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Spring 2014

Sem I-ECED372


JMU Elementary Education Program

Brooke Townshend
Lori Leatherman, Kindergarten, Spotswood Elementary School
February 29th 2:30-3:15
February 22nd

TITLE OF LESSON Macaroni World Map


This lesson fits into the curriculum sequence because about a week before we hold this
lesson, maps and globes will have began to be studied and learned about. This makes me
feel comfortable the children will have enough prior background knowledge on globes to do
this activity. This is appropriate because the children will be tested on this, and will need to
know information regarding globes and maps, and this will be a great time to review what
has been taught.
Developmental Objectives
The students will describe their maps
when complete.
1. The students will be able to determine
land from sea.
2. The students will show that land is
represented by green on maps, whereas
ocean is represented by blue.

I will listen for their explanation as to why one section is green and
another is blue. If the student does not create this conversation on their
own, I will ask them questions resulting in a description of their flat
I will observe the child to see whether they know which is a continent,
and which is an ocean. They will have a globe in front of them, which
will help them to easily identify this. I will observe children as they place
their macaroni down, as they know the macaroni stands for the land.
The students will recognize that the green colored macaroni should be
placed on the continents, while the ocean should be colored blue. I will
observe the children placing the macaroni on the correct section of the



K.4 The student will use simple maps and globes to

a) develop an awareness that a map is a drawing of a place to show where things are located and
that a globe is a round model of the Earth
K.5 The student will develop an awareness that maps and globes
a) show a view from above
b) show things in smaller size

Spring 2014
Sem I-ECED372

Green dyed macaroni- provided by me
Blank flat world map provided by me
Blue markers, crayons, colored pencils have in classroom
Wet glue provided by classroom (or potentially me if not enough)
Mini Dixie cups for glue provided by me
Qtips- provided by me
Globe have in classroom
Orange (not cut, and cut and laid flat) provided by me

Preparation of learning environmentI will have a long table to myself, with all the materials laid out (macaroni will be in a
bowl, blue markers in a bucket, glue already put into Dixie cups, with qtips at each
seat, and a world map in front of each seat as well.
I will keep the glue out of reach, until each student has shown me they know where to
place the macaroni on their papers.
I will have a globe in the center of the table, so that everyone is able to see it at all
I will also have an orange (full) and an orange cut and flat to show how the world map
and globe correlate.
The instruction tent will also be in the center of the table as well.
I will keep pencils at the table so that each student can write their name before
I will find an empty space (probably near the sink area) to place all wet maps when
Engagement and introduction of the lesson- How will you introduce the activity
to the children? (Include how you will get the childrens attention, arrange for taking turns, and build on their
previous experiences.)
We will introduce the activity and how they will be doing them during the opening
group time.
We will instruct the students on how the stations work, how the rotations work, who is
in what group, what group will be going where, and that when the bell is rung (we both
use this technique in our classrooms) to clean up their area and move to the next
station quickly and quietly.
I will introduce the activity by asking if everyone has seen a globe before. If they all
have I will continue on, if not I will allow them to pass around the globe, or observe it
closer up. (raise of hands, and taking turns passing around)
I will then go on to explain (probably re-explain) what a globe is, and how the picture
sitting in front of them shows the same thing a globe does, but is flattened out. I will
show them the orange quickly to get my point across and model wrapping the paper
around the globe.
I will then tell the students that today they get to glue colored macaroni noodles to the
paper where the continents (or land) would be, pointing out the green land.


Spring 2014
Sem I-ECED372

Implementation of the lesson- How will you implement the activity? (Provide a
detailed description of what you will say and do, including questions and instruction that will extend
Greet by asking, can you raise your hand if you have ever glued food to a paper
together? Then proceed by saying; well today you all get to!
I will already have the papers set out in front of each chair, along with Dixie cups full
of macaroni for each child.
I will then ask each child to write their name on their paper, and then begin.
I will explain to the students, we will be gluing on these green macaronis to the parts
of the paper that show where the land is. I will tell them if they need help they can
look at the globe to see what is the water, and what is the land.
I will then tell the students that if they forget what to do, there will be an instruction
card that says the order of the steps!
I will tell them once they have their macaroni laid out, to raise their hand and I will
check up, and then allow them to glue these down, with the use of Qtips dipped in wet
As the students work, I will give them help where I see necessary and also help to
make a relationship between the globe and the flat map.
After students glue, I will tell them they can now color the ocean in blue, just like it
would be in real life, not in a fantasy (because I know they have been taught the
I will have to make sure not to rush students, but notice that if students are taking too
long to glue the macaroni, to ask them to finish whatever continent they are on and go
ahead and start coloring the ocean.
This will help to make sure each child gets the gist that oceans should be represented
as blue, and land as green, even though they may not finish.
Closure and Clean-up
Once the bell rings, I will instruct the children to clean up their mess, and move onto
the next station.
I will remind the children which station they will be moving towards next (station 3,
independent station).
After all groups have completed the workshop, I will put away all of the materials that
I provided and received from the classroom.
I will clean the tables, as there will probably be wet glue on it.
I will make sure the wet maps are somewhere the cooperating teacher would like for
the rest of the day as they dry.
I will throw away the oranges, Dixie cups of glue, and Qtips.
Our cooperating teachers have planned to organize the children into 3 groups based on their different
needs (low group, medium group, and high group). Because they are grouped in this way, it will be
easier to apply differentiation tactics to a small group rather than a bunch of individuals mixed up in
groups. I have tried to planned my station in a way in which it is very flexible to different levels of
students, although this station does not have much leeway. For the more advanced groups of students,
I will expect them to finish quicker than others, therefore I will give them the opportunity to compare
the globe to the flat map with a partner. For the lower groups, I plan to give more guidance as I am
explaining how the globe and the flat map relate to each other, and I also believe I will need to check

Spring 2014
Sem I-ECED372

up on students work prior to them starting the next task, whereas the more advanced groups will not
need as much guidance and overview. As some students will struggle with t eh objectives more than
others, I will guide them more, and probably spend more one on one time with these children rather
than just whole group.
A concern I have is that we will be using wet glue, whereas we almost use glue sticks whenever I am
working with the children. This could get overwhelming, and they may use too much, which is why I
think qtips and a Dixie cup might prevent this from happening. I am also worried we may run out of
time, as my activity is more time consuming, and takes more of a thought out plan and then action. I
can monitor the time, and ask the students to move on from the macaroni even if not complete. I can
also see that macaroni is a food, and children may try to put this in their mouth, therefore I could
address this problem beforehand, telling the students it could make them sick to do so. I may have
difficulty with the lower level students wrapping their heads around the fact that something flat and
something wrong show the same thing, which is why I am providing the orange as concrete evidence,
that is also very relatable.


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