eldrad/Ahriman/Fateweaver can bite it.

Masters of the Chapter (Apocalypse) - Azrael + 4-10 Captains

+ "Honour Guard". From the outset, this doesn't look like theres a lot
going for it. Azrael's Lion Helm is made redundant since all the captains
have Iron Halos, and unlike Codex Marines you don't get uber wargear
to beef up your captains. However, since you don't have Honour Guard
the same way as Codex Marines or Blood Angels do, you can
improvise with the next best thing ("Forging the Narrative" in
Apocalypse suggests taking the closest relevant unit)... ie: a Deathwing
Command Squad. This is actually considerably harder now, since they
all get 4++ saves from Azrael (saving some expense if you don't want
Storm Shields), Feel No Pain from an Apothecary and use of good
Standards and Champions. Just don't add Sammael to the formation
since it will screw him over.

Deathwing Redemption Force (Apocalypse) - Belial and 6 Squads of

regular Deathwing & 4 Squads of Deathwing Knights. This is one of the
most badass formations available. You don't need "full" squads, so can
get away with having a formation of around 50 men (which is therefore
smaller than the 1st company formation). EVERYONE in the formation
gets Rending USR on ALL attacks, shooting and melee, making them
horrifying. Also, no-one can take look-out-sir rolls against this formation,
so there is literally no-where to hide from these guys. Most likely
replaced by the Lion's Blade DRF which instead grants them "Battle
Focus" and gives them back Preferred Enemy: Chaos Space Marines.

Ravenwing Huntmasters (Apocalypse) - 5 FULL Ravenwing Attack

squadrons + 1 squad of Black Knights + as many Darkshrouds as you
like. Both of the shrouds effect ranges are doubled for the game and
also you may turbo-boost and still shoot once per game. It's an okay
formation if you have enough Ravenwing, which is the problem. That's
a lot of bikes.

Warzone Damnos[edit]

Suppression Force (Apocalypse) - Worth a good mention since you

get 2+ Whirlwinds and a Land Speeder of your choice. Considering you
get some pretty cool Land Speeder options, you could go with a
Darkshroud for some survivability along with your unlimited range /
twin-linked / double-shot Whirlwinds. Or you could go one better and
take the Ravenwing Grand-Master's Land Speeder for AV14 & 4++ and
its own twin-linked weapons.

Warzone Pandorax[edit]

Talon of Vengeance (Apocalypse) - You get 1 Nephilim and 2-4 Dark

Talons. The Nephilim does nothing here, and the Dark Talons can
combo their stasis bombs to lock enemy units out of the game
temporarily. The length of time depending on how many bombs hit the
unit. This formation isn't really worth it unless you're dropping all those
bombs on a Reaver Titan or better to freeze it out of the game for a
turn. The problem is that you only get one bomb per talon and the payoff really doesn't change the game in any meaningful sense. Should
have had greater effect like freezing units out permanently like Lukas
the Trickster

Thunderhead Squadron (Apocalypse) - 3 Darkshrouds, 1+

Vengeance & 1+ Support Squadron. Whenever 2 Shrouds are within 6"
of each other your opponent will not be allowed to draw line of sight
through the space between them. This is also close enough to grant 2+
jink (feel free to just perma-jink; they're Speeders in Apocalypse). In
addition the whole formation gets shrouded (for the aforementioned 2+
jink) and scout regardless of their position, so can be pretty cool.
Imagine stopping a shooty army from even targeting the entire rest of
your army on turn 1? Yeah, it's as awesome as it sounds.

Battle Brothers[edit]

Black Templar: Now part of Vanilla Marines, but don't stop there. Black
Templars have gotten better now they have access to the new shiny
stuff Vanilla gets. Plus they still kept some of their traditional feats (Land
Raider Crusaders are still Dedicated Transports to Crusader Squads).
Crusader Squads are the Beatstick, throw in some Neophyte with
Shotguns and they can be both a Dakka and chopy unit. Combine this
with the Flyers they have, it makes them somewhat a versatile ally
choice. Although if you want pure melee punch, Blood Angels can do
this better. Still, Black Templars are not a bad choice.

