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US 2016001969941 cu») United States cz) Patent Application Publication — co) Pub. No.: US 2016/0019699 A1 oy oy a @y @) os) Mudge TION IN IMAGES Allyn, Ine., Skancsteles Falls, NY Inventor: Miguel C, Mudge, Skaneateles, NY ws) Appl. Now 14/867,218 Filed: Sep. 28,2015 Related U.S. Application Data Continuation of application No, 14/154,494, fled on Jan. 14, 2014, now Pat, No. 9,177,225, Publication Classification Int. Cl. Gost 700 (2006.01) AGIB 303 (2006.01) 300 Fcompuine (43) Pub, Date Jan. 21, 2016 Aorw 3/12 (200601) G06K 9746 (2005.01), Goor 1120 (200601), (2) US.CL crc G06T 7/0085 (2013.01); GO6K 94608 (2013.01): Ga6T 117203 2013.01): G6 7/0012 (2013.01). AGIB 4/12 (2013.01): AOTB 1/303 (2013.01); GO6T 2207/10004 (2013.01) G06 2307/10024 (2013.01); G67 2207/3004) (201301) on ABSTRACT An edge detection engine operates to scan an image to ide ‘ify edges within the image. An annular aperture i used 10 locate the edges intheimage, Anoutputimage is generated by the edge detection engine that identities the locations ofthe edges found in the image. Lou DEVICE epce | DETECTION! ENGINE Patent Application Publication Jan. 21, 2016 Sheet 1 of 18 US 2016/0019699 A1 8 las Qgés a 3 by : 3 yee oO z 896 — aez L 2 ge 8 5 3 8 8 Patent Application Publication Jan. 21,2016 Sheet 2 0f 18 US 2016/0019699 Al 104 EDGE DETECTION ENGINE 110 ANNULAR APERTURE GENERATOR 112 LINE GENERATOR 114 IMAGE SCANNING ENGINE OUTPUT DATA GENERATOR FIG. 2 Patent Application Publication Jan. 21,2016 Sheet 3 of 18 US 2016/0019699 AI 120 122 DETERMINE RADIUS OF ANNULAR APERTURE 124 DETERMINE PIXEL LOCATIONS FOR ANNULAR APERTURE FIG. 3 Patent Application Publication Jan. 21,2016 Sheet 4 of 18 US 2016/0019699 Al FIG. 4 Patent Application Publication Jan. 21,2016 Sheet Sof 18 US 2016/0019699 AI 130 132 a DETERMINE SET OF POSSIBLE LINEAR BISECTIONS OF ANNULAR APERTURE 134 DETERMINE PIXEL LOCATIONS FOR EACH LINEAR BISECTION FIG. 5 Patent Application Publication Jan. 21, 2016 Sheet 6 of 18 US 2016/0019699 AI 160 Angle 2 Angle 5 156 1621 158 200 Angle 4 Angle 7 FIG. 6 192 144 146 Angle 0 ‘Angle 3 Angle 6 140 a2 188 190 Patent Application Publication 210 Jan. 21, 2016 Sheet 7 of 18 212 SCAN IMAGE FOR EDGE. LOCATIONS USING AN ANNULAR APERTURE 214 GENERATE OUTPUT DATA IDENTIFYING EDGE LOCATIONS FIG. 7 US 2016/0019699 AI Patent Application Publication Jan. 21, 2016 Sheet 8 of 18 US 2016/0019699 AI 220 \ 222 — SET STARTING PIXEL AS ANALYSIS POINT 224 v IDENTIFY PIXELS SURROUNDING THE *| ANALYSIS POINT USING ANNULAR APERTURE 226 Y BISECT ANNULAR APERTURE TO GROUP THE PIXELS INTO TWO HALVES nae 228 v DETERMINE ANGLE OF ee BISECTION TO MAXIMIZE Give DIFFERENCE IN MOR INTENSITIES BETWEEN : THE TWO HALVES 230 YES 939 ¥ STORE BISECTION ANGLE MORE AND DIFFERENCE IN PIXELS?, INTENSITY VALUES FOR ANALYSIS POINT 236 No Y aA END FIG. 8 Patent Application Publication Jan. 21,2016 Sheet 9 of 18 US 2016/0019699 A1 EDGE PIXELS FIG. 9 EDGE PIXELS Patent Application Publication Jan. 21, 2016 Sheet 10 of 18 US 2016/0019699 A1 242 126 0 HALF 246 HALF 244 FIG. 10 Patent Application Publication Jan. 21, 2016 Sheet 11 of 18 US 2016/0019699 A1 . 3 2 g z ab 2 a 2 S 2 z 2 g z i g = g & 9 Ww 3 22 < a2 2 g g “ ¢ g * Ro x 2 2 aS a 248 246 Patent Application Publication Jan. 21, 2016 Sheet 12 of 18 US 2016/0019699 A1 250 \ 252 254 256 PIXEL COORDINATE| ANGLE | MAGNITUDE (3,3) 0 1248 (3.4) 0 1297 (3,5) 1 1324 FIG. 12 Patent Application Publication Jan. 21, 2016 Sheet 13 of 18 US 2016/0019699 A1 260 \ 262 SET STARTING PIXEL AS OUTPUT POINT 264 ¥ RETRIEVE ANGLE AND MAGNITUDE FOR -———>|_ ANALYSIS POINT CORRESPONDING TO OUTPUT POINT 276 eal MAGNITUDE > THRESHOLD? OUTPUT POINT : Yes 268 y IDENTIFY LINE HAVING APPROPRIATE ANGLE 1 270 SHIFT LINE POSITION 272 YES 274 t DRAW LINE IN OUTPUT MORE PIXELS? IMAGE 278 No oY END FIG. 13 Patent Application Publication Jan. 21, 2016 Sheet 14 of 18 US 2016/0019699 AI FIG. 14 Patent Application Publication Jan. 21, 2016 Sheet 1S of 18 US 2016/0019699 A1 172 FIG. 15 Patent Application Publication Jan. 21, 2016 Sheet 16 of 18 US 2016/0019699 A1 0 1 1 1 2 aa 290 3 1 4 4 5 1 6 1 FIG. 16 Patent Application Publication Jan. 21, 2016 Sheet 17 of 18 US 2016/0019699 A1 