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Animal-rights group moves to block import of elephants to

Kansas zoo
February 16, 2016


An animal rights group called The Friends of Animals filed a

lawsuit against the U.S. fish and wildlife services. The agency
issued permits allowing the importation of 18 African
elephants to Kansas, Nebraska, and Texas.


The elephants would be divided among the Sedgwick County

Zoo in Wichita, Kansas, the Dallas Zoo in Texas and the Henry
Doorly Zoo and Aquarium in Omaha, Nebraska.
The environmental lawsuit argues the service did not take into
account how the transfer would negatively hurt the social,
mental and physical well-being of the 18 elephants.
The animal rights group said the elephants were being
kidnapped from the wild and their families to be shipped to
the U.S.
The herd is to include 15 females and 3 males.

Authors Point
The Author provides facts about the concern of the Friends
of Animals group have on the three zoos trying to import 18
African elephants and the reasons they believe the
elephants should stay in Africa.

If the Friends of Animals group wins this lawsuit it could
potentially encourage other animals rights groups to attack
not only zoos but farmers who raise livestock.

The Friends of Animals group has filed a lawsuit against the
importation of 18 African elephants to Sedgwick County Zoo
in Wichita, Kansas, the Dallas Zoo in Texas and the Henry
Doorly Zoo and Aquarium in Omaha, Nebraska.
If the Group wins this lawsuit it could potentially motivate
other animal activist groups to take action on zoos or even
on farmers with livestock.

Soccer referee shot and

killed by player he ejected
during game in Argentina
February 17, 2016

A soccer player in Argentina is on the run after murdering a
referee who ejected him. The unidentified player shot Csar
Flores three times after being shown a red card during a game
in the Crdoba province.


Flores, 48, was shot in the head, chest and neck, while
another player was also shot, but is understood to be

We dont know exactly what took place, but it appears

the player was angry, fetched a gun and killed him. said
a police source
Violence is not uncommon during the countrys soccer
games, and last month five players were sent off during a
pre-season game between River Plate and Boca Juniors in
Buenos Aires.

Authors point

The author give information about a referee that was shot in

Argentine by a player he ejected from the game.

This article applies to us because it makes you wonder if
something like this could ever happen here in the U.S. or to
an American sports team playing in another country.

The Article provides information about a crime in Argentina
that involves the shooting and death of referee that was
committed by a soccer player that he ejected from the
game. This could effect the security the U.S. and other
countries will provide for their sports teams.

Kalamazoo victims were car

shopping, enjoying a night out
By Kimberly Hutcherson, CNN
Mon February 22, 2016

Six people were shot and killed leaving 2 alive but in critical
condition the shooting took place at 10:30 pm in Michigan
at three different locations.

Victims include: 53 year old Richard Smith , his son 17 year
old Tyler Smith, sisters Mary Lou Nye, 62, and Mary Jo Nye,
60 , Barbra Hawthorne, 68, and Dorothy Brown, 74. Suspect
Jason Brian Dalton, a 45-year-old Uber driver committed
these crimes at three different locations.

Authors point

To provide information to the public about an event that took

place in Michigan that killed 6 people and wounded 2.

After this event Im sure that it will make people act more
cautious around public buses and in general around the

This was a tragic story that happened on February 21, 2016
that was caused by the cruel acts of a uber driver who took
the lives of six people and left two injured.

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