Transition Plan University

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Transition Plan

SEFB 420

Student Summary
Josh McDaniel is a sixteen-year-old, tenth grade boy who in high
school. Josh is the youngest in his family of six. He lives at home with
his mom, dad, and twenty two year old sister. He enjoys theatre arts
and loves to play the guitar and draw. Josh has also been involved in
4H for the past eight years by raising rabbits. He lives in Frisco, but his
mom works at an elementary school in Dallas. Josh stays after school
everyday and works on the films for the football team. He records all of
the football games and then works on editing the recordings each day.
He enjoys serving his school in this way.
Josh has a learning disability in English/Language Arts and Math.
Josh is in a resource classroom settings for all core subjects. His
present level of performance shows he is at a sixth grade reading and
comprehension level and he struggles with comprehension. This has
caused problems because many times he will complete the work, but
he does not answer the correct questions. He is also at a fourth grade
written language level, and he has very poor written organizational
skills. His present level of performance shows he is at a seventh grade
math reasoning level. It is hard for Josh to complete problems in the
correct order even with a graphic organizer. Josh receives modifications
in his work for ELA, math, and science, and his teachers check for
understanding regularly.
According to his teachers, he is a hard worker and follows verbal
directions very well. He is characterized by his polite and kind nature.
However, Josh does struggle with being distracted by relationships. He
is no longer allowed to be in the same classroom as his girlfriend
because he was too distracted by her to do his work. Josh has tried
many different hobbies through school such as football, cross-country,
outdoor adventures, and shop. He is open to new hobbies and usually
enjoys activities once he tries them. His mom describes him as very
easygoing and a typically happy child.

Josh has a goal of becoming a movie director. In order to

accomplish this goal, he wants to go to a university or school that
allows him to learn the necessary skills to become a movie director.
Josh is currently writing his own script and has been working on it for
months. He becomes very excited about anything related to the film
industry. His parents hope for him to go to a Texas State Technical
Josh has never had a part time job but hopes to obtain one in the
near future. He hopes to work at the movie theatre, a restaurant or a
grocery store. Due to Josh living in Frisco and going to school in Dallas,
he is unable to have a job during the week. He currently hopes to find
a weekend job and in the future when he has off periods, he will look
into working during the week.
Josh is a dedicated and capable young man. He has the ability to
succeed in various career fields and has a passion for the film industry.
The experience he is gaining by filming football games will help him
succeed in the future. Josh will be able to have an independent life and
sustain a meaningful career with support from his family and
community resources.

Assessment Results
Title: Career Cruising


Rationale for test:

I administered this
test to assess Joshs
interests in regards
to his career
options. This
allowed him to find
out what his
preferences are and
how these can lead
into various job

Title: My Summary of

This test was given

to see what Joshs


These are Joshs top
three careers: Film
Editor, Casting Director,
and Communication
Specialist. While
completing the Career
Cruising assessment,
Josh had a difficult time
choosing do not like on
many of the topics. He
never chose the option
really do not like. He did
use the option doesnt
matter often which
shows he lacks clear
understanding of what
his preferences truly are.
After answering about
fifty questions, he began
to become more
confident with his
choices and picked more
meaningful answers.
This assessment was
very accurate in
determining a career for
Josh. He would love to
become a Film Editor
and highly enjoys
This assessment helped
me learn that Josh has

My Summary of
Performance. (n.d.).
In OSDE Form 15 (pp.
1-4). Oklahoma State
Department of

Title: Personal and

Professional Goals
Citation: Luckner, J.
(1996). Juggling Roles
and Making Changes.
In Teaching
Exceptional Children
(p. 27). Council for
Exceptional Children.

goals are for himself

one year after high
school and what his
own perceptions of
his disability are.

This worksheet was

given to see what
career and family
goals Josh has for
his future.

goals for himself, but

does not have an
understanding of what
steps he will need to
take to achieve these
goals. He wants to have
roommates in college,
but he does not know
where he wants to go to
college or how to find
roommates. In regards
to his perception on his
disability, Josh had no
sense of what his
disability is or how it
affects him daily. He did
not know how to label
his disability and did not
feel it has affected him
very much. When
describing times his
disability does affect
him, he always used the
word sometimes. Josh
also was not sure what
has helped him succeed
in his classes. I had to
prompt many of the
ideas to see what kind of
accommodations he has
been given in high
Joshs dreams include
becoming a movie
director and being
married with kids. He is
most excited about
having a family. When
Josh was asked what
short-term objectives he
needed to reach to
achieve his long-term
goals, he did not have a
good understanding of
what this meant. With
some help, he created

Title: Life Skills

Citation: Life Skills
Inventory. (2000). In
Life Skills Inventory:
Independent Living
Skills Assessment
Tool (pp. 1-9).
Washington State
Department of Social
& Health Services:
Division of Children
and Family Services.