302 ——> Patent Application Publication Jan. 21, 2016 Sheet 18 of 18 — US 2016/0019699 AI ‘COMPUTING DEVICE 102 erocessinc || oerrer | Sewce oa 343 | 346 NETWORK INTERFACE To ONDARY STORAGE INTF 324 r, DEVICE 322 I MEMORY 312 Rom 316 |[ RAM 318 || 8105320 SYSTEM 326 MODULES 330, repucanon | prosRa DATA PROGRAMS 323° a2 yo 344 ys ea a MICROPHONE 249 | | concon 32 FIG. 18 US 2016/0019699 AI EDGE DETECTION IN IMAG (CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED "APPLICATION 10001] This application claims priority w US, Ser. No 14/154,494, fled on Jan. 14, 2014, titled EDGE DETEC- ‘TION IN IMAGES, the disclosure of which is hereby incor. porated by reference in is ately. BACKGROUND 10002] Thehumaneyesand bran ae very goodat detecting Points of interest ina visual image, One way that an object is ‘Mentified in an imayeis by the identification of edges wi the image, The brain can identify edges of the object by finding points in tbe image where adjacent pixels exhibit a distinct contrast, Numerous edges in the image combine to ‘reate an overall shape. The shape inthe image is then com- pared with the shapes of known object. IF the shape is sull- ‘iealy similar to a known object, the brain ean identify the ‘object in the image. 10003} | Computers cannot process images in the same way as the human brain, Often images lack suliient detail oF ‘contrast for a computer tobe able yo detect relevant Features, ven the fundamental step of identifying the location of edges ‘within an image can be challenging t perform with a com= puter. Without an adequate identification of the locations of ‘edges in an image, the computers unable to perform subse ‘quent operations, such as identifying objects or other points ‘of interest within the image. SUMMARY 10004] In general terms, this disclosure is directed to edge detection in images. In ane possible configuration and by ‘non-limiting example, the ede detection involves seanning the image using an anaular aperture, Various aspects are ‘described inthis disclosure, which include, butare ao lived to, the following aspect. [0005] "One aspect isa method of detecting edges within @ ‘digital image, the method comprising: processing atleast a portion of the digital image, using a computing device, in @ pixel-by-pixel manner including a an analysis point in the «igital image, by: identifying pixels surrounding the analysis point; identifying a Tocation ofa bisection that divides the pixels surrounding the analysis point into two halves; deter- mining an angle ofthe bisection tht maximizes a difference in intensities ofthe pixels between the two halves; and deter ‘mining that an edge ispresent in the digital imageat theangle of te bisection [0006] Another aspectisanedge detection system compris- ‘ng: computing device comprising: a processing device; and ‘ computer readable storage device storing data instactions that, when executed by the processing device generates an ‘edge detection engine comprising? an annular aperture gen- ‘erator that operates to generate an annular aperture using 3 reledrwing lgaritam: a line generator that generates lines representative ofa set of bisector of the anaue aperture; ge scanning engine that wilizes the annular aperture as & mask scan a digital image and identify edges within the ‘digital image: and an output data generator tha utilizes the Jines to represent the edges in the output image. 10007] _A further aspect isa mestical instrament comprising: fn image eapture device operable to capture an inp image: ‘and a computing deviee including an edge detection engine, Jan. 21, 2016 the ede detection engine operable to process the input image to detect edges within the input image by processing the mage using an annular aperture mask BRIBE DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS. [0008] FIG. 1 is schematic diagram illustrating an example ofan edge detection system. [0009] FIG. 2s. schematic block diagram illustrating an example of an edge detection engine ofthe edge detection system shown in FIG. 1 {0010} FIG. 3s flowchart ilustating an example method of generating an annular aperture, [0011] “FIG. 4 is @ schematic diagram illustrating. an example ofthe anular aperture [0012] FIG. Sisaflow