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Jesseca Kallini

October 8, 2015
On my honor, as an Aggie, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this academic work.
Signature: ___________________________________________________________

Table of Contents
Setting of 3
Classroom 3
Rules 4
Lesson Plan......pages 5-7
Planned Feedback in Natural Context.....pages 8-9
Procedures...pages 10-15
Fire drill Procedurepage 11
Lunch/Cafeteria Procedurepage 12
Hallway 13
Asking for Permissionpage 14
Dismissal 15
Attention Getterspage 16

Classroom Setting
Ms. Kallinis classroom is second grade, with students aged between seven and eight. I
have both general and special education students in my classroom.

Classroom Rules
1. Listening bodies
2. Caring Hands
3. Respect your peers and surroundings

Rules Matrix

Listening bodies

Caring hands

Respect your peers and


Name: Jesseca Kallini

1. Voice level is 0 when
librarian is speaking
2. Voice level is 0 when
reading your book
3. When the librarian asks
a question, have
listening ears on and
bubble in mouth.
1. Slowly turn pages in
2. Softly pick up and put
down books
3. Place the book back
where you got it when
1. Pick one reading spot
and limit movement
2. Keep iPad and iPods on
tables at all times
3. Use library computer
only for looking up
location of books



Field Trip
When on the bus, listen
to all words from the
bus driver
When adults are
speaking, voice level is
When walking around
Kyle Field, listen for
directions from yell
Keep hands in lap while
sitting on bus
Keeps hands off grass at
Kyle Field
Use one finger to touch
when playing flag
Use looking eyes, not
touching hands
Raise hand to look
closer at any
Use voice level 2 in
locker rooms

Lesson Plan Format BK I

Mentor Teacher:

1. Voice level is zero when
lunch lady gives food
2. Walk through hot food
line slowly.
3. Have listening ears on
when lunch lady calls
for table when its recess
1. Gentle hands in
2. Take only the food you
will eat
3. Gently place all trash in
garbage bin.
1. Play trays on large
metal table when
2. Bottom on chair and
feet under table
3. If you drop food, pick
up with napkin

Lesson Date: October 13, 2015

School: Creek View Elementary
Grade Level: Second Grade
Subject/Topic: Respect your peers and surroundings

Teaching Model:
Mentor Teacher, Initial Here________

Teaching Objective (ABCDE):

Background Information: 3rd grade resource room
*Classroom Management/Environment:
Conversation is 0
If you need help, raise your hand
Activity is group instruction
Movement is no bathroom, no water
Participation is eyes on teacher, bottoms on pockets, hands and feet to self
If we do all of this, we will be successful!
Engagement/Focus (How you going to secure their attention):
*Student Objective (Today you will be able to___.):
Today you will learn how to respect your peers and surroundings.
Respecting your peers and surroundings. Students will use kind words from Kelsos choice to solve conflicts. Students will
keep hands and feet to themselves. Students will quickly follow any directions given to them by an adult, the first time.
Students will use appropriate words around peers and adults. Students will keep school materials in appropriate places with
gentle hands.
*Purpose of the Lesson (This information is important because___.):

Teacher Examples
Offering to help
Using kind words
Being honest
Listening and following directions
Hands and feet to ourselves
Cleaning up our messes

Teacher Non-Examples
Unkind words (cursing)
Entering someones personal bubble

Student Examples

Student Non-examples

Having respect for your peers and surroundings is very important in school. Using hurtful words or inappropriate actions to make
another student distraught will not be tolerated. Negative actions can be harmful another students education and the classroom
*Explanation/Procedures (Relate to prior knowledge; describe what you will teach & model, what the students are to do with you, and
what they are to do independently (I do, We do, You do);
Model expected behavior (I do): The teacher will read both scenarios to class. Teacher will explain why second scenario is the
appropriate choice.
1. Paige bumped into Monica in the lunchroom causing Monica to drop her hot food tray. Spaghetti sauce got all over Monicas
pants and shoes. Monica was upset that she now had no food and was dirty. She called Paige blind and four-eyes because
she wears glasses. Paige got upset with Monica and told her that her clothes were ugly anyway. Paige walked away and left
Monica to clean up the mess alone. Monica was mad at Paige so she told Paiges friends that she thought they were ugly and
2. Paige bumped into Monica in the lunchroom causing Monica to drop her hot food tray. Spaghetti sauce got all over Monicas
pants and shoes. Monica was upset that she now had no food and was dirty. She started to use hurtful words towards Paige.
Paige understood that she was not walking on the gator feet and apologized to Monica for bumping into her. She helped

