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fae} Wo Ge yee-33004/99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 a cht Che Gazette of India EXTRAORDINARY MT [—wVs 3—3T-WUVE (ii) PART Il—Section 3—Sub-section (ii) a venient PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY #948} SE Reet, weer, Wy 7, 2015 AAewer 17, 1937 No. 9481 NEW DELHI, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 2015 /VAISAKHA 17, 1937 sand seit ate ate sere tare aaa wf feet, 7 9g, 2015, ‘wom, 1221(a) Arde ene wre aren BET af, 1986 (1986 FT 63) A ATT 14 eer ET afoot or watt wet BE SAT ATH A TA, TATATE, MIM-2, WE 9, Hate (i) TET 27 wrRE, 2014 F enfira saret weit are ate Se saree afirgarar a7. a1. 266(H,) art 27 were, 2014 srer, gH ATA Fae, FE RR attri wee ge afar oar war & spar Fike a aT ate Pear arg, Fg gierahte (qurereT Fam) sear, 2014 ar arta ret gu, wrt ar seat Bat HE wg HPeftae sree HAY, ora 1 2. ‘aftr ara ate ree - (1) ec onterareftrera Fteg gherstite (quran Frama are, 2015 B1 (2) me arte 01 apres, 2015 Fg eT aRtareng ee ade, ore ae del B, aera arafRhe a a, - 1. (&) afathrarn & ured ars are afar, 1986 (1986 37 63) aA e, (a) "eater sift a (30k tar afters, rar ere ret sete tare, wre sete ote sw ser arene Horace weer a at, (i) cee rere fren sete Hest HEATH, ste (ii) ree erat a ae eat Seite RRRer aT aT, afta & (iv) Ah rors ar aR, 8 FRA (ny Fag ataratte’ & angst eat (3) 3 FARRER ae (07 volte & Rage grarnteat 8 ate, AE cP oT AE a Ag aes Ege aT aE eA aT agar aera aftr a oven eB aT tee OH Pee share a are Bar ares aT FAT sar wary, ei a aren erat I Fee, Pa, err a re aT rare AT # (e) "Patter & Rega graced ater aE sa a aE sa a Reg ates eee aT ATE eA oT weertt sheet after & at 2B Age greeter serves, Fate, ania, AAPRTor car # aT ree areata SAAR a ah em APR gE AT AE ae mr ert Te ot aT BR aah TE aT 2041 GLR01S o > THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY ____[Pawi Sic Sea afte gyre a edt a meer tere, arb ar it Preps steratibat a oar, Pain, ate cay fatto Fb ar at rar ea el (ays 8 ra ode 8 atere ogee afte & (a) “PREF are” Peer cheat ater orp mh (2) Ht amar ata a aanPaRife arto arr aftr (a) "HT. ST, i (ao) Fre" & Pega gieeatehey | ade Bayt % ete (4) aeeartt ofate Ht wnfafahi rede arrare anffarcor (era wort) Hts aA 2; (8) "oe are Hate Tred ah sear ere efirg HH 2, oot seat areata a, St ee ee & othe ee ont Power a Fee afin oP Boe and ah Git at affeca # Bi 3, fatter, susremy, fash athe Frrcor anf are Fa; (1) a8 oafee erat ar set Se & Rett afte oft ange & rare (3) # afte Pet Pret cients ar RAY Fre Fon ar FRGAY Pre were, FY ar Peco ag ara, i PARR areata A ae fer ge arene Per sega a ce are aa a ares Pes a aT at: srery Prater fre attra Pega gravee & ier 8, ey ater A TE ohh are ay aft at ot PRT aedieret are aera PAREareT arg Gh aia Prater ater fer ea aT age ema are aT d a) ee tort Ran cast, ot RARE a Frere oft seqare She ETH eer TET 4. srr Frey mre. (1) Fee gteretehet spat Fata eae sre ary aa A aT A ae HT a hare wre Fer str fi argh ahr we Fe, aA ge re ET Fa a, SEA aT one eA (2) a () wreda arr afta, 1986 ote sah ante ware are Pat ate PTT yal aT ue Fares & weiter fire orga ert eo (a) Rett ara salto at Reh ay ar afisar, ot urea ars orgeT a, a afta oT (3) ett weg ar afibar By afta ara sore arm Fre aed FAR BT (3) Bk aay meh Fairer argh sre fine Fer argh fh eon (3) H PAPAS Reger cheratbat a AAA sor ror ag so 4 Se ce ate Fee rw re Fg a Be A A a et atm ages 4 a. at at are fae aw oo ote 5. rar aehe wis & Ferg arf: 4. gf mnie gr ander ar argo UPA we A eB a, (et ee eee Feo, FA Fy weer, FOAL ar Pron Ha Art ae a ahh aT BA fre gar wear & Frat ay xe arte wafer ¥ Flee Ankh Arye ghewhie & Aa, fa ® Ae aren, FRA ar Preorder errs ya Pret RA Pega gtecatee aM mega ae Fe Re afte refit a: (@) Fat tea erate ot Ft fae FR, vere, FRA aT aco a Pa eats area eT Sa afer ar ae afte Har Pree ane at a a ater et at teen ae TT aRcaT wT; (7) Fa ere ster we arma 8 ar aot TT & ae Art Pe ghana a filme we maT & ae seb re ae Fr hr re Fe ee Fa er me Fe AEE TTR wet (9) SE oft Fatatar ar ahaa We ra BA A mT at wer aT Te aR ar gery Aba A Cat ah, seorkar ar fbgy gteratiic a1 fepmear,ae ater, Page ar Paekt eT FT (2) Tere ate anftroeer & aaftte ee afar afer, 1973 (1974 a1 2) H saw, wet aw awe gt wR, cee anette afer a ary ath 8. erat er weer ere Fer ait ote afte anftrerét arer ARES are At arqeee afar aC Ay frat Frege tert sagt er ath are attr etter ey wren ara af aAAP RE ace Tea ae gare fam Pear are Ges 349) Aer Te: SFeTATET 3 7. Rafters ate athe at Ate are we A ak: Tar sofirarA AAPIMtTat ate attaaret St or SRR seen rs, er or we eb eae aR er er Tea ere Fr areas ah FRR et gare: Tah Fae vet tee erate Fn fr Ato, ATs Fe ary, FE sar Facreot arr wees fey, Fara a arr arty ate Aber are ay war gt, TS AST er Tea wT 7 wTRT 1480 | agp sare & ter BHR Ge fren Gherah aw ate 2500 Bate, 39 | 85043100 85043200 age Pera ter 2 (7) 2a i cared hr arene age arene rarer & anita Pega grerettct et att wa. oredhas frie meet ~| ver (cra) we | (adie frac) y | (AT-1): 2014 RA aaa weet | 85043300 () Aregex de atte ex aa, Stet ware 200 Ft fea ae eat | 5043400 erat am fie-eor UT (0 freee te ate ee ¥, St Te & 200 Ht # ae | | era am af 2600 ete ate Awe CAE | - ay tune #2 Naty ty oe er egies Gee L : 191, 5(2/2009-8-X) (a Hy “aden gare fit, eg ate MINISTRY OF HEAVY INDUSTRIES AND PUBLIC ENTERPRISES ORDER New Delhi, the 7th May, 2015 $.0.1221 (E)— In exercise of the powers conferred by Section {4 of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 (63 of 1986), and in supersession of the Electrical Transformers (Quality Control) Order, 2014, vide Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises’ notification number. S.O, 266(E) dated 27" January, 2014, published in Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part Il, Section 3, Sub- section (ii) dated 27° January, 2014, except as respects things done or ‘omitted. to be done before such supersession, the Central Government, after consulting the Bureau of Indian Standards, hereby makes the following Order, namely :— 1. Short title and commencement. — (1) This Order may be called the Electrical Transformers (Quality Control) Onder. 2015. (2) This Order shall come into force with effect from I" day of August, 2015. 2. Definitions- In this Order, unless the context otherwise requires, - (1) @ "Act means the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 (63 of 1986); (b} "Appropriate authority” means, - (i) an. officer not below the rank of an Under Secretary in the Department of Heavy Industry, Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises; (ii) General Managers, District Industries Centres of State Governments; and (fii) Directors or Commissioners of Industries of the State Governments or Union territories; and (iv) Head Cenification- Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi; (©) "electrical Transformers" mean the items specified in column (3) of the Schedule; (4) “dealer” in relation to electrical Transformers, means a person who, or a firm or a Hindu undivided family or a company or a co-operative society, Which carries on, directly or otherwise, the business of buying, selling, supplying and distributing electrical Transformers whether in cash’ or for deferred payment ot for commission, remuneration or other valuable consideration; 4 {HE GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY Irae ae ag (c) "manufacturer" in relation to electrical Transformers, means a person who oF a firm ur a Hinds undivided family or a company or a co-operative society, which produces, makes, asiemtie. manufactures electrical Transformers and includes a person who, or such firm, Hindu undivided family. » Company or co- operative society which claims such electrical Transformers to be produced, made assembled or manufactured by such person or firm or Hindu undivided family or company ur “v» operative society, as the case may be; (f) "Schedule" means the Schedule annexed to this Order; (@) ‘Specified standard” in relation to electrical Transformers means the Indian Standard as specified in 1 corresponding entry in column (2) ofthe Schedule; (h) “ITC (HS) Code" in relation to electrical Transformers means the Indian Trade Classi (Harmonised Systems) Codes as specified in the corresponding entry in column (4) of the Scheduix (i) "State Government" in relation to a Union territory, means the Administrator thereof. (2) All other words and expressions used but not defined in this order shall have the meanings respectively assigned vs them in the Act. . 3. Prohibition regarding manufacture, storage, sale, distribution ete.- (1) No person shall by himself or through any person on his behalf manufacture or store for sale, sell or distribut= any electrical Transformers specified in column (3) of the Schedule, which do not conform to the specifies sr Standard Mark of the Bureau, on obtaining certification marks licence: provided that nothing in this Order shall apply in relation to electrical Transformers required for export to specifications rei by the foreign buyer. This st be supported documentation for confirmed export order. presen (2) The sub-standard or defective electrical Transformers, which do not conform to the specified standard, shall be disposed of as scrap as per the scheme of testing and inspection made by the Bureau. 