Blood Angels: Probably the best CQC Allies for the DA. A lot of their
units are fast moving and hits foes really hard and they aren't bad at
shooting. But in all honesty, we have a lot of options to gun
Xenos/Heretics down dead, so you should just focus on stuff that rapes
in melee and shit like that. Sadly, sanguinary priests blood chalice
works only with BA units, so no FNP and Furious Charge to your
Deathwing knights. However Shield of Sanguinius works with all units
and Darkshroud gives Stealth to all friendly units, not only DA ones. So
you can give all your army a nice +4 cover save. FNP Fearless Marines
with 4++ save and maybe pseudo Fleet from Azrael are great also.

Imperial Guard: A great opportunity of mending the fails of your

Codex. Forget flakk missiles, Dark Talons and Nephilim Fighters, just
paint black a Vendetta, draw some feathers on the wings and call it
Dark Vendetta, for instance. You can even take a squadron of 2 or 3.
And,of course, you can take a blob of guards, join Azrael and have 3050 miniatures with ++4 save, Fearless, and Furious Charge. Weeee!

Vanilla Marines: They're basically the exact same as Dark Angels:

shooty and power armor. Hell, Greenwing are identical in points and
near-identical in loadout. The new Codex brought in new units like
Centurions and decent anti-aircraft tanks in addition to the units that
Dark Angels couldn't get in the first place, like half-decent aircraft,
masters of the forge, sternguard & vanguard veterans, ironclad
dreadnoughts, scout bikers, thunderfire cannons as well as

detachment-wide chapter tactics, all of which allows you to tailor any

allies detachment to make up for any deficiencies in your own force. Or
vice versa to make things extra interesting. Also, don't miss Chapter
Master Smashbane, which is damn good HtH unit in Ravenwing and

Siege Assault Vanguard: actually a better choice for you than

using the vanilla codex since there is less overlap with the things
you can already do. As for the special siege objective; Dark Angels
already have scoring bikes and terminators covered to secure that
objective early so you can use the vanguard list to fill in the gaps
with vehicle/dreadnought squadrons or extra Centurions if you were
that way inclined. If you feel dirty about having to include an extra
chapter just to get access to models you otherwise could not use
(such as Stormravens / Ironclad Dreads) then just paint them
Green anyway and use the sub-optimal Astral Claws tactic which is
practically the same as greenwing anyway, though best use of the
vanguard does depend on better tactic selections.

RavenGuard: Raven Guard deserve a special mention. Imagine

taking a Librarius Conclave, giving them bikes and distribute them
among your ravenwing squads. They will have a rerollable +2 cover
save thanks to shrouded. Even their name combo well:

Grey Knights: Generally the same as our Deathwing, except they're

psychic-aholic rather than Gunzerker. We can bring Terminators as
troops like they do, except theirs are basically cheaper unless they go
overboard with them. Overall there are better options, but taking them
can be fun if you're going against CSM and Daemons, so you can take
on the Chaos Marines, and the Grey Knights can rape Daemons REAL

Sisters of Battle: A surprisingly good choice fluffwise as well as

crunchwise. Angry battle nuns fighting with angry battle monks? Looks
like sunday school let out early this week. The current Act of Faith
system and unit size requirements has made MSU and Immolatorspam viable strategies, both of which are solid choices for an allied
detachment. For Dark Angels specifically they bring a lot to the table:

strong mobile close combat, ally with sisters and bring Saint Celestine
and some seraphim. The Avenger strike fighter is a good choice, as is
the Exorcist. And lastly who doesn't want to get the Sisters chocolate
flamers all up into our plasma peanut butter? Plus every Imperial ally
wants to get their hands on the Dominions cover-ignoring Meltaguns,
and now we can stick them in a Drop Pod, if a Scouting Multi-Melta
Immoltator isn't good enough for you.

