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HLA Lifelong Wellness Application/Reflection Paper

Name ______Khinhla Sein_________

Course ___10:00______________

Write a paragraph (at least four sentences on questions 1-3 (question 4 is optional):
1. What concepts and practices did you learn about lifelong wellness from taking
this course? Be specific.
I have learn a lot about how to participate in the volleyball, working as a team work, and
a lot of other position about volleyball. I have also learn about being honest

2. Discuss specifically the ways in which learning about and applying lifelong
wellness concepts from this course has impacted/improved your life (home,
school, work, etc.)?
Even If we dont know how to hit the ball, or dont know how to play. We still have to give
a shot and do our best with what we got which mean with our skill

3. Explain how you will continue to implement and apply the concepts discussed in
your previous response to your life, long after this course.
Well, just like I said, I wont give up. I will keep going no matter what going to happen.
Even other put me down on my skill, because Im not good at it enough I will have give
my best shot, and show them what I have. I will use these skill to improve my skill and

4. General ideas for improving this course:

This course is fun, active, it encourage you, it improve your skill more than before with
what you got.

General Education ePortfolio Assignment

It is now a requirement in all General Education courses for students to create an
ePortfolio that contains their significant assignments and reflections about those
assignments. The ePortfolio also allows students to document their goals and extracurricular activities as well as to post their resume.
Students can use our ePortfolio webpage for help setting up their ePortfolio, along with
viewing tutorials, brochures, and getting direct links to set up their ePortfolio with one of
our approved sites.
SLCC Libraries offer training and support for ePortfolios. Additional individual training is
available from the Reference staff at each library, or in the Learning Centers.
Taylorsville Redwood Campus - Learning Center (TB213) (801-957-4172)

Your ePortfolio assignment for this class is attached. This assignment is due
Wednesday, April 20, 2016. Your ePortfolio must be posted on MyPage (by 11:59
pm on Wednesday): Copy the URL (address) of your ePortfolios Welcome page, log
into MyPage, click on the student tab, paste URL for the eProtfolios Welcome page into
the ePortfolio channel, and click save. This will make your ePortfolio accessible to
your instructor. If your ePortfolio is password protected, make sure you provide your
instructor with your password.

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