4. Obligation for certification.- (1) All manufacturers of electrical Transformers shall make an application to the Bureau for obtaining licence for use of the Standard Mark, within a period of six months from the date of coming into force of this Order, if not already obtained. (2) The Bureau shall — (@) grant licence for use of the Standard Mark as per the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standard Act, 1986 and the rules and regulations made thereunder. (b) notify any article or process of any standard industry which shall conform to the Indian Standard. (©) direct the use of Standard mark under a licence as compulsory on such article or process (G) No person shall commence manufacture of electrical Transformers specified in column, (3) of the Schedule, without obtaining a valid licence from the Bureau. (4) Bureau shall inform to the appropriate authority of the expiry of any licence or cancellation thereof for one or more of the electrical Transformers 5. Power to call fo Order,- formation, ete.- (1) The appropriate authority may, with a view to securing compliance with this (a) require any person engaged in‘the manufacture, storage for sale, sale or distribution of any electrical Transformers to give such information as he or she deems necessary relating to the manufacture, storage for sale, sale or distribution of any Electrical Transformers for the implementation of this Order or require any such person to furnish to him samples of any such electrical Transformer; (b) inspect or cause to be inspected any book or other document kept by or belonging to or in the possession or under the control of any person engaged in the manufacture, storage for sale, sale or distribution of any electrical Transformers; (©) enter and search any premises and seize any electrical Transformer in respect of which it has reason to believe that a contravention of this Order has been committed or the said electrical Transformer is not of the specified Standard; (d) No manufacturer or dealer shall, refuse to furnish any information or conceal, destroy, mutilate or deface any book, document or electrical Transformers kept in his possession or under his control. Com we wii) yee at THT: SATIAT (2) The provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974) relating to search and seizure shall, so far as may be, apply to searches and seizures under this clause. 6. Testing of samples.- Sample of any electrical Transformer bearing the Standard Mark and drawn by the appropriate authority, for ascertaining whether it conforms to the specified standard, shall be tested as per the relevant Indian Standard in the laboratory approved by the Bureay and as specified in the relevant Indian Standard. 7. Power to issue directions to manufactarers and dealers. - The appropriate authority may issue such directions to manufacturers and deaters, consistent with the provisions of the Act or this Order, as may be necessary, for carrying out the provisions of this Order. 8. Compliance of directions.- Every person engaged in the manufacture, storage for sale, sale or distribution of any Electrical Transformers specified in the Schedule to whom any direction is issued under this Order, shall comply with such direction. SCHEDULE. [See paragraph 2(f)] List of Electrical Transformers under mandatory Bureau of Indian Standards certification [Se [indie Standard number Title TTC (AS) Code No. _| (Latest version) | ¢ T Outdoor type ail immersed Nicihation Fransformers upto i { | and including 2500 kVA, 33kV- specification Part i | 85043100 { i i Mineral oil immersed _ 85023200 | J 1. | 1s 1180(pan 1):2014 | (@) Three-phase ratings upto and including 200 KVA both | 85043300 | Non-sealed type and sealed type. 85043400 (b) Three phase ratings higher than 200 KVA upto and | including 2500 kVA both non-sealed type and sealed ype. | | (c) Single phase ratings upto and including 25 kVA sealed type IF. No. 5(2)/2009-PE.XI (VoL) }, RAJESH KUMAR SINGH, Jt. Secy, Reyl GrpiS- "Print bie Mantger Goverament of Tala Pres Ring Roady Mayapars New DelnciTOOST and Published bythe Conall of Punieaons Dena nae

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