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NAME ____________C.J.

Windham_______________ DATE ___________________

The Kings Speech Film Clip Scene Analysis
Notes for Analysis: When analyzing film technique, you should consider how the technique enhances the plot or heightens a characters emotions or
brings out a viewers response.
For instance, how does the sound (or lack of) fit what the characters are doing or enhance the time period? Consider the lack of sound when George VI
gives his war speech: the lack of sound reflects the seriousness of the speechs topic (war), and the director wants you to ONLY hear the kings voice, but
WHY does he want you only hear the kings voice? WHAT does that show you about the king? About Lionel?
After you determine WHY the director establishes the shot, determine what it means? WHAT does the director want you to see/feel/experience?
What technique is used? Include ALL
WHAT does the director what you to
WHY does the director establish the
instances that the director uses in the
see/feel/experience? How does the
shot using this technique? How does it
scene AND describe the clip from the
director want you to understand the
reflect/connect/enhance the scene?
depth of the scene?
This shot connects the scene to the
Looking to establish the more up scaled
viewer to give them a better
high tension scene type of feel, the
understanding of just how important
director shows the viewers just how
Close up-on the faces of Lionel, the
this speech is to the King in his feelings
important this is to everyone with the
King, and everyone listening to the
and in the feelings of all the concerned
looks on everyones faces. In this way
speech in separate locations.
people around the country listening to
they gain a much better understanding
him during his speech making the scene of what exactly is happening for the
more high tensioned and intense.
country as a whole.
The mid shot brings out the Kings
motions and movements along with
The director captures a more tense like
Mid shot- caught Lionel and the
Lionels in the scene to show more than
feel on the scene capturing Berties
King back and forward throughout
just the head movements in the scene
upper demeanor to the speech shaking
the speech scene, and the man
but just how much it took for the King
while still capturing his head and face as
people around the world listening
and Lionel during the speech. Capturing he speaks experiencing just how hard it
on during the speech.
others around the world in this scene as is for him to accomplish the goal of
well showed their tension and concern
completing the speech how he wants to.
towards the situation as well.
Shown to establish a good setting for
The director looks to have us gather the
each of the people listening on to give
full setting of the many different
Long- to catch the whole view of a
viewers better understanding of all the
situations the people in the country
military base a ship and several
people this message is important to. It
were in and the shot gave the viewers a
settings of the people around the
enhances the scene in the fact of
feeling and view of how concerned and
country listening to his speech
understanding everyones situation
distraught the people were during this
while listening to what is being heard.
difficult time.
Over shoulder- the King looking at
Establishing this shot shows Lionel in a
The director wants to have us feel and
speaking toward Lionel just before
different viewpoint more like how the
see just how Bertie was as the

the speech telling him thank you.

King saw him to show us the tension in

the conversation coming from the Kings
side in the leading moments to the big
speech he was to broadcast.

1. Side-Lighting is coming in from the

window in the room in which the
King is giving his speech in.

This lighting enhances the viewers

viewpoint on the complexity of the
situation as theirs a sense of tension on
one side while theres light on the other
for the King. Put in place to have a
mysterious look or maybe and unsure
look on what is to happen in the scene.



High-lighting directly hitting the

face of the first lady and people in
rooms listening to the
announcement speech



POV- The Kings viewpoint on the

microphone, through the
microphone to Lionel


Eye level- looking eye to eye with

Lionel as he gives the speech as
interprets every detail Lionel is
giving him during the speech. Back
and forward eye to eye between the
King and Lionel.

The light hits the queen and many

peoples faces that were listening on to
capture the light of the situation
showing that there is light and that
Bertie is doing quite well because they
are getting happier and more confident
about what he was doing.
The Viewer can see exactly how the King
sees through this angle looking through
the microphone over at Lionel so the
King can be directed to speak properly
throughout the speech. Also making the
scene look a little more daunting and
crucial as we see exactly how he is
seeing. Enhancing the viewers
knowledge and feeling towards the
Kings viewpoint through the whole
This shot is established to show how
tense it was between Lionel and the
King during their conversations
throughout the speech. Making the
scene more available to be connected to
and enhancing the characters emotions
for one another.

conversation with him is shown over his

shoulder. In the conversation we were
able to see exactly how Lionel was
feeling and moving understanding just
how deep the conversation was between
the two.
Through the lighting the director wants
to make us feel how the King feels in
this important moment. Maybe unsure
of the outcome as theirs some light and
some dark to the whole thing. Showing
that light is on one side so that he can
do it while he still may think he cant we
feel his self-conscious through the
Light was shown upon the queen to
connect us to what exactly the queen
was feeling as she heard her husband
speaking correctly. Connects us to the
joy and light in the situation and she
had a sigh of relief hearing him sound so
Point of view shot from the King was a
direct connection from viewer to the
King in the moments as he was talking
and just before to see how he saw feel
how he felt under all the pressure
microphone in his face and all and
helped understand the nervous
complexity of the speech.
The eye level shot allowed viewers to see
the characters right in the eyes to
capture emotion for the viewers to feel
and see while the speech went on to see
just how into it Lionel was as well
during the speech. This created a tense
feeling to see the hard work that was
needed behind the scene to make Bertie

sound good.





High angle- The Kings speech is

being given Lionel is looking up
upon the King as he talks directing
but seems that he is beneath the

Showing the king over Lionel as the king

was looking to be in charge of the big
microphone giving the speech over
everything else that was happening
making the King inferior. Which creates
a sense of more power for the King
during his big time speech.

The director is looking to make the

viewers see how the king is in charge of
the entire speech how he is the superior
being in the moment giving a big speech
Being looked to as the supreme being
with the knowledge and power over
everything in the scene, not showing any
fear or cowardly actions attacking the
speech with courage and faith.

