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GLUL2023 [ SULIT/CONFIDENTIAL UUM Universiti Utara Malaysia KOD/ NAMA KURSUS : GLUL2023 UNDANG-UNDANG PERNIAGAAN / BUSINESS LAW. 23 JUN / JUNE 2015 (SELASA/ TUESDAY) + 9,00 PAGI/ AM — 12.00 TENGAHARI/ NOON (3 JAM / HOURS) : PMI, IKIP, DMS, MKM . Kertas soalan ini mengandungi EMPAT (4) soalan di dalam ENAM (6) halaman bercetak tidak termasuk kulit hadapan. This book script contains FOUR (4) questions in SIX (6) printed pages excluding the cover page. 2. Anda dikehendaki menjawab SEMUA soalan. You are required to answer ALL the questions. NO. MATRIK : MATRIC No. (dengan perkataan with word) (dengan angka7with nimber) [ ees NO. KAD PENGENALAN ; NO.MEJA TABLE NO. JANGAN BUKA KERTAS PEPERIKSAAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERI ARAHAN DO NOT OPEN THIS EXAMINATION PAPER UNTIL INSTRUCTED SULIT/CONFIDENTIAL SOALAN SATU/QUESTION ONE Akta Sewa Beli 1967 menyediakan beberapa peruntukan berkenaan hak-hak berkanun bagi penyewa dalam perjanjian sewa beli, Berdasarkan peruntukan yang berkaitan dalam Akta tersebut, terangkan hak-hak seperti yang berikut: Hire Purchase Act 1967 provides several provisions relating to the statutory rights for the hirer in hire purchase agreement. Based on the relevant provisions of the Act, explain the following rights (a) Hak untuk dibekalkan maklumat. Right to be supplied with the information (4.5 markah/marks) (b) Hak terhadap agihan pembayaran. Right of appropriation of payments (4 markah/marks) (©) Hak untuk menyerahkan hak barangan. Right to assign his right in the goods (4.5 markah/marks) Huraikan hak-hak penjamin di dalam kontrak jaminan di bawah perjanjian sewa beli berdasarkan peruntukan undang-undang yang berkaitan di dalam Akta Sewa Beli 1967. Elaborate the rights of guarantor in the contract of guarantee under hire purchase agreement in accordance with the relevant provisions in the Hire Purchase Act 1967. (12 markah/marks) GLUL2023 Undang-Undang Perntagaan SOALAN DUA/QUESTION TWO Simon, seorang kontraktor yang bekerja dengan sebuah syarikat terkenal, MD Land, bara berhenti dari syarikat tersebut dan berhasrat menubuhkan syarikat pembinaannya sendiri, Beliau menguruskan pendaftaran syarikat tersebut dan ingin menamakannya sebagai syarikat Bina Jaya Senditian Berhad (BJSB). Dua hari selepas Simon menghantar permohonan penubuhan syarikat pada 2 Mei 2015, Johny, pekerja Simon telah menempsh peralatan pejabat berjumiah RM15,000.00 bagi BJSB daripada Art Globe Sendirian Berhad (AGSB) tanpa pengetahuan Simon, BJSB kemudiannya mendapst kelulusan pendaftaran s} wikat pada Jun 2015. Tidak lama selepas itu, AGSB menuntut bayaran peralatan pejabat yang ditempah oleh Johny atas alasan kontrak tersebut telah mengikat BJSB. Simon menafikan tanggungan syarikatnya untuk pembayaran tersebut Sementara itu, Simon telah berjaya mendapat satu projek pembinaan hotel di Jitra, Kedah untuk seorang jutawan, Dato’ Veedah. Simon juga dikehendaki untuk menyiapkan landskap hotel tersebut dan mengarahkan ejennya, Monica untuk mendapatkan projek landskep bagi hotel tersebut. Tanpa pengetahuan Simon, Monica telah mendapatkan satu kontrak bagi projek landskap dengan sebuah syarikat, Permaidani Hijau yang dimiliki oleh abangnya, Tidak berapa Jama kemudian, Simon mendapat tahu perkara tersebut, Beliau ingin mendakwa Monica. Selain itu, Simon juga dikehendaki menyiapkan satu projek pembinaan pasaraya besar untuk Dato’ Aaron. Untuk itu, beliau perlu memohon satu kelulusan pelan