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I / 20L4



Ihe a.llowmg n.tld'shou

once, at the






for TranRription: I


dichtcd to tfu (dr(lnl'rp loudly and dntin.lly.nd only

30 WPM

b. rcgul.led aLPv$y qunnrr ol) mnulc.

Refore .ommcncrmrnr of thc rll.l.rrnnr, lh( .tr rl iL(. sh.uld be askcd
matler in shorLhand md b.nqril* ifr,) ldrlhrnd n, i,,k.
SFeed shonl.l

take doNn


it I miy su, ralhc' foolishly, of lndia b(oming the

ladcrofthis/.rthladerofth.lorih.l.&lr!oa si. N.(',I d. n.t likc thnt nt aU ftisabad
rppru..h, this busin6s.f lciJc^hif l,ut it is // truc thd,lRiu*ol rhc vanous fa.l,os I
mcnrioned/// a.e.binspLainlrcsNnsjbililv ii.rsldn Ind't. Indiarcaliasicandolherounhies
rilize it als nr.csBnribilily fl) ts nol ftt($ri,lY fd l(t(l(NhiP, btl for bking tlP inihahvc
somhfres and helpina othLJs to.$.Fr.l(.
Some people talk


looscl_v, and

NoE foreiBn poli.y is n.rmllv/snclhing rvhici dPvPloPs gmduJllt. Pan trcn ebin
sor Flarion
thsrerical proposilions ac mI ldy doin, il k lhir,t $h(h, ir // is (il
b nurr tlx$ry. lbcrcfott, K e (annot PrKia lt hl d.- n our /l/ Emmt
r.rualitl nnd nd
ourlmk or aenenl atproad! but gr..lully ii !l.v.l{,tx. W. .rc .s .n jndtF.denr .ountry . fai'ly

younsc.Mbj_ ar {2j pEcnr, rlrhou8h }'c arc n ldy .N ipnr rounlry, ,nd q e have aI rhc advdnbgN
and disdsanlaSes of bLina an ii.i,rr/dn'^trJ \.vcnhrlust tn lhP pP*nt.onrcxt ot roEiSn
poli.-a is // Bia.lually ,lNeloPin8 nnd thue c no lllrli.ulrr m"on, sht w. shonld tush in:ll
wiy of this gradual .ltvtloPmfll.
ove. thc plac a.d so somethnrS ///rrut, n.< in

htrr rhir is$merhirg whi.t\inv.n. Lrn $y llk nol i vdy helpfrl/rhouAht lt is almcl ourside,
,fI my say sq or polili.s lt mit bL,tht d vdhlslilonrntot // nmoi.lrrSP Ir is har.llv a
| urge Neverrh.less, someLh ng iin tF sa fd it even on tht /// Plane we

.annoi pcrhaps lF hiendlydlwrys wilh 0!0ry co, nrry llir.lterhariv N lo be.ome very fien.llv
with sone and (4)hosrilo io othdiB. lh.l is l|N fornul forciSn Poli.y of a courtiy, ver-v rriendlv
airh.losd ielations $ h sonr., {ilh / thrrorsett!(xrl ilralIo! aic hoshle lo other Youmavbd
lery hie.dly to som. connties,nLl ),N ofi.' iust // L"c elually hiend\ rvith all.oDnhids


lou rrc f'endljer \tth tfoie wilh wh.ii vot h,ve.loser relationi

k somdiing difGPnt


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