churtilustating an example meod ‘of generating purity of lines representing set of possible biseetions ofthe annular aperture Showa in FIG. 4 [0013]. FIG. 6 is a schematic diagram ‘illustrating an example set of Tineaebsectons forthe example annular ape. {ure shown in FIG. (0014) FIG. isaflow chant illustating an example method ff seanning an image using the annular aperture shown in HIG. 4 [0018] _F1G.8isaflow chat illustrating an example method of seanning an image for ee locations using the annular aperture shown in FIG. 4 [0016] FIG. 9 is a schematic diagram illustrating. an exampleof a stavtng pine of an input isape and also show ing an example of pixels of an image that are within the annular apertre [0017] FIG. 10a schematic diagram illustrating an oper- ting in which the annular apertre is bisected along. bisee- tion line to group the pixels within the annular aperture into two halves. [0018] FIG. 11 is a schematic diggram illustrating an «example operation that determines an angle ofthe bisection tat maximizes a difference in intensities between the two halves. [0019] | FIG.12ithstrates an example of anangle and mag- nitude map, [0020] FIG. 13 is a flow chart illustrating an example method of generating an output image identlying the loca- tions of edges in an input image. [0021] FIG. 14 is a schematic diagram illustating an example ofa line retrieved fom the set of linear bisections shown in FIG. 6 [0022]. FIG. 18 is a schematic dingram illustrating an «example of an operation to shift fine tan acta cation of tm eage in an input image [0023]. FIG. 16 is a schematic diagram illustrating an example operation to draw a ine in tbe output image. {0024} FIG. 17 isa perspective view of an example insta :meatin which aspects ofthe present diselosure cam be mple- mented [0025] FIG, 18 illustrates an example of a computing device that can be used to implement aspects ofthe present Aisclosure DETAILED DESCRIPTION [0026] Various embodiments will be described in detil ‘with eference tothe drawings wherein lke reference numer- als present like parts and assemblies throughout the several views, Reference to various embodiments doesnot limit the US 2016/0019699 AI scope of the claims attached hereto, Additionally, any ‘examples set forth in this specication are not intended to be Timiting and merely set forth some of the many possible ‘embodiments for the appeased claims 10027) FIG. 1 is a schematic diggram illustrating an ‘example of an ede detection system 100. In this example, the ‘edge detection system 100 inchides a computing device 102, that executes an edge detection engine 104, Also shown re ‘input image 106 and en outpet image 108, 0028] The edge detection system 100 canbe implemented Jn multiple different forms, In one embodiment, fr example, the edge detection system 100s part of an instrament, sch as ‘amedical instrument. One example of medical instruments fn ophthalmoscope, such as shown in FIG. 17. Another ‘example of mesial instrument isa colposeope, In these {Seas he computing deze 1 en be atthe is ‘ment, for example. In another embodiment, the edge detec- tion system 100 is implemented in a computing device 102 separate and distinct from an insteumet. For example, ia some embodiments the computing device 102 is a computer ‘or part ofa computer 10029] The computing device 102 typically includes at least « processing device and a computer-eadable slonage device. In some embodiments the computer readable storage ‘device stores data instructions, which When executed by the processing device, eases the processing device to perform ‘one of more of the factions, methods, ce operations, ofthe ‘edge detection engine 104 described herein. An example of 3 ‘computing device 102 is illustrated and described in more ‘dal with reference to FIG. 18. 