Monica clean up the mess and walked her to the nurse to get clean clothes. The lunch lady gave both Monica and Paige
treasured gator passes for using kind words and helpful actions to resolve this situation.
Lead students through behavior (We do): The teacher will read both scenarios to class. The students will discuss why second
scenario is an example of respectful behavior.
1. A group of students were sitting outside during recess playing the chalk provided for them by the school. Jade started to smash
the chalk into the ground, crushing it into small pieces. Elizabeth yelled at Jade saying you big fool, you are ruining the chalk
for the rest of us! Jade responded by picking up the container of chalk and throwing it at Elizabeth. She also says, Dont tell
me what to do ugly! Elizabeth starts to cry and yell at Jade. Another second grade teacher notices this and walks both girls
inside to speak to their teacher.
2. A group of students were sitting outside during recess playing the chalk provided for them by the school. Jade started to smash
the chalk into the ground, crushing it into small pieces. Elizabeth notices and says, Jade please be gentle with school property.
Remember kelsos rules? Ill help you clean this up. Jade and Elizabeth pick up the small pieces of chalk and put them back
into the container. Another second grade teacher notices them working together to keep the playground clean and lets them
both be line leaders when leaving recess for respecting school property.
Test to ensure students understand behavior (You do): With a classmate, the students will be asked to come up with a scenario of
them showing respect to their peers and surroundings. The groups will act out a respectable behavior in different school settings for
their scenario. Their classmates and teacher will provide feedback.

Higher Level Questions:

Extension (what will you do to go deeper into this topic):
Elaboration (what else might you need to do/say to teach this skill/concept):

Planned Feedback in Natural Context
(Statements to be delivered immediately before students enter a situation that is
typically problematic)

One Situation where problem behavior typically occurs:

When students are called to line up in line order, they will stand in the person
in front of them personal bubble and push to get closer to the door. Students
trip over each others feet and will fall down.
A Corresponding Pre-correction:
When it is time to line up in line order, tell your students:
Show me what your CHAMPS looks like. Excellent. Now, when we walk to
get in line order, put your arms like t-rexs and leave that space between you
and the person in from of you. Please respect your classmates personal bubble
and leave them room to stand.

(Responses when student engage in desired behavior)

A desired behavior you might expect to observe after this lesson:

The line leader stands to close to door and does allow enough space for teacher
to pass with his t-rex arms. The student solved the problem by taking three
steps back from the doorway.
One example of a statement giving feedback to students engaging in the
desired behavior:
Thank you Grayson for being respectful towards your surroundings. You knew
I would not be able to fit through the doorway, so you took three steps back.
You were aware of your surroundings and made the right respectful choice.

(Responses for student who continue to exhibit problem behavior)

One example of a problem behavior that may occur:

A student wants to get the snack with the most food in it. He notices another
student is going to reach for the same cup, so he reaches around her resulting in
hitting her in the face.
A Corresponding Correction Statement:
Tyler, when waiting to get your snack we are respectful of our peers and keep
our hands to ourselves. Please put that cup down and get back in line so we can
try again. This time, I want you to wait until youre the only one at the counter
and then respectfully grab a cup and walk back to your seat.

List of Procedures
(Bolded numbers are procedures that have step-by-step instruction)
1. How to enter classroom/ morning routine
2. Fire drill
3. Lunch/Cafeteria Procedure
4. Hallway procedures
5. Getting a pencil
6. Asking for permission for bathroom, water, tissue
7. After C.A.M.P Procedure
8. Recess procedure
9. Dismissal Procedure
10. Visitor or Guests in the classroom

Fire Drill Procedure


Stop everything immediately

Quietly line up in line order
Second person in line will always grab Room 202 backpack
Exit through the recess doors and walk along the grass towards the


Stay with the class at all times

Wait until you are called back inside
Walk quickly and quietly back to the classroom
Return to the classroom task

Lunch/Cafeteria Procedure

Line up in classroom in line order

Follow line leader to cafeteria
All students must enter the hot food line
If you have a bagged lunch, follow in line order
If purchasing lunch, get a milk, your meal, and a fruit
When exiting hot food line, walk to table six
Sit in line order
Follow cafeteria CHAMPS (voice level is 2)
Throw away all trash when lunch worker comes to collect trays.


Hallway Procedure

Bubble in mouth or mouth closed

Gator tail or hands by your side
Walking feet
Follow gator steps
Come to a stop at all Stop signs to let other classes pass

Asking for permission for bathroom, water, tissue

1. Have bubble in mouth
2. Use appropriate hand signal for your need
3. For bathroom, cross your middle and pointer finger. When given permission put giraffe pass on
4. For water, put up three fingers. When given permission, use walking feet to pod bubbler.
5. For tissue, put up two fingers. When given permission, get tissue from on top of cubbies.
6. For pencil, put up four fingers. To receive a sharpened pencil, you must turn in your broken
7. If you have a question, raise your hand with all five fingers.

Dismissal Procedure
1. Get out star binder, if you have no marks draw a smiley face on todays
date. If you have a mark go see teacher.
2. If there are any papers passed out, put in sign and return folder.


The classroom DJ will play the song, Yakety Yak

All students must collect three pieces of trash around classroom and show to teacher
Get backpack from cubbies and put away star binder
Be sitting at your desk before song is over
When your table is called, go to teacher to receive your pass to go home.

Attention Getters
1. Hocus pocus Everybody focus
When teacher says hocus pocus students will respond with everybody focus
This attention getter will be used to get students attention during station time.
Students will quickly respond and stand by their station with a bubble in their mouth.
Classroom will be silent for teacher to procedure with further instruction.
2. Ready to rock Ready to roll
Teacher will say, ready to rock and students will respond with ready to roll
Teacher will use the attention getter when students are switching classrooms
Students will begin to set up their pink folders and math notebooks to begin calendar math

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