Treatment For Music Video

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Music Video

Where I Sleep
By Emily Sande
Paris Callender-Ferrier

London Studios


It is proposed that the music video will be of 3:00 duration, filmed at St Helier
hospital, my Home on love lane and st Helier and it will be edited at our Sutton

The music video will be aimed at young people aged 18-25 year old because
they will be interested in popular music.

The music video will show the process of a pregnant woman building up to her
big day. It will represent the feeling that everyone in her family is going through
and will represent the love felt for a newborn baby by its family. This is a
universal theme that will appeal to all. I will be specifying target aged 18-25 year
olds by using black and white theme with a black background and using one
position to film in allowing the audience to feel that connection with artists (me).

Several locations have been visited and a shortlist has been drawn up:
Suggested locations are:

St Helier hospital (Rose hill). Any health and safety issues will be
addressed with the workers, for example a potential health and safety
issue for this is filming in the maternity ward Is that i will need consent
from other people in there if I can film.
Home (Love lane) no health and safety issues will be at risk.

The Music Video will include the following:


Close up shots of artist singing in front of the black background.

Close up of the baby sleeping when she first arrives home.
Point of viewing shots when going into the hospital.
Wide shot of the family before they go top the hospital
GoPro footage of the mother preparing for the birth of her newborn child.

These shots will link together because the montage will cut between the artist
singing and the footage of the mother this will link the Love that the singer has
for her mother. The panning shots will link in with the mother care shots because
the GoPro camera will pan a shot of the baby clothes. The wide shot will show
the location of St Helier hospital when the girl is waiting for her mother to have
the baby.

Structure of the Music video:

The Music video will be in Black and white and will be filmed in HD720p.

The Music video will start with a black background with the name of the

Artist will appear in front of a black background with the black and white
filter over her whilst she is singing her first line.

Fade into a zooming out shot of the babys cot with her soft toys.

Birds eye view of all the babys new clothes.

Will have a close up shot of the babys scan.

Back to the artist singing in black and white.

Wide shot of the artist and her mum and dad before they go off to the

Artist drawing the lyrics on the mothers stomach.

Panning of the journey on the way to the hospital.

Point of view of the mid wife showing mothers her bed in the hospital
rooms and measuring mothers stomach size.

Back to artist in front of black background again.

Close up of the newborn baby girl sleeping.

Panned close up of the mothers baby journal.

Back to artist singing.

Final shot is the baby sleeping in her Moses basket and the date of her
birth and time fade into the shot.

It then fades and cuts to another scene of the pregnant womans teenage
daughter helping her down the stairs.

Then cuts to various scenes one after the other to the daughter giving her
mum tea, Helping her put jeans on and the pregnant womans fianc
walking in the park.

The final shot will be of the Daughter or mum holding her little sister in
her arms.

Planning meeting

Canon EOS 1200D (DSLR Camera) hired for 3-4 days at the price of 22
per day= 88
GoPro Hero4 Silver edition (GoPro) hired for 2 weeks at the price of 19
per day= 266
Manfrotto 055 Carbon fibre 4-section (Tripod) 3-4 days at the price of 12
per day=48

Total= 402.00
Apple Macs and editing programs hired for 2 weeks at eh price of 180 =
Total = 2520
Production Contingency @10%
Travel Expenses @40p per mile
26 miles= 1.04
Total production budget= 2923.04
The production will be produced within the timescale that will be indicated by our
shooting and editing schedules. SoulStudios will ensure that all location filming is
carefully planned to take into account the safety of the crew and the general
public and any production contingencies. The finished Music Video will be
available for viewing at an appropriate time in order for any changes to be made
before the suggested release date.

Sources of requirements:

Equipment e.g.(DSLR camera,GoPro,Tripod,) will be hired from

Digital Snowball.
Actors will be family of the mother and artist e.g. grandma, dad
and daughter (Artist)
Locations are home of the artist which will be at Love Lane, and
St Helier hospital
Costume required is provided by the artist and family.

Guarantee of Satisfaction

Initial discussion on the music video content will take place.

Production equipment will be used in a safe operational manner at all


SoulStudios is covered by Public Liability Insurance to the sum of


A copy of all rushes DSLR and GoPros will be supplied on request in DVD

A rough cut (initial trial edit) version of the music video will be supplied
for inspection and discussion.

A meeting to discuss the final master version will be organised with a

focus group of interested parties.

The completed music video will be provided on DVD for inspection.

The completed music video will not be released until the client is
completely satisfied with technical quality and content.


SoulStudios asserts its rights as authors of this treatment in

accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents act 1988. Any
unauthorised copying of this work will result in prosecution.

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