Skitarii: Early impressions show there's a good deal to like, Troop

choices are decent with enough and the Vanguard's Plasma Calivers
will make your Angel's giddy. The Elite and Fast Attack choices look like
they'll play very nicely with your Ravenwing army being incredibly quick
and can keep up with the advance of the army and able to move into a
combat just as your bikes have hit and run. The Sydonian Dragoons
especially seem like they'll mesh very well with Ravenwing. Heavy
Support gives you a boon in the Onager Dunecrawler and its Icarus
Array for 125 points gives you a Missile Launcher, a 5-shot Gatling
rocket launcher and an Autocannon all with Skyfire, and if you don't
have that Mortis Contemptor or Deredeo, this is a good looking budget

Space Wolves: New allies rules make Space Wolves battle brothers,
and with the new codex we have some new synergies to consider. Lets
see what wolfies offer to us: Jaws of the World Wolf is now Focused
Witchfire, so a stasis grenade or five can help pick off those characters.
Bjorn gives you +1 on the seize, which with Deathwing Assaults and
Scouts moves could be important. Wolves also have cool new fliers,
which have the same schitzoid loadout problems as Angels fliers but at
least have Assault Vehicle. Azrael with 15 Blood Claws with 4++ save,
Fearless and Furious Charge inside a Stormwolf is a thing that exists.
They also have cheap servos with the possibility of taking one special
weapon on 5 man squads, razorspam, scoring terminators with mixed
arms, missile spam, divided fire and giant wolverine steeds. Pretty
solid, but Dark Angels can achieve most of those things on their own,
and instead of wolves have bikes which look less stupid in the future.

Allies of Convenience[edit]

Eldar: The jetbike units and Wave Serpents are FUCKING AMAZING
and make an excellent pairing with the Ravenwing. You could also use
Fire Dragons mounted in a Falcon for some forward-ranging tank or
monster killing power, or to punch out a squad capable of usefully tanktarpitting Deathwing Knights. Not to mention the Wraithbone units got
buffed into the stratosphere with Destroyer Weapons out the ass.

Desperate Allies[edit]

Tau Empire: Not a bad choice, especially since they just got a new
codex. As usual, their basic philosophy is "extra fire power that can help
wreck shit at long range". The Crisis suits are golden, and goes well
with a Ravenwing list, as they're both mobile and shooty with Plasma
Rifles and other useful weapons. Hammerheads are also a worthwhile
choice if you choice the Railgun option, and fire warriors with their
Pulse Rifles will prove to be better than the Boltgun. Play them
correctly, and the enemy won't be alive to get close enough. They
should be too occupied to be dealing with Fire Warriors, at the least.
Unless you're going plasma-heavy, as they are probably the one army
with more plasma than you (take a Hammerhead with tau Ion Cannon
and disruption pods. Do it!). Ion has been introduced, and it is soooo
much better. Ion Cannon now has a new trick up its sleeve. At S8 AP3
Large Blast when overcharged, nothing short of a TEQ will get an
armour save. They also have the best long-range anti-tank in the game,
so they can provide fire support for your Spess Mehreens. (Look to
Riptide if you're interested in Long Range Support).

Dark Eldar: They are really speedy, but you also potentially have
Ravenwing, so One Eye Open is a little more pronounced working
alongside the emo relatives of the Craftworlders. However, if you're
running Deathwing lists then use these guys as distractions while you
get your Deathwing into position!

Come the Apocalypse[edit]

Necrons: Another shooty list aside from Tau and Guards. Necrons can
provide you a catacomb command barge beatstick, something
sufficiently terrifying to keep your enemy from moving into assault for
an extra round or two (especially if they're using an expensive HQ
choice). Necron troops choices can serve as highly efficient response

groups, combining four haywire shots and ten rapid-fire gauss zaps
with one of the most universally effective fliers in the game for a
meager 190 points. Would you rather have two terminators and one
assault cannon, or one annihilation barge (90 points for a tesla
destructor, tesla cannon, and AV13 until they start beating on it)? To put
the cherry on top, none of these units really need or want to be close to
the rest of your army, so you can easily step around the one eye open
rule. Want an ally that can give you your daily doses of speed, antiarmor, and AP2 melee without stealing all your thunder(points)? Look
no further than these badass space Egyptians.