10030] The eige detection engine 104 operates to detect ‘edges nan input image 106. In someembodiments the results ‘ofthe ede detectionare output in the formofanoutputimage 108, which contains data identifying the locations of the ‘edges detected in the input image 106, 10031] In some embodiments, the input image 106 is cap- tured by an instrument, such as 3 medical instrument. In the ‘example shown in FIG. 1 he ipo image 106 isan image of fn eye captured from an ophhalmoscope. The input image 4106 can also come fiom other sourees, Typically the input mage 106 is captured by a image capture device, such a @ ‘charge-coupled: device of a complementary: metal-oxide- semionductor ative pinel sensor 10032] Insome embodiments the input image 106 is stored Jn the computerreadable storage device in the form of an ‘mage file, The image can be encoded according 10 one or ‘more of various image file formats. One example ofa suitable mage file format is the Joint Photograph Expert Group UPEG) file format, Other examples af image file formats include exchangeable image file format (EXIF), tagged mage file format (TIFF), raw image format (RAW), portable network graphics (PNG) format, graphics interchange format (GIF), bitmap file format (BMP), and portable bitmap (PBM) Jorma. Other embaditiens utilize other image file formats. “The input data could also be provided in a aoa-image Mle Jorma, such as utilizing another data format to convey the image data, 10033] In some embodiments exch pixel of the input image 106i encoded in muhiple color channels, such as red, green, ‘an blue color channels, The color channels include an inten: sity value that nicates the relative contribution of that color to the pixel color In other words, each pixel is represented by fn inteasity valve within each color channel. The intensity values typically range from 0 (0 25S, for example. So, for Jan. 21, 2016 ‘example, pixel thats primarily ed will havea lege inten- sity valucia thered color channel andsmaller intensity values inthe blue and green color channels. white pixel will have approximately equal intensities in all three olor channels [0034] In some embodiments only one color chanel ofthe input image 106 is used by the ee detection engine 104. For cxample, to evaluate red features (eg., oxygenated blood) ‘within the eye, the red color eiaane ofthe input image 106 can be used. To evaluate blue features (eg. 2 vein) the blue color elie of the input image 106 can be used, In other embodiments, Wo or more of the color channels are used Funler, some embexliments iavolve a color space transfor ‘mation, Such a transformation can be used to evaltate other colors, sich as cyan, magenta, and/or yellow, for example ‘ue, saturation, andor brightness are used in some embodi- smenis. [0035] The output image 108 is generated by the edge tection engine 104, and includes data that identifies the locations of edges detect in the input image 196. In some cembodiniens the pixels in the output image 108 include intensity values. The moce distinet the edge is in the iaput ‘mage 106 the lager the intensity vale will be tthe core- sponding point in he input image 106. Insome embodiments {the output image 108s also encoded in an image file form, seh asthe IPEG file form, or another format [0036] FIG. 2is a schematic block diggram ilustrating an ‘example ofthe edge detection engine 14, In this example, the edge detection engine 104 incIndes an annular apertnre generator 110,alinegenerator112,an image scanningeagine 114, and an output data generator 16. [0037] The annular aperture generator 110 operates. 10 define an annular aperture. In some embodiments the edge ‘detection engine 104 utilizes the annular aperture to sean the input image 106 to identify edges in the input image, as siscussed in further detail below. An example ofthe annular aperture generator 110 is discussed in further detail herein With reference to FIGS, 3-4 [0038] The line generator 112 operates to define a set of lines. More specifiealy in somte embodiments the Fine gen- erator 112 determinesall ofthe possible ways hat theannular aperture (generated by the annlar aperture generat 110) can be bisected, and generates a set of lines defining each of the possible biseetions. In another possible embodiment, the Tine generator 112 is operate to generate specific Hines as ceded. An example ofthe line generator 12 i discussed ia turer detail with reference to FIGS, 6 [0039] The image seanning engine 114 operates to scan the ‘input image 106, shown in FIG. 1, todetect edges inthe it image 106. An example ofthe image scanning engine 114 is scossed in further detail with reference to FIGS. 7-12 [040) ‘The ouput data genersor 116 operates to generate An output the edge detection engine 104. In some embod ‘ments the output data generator 116 generates the ouput ‘mage 108, shown in FTG. 1, The output data generator 16 is scossed in further detail with reference to FIGS. 13-16. 