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Deadline: 10th June 2016

First aired: 20th June 2016

London Music Video are a production company who put together and edit music
videos for a variety of genres. They focus on low budget, professional looking music
London Music Video have commissioned you to create a music video for a special
drum and bass / UK hip hop sector of MTV. It will be aired on 20th June 2016 at 11pm.
We require a video no longer than 3 minutes 30 seconds and must fit the genre of
drum and bass or UK hip hop
Due to MTVs vast target audience the video needs to appeal to both a male and
female demographic, ages 18-25.
Prior to making the video you will need to do all of the pre-production. This includes:

Production schedule
Health and safety issues
Programme design
Potential issues

All of this has to be designed by you with no templates to be used. This all needs to
be completed by Friday 22nd April 2016 in order for the rest of the production to take
We would like to see in the video:

Cutting to the beat

Lip syncing
Variety of camera angles
Minimum of three different locations
Minimum of 2 actors

In terms of the plot in the music video there doesnt need to be an in-depth
narrative. However we would like to see some form of storyline.
Record labels you could look at:

Critical Music
High Focus

We want to see originality and creativity!

The deadline for this project is Friday 10th June.

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