Summ Assess - The Kings Speech Scene Analysis

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NAME _Lily Dlhosh_______________________ DATE ___3/21/16________________

The Kings Speech Film Clip Scene Analysis

Notes for Analysis: When analyzing film technique, you should consider how the technique enhances the plot or heightens a characters emotions or
brings out a viewers response.
For instance, how does the sound (or lack of) fit what the characters are doing or enhance the time period? Consider the lack of sound when George VI
gives his war speech: the lack of sound reflects the seriousness of the speechs topic (war), and the director wants you to ONLY hear the kings voice, but
WHY does he want you only hear the kings voice? WHAT does that show you about the king? About Lionel?
After you determine WHY the director establishes the shot, determine what it means? WHAT does the director want you to see/feel/experience?
What technique is used? Include ALL
WHAT does the director what you to
WHY does the director establish the
instances that the director uses in the
see/feel/experience? How does the
shot using this technique? How does it
scene AND describe the clip from the
director want you to understand the
reflect/connect/enhance the scene?
depth of the scene?
Mid-shot during the speech while
Shows the interaction between Bertie
The director wants the viewer to
Lionel is standing behind the
and Lionel during this part of the scene
understand and go through the
microphone directing music for
and clearly shows Lionel being to help
experience Bertie is going through and
Bertie, who is standing in front of
him use his techniques to make his
see what Lionel is doing behind the
the microphone struggling to speak stuttering go away.
microphone to help Bertie.
Two-shot during the speech when it
Shows the relationship between Lionel
The director wants the viewer to see the
shows Bertie in front of the
and Bertie and how Lionel is just a
connection between the two characters
microphone struggling to talk and
couple of feet away from Bertie during
and makes the viewer feel that Bertie is
Lionel behind the microphone
his big speech while clearly showing
no longer stuttering as much with
either acting like he is conducting
Lionel using techniques that help Bertie Lionel in the back helping Bertie with
music or helping Bertie know when
not stutter.
his techniques.
to separate his words.
This shot gives the viewer the choice
The director wants the viewer to see
Long shot on the scene where it
where to focus and establishes the
how important this speech is and how
shows the common people behind
location for this scene and shows the
Bertie cannot mess up by showing how
the gate to the palace.
viewer how many people are outside the many people are sitting out of the gate
gate listening to Bertie speak.
listening and depending on him.
This shot shows the fear on Berties face
This shot shows the fear on Berties face and makes the viewer feel afraid with
Close up on Berties face right
before he starts his speech to let the
him. The close up makes the viewer
before he started talking and
viewer clearly see what emotion Berties feel empathy for Bertie because of how
during his speech to his people.
the shot shows how afraid Bertie is to
Low key lighting in the room where The only lighting that is coming through This makes the viewer feel unclear and
Bertie is giving his speech.
the room is through only one window
have uncertainty on how the speech may
and it isnt producing much light and
go and shows the viewer how intense





Side lighting in the room that

Bertie is giving his speech.

Eye level during the speech with

Bertie and Lionel in the room
Bertie is giving his speech.


Low angle on the man standing on

the gate just outside the palace.


High angle in room with Berties

family and staff that are close to
him while listening to Bertie give
his speech.


(couldnt find another angle in the

scene )
Zoom on Elizabeths face in the
room with the family and close staff
while Bertie is speaking


there is shadows. This low key lighting

emphasizes intensity within the scene.
The lighting is coming from a window
that is on only one side of the room,
producing light on mainly one side of
his body. This shows a split personality,
there is the side of Bertie that always
stutters and is too afraid to talk in front
of people but now also the side of Bertie
that is stronger and is going to
overcome this huge struggle in his life.
This angle lets the viewer feel
comfortable with the two characters and
makes them feel like they are in the
room with the two characters and lets
them feel connected to them as if they
were on the same level/.
By looking up on the common people, it
makes them look more dominant and
shows how the common peoples
opinion are powerful. This shows that
what Bertie says and how his stuttering
goes during his speech strongly affects
what his people are going to think about
Look down upon the family and close
staff to signify that they are on a lower
level than Bertie and that this is a time
where Bertie is feeling superior to
everyone else, it is his first major speech
in front of his people, he must do well.