041} FIGS. 3-4 illustrate examples ofthe annular aper- ture generator 110, shown in FIG. 2 [0042] FIG.3 isa low chat illustrating an example method 120 of generating an annular aperture In some embodiments the method 120 is perlomed by the annular aperture gener tor 110, shown in FIG. 2. In this example, the method 120 ‘includes an operation 122 and an operation 124 [0043] The operation 122 is performed 10 determine a radius of an annular aperture to be generated. In some US 2016/0019699 AI nbovliments the radius is ofa predetermined size. In other ‘embodiments the nidiue is a selectable parameter. Fo ‘example, in some embodiments the angular aperture genera ‘or 110 prompisa user to eater a desired radius, The optim rads dimension will typically depend on multiple feetors, such as the resolution of the input image 106, the size and ‘complexity ofthe features of interest in the inur image 196, and the level of noise (unimportant details) in the input ‘mage 106. As one example, the radivs is in a range from bout § pixels to about 25 pixels, Ia some embodiments the radi is about 10 pixels 10043] Some embodiments lize other parameters. For ‘example, another possible parameter i the thickness ofthe ‘annulae apernre. nother embodiments, the annular apertiee has a predetermined thickness, such as a thickness of one piel 10045] The operation 124 is performed to generate the fnnvlar apertre. Recause of the grid-like arrangement of pixels in an image, a perfect circular shape cannot be drawn using pixels, Accordingly, in some embodiments the open- tion 124 determines pixel locations for the annular aperture that approximate a circular shape. An example of aperstion 124s lustrated in FIG. 4 [0046] FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram illustrating an ‘example ofan annular aperture 126, A plurality of pixels 128, ‘salso shown, The annular aperture 126s formes within the phunity of pixels 128, in some embodiments 10047] _Inthis example, the desired annular aperture 126has ‘radius Rand isin the shape of a ciccleC, [0048] Because the aanular aperture 126 needs to be ‘fined within the plurality of pixels 128, which are arranged ina grid-ike configuration, itis not possible for perfectly roilar annular aperture 126 0 be genersted. Asa resll the ‘operation 124 (shown in FIG. 3) is performed to determine pixel locations forthe annular aperture that approximate the shape of the circle C, [0049] _Insomeembodiments, the pixel locations are deter ‘mined using circle drawing algorithm. One example of @ le dewving algorithm is The midpoint circle algorithes, flso known as the Bresenham’s citele algorithm. Other nbodiments wilize other eccle drawing lgoritins. [0050] Using the circle drawing algorithm with a knowa radius R (eg. a radius of 7), the annular aperture 126 is ‘generated as represented by the pixels show in bold ines ia FIG. 4. The anntlar apertire 126 has shape that eppeoxi mates the shape of the eirele C and has a radius Rand a thickness of one pixel 10051) The snnular aperture 126 generated by the annular ‘aperture generator 110 (FIG, 2) i stored for subsequent use. [0052] FIG. Sisa fow char illustatingan example method 130 of generating a plurality of lines representing the set of possible bisctions ofthe annular aperture shown FIG. 4, la this example the method 130 includes operations 132 and 134. In some embodiments the operations 132 and 13 are performed by the line generator 112, shown in FIG. 104, 10053] |The operation 132sperformed to detemninea st of possible linear hisections of an annlar aperture. Am example ‘of the annular aperture is shown in F1G. 4 [0034] Before searching through the image for possible das th operat 12 cn e iro Hy he shapes those edges, nother words, theedge might Ret erica ine extending from the opt the otto ofthe snnvlar aperture, or it could he a horizontal line extending from the left to the right of the aperture. The edge could