Diff 590 Lesson Plan Whats My Word Blending Activity

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DIFF 590

Amy Danler
Kindergarten Resource Room
Lesson: Whats My Word Part?
Blending One Syllable Words
Unit essential questions:

What sounds do each letter of the alphabet make?

What letter is written for sound of alphabet letter spoken?
Where in word is the sound of alphabet letter heard (beginning, middle, or end)

Lesson question:

What are the sounds of each letter?

Which picture matches the sound that is heard?
What are the two parts of word spoken?

Lesson objective:


Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-toone letter-sound correspondences by

producing the primary sound or many of
the most frequent sounds for each
Blend and segment onsets and rimes of
single-syllable spoken words

Alphabet Letter Sound Checklist

Ticket Out The Door

IEP goals addressed:

Students will demonstrate the phonemic awareness ability to orally segment a
consonant vowel-consonant length, spoken word into individual phonemes,
given embedded letter pictures as a visual reference, with 75% accuracy.
Students will perform manipulation phonemic awareness/phonics tracking
activities by encoding (spelling) CVC length words, responding to one sound
change at a time, made in various positions in the word by instructor, given
plain letters, with 75% accuracy.

Scaffolds/supports/accommodations provided:

Do not show the d sound card when going through the d pictures. Because the letters b and d
look so similar, young children can be easily confused and have lots of trouble telling the
two letters apart. Show only the b sound card and focus on teaching the child to hear the
difference between /b/ and /d/.
If the child struggles, put a shorter pause between the starting sound and the rest of the word
as you say them. Then gradually lengthen the pause until the two parts are said with a full
one-second pause (written as ) between them.

Extension of activity: using the same cards from the activity above, show the child the
target word on the first card and ask them if they remember what we called this picture of
(pointing to picture on card). Once target word is identified then teacher will say word as
one syllable and student will be instructed to say the word in two parts. Teacher will then
point to another card with a picture that starts with target sound and repeat this process.
Have the child touch the corresponding sound card and picture after dividing the word into
two parts.

Prop up the sound card for each round so that the child is looking straight
at it as a visual cue. Lean it against a block so that it is angled


Teacher prior to todays lesson will have assessed and documented students one-to-one
letter-sound correspondences by producing the primary sound. Teacher will then choose
target sound for days lesson based on results of letter-sound correspondence assessment.


Once the child understands the relationship between the letter and its sound, take the six
picture cards with target letter starting sound and quickly review the picture names of all 18
pictures on those cards with the child.
Showing picture card, teacher will then ask student to look at the pictures presented (e.g.
picture of bake, cat, and fan). Teacher will then ask student to name each picture as they
point to it.
Now place the first picture card underneath or to the right of the sound card, which should
remain propped up so the child is looking directly at it while doing this activity.

Teacher will then instruct student that they are going to put a card with three pictures next to
the target letter sound card. Then teacher will say a word in two parts. Teacher will start with
the target letter sound and then say the rest of the word. Teacher will instruct student that
their job is to find the picture of the word said and say the whole word.
Now go through the other pictures on the card, to give the child practice in paying attention
to an individual sound, the first sound, in each word. Here, she just needs to determine
whether each word starts with the target sound or not.
Teacher will go through the other cards with pictures that start with the target sound,
repeating the steps above.


Ticket out the door with a question (picture target letter sound/e.g. cat) and problem
(words/e.g. rat, cat, bat) from the material being covered. Circle the correct target letter


picture cards and word index

list of starting sounds

sound cards for the consonants

alphabet letter sound checklist

ticket out the door

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