Features of An Annotations

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Features of an Annotations

The annotation usually contains a brief summary of content and a short

analysis or evaluation useful to the Personal Interest Project.
It is a list of research sources that includes concise descriptions and
evaluations of each source.
Annotations should be insightful and are more than a description about
the source. It is a critique, a judgment or evaluation of how important the
sources is and how reliable the information is.

20. Features of an Annotation

Society and Culture HSC Syllabus Objectives and Outcomes
HSC objectives

HSC learning outcomes

- Apply ethical social and cultural

research to investigate and
analyse information from a variety of
-H7 selects, organises, synthesises and
analyses information from a variety of
sources for usefulness, validity and bias

Annotated resource list is a compulsory aspect of your PIP. It is helpful for you
because it ensures that you have gained a thorough understanding of the
resources and shows you have critically analysed the arguments and supporting
evidence used by the authors.
Resource list may include:
Journal articles
Conference/ News papers
Web journals
Interviewed people

Annotations from Bulling and Harassment PIP

Besag, V.E 2002. We dont have bullies here. Newcastle-upon-Tyne:Bessage.

This was an information booklet I received from a seminar conducted by Ms.

Bessag. It is the mots recent example of secondary research I was able to utile.

It is the mots recent example of secondary research I was able to utile.

The information I recived allowed me to implement the technical jargon and

concepts of bullying and harassment into the central material of my Personal
Interest Project, particularly the terms silent observer and direct observer

Core Activity
Give reason why text 1 was used by the
student author of the PIP.

Give reason why resource 2 was used

by the student author of the PIP.

Give reason why resource 3 was used

by the student author of the PIP.

Give reason why resource 4 was used

by the student author of the PIP.

2. What features make the chosen resources useful?

3. Reflect on the annotations, how does the author of the PIP make correlations
between the PIP process, topic, concepts, research, method and hypothesis.

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