also Jan. 21, 2016 be present at some other angle, Because the digital image has limited number of pixels, the quantity of lines that can be formed within the annular aperture is limited. In some ‘embodiments, dhe lines are determined by starting at first pixel of the annular aperture 126 and identifying a Tine that fan be drawn from that point to the coresponding point relly opposite that point. The process is then repeated ‘consecutively foreach point around the samolar anette until all possible angles have been evaluated. Anexample of the ot ‘of postble linear bisection i show in FIG. 6 [0055] ‘The operation 134 is performed to determine pixel locations for each linear bisection, Stated another way, the ‘opemtion 134 is performed to draw each ofthe lines between ‘opposing points ofthe annulze sperture 126 [0056] Because ofthe prid-like arrangement of the pixels, stig lines eam only be drwa vertically and horizontally ia thepixes. straight line having an angle that snot vertical or horizontal cannot be perfectly represented in the pixels. ‘Therefore, in some embodiments the operation 134 invalves the use ofa line dawving algorithm. One example of line drawing algorithm is the Bresenham's Tine algorithm. The line drawing algorithm determines a st of pixels that form an approximation ta perfec Fin extending between two oppos- ing points ofthe annular aperture [0057] FIG. 6 is a schematic diagram illustrating an ‘example set 138 of linear bisections forthe example annular aperture 126 shown in FIG. 4. [0058] In this example, the set 138 of linear bisections are Tormed by identifying all straight lines that can bisect the nnularaperture 126 (FIG. 4) at variousangles. One way to do this isto begin with a starting pixel of the annular aperture 126, such a the pixel 144, draw the linear bisector extending {fom thispixel othe comesponding pixel onthe opposite side of the annular aperture 126, and then consecutively rotate ‘rough the adjacent pixels of the annular aperture 126i the same manner until all possible bisections have been iden Tied. The number of possible isections varies depending oa the pixel size ofthe annwlarapersure 126. In this example, the ‘annular aperture has a diameter of seven pixels, ad eight possible hiscctions, as shown, [0059] Each incu bisection canbe identified by anangleot the bisection with respect to a starting location. In this ‘example the angles are identified by a number of pixels around the annular aperture, soch that angle 0 is the angle of 4 linear bisection passing through a fist pixel (144) of the Annular aperture, angle 1 isthe angle of linear bisection passing though «second pixel (182) ofthe annular aperture, And so on. [0060] Although it is possible to convert the angles to degrees, the conversion would require akditional processing steps that are unnecessary. AS one example, however, the ‘annular aperture canbe bisected by eight cilferent ines, such that the angle between each adjacent pixel of the annular aperture is 22.5 degrees (180(8-22.5). Nove that the linear bisectons from O to 180 degrees are the same asthe Hinear biseetons from 1800360 degrees, such thatthe computation ‘of one set ofthe linear biseetions is adequate 1 adress all possible linear bisectons ofthe annular aperture [0061] ‘The fis linear bissction 140 inthe sot 138, with an angle 0 (0 degrees), isthe approximation ofa fine 143 extend- ‘ng veically across the annlarapertre. The near bisection extends from pixel 144 to the coresponding opposite pixel 146. Thelincarbisection 140 includes seven pels fom pixel 144 to pixel 146. US 2016/0019699 AI 10062] The nex linea bisection 148, with an angle 1 (22.5 degrees), isthe approximation of a line 180 extending lm. the next pixel 152 in the clockwise direction fom the first pixel 144, to the corresponding opposite pixel 184. In this ‘example it can he seen how the fine 150 cannot be pertetly represented in the pixels, and therefore a set of seven pixels ‘extending from pixel 182 to pixel 154 are selected 10 best approximate the line 150, [10063] "The next linear bisection 156, with an angle 2 (4S ‘degrees, isthe approximation ofa ine 188. he linear bisec~ tion inches seven pixels extending from pixel 160 to pixel 162. 