Low Angle-to capture the King once

again higher up over the
microphone and over Lionel, a view
from underneath Lionel up.

Shot Shown to capture the King being

alone basically in the speech, though
Lionel is there to help the King is up on
the pedestal himself giving his own
speech while Lionel is only a piece of
what the big real man himself (Bertie) is
really doing himself.

The shot used by the director shows a

view from Lionel up to the King to show
the importance of the King the King was
shown as the figure of the scene getting
the job done and the main character
with power.

Pedestal-Slowly moving up on the

king during the speech

Shows a gradual increase of comfort for

the King during the speech much like a
rise in belief in himself and rise in
confidence in what he was doing as he
continued to do well throughout the


Pan-moving around Lionel and the

King as he gave the speech. Moving
around the both of them in action.


Mobile-as the camera moves

around the room in many peoples
houses and at bases, radio stations,
and restaurants as people listened

Shot was given to show the many

movements and things it took to make
the process work for the King. This was
shown to make sure the viewer
understand the complexity of the
situation and how much it really took
for the King to have the perfect speech.
The camera is shown to be moving
around many area to capture the exact
setting for people to show the rich poor
and middle class listening on to see
what was next for their country as they
were all very concerned.

Understanding the rising tension and

escalation of confidence in the matter
the director put in place the depth of the
situation, allowing us to feel the King
getting more confident in his doings and
how the situation was rising for the
The camera pan around both Lionel and
the King to show a 360 of the room and
show the complete setting of the room
as they continued on with the speech
and could capture the tension and
hardworking of the characters on both
ends in one room simultaneously.
To capture our emotions the director
moves the camera around the many
people listening on settings. The many
people in the rooms were able to be
capturing along with their emotions all
listening on to show just how much the
situation meant to all.

Zoom-as the camera inched in on

many peoples faces that were
listening to the speeches at the time

The cameras move in on many peoples

faces during the speech to show each
and every one of their emotions through
all of the speech as they were very
concerned and show signs of relief when
they truly have a voice for their country.

Diegetic- The sound is coming straight

from The Kings mouth directly, and is seen
on the screen whether it was radios on the
screen with the Kings coming out or direct
face to face with the king speaking, no
other voice overs off the scene are heard
only the movements and real time spoken
words and sounds displayed are seen.

The sound is heard only directly by what

is seen to ensure that it is the King and
the King only that is speaking straight to
the viewers and the many people that
were listening on. Connecting them
straight to Bertie in this very tense scene
in the movie.





Shot Reverse The scene of Lionel

and The King speaking to each
other just before the speech has

2/3 Shot capturing both Lionel
and the king during the speech and the
many people of the country listening on
showing more than one person in action on
the scenes.
Crosscut Capturing everyones
reactions simultaneously to the King in
action in the speech. The people reacted to
the speech and continued what they were

Just before the speech shot conversation

between Lionel and the King occurred
and the camera was dished back and
forward between Bertie and Lionel to
capture a conversation and with this
editing technique it was evident of both
of the characters emotion during the
conversation, showing the feelings of
both characters in the moments leading
into it.
This shot was to enhance how important
conversation was between the King and
Lionel in the moments leading up to his
big speech and during the speech as
Lionel was softly speaking to Bertie to
help him use the techniques he was
taught. Both were captured in action in
one frame.
Throughout the speech simultaneously
people listen on and continue their
actions while listening this makes the
viewers understanding better in the fact

Connections to the people listening on

was captured by the director zooming in
on their faces. This put the viewers in
their shoes to feel how people on that
time in that country would be feeling
like during this historic yet dark
moment in their time of need. Creating
a deep emotional sense for the viewers
perception and depth of the situation all
over in multiple characters.
The sound connects our sense of
viewing and emotion to the people in
every scene. Hearing the King speak on
what he had to speak on gave us their
viewpoint on how they were hearing it
from the many places. Also seeing the
King gives his exact sounds connecting
us to his sounds and feelings around the
speech as seen directly in the frames.
The director looked to have us
experience and feel as the characters did
in the conversation as each emotion was
captured back and forward as things
were said connecting us their emotions
and their attitude towards one another
in this time showing the emotional
depth of the characters in scenes back
and forward.
This shot was put in place to gather the
emotion between Lionels actions and
Berties actions in one. To get the
viewers to view how he wanted he had
to get both Lionel and the King in to
show the hard working in the speech
what Lionel and the King had to do to
perfect what was needed.
Being able to capture the viewpoint of
everyone during the whole speech
connected us to the many people Bertie
rules over and how much impact that

doing while hearing the speech in wherever

location they were as the speech


Rack as the microphone and the King are

zoomed focused on and refocused on
through the speech. Also as the king looks
through the microphone in the POV angle
through to Lionel on the other side
focusing and refocusing during the speech.

that a lot of things are simultaneously

happening while the speech is
happening and shows that a bunch of
people are concerned and trembling in
fear during the Kings speech.
This shows the focus on both the
microphone and the King speaking into
it. Making sure that the viewers are able
to capture the importance of the King
and the microphone again and again.
Makes the scene more important
between the King and this very speech
and just how important it was between
the interpretations of Lionel while his
speech was transpiring.

speech had on the people in their last

leg in the country, they needed a leader
and listening on and reacting connected
us to the emotion between the country
and their voice, the King.
The director looks to make us view the
importance of the situation as the
microphone and Bertie himself are the
focuses and as the focuses they were
prevent o be the biggest parts of the
scene. Importance of both Bertie and
the microphone were shown to give the
view an in depth view of importance of
Berties problem between him and the

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