daripada pihak berkuasa tempatan. Simon mengarahkan arkitek projeknya menghantar permohionan tersebut, Malangnya, pelan tersebut telah ditolak, Dato” Aaron tidak berpuas hati dan mendakwa ‘ahawa Simon tidak boleh mengarahkan arkitek projeknya melakukan tugas tersebut, Simon bagaimanapun menafikan dakwaan Dato’ Aaron, batkan Simon dengan merujuk kepada peruntukan undang-undang dan kes-kes yang berkaitan. GLUL2023 Undang-Undang Perniagaan Simon, a contractor who worked with a well-known company, MD Land, had just quitted from the company and intended to establish his own construction company. He managed the registration of the company and wanted to name it as Bina Jaya Sendirian Berhad (BJSB). Two days after Simon submitting the application for the incorporation of the company on 2 May 2015, Johny, Simon's staff booked the office equipments amounting to RM15,000.00 for BJSB from the Art Globe Sendirian Berhad (AGSB) without Simon's knowledge. BJSB later obtained the approval for the incorporation of his company on Jun 2015. Soon afier that, AGSB claimed for the payment of the office equipment from Simon on the reason that the contract was bound on BSB. Simon denied his company’s liability for such payment. Inthe meantime, Simon acquired a hotel construction project in Jitra, Kedah for a millionaire, Dato’ Veedah. Simon was also required to complete the hotel's landscape and he directed his agent, Monica to obtain a landscape project for the hotel. Without Simon's knowledge, Monica succeeded in obtaining a landscape contract with a company, the Permaidani Hijau, owned by her brother. Simon later knew the matter. He intended to sue Monica, Apart from that, Simon was also required to complete a shopping mall project for Dato’ Aaron. For this purpose, he had to apply a plan approval from the local authority. Simon directed his project architect to submit the application, Unfortunately, the plan was rejected. Dato’ Aaran was dissatisfied and claimed that Simon could not direct his architect to do that, Simon however denied the claim by Dato’ Aaron, Advise Simon by referring to the relevant legal provisions and law cases. (25 markah/marks) GLUL2023 Undang-Undang Perniagaan SQALAN TIGA/QUESTION THREE iii Bincangkan DUA (2) citi cek di bawah serta sokong jawapan anda dengan SATU (1) perantukan undang-undang Akta Bil Pertukaran 1949 dan SATU (1) kes yang diputuskan bagi setiap ciri tersebut. Discuss TWO (2) characteristics of cheque as below and support your answer with ONE (1) provision of the Bill of Exchange Act 1949 and ONE (1) decided case for each characteristic. (a) tarikh date (5 markah/mar! (b) tandatangan. signature (5 markabimarks) Jelaskan pemalangan cek bagi jenis “akaun penerima”. Sokong jawapan anda dengan peruntukan undang-undang yang berkaitan dan DUA (2) kes yong diputuskan. Discuss the “account payee” crossing on a cheque. Support your answer with relevant legal provisions and TWO (2) decided cases. (8 markahimarks) Huraikan tentang jenayah menggunakan eek serta sokong jawapan anda dengan DUA (2) kes yang berkaitan. Elaborate on the crime by using cheque and support your answer with TWO (2) relevant cases. (7 markah/marks) GLUL2023 Undang-Undang Perniagaan SOALAN EMPAT/QUESTION FOUR Romi merupakan pemilik kereta model Proton Perdana tahun 2000 ingin menjual keretanya kepada rakannya Remy dengan harga RM1$,000.00. Setelah bersetuju, Remy memberikan sekeping eek kepada Romi. Keesokannya apabila Romi hendak menunaikan cek tersebut, pihak bank