10068) The linear bisection 164 has an angle A3 (67.5 degrees), and isthe appeoximation ofa Tine 166, The lineae bisction extends fom pixel 168 to pixel 170, 10065] "The linear bisection 172 isan approximation ofthe horizontal line 174 having an angle 4 (90 deurees), whieh ‘extends from pixel 176 to pixel 178. [0066] | Thenext lincarbisection 180 has anangle AS (112.5 ‘degrees, and isthe approximation ofa ine 182. The lineae biscetion 180 extends Irom pixel 184 to pine 186 10067} ‘The linear bisection 188 has an angle AG (135 degrees), ad isthe approximation ofa ine 190, The Finca bisection 188 extends from pixel 192 to pixel 194. 10068] Ac angle A7 (157-5 degrees) is the linear bisection 196 that approximates the line 198. The linear bisection ‘extends from pixel 200 to pixel 202. [0069] Advancing othe nex pixel around the annularaper- ture arrives at pixel 146, and the liner bisection from pixel 146 isthe the ine 140 at angle 0. Therefore all linear biseetions have heen identified forthe example annular per ture 126, shown in FIG. 4, Larger annular apertures wll have ‘Jang quantity of liner bisections, while smaller annlae apertures will bave a smaller quantity of linea bisection. 10070] In some embodiments the set 138 of linear bisee- Tions is stored in'a computer readable stomge device for subsequent use, [0071] FIG. Tisa fow char illustatingan example method 210 of scanning an image using an annular aperture. In this ‘example, the method 210 includes operations 212 and 214,10, somecmbodiments the operations 212 and 214 are performed by an image seanning engine 114, shown in FIG. 2 10072] The operation 212 is performed to sean an image 106 (FIG. 1 for edge locations using st annular aperture, An ‘example of operation 212 illustrated and deseribed in more detail with refereace to PIGS, 8-12. 0073] The operation 214 is performed to generate an oxt- put image 108 (FIG, 1) identifying the edge locations. An ‘example of operation 214 isillstated and deseribed in more ‘desail with reference to FIGS. 13-16. 10074] FIG. Bisa fow char illustatingan example method 220 of scanning an image for edge locations using an snmlar ‘aperture, FIG. 8 also illusieates an example of the operation 212, shown in FIG. 7. In this example, the method 220 ‘includes operations 222, 224, 226, 228, 230, 232, 234, and 236. [0075] ‘The method 220 is performed t sean an input mage, such asthe image 106, shown in FIG. 1, to identify ‘edges within the image 106, As described herein, in some ‘embesiiments the method 220 involves scanning only a single ‘color channel of the inp image 106. For example, the red ‘color channel can be evaluated, Within the red color channel, ‘each pixel of the image 106 is represented by an intensity value. The intensity value Jan. 21, 2016 {or example, The in the color associated pixel 0076] ‘Tae operation 222 s performed to determine a start- ng pixel, and to begin the seanning and analysis of the image atthat point. For example, the starting pixel ean be the upper eft pixel ofthe image. [0077] problem with edge or commer pixels, however, is ‘that evaluation of such pixels requires thatthe annular aper- ture 126 (FIG. 4 be positioned such that the annular aperture 126 extendsoutside ofthe bounds ofthe image. Insuchacase, i is desirable to know what the background color isin the image. For example, if it is known thatthe hackground is black, the evaluation ean praceed by using a defaul intensity conesponding with the background color (eg. an ty of zero, representing a dark pixel. [0078] Alternatively. pels that are less than the radius of | the annular aperture 126 (FIG. 4) sway from the edge are ‘mitted from processing in method 220, Foran annular aper- ture having a diameter of 7 pixels, for example, the starting pisel car be the pixel thats four pixels down and four pixels {o the right of the upper let pixel. An example is shown in FIG. 9, Various other staring points could also be use ia other embodiments [0079] Once the starting point has been determined and set asthe frst analysis point inthe image 106, the operation 224 is performed to identify pixels surrounding the analysis pont ‘sing the annular aperture 126 (FIG. 4). To do so, the annular aperture 126 is