This shot makes the focus on Elizabeths

face right before the speech starts to
bring focus to her emotions and how
anxious and fearful she is to see how
Bertie is going to do during his big

giving this speech is for Bertie.

This makes the viewer see that there is

two sides of Bertie during his speeches
in front of people and makes the viewer
feel uncertain about how his stuttering
could go.

This angle gives the viewers the feeling

that they ae connected to Bertie and
Lionel instead of Bertie being on a
higher level as a king. Gives the viewer
a sense of feeling that the king is going
through everyday struggles of regular
people and helps the viewer connect to
Bertie easier.
The director wants the viewer to feel like
the common people are very important
in what they think about Bertie and how
he does on his speech. Shows the
viewers how important it is for Bertie to
do well.
The director wants the viewers to feel as
if the familys opinion doesnt matter as
much as the people right now, they love
him no matter what. This makes the
viewer see how Bertie is higher up than
everyone else during this speech.

The director wants the viewer to feel

anxious with Elizabeth right before the
speech starts and brings fear to the
viewer that Bertie may mess up and let
his people down.

This camera movement gives the viewer
a detailed view of the setting. This is
showing the viewer the
sound/broadcasting room and how
many people are in there helping out.

The director wants the viewer to see

what the sound room looks like and how
many people need to help because of
how big it is.

Mobile Camera as the camera

comes in on the family and close
staff sitting together listening to the

The camera movement shows the walk

from the doorway into the family and
staff room to show who is in the room.

The director wants the viewer to feel like

they are where the camera is, walking
into the room and seeing everyone
sitting together.

Tilt when the camera shows

everyone outside the gates of the

The camera starts down at the children

then raises up towards the adults heads
and then back to the people in the back.
The camera movement in this is
showing the size and distance of the
crowd of all people who showed up.

The director wants the viewers to see

how many people are there to listen to
the speech and the different age groups
that are there to listen.

The viewer can only hear Bertie talking

and thats all they needed to use for this
scene so the viewers can focus only on
what Bertie is saying and how he has
overcome his stuttering problem for this

The director wants the viewer to focus

on one sound and makes the viewer feel
as if they were listening to the broadcast
themselves. It also lets the viewer focus
on one sound only, they are only
listening to Bertie during his entire

Shows what Bertie is looking at during

his speech and shows the reader what
kind of techniques Lionel is using to
help Bertie get through his first speech
as King.

This scene gives the viewer a feel on

what it is like to be in the position of
Bertie and what techniques he is seeing
Lionel do to help him fix his stuttering
in front of thousands of people.

2. Panning in the sound/broadcasting

room during the speech.



Diegetic sound during Berties entire





Point-of-view during Berties

speech where he is looking at
Lionel repeatedly mouthing bad
words as technique to show what
Bertie is looking at during the
Crosscut while Bertie is talking
going from him to his wife to
people gathered around in their
homes to the people outside the
palace to listen to the speech.
Eye-line shot before his speech
where it shows Bertie and then it
shows the microphone he is looking
at and Lionel in the background
then it goes back to Bertie.

Shows linkages between each scene and

how many different people were sitting
there to listen to Bertie speak about the
Focuses on what Bertie is looking at and
shows the viewers how he is focused
more on Lionel who is helping with his
techniques than the microphone which
he is afraid of.

The director wants the viewer to realize

how many people are listening to Bertie
to show how important it is that he
doesnt mess up in front of so many
Helps the viewer see what Bertie is
looking at to help understand and get a
sense of how nervous he could be
standing right in front of the
microphone that is about to broadcast
to thousands of people.


Rack focus during the speech, Lionel and

the microphone are in the shot but the
camera blurs the microphone and focuses
on Lionel using techniques to help Bertie.

Makes viewers focus and have attention

on Lionel and the techniques he is using
to help Bertie during the speech instead
of looking at the microphone.

The director wants the viewer to see the

blurred out microphone to show that
Bertie is no longer paying attention to it,
he is only paying attention to Lionel,
who is what the cameras focus is on, to
give the viewers an idea of what Bertie is
paying attention to.

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