Orks: Want a horde? The orks love pushy melee fighting. Though they
might be slow, a footslogged group of standard ork boys can shield
your more powerful and expensive units with a wall of cheap meat.
They'll provide a screen against assaults (which your troops can then
jump in on, if you so desire), and a 5+ cover save. The one eye open
rule is pretty irritating here, but 6th edition's premeasuring rule should
let you keep that separation, and even if you can't... well, it's only a 1/6
chance anyway, and it doesn't occur in melee combat.

Tyranids: If you want a horde army, Orks just do it better. The new
releases for Tyranids means that One Eye Open isn't as much of an
issue as you can just deepstrike all your Tyranid stuff in with their bioorganic drop pods and shit.


have Chaos Space Marines and Chaos Daemons as allies at Come the
Apocalypse levels.

Other Detachments[edit]
Inquisition (Battle Brothers)[edit]
If you don't care about the fluff, why haven't you taken it yet? Seriously, you
get 3 Elites Choices (Read: 3 units of Inquisitorial Henchmen) and each of
them can take a transport like a Rhino, or a Chimera or a Land Raider or a
Valkyrie. That makes it worth it right up front, but with the right load out, they
can fill holes in your army, so this should be your first choice right here.

Inquisitorial Valkyries make up for the Dark Angel's immediate lack of

aerial transport options (outside of a Storm Eagle or Caestus Ram)
letting you move tactical squads around the tabletop far quicker than in

Inquisitor detachments can take a Land Raider Prometheus as a

dedicated transport, this saves your primary detachment from using up
an Elites slot which should be put to best use on Deathwing and
Dreadnoughts. Inquisitorial Land Raiders also get Truesilver armour
that provides daemon defense and warp stabilisation fields for teleport

Servo-Skulls and Mystic henchmen work really well alongside

Deathwing, but also alongside Drop Pods and Assault Squads. While
Ravenwing do get teleport homers, having Inquisitor stuff works on all
deep striking units and also give you more table coverage for incoming
units, particularly on the first turn for Deathwing Assault.

Consider taking a Inquisitor in a Valkyrie and a tarpit or two of Acolytes,

while still having a full artillery battery from allied guard and doing some
screening with large blocks of bolter brothers; or a four lascannon
Devastator squad buffed by a psyker Inquisitor with a Conversion
Beamer. If there's something your current army is lacking, the
Inquisition has something that can compensate for it.

Imperial Knights (Battle Brothers)[edit]

An Errant Knight titan is probably a good bet for players looking for some
reliable long range anti-tank/anti-TEQ killer. The Paladin Knight brings
some long range high strength high AP shooting (Double shot battle
cannon? Hell yeah) to an army that can really use some for only two
termies more than two Leman Russ Tanks. And thanks to 7th edition rules
updates these things now score no matter what detachment they are a part
of, so charge him at the enemy lines faster than you can say
DISTRACTION CARNIFEX. Thanks to their Str. D CC arm, they can reliably
deal with with most monstrous creatures with ease, barring Skarbrand and
maybe a Wraithknight. Also, Seer/Screamer-Star or any other re-rollable 2+
bullshit? Meet D-Weapon. If you fight a Riptide heavy list, these might
become your best friend you still cannot catch the fuckers. Bitch please,
you have a 12 movement and a 2D6 charge. The Riptide has a 6 move and

a 2D6 jump, and limited space to escape with given how they'll be hiding at
the back like sissies. Plus, they're shit at killing the Knight.
Legion of the Damned (Battle Brothers)[edit]
Because it is now a Codex in its own right, Dark Angels can troll themselves
by taking mysterious Astartes who appear out of nowhere and disappear
just as quickly. You couldn't take them before, so now this is a treat. Like
the Inquisition codex, the LotD can be taken as an additional detachment
separate from the Allied detachment. More over, the detachment has a min
of 1 elite, so there is no unit taxes, as you pay for exactly what you want.
You only have one unit, but you can bring up to 4 of them. You get Fear,
Fearless, Slow and Purposeful, 3++, and all shooting Ignores Cover. Yes,
all of it, including any special or heavy weapons. They are also one of the 2
units that can take Heavy Flamers. As a Dark Angel you will be used to
things Deep Striking, meaning you can one-two punch a combination
following a Deathwing Assault. On the downside they can't be joined by
Independent Characters (not that you'd need to) and you don't care about
chapter tactics, since that is a vanilla thing. Unfortunately everything these
guys do, your Deathwing can also do and in some cases do better, and in
many cases your terminators can score while 3++ is just as vulnerable to
high volumes of high AP fire (lasguns/bolters) as Greenwing are. The big
draw here is Ignores Cover, which when coupled with the flexible armament
of a tactical squad essentially makes them just that: A very good alternative
to a Tactical Squad.

Animus Malorum: Sergeant Centurius' soul-eating skull gives the

bearer and his unit FnP, and any unit which fails a Fear, Morale, or
Pinning check within 12" of the bearer has a randomly chosen model
immediately removed as a casualty with no saves allowed (although
LoS! can still be used). Every model that is removed this way grants a
+1 modifier to the FnP roll (up to a 2+) for the remainder of that turn. At
only 35 points for a sergeant to use it, it's a steal.

With the increasing amount of low AP weaponry that cover ignoring,

these guys have some merit. They can hold objectives and mow things
down. Strike them near things with low AP weapons (Give them a
Plasma Cannon to see S7 AP 2 Ignores Cover Blast) or the backfield
and watch them turn firefights around. They will die to massed fire (But

then again, what in this game doesn't?) but can tank low volume high
power hits. Sure, you can minmax a list and leave them at home but
how many of you are playing in world class tournaments and need
1d4chan tactics? They are good, but not uber. Most of all, they are fun.

Pro-Tip: You can use them as mobile cover for any troops and/or
assault screens, especially if they have the Animus and/or rolled
Spectral Bulwark.

Do you like Plasma Spam? Do you hate how your opponent always hug
cover against your Plasma guns? These guys can take Plasma
Cannons and ignore cover. Have them come in when your opponent
scurries their heavy infantry into cover, then as he gloats about your
cannons becoming expensive frag missiles, poof these guys in and
remind him of their Ignores Cover ability.

Building your army[edit]

Two Troops and an HQ is your starting point as always. We recommend
two tactical squads and something with a psychic hood.
Secondly, get the new fucking codex! Sometimes you'll see people playing
Dark Angels with the Vanilla Codex. In 5th Edition this was fine, but in 7th
Edition these people are heretics. Smack them up the head for me if you
see them! Otherwise, the Dark Vengeance box set is a good place to start
for models. For about 100 US dollars (61.50 British pounds), you get 5
Terminators, 3 awesome looking bikers, and a tactical squad with two
(maybe 3 if you're lucky enough to get the limited edition) HQs if possible
swap the chaos marines for more angels this gives you 10 terminators, 6
bikers, 4 HQ and 2 troops that can be made with 2 plasma guns or 2
plasma cannons. That, or get the new Dark Angels Dark Vengeance
expansion (1 Dark Talon/Nephilim Jet Fighter, a Squad of Deathwing
Terminators/Knights/Command Squad, and a squad of Ravenwing Black
Knights/Command Squad) for $140 USD. Remember the phrase "Up-sell
scheme", folks!
If you want a relatively cheap way of getting an Attack Bike, Black Knights,
and Sammael, grab the new Dark Angels Battleforce ($100 USD) which
contains said BK, Attack Bike, and Landspeeder with Ravenwing Upgrade
Sprue. Just stick the book and Hooded Icons on it and build the Twin-

Linked Heavy Bolter and Assault Cannon, modelling the passenger guy with
a Sword to represent Sammael.

Forge World Units[edit]

It has to be noted that the new codex (and by extension the vanilla codex
too) is NOT conducive to fielding units from Forge World at all, at least until
FW come out with some sort of FAQ or update to help with the situation.
None of the Formations that the Dark Angels use have provision for taking
them and neither of the new Ravenwing/Deathwing FOCs actually allow
you to take anything either. (except for the Lucius Pattern Drop Pod as a
dedicated transport option).
However, those of us with Forge World units need not feel trapped with
models we cannot use.
The Combined Arms Detachment hasn't actually gone anywhere, you could
easily field a secondary CAD separately from your Lion's Blade Strike Force
and give yourself lots of free slots to further customise your army.
Furthermore, with the price drop on Scouts and the fact that they gain no
specific rules when used as 10th Company Support in the Lion's Blade
formation, you can take those Scout squads and a HQ of your choice and
use them to fulfill the minimum requirements of a CAD without interfering
with the points you would have already spent anyway, only losing Supreme
Fire Discipline and giving them back Objective Secured (only the DemiCompany units get Objective Secured).

Greenwing is now so much more attractive thanks to the Lion's Blade Strike
Force and the benefits a Demi-Company gives you (BS3/4 overwatch?
Well, shoot my monkey!).
Ravenwing are awesome, with Relentless Grav-Guns and re-rollable
Jinking. Shares the spot with White Scars for the most badass bikers in the
Imperium, and they still have all their old tricks from the last Codex (Teleport
Homers everywhere, a Land Speeder granting your units mobile Stealth).
As a standard ravenwing boilerplate start with an Interrogator Chaplain on a
bike with a shroud and mace of redemption. Then add a Ravenwing
command squad at 6 men strong. Boom. A nice unit for moving around the
board making plasma vapor and looking for a fight while your troops move
into position.

Deathwing are the only part of this equation that probably lost more than
was given with the current Codex, no more Turn 1 Deepstriking, nor the
ability to choose when you Deepstrike without rolling for it. You now have to
take the Deathwing Strike Force detachment and the Ravenwing Attack
Squadron formation or the Ravenwing Strike Force detachment for the
latter ability. Still, the old stratagems work.
The Dark Angels have access to almost all rulebook powers, their unique
Interromancy discipline, and the 4 new disciplines from the Angels of Death
Supplement. The final 4 are overpowered bullshit to get sales for GW,
hm...that sounds familiar... Good choices are:

Interromancy: WHY AREN'T YOU TAKING THIS?! Seriously, the ability

to permanently drop your opponent to WS/BS1? Turn rape machines
like Marneus Calgar and Abaddon the Despoiler into wimpering,
expensive paper weights that can do sweet fuck all? Want to punish
armies with low leadership? Dark Angels are the masters of Psychic
trolling, baby!

Geokinesis: You can fucking move any piece of terrain around. This
allows you to juggle objectives over to you. Thanks GW.

Technomancy: Get to take control of an enemy vehicles weapon for a

turn (Funny as hell when you turn that Imperial Knight's Rapid Fire
Battle Cannon on the enemy), and pull all kinds of buffs like restoring
hull points, and increasing AV to make an AV15 Land Raider. Thanks

Fulmination: Can give your Psyker a temporary storm shield, and

allows you to literally trade places with any unit (friend or foe) within
24". Great for either springing a trap or pulling your guys out of one with
another unit that can take the heat.

Librarius: It has a power that lets an entire unit re-roll saving throws. A
T5, 2+, 3++ unit with that power on it will not go away and will kill
everything in its path. Thanks GW.

Telepathy: Also an amazing choice, with the infamous Invisibility Power

which you cast on your most important unit that the enemy cannot
ignore, and Psychic Shriek also being a pretty damn good Primaris

Divination: Equally tied with Telepathy for the second-choice discipline.