menolak kerana mendapati cek itu mempunyai kecacatan hak milik. Romi kemudiannya terus ke rumah Remy untuk mendapatkan keretanya kembali, Malangnya, Remy tiada di rmmah dan isteri Remy memberitahu Romi bahawa kereta tersebut telah dijual kepada jiran mereka Encik Ravi, Romi ingin menuntut semula keretanya daripada Encik Ravi, Namun, Encik Ravi enggan mengembalikannya Sementara itu, Chong yang merupakan ejen kepada sebush syarikat Kereta terpakai, Niaga Maju Sdn Bhd (NMSB) telah diamanahkan untuk menjual sebuah kereta Honda City pada hharge tidak kurang daripada RMS0,000.00. Walau bagaimanapun, Chong telah menjual kereta tersebut kepada Encik Ming pada harga RM37,000.00. Tanpa pengetahuan pihak NMSB, Chong telah menghilangkan diri dan NMSB ingin menuntut kembali kereta itu daripada Encik Ming. Namun, Encik Ming enggan menyerahkannya kerana beliau mendakwa telah membelinya secara suci hati Dalam keadaan yang lain, Azni telah mengunjungi Kedai Blektrik Foo, milik Encik Foo untuk membeli sebuah mesin pengisar buah-buahan berjenama ‘Kualle’ yang terkenal di pasaran. Setelah bersetuju dengan model yang ditunjukkan, Azni membeli mesin pengisar tersebut yang dipercayainya mempunyaj spesifikasi yang moden dan selamat untuk digunakan, Keesokan harinya, ketika ibu Azni menggunakan mesin pengisar tersebut, tiba-tiba terdapat percikan api yang keluar daripada mesin tersebut yang mengakibatkan jarinya melecur. Azni yang terkejut dengan keadsan itu pergi berjumpa Encik Foo untuk memulangkan semula mesin pengisar rersebut dan ingin menuntut ganti rugi daripadanya. Nasihatkan Romi, NMSB dan Azni. Sokong jawapan anda berdasarkan peruntukan undang- undang yang berkaitan di dalam Akta Jualan Barangan 1957 beserta kes-kes yang diputuskan, GLUL2023 Undang-Undang Perniagaan Romi was the owner of Proton Perdana model year 2000 who wanted to sell his car to kis Sriend, Remy at the price of RM15,000.00. Once agreed, Remy gave a cheque to Romi. The next day when Romi wanted to cash out the cheque, the bank refused because the cheque was found to have a defective title. Romi then went to Remy's house to get back his car. Unfortunately, Remy was not at hame and Remy’s wife told Romi that the car had been sold to their neighbour Mr. Ravi. Romi wanted to claim back his car from Mr. Ravi. However, Mr. Ravi refused to return it. Meanwhile, Chong who was an agent of a used car company, Niaga Maju Sdn Bhd (NMSB) had been entrusted ta sell a Honda City car at a price not less than RMS50,000.00. However, Chong had sold the car to Mr. Ming at the price of RM37,000.00. Without the knowledge of NMSB, Chong disappeared and NMSB wanted to get back the car from Mr, Ming. However, Mr. Ming refused to hand it over because he claimed to have bought it in good faith In another situation, Azni had visited Foo Electric Shop, owned by Mr. Foo, to buy a fruit blender machine of 'Kualle’ brand which is famaus in the market. After agreeing with the model showed to her, Azni bought a fruit blender machine that she believed had medern specifications and safe to be used. The next day, when her mother used the blender, suddenly the fire sparked from ihe machine and it burnt her finger. Azni who was surprised with the situation went to see Mr. Foo to return the blender and wanted to claim damages from him. Advise Romi, NMSB and Azni. Support your answer with the relevant provisions in the Sales of Goods Act 1957 and decided cases. (25 markah/marks)

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