This test was given

to assess Joshs life
skills to see what
kind of living
options he is
capable of after
high school.

short-term objectives for

becoming a movie
director such as writing
a script, finding actors
and learning the skills of
a director. He also
believes his friends will
be his greatest resource
in reaching these goals.
Josh did have a realistic
timeline of when he
would come a movie
director by saying he
hoped to be a director
by 2026, which is eight
years after he graduates
high school. When
discussing potential
barriers of becoming a
movie director, Josh
could not come up with
any on his own. After
prompting he said, fail
in making the movie
and also not getting
Josh scored basic or
intermediate in all skill
categories. In particular
he scored intermediate
on food management,
personal appearance
and hygiene,
educational planning,
and interpersonal skills.
Many of the skills he
scored basic on are skills
that an average tenth
grade boy would not
score higher on. Josh has
a basic understand of all
major life skills and I
think with proper
training in a couple of
areas he would be

successful in living
independently with a
Title: SelfDetermination and
Self-Advocacy Skills

This test was given

to assess Joshs selfadvocacy and selfawareness.

Citation: Miller, R.
(2007). Transition
Assessment: Planning
Transition and IEP
Development for
Youth with Mild
Disabilities. Boston,
MA: Pearson

Josh understands his

basic accommodations
in the classroom. The
biggest thing learned
about Josh through this
assessment was his lack
of knowledge of his
rights under law in
academics and in the
workplace. He also did
not feel confident in
knowing whom to
contact for
postsecondary education
goals or adult service
providers who could help
him meet his
employment goals. His
biggest strength of selfadvocacy is being able
to state his long-term
employment goals.

Self-Advocacy Plan
Introduction: Josh McDaniel is a hardworking sophomore at A&M
Consolidated High School with a learning disability. He struggles with
reading comprehension and cannot read aloud without errors. His
ultimate goal is to become a movie director. To achieve this goal, he
will receive training in film editing and go through a certification
program. He will live independently with a roommate. Josh lacks the
ability to explain his disability and ask for support.

Post-secondary education:
Josh will need to inform disability services of his learning disability and
fill out the proper paperwork to achieve accommodations. He will need
to seek assistance with this. Josh will need to tell professors that he
has a learning disability and will need notes before class and
preferential seating. He will also need to ask about tutoring options
and study tips for the class. Josh needs to have an agenda to keep
track of upcoming assignments and tests. He will ask the professor if
he doesnt understand a concept and go to office hours.
Josh will need to inform his employer of his disability. He also needs to
ask for task cards to ensure he understand his job responsibilities. He
needs to make sure his work schedule does not get in the way of his
school responsibilities. Josh should write down his schedule in his
school agenda so he can have access to all of his commitments in one
place. Josh needs to research his rights for reasonable
accommodations in the workplace that are guaranteed to him by law.
Independent Living:
Josh needs to seek help in planning a budget. He needs to learn how to
do his own laundry and cook simple meals. He also needs to have a list
of emergency resources such as the electric company and local police
Recreation and Leisure:
Josh needs to research available clubs and pick one he would enjoy and
participate in on a regular basis.
Josh needs to understand how to obtain his license and know how his
disability affects his driving if it does at all.

Josh McDaniel Transition Outcomes and IEP Objectives


Outcome: Within two years of completing high school, Josh will receive
a job in the film industry with minimal support from adult service
How outcome was developed: This outcome was developed based
upon Joshs preferences and his career assessment results. Josh loves
movies and is very interested in all aspects of the film industry. He is a
very hard and focused worker, which are two necessary skills when
working as a film editor or other job in the film industry.
IEP Goal: Given a camera and necessary film editing software, Josh will
film and edit 90% of the A&M Consolidated varsity football games, with
the help of his teacher.
Timeline of progress:
October 2018: Find and choose opportunities to volunteer in
various film settings
October 2019: Research available jobs in the film industry
December 2019: