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Bima Gema Permata No, Hal: Leter of Interest Kepada Yih. ‘Bapak Salim Leys dan Bapak Endo Suhadi PT. ANDALAN USAHA JAYA SEMESTA Deangan Hormat, Menyambung pembicaraan kita melalui telepon sebelurmnya, kami PT. Bima Gema Permata sangat tertarik untuk rmengetabui lebih jauh mengensi aban tambang dan pperusthean Bupak PT. ANDALAN USAHA JAVA SEMESTA, PT. BIMA GEMA PERMATA (BGP) merupakan Perusahaan Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA) yang sedang_melakukan ‘penambangan di dasrah Petangis, Kabupaten Pasersejak tahun 2007, ‘Kami mohon bantuan Bapek untuk memberikan date-data dan dokumen pendukung lainnya sebagai berikut: 1, Dokumen-dokumen yang terkait dengan semua. perijinan KP terscbut yeitu IUP (Produksi), C&C, ET, Status ‘kayasan Hutan (in pinjam pakai kawasan hutan) dan lane hain 2. Data spesiikas (kuaitas)batu bara di tambang. 3. Data Bor (seam thickness, inclination of seam, fault dan Jainlain), 4, Sumber mineral dan cadangan (Reserve and Resource) 5. Outerop coordinates. 6, Semua data mapping (sip, strike). ‘Atas pethatiannya kami ucapkan terimakasth dan kami ‘menunggu tanggapan postf dari Bape Petangis, 21 Juli 2015 Hormat Kemi, PT. BIMA GEMA PERMATA Menara Prima 15° Floor Unit A& B JI-Lingkar Mega Kuningan No. 62 Kawasan Mega Kuningan, jakarta Selatan 12950, ‘Tip: +62-21 57948028 Fax: 162-21 57948029 Site Office: Petangis, Kee. Batu Engau, Kab, Paser Kalimantan Timur Dea Sir With reference o our telephonic communication, we PT Bima Goma Permata are really interested in knowing more about your mine end company PT ANDALAN USAHA JAYA. SEMESTA. PT, BIMA GEMA PERMATA (BGP) is a Foreign Model Company (PMA) which is doing mining activity in Ptangis . aser sine 2007, We would like to request you to furnish fllowing data and ‘other relevant document as mentioned below 1. Documents related to all permissions related tothe above KP viz IUP (Production) , C&C ET, Forest land staus ete. 2. Data forthe specification (quality) ofthe coal in the mine. 3. Bore hole data ( seam thickness, inclination of seam , faults ete) 4. Reserve and Resource 5. Outcrop coordinates 6. All mapping data (dip, strike) ‘Thank you very much for your kind attention and looking orward for your postive reply. Bima Gema Permata Name of KP ‘A. Specification Caloric Value ( GAR) Estimated deposit : Total Sulfur Total Moisture Inherent Moisture HI Total Area Thickness No. of Seams S/R B. Document a. License of KP ( No.) PT. BIMA GEMA PERMATA ‘Menara Prima 15 Floor Unit A&B JL-Lingkar Mega Kuningan No. 62 ‘Kawasan Mega Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950. ‘Tip: +62-21 §7948028 Fax: 62-21 57948029 Site Ofice : Petangis, Kec. Batu Engau, Kab. Paser Kalimantan Timur ‘SUMMARY OF SPECIFICATION REQUIRED b. License of Port ( Yes/No) AMDAL(Yes/No) Drilling Data ( Yes/No , if yes please furnish) Forestry License(¥e 2s/No) Rubber Plantation(Yes/No) Community inside concession ( Yes/No) Land concession rigt C. Logistics ie d e f. Palm Oil Plantation(Yes/No) 8 hb, i ints (Yes/No) Hauling road ( own or others) Hauling Distance Jetty ( own or others) Jetty (in river or open sea) Barge capaci injetty Jetty ( Manual or Conveyor) Jetty availability (if not owned) Location of jetty a b. c 4 fe. Barging distance to anchorage point t 8 h ont Permata

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