used as a mask layer to identify only those pines inthe image 106 that are within the annular aperare 126 when the annular perture 126s centered onthe analysis point, An example is shown in FIG. 9. [0080] ‘The operation 226 s performed to bisect the annular aperture 126 to group the pixel into two halves. Am example ‘of operation 226 i shown in FIG. 10 [0081] The operation 228 is performed to determine an ange ofthe bisection that maximizes a difference in inten ties between the two halves, Todo so the intensity vales for each pixel witin a fist half ofthe annular aperture 126 are added together, andthe intensity values foreach pixel within the second half of the annular aperture 126 are also added together The combined intensity Value ofthe frst hall's then compared with the combined intensity value of the second hallo determine a difference between the intensity values [0082] The same process is repeated for each possible bisection of the annular aperture 126, and the differences between the intensity values are detemained for each possible bisection, An example is illustrated in FIG. [0083] Ifa lane difference inthe intensity values is found Tora given bisection, the difference indicates the likely pees- ence of anedge within the imape 106 a or near te loeation of the analysis point [0084] The operation 28 identifies the bisection angle that results in the greatest difference ia the intensity value between the two halves 0085} Inoperation 230, the angle that results inthe greatest lence is then stored in a computer readable storage {device forthe analysis point, along with the intensity valve difference, The different in the intensity values herween the ‘seo halves is somtimes refered to herein as a magnitude, In some embodiments the angle and magnitude are stored in an Angleand intensity map. Anexample tf anangleandinteasity sity value indicates the brightness of th the color channel (ered) in the US 2016/0019699 AI 10086] Once the anale and the magnitude have been ca pled und stored forthe analysis point, operation 232 deter mines whether there are addtional pixels that need to be ‘alyzed. Iso, operation 234 sets thenext pixel asthe analy sis point and repeats operations 224,226, 228, 230, and 232 ‘acconlingly. Otherwise the method 220 ends at operation 236. 10087] FIG. 9 is a schematic diagram illustrating an ‘example of starting pixel of an input image 106, and also shoving sn example of the pixels of the image that are within the annolar aperture 126. Only an upper eft portion of the mage 106 is represented in FIG. 9. [0088] In thisexampe, the annular aperture has a diameter ‘of seven pixels. A a resul, any pixels that are located less than the radi (3.5 pixels) of the annular aperture away from the edge of the image are designated as edge pixels. Ifthe annular aperture were centered on an edge pixel, a portion of the aanulae spertire would extend outside of the hounds of the image. In some embodiments the scanning of the image Jnvolves the use of interior pixels that ure greater than the radi of the annular aperture 126 away from the bounds of the image, [0089] In some embodiments each pixel of the image 106 s represented by a coordinate value of (X.Y), where X is the horizontal numberof pixels fm the left side of the image ‘and Y is the vertical number of pixels from the top of the ‘image. The upper left pixel has a coordinate (0.0), 10090] In this example, the pixel (3,3) is selected as the Staring pixel, and is therefore sot asthe first analysis point 240, [0091] The annular aperture 126 is then used w idently @ sctof pixels surrounding the analysis point that ar within the ‘annulie apertre 126. Ia FIG. 9 the pixels within he annulae aperture are represented with bold lines. [0092] FIG. 10 is a schematic diagram sllustating an ‘example of operation 226, shown in FIG. 8, during which the ‘annulae apertnre 126 is bisected slong a bisection line 242 10 ‘eroup the pixels within the annular aperture 126 into 60 halves 244 snd 246, 0093] The annular aperture 126 is bisected along a bisce- tion line 242, The example shown in FIG. 10 illustrates & vertical bisection line 242, The vertical bisection line 242

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