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Helping in a little way

Demetrio Ferrer III BSN4a


gimme. Gimme. Gimme. Gimme.

Gimme. My alarm clock rang. I

hated this sound because I knew to myself that I need to wake up already. But on the
other hand, I kinda like it since every time I hear this, it means I need to fix myself up
and prepare for school or hospital duty. Although its only 5:00 am, I need to hurry to avoid
myself from being late which my habit ever since. And since its my hospital duty, being
early is required because tardiness means EXTENSION duty.
After our exposure from 3rd floor of Western Visayas State University Medical
Center, were now assigned to orthopedic ward of the said hospital. Ms. Maranon is our new
clinical instructor. She was nice and not intimidating. Aside from that, shes beautiful too.
We went directly to the ward after we fixed our paraphernalias to be needed in
our entire shift. I was bit nervous, tense and exited because it will be my first time then.
I was startled when I entered the said ward because I never expected that ortho, female
and male surgical ward will be in one area only. It was just divided from three
compartments. Now, I could prove that its really more fun in the Philippines.
I was assigned to Mr. Bejo, 26 years old from Barotac Neuvo with rare kind of
fracture. Galeazzi fracture was the name of the said fracture. It was named after the
Italian surgeon. It is just a simple fracture of radius. Thanks to Wikipedia anyway. Back to
the story
Mr. Bejo stand 57, medium built and according to Rio Liboon, our team leader for
the day, he looks like Enrique Gil. Hmmm I smell something strange. Hahaha. I got his
vital signs and recorded it to nurses chart. After a while, I asked Rio if he could get some
information from my patient so that I will have something to put on my nursing history and
physical examination form. He responded immediately and interviewed my patient. Take
your time men; hes gonna be yours for this day. Ang kati mo teh.
I was assigned to another patient named Lucas with IV line, Foley catheter and
drainage from his right foot. He has no broken bone or any bone problem. Instead, his
plantar skin was scraped off due to accident that I could not remember. Hehehe.
Because of that, he could not stand or put his right foot on the ground since it has no
coverings. Ouch.. that hurts. I pity him during those times. He cant even do certain
activities of daily living. Aside from his condition that he experienced at the moment, the
heat of the sun worsens the situation. Do you want me to bathe you? I asked. He was
hesitant to answer my question. He just offered me a nod. Well, I just grabbed the towel
and washed it to the faucet. I washed his face and entire body except from his vital

organs. Hehe. He thanked me afterwards. I drained his urine from Foley catheter that
reached 1000 ml. Is there anything I can do Sir? I asked again. No, Ill be fine. Dont
worry about me. Thank you anyway. He replied.
We talked for a moment and he told me that he is living with his wife. But his wife
is as stern as tiger. He has four sons and daughter. But all has a family already. No one
cares him anymore. Our conversation stopped when Rio called my attention. I want to know
more about Mr. Lucas. I want to know more about his story, about everything. Theres a
lot of questions in my mind regarding Mr. Lucas like. why he was abandoned by his family
or why his wife was stern to him. But I need to go for some reason. I was hungry actually.
I never tell him that of course.
We took our lunch and continue our service to our patient until to the end of our
shift. I went to Mr. Lucas bed to resume our conversation lately, but he was fall to sleep.
I was tired and exhausted walking to and fro in the ward but I learned a lot,
especially to Mr. Lucas. I realized a lot of things right now. Now on, I need to help other
people even in a little way because for me, helping other people even in a little way is an

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