BS2 Overwatch is fucking A already, and the Lion's Blade full BS
overwatch is top notch. Adding re-rolls to hit from Prescience? Goodbye
Genestealers, goodbye Ork boyz, goodbye Khorne units. Forewarning,
Perfect Timing, and Misfortune are also awesome powers. Foreboding's
full BS overwatch is literally useless if using Lion's Blade, but if you're
using CAD or Unbound, then it's worth something.

Sanctic Daemonology: If you luck out and roll Sanctuary, you just may
be able to get a 3++ with a Conversion Field, or cast with a unit of
Deathwing Knights for a T5, 2++ unit.Hammerhand is good too.
However, beware of rolling Perils on any doubles when trying to
manifest powers!!!

Army Variants[edit]

Land, Sea, and Air: A classic set-up from the 6th Edition Codex. 2+
squads of Ravenwing Bikes (1 Scouting up the field, the other
Outflanking), some Deathwing Terminators, and Tactical Marines and
Devastators lining up for long ranged support. This approach gives you
speed and resilient units, precision deepstriking from Ravenwing
Teleport Homers while your Devastators back you up with Missile
Launchers, and your Tactical Marines take the objectives and dare the
enemy to dig out BS2 Overwatching, Stubborn SPEHS MUHREENS.
Hit them from the land (Greenwing), Sea (Ravenwing), and Air
(Deathwing). A really good optional thing to do is to give 2 Bikers Gravguns, and your sarge a Combi-Grave in each of your Ravenwing
Squads since Bikers have Relentless. For 8 Melta bombs extra per
squad, 9 shots that hit on 3s wounding on 3+ or 2+ and Concussing a
Monstrous Creature before charging is damn well worth it. Even better
if you concussed the MC as it was charging thanks to BS2 Overwatch.

FUCK YOU AND YOUR LOGIC: Literally take 1 Librarian on

Interromancy on a bike, give him Shroud of Heroes and a Conversion
Field, an on-foot Techmarine, and fill up the rest of your point allotment

with Dark Talons and an Imperial Bastion with Comms Relay to hide
behind. Pray your Librarian survives while staying out of LoS with a 2+
Cover Save. Keep the Techmarine on the Comm's Relay. Hopefully
once you've survived to turn 2, roll some dice, look up, and smirk.
Watch as fucktons of flying Vindicators that can potentially dish out the
big "D" fly on and pulverize the shit out of the enemy. This is by no
means tactically sound, and any enemy with decent AA (Tau) or
Gunships (Vendetta Squadrons, Storm Talons) will smash your face in.
Remember to play this if it works.

INVINCIBLE BAWKSES: Classic Dark Angle tactic, but now requires a

character which costs almost as much as the Land Raider itself due to
the loss of the Power Field Generator...simply grab Azrael, 2
Techmarines with 4 Servo-Arm servitors, and a Land Raider of your
choice. Stick Azrael and the Techmarine in the Servitors and put them
in the Land Raider. Watch the enemy struggle to put down a 4++ AV14
all around monstrosity that will repair any Hull Points and
immobilizations/destroyed weapons and keep on rolling. For bonus
points, grab a relic Spartan with Armored Ceramite and Flared Shield
so the enemy will rage extra hard. Be mindful that this is expensive
both IRL and on the table top so your enemy could also just subvert the
INVINCIBLE BAWKS and go after the squishier stuff anyway.

Speeder Spear: 6th Edition tactic, made surprisingly delicious with the
Ravenwing Support Squadron formation.

Fucktons of Ravenwing Support Suqadrons, with Darkshrouds.

For supporting Dakka, split some squadrons with Land Speeder

Vengeances to coat your foes in steaming plasma.

CAD of Tactical Squads with Rhinos/razors to hold down any

objectives, led by a cheap Librarian on Bike giving Prescience to
your Land Speeders.

Considering the sheer amount of Typhoon Missile speeders you

should be fielding (and if you're not then you're an idiot) you should
have no problem glancing AV14 vehicles to death from the other
side of the board.

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