English Comp 2 Preassignment

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Madison Glisson

English Comp II
Professor Watkins
18, January 2016

I learned to write in all of my English classes I had to take throughout my elementary,

middle school and high school years. I have always been told that I can get very creative with my
writing, but that I wasnt all too great with my adjectives and describing things throughout my
essays. I found doing morning journals in high school was very helpful for myself. We would be
given a topic to write over and we would write a few paragraphs over that specific topic. Doing
this every morning of my sophomore year kept me practicing and improving. I enjoy narrative
writing. I love to tell stories about my life or something I have experienced. I find it a lot easier if
I am writing about myself, because who knows me better than myself? I tend to find
controversial writing rather difficult, depending on the topic. Finding a controversy that I find
interesting and that I can get into to write my essay seems to be more difficult to me. What I
would consider to be my best work would have to be when I wrote about an experience that had
changed my life. I believe this piece was so successful because it was an event that happened to
me and changed my life and who I am today. I was able to describe how it changed me and what
I had went through to get where I am as well. What I believe I need to improve on is my use of
adjectives to describe things throughout my writing, finding more evidence to length out my
essays more rather than just repeating myself, and to use less very, so, a lot, and the many
more ways to drag out your sentences.

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