The Journey - Spring 2016

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spring 2016

a newsletter
from brandy ingle

Hello, from PNG!

Brandy Ingle

Supporting Bible Translation in

Papua New Guinea

through Teaching and Finance

Its been a crazy few months since I last wrote! A7er the new year, I travelled back to Papua
New Guinea (PNG), by way of South Africa to visit a friend I met in PNG. A week a7er I arrived
in PNG, a7er unpacking and geEng seFled in, I started teaching two classes that I had never
taught beforePre-Algebra (the rst half) and Algebra 1. Pre-Algebra has been a breeze, but
Algebra 1 has stretched me as a teacher! Ive also been helping out in the Finance Oce in the
a7ernoons, as they are super short-staed. My Mtle is Trainer, and Ive been able to record
sta job procedures, train Finance sta, and train some department nance sta, along with a
few odds-and-ends jobs. (See page 2 for pictures of all the things.)

The most exciMng thing to happen since my return to PNG was a trip out to a village in the
Sepik Region to stay for a week. My friends, the Woods, work in a mulM-language project there
as translators. I wanted to see what life is like on a translaMon team, so I took this incredible
opportunity. They were in the midst of two workshops while I was there. In one, the translators
from 10 dierent language groups were working to dra7 a copy of 1 John in their heart
languages. The other is a literacy workshop, where groups from each of the 10 languages are
learning a new program for wriMng small books in their heart languages, which are then used to
teach people how to read! It was such an amazing and adventurous trip; I got to see a very
dierent part of PNG from where Ive been in the past4 take-os and landings in a plane and
a 2-hour ride in the back of a truck later! Here are some pictures from my Mme there.

Clockwise from top left: watching the

kitchen ladies make fried sago; the
Literacy Workshop; a house that a
missionary family built; the beauty of
the village; and the last picture was
not taken from a boat, but a truck,
and that was not a river, but a road!

For if we have been united

with him in a death like his,
we shall certainly be united
with him in a resurrection
like his.
2 Corinthians 4:17

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Contact Info
Skype: brandyingle

Mailing Address
Brandy Ingle
SIL Box 1(493)
Ukarumpa, EHP 444
Papua New Guinea

the journey : spring 2016

a photo-glimpse
into my
life the last few months!

brandy ingle

On my way to PNG, I routed

through South Africa - a little out of
the way, but so worth it! I visited
Lindsey, my friend from PNG, who
now lives in Johannesburg!

This was my parents dining room the day

before I left America so much stuff!

We got to pet a lion cub!

And I had my first taste
of a brai (barbecue of
lots of meat). It was

My favorite holiday
is Easter. I love
gaining new insights
into the cross and
resurrection of
Christ. So much
victory. So much joy.
He loves us so!

Just a few weeks ago, my first niece was

born! Carter and Ryker are already
proving to be amazing big brothers. I cant
wait to meet her! Carter has been saying
for years that he wants a baby girl. He
finally got her. :) And I got to Skype with
her when she was hours old. So precious.


We threw my mom a surprise birthday

party just before I left!

I love being move involved at the

school! Below is a picture of my 8 7th
graders that I have for Pre-Algebra,
diligently doing their work.
The high school drama was last term they performed The Curious Savage
(right). It was so great! So much talent
at our school. I got to help with makeup!

Just recently, my monthly budget

was raised by Wyclie, and I am
now short by $450 per month.
If youre interested in being a part
of my partnership team (yes, you
are a partner in this ministry just as
much as I am!), please let me know.
Or you can just go online to
brandyingle and give one Mme or
set up a recurring donaMon.
A special thanks to those who
already give! I really couldnt do
this without you!



Before the Throne

Praise the Lord that Im finally feeling settled back in after being gone for
a year! That took much longer than I was expecting.
We are now in our last term of this school yearpray for the kids as
they strive to finish strong. And pray the same for us teachers!
The finance office is still really short of staff, which is why Im working
there in the afternoons. Next school year I will most likely have a full
schedule at the school, so pray as others are trying to get here and for
more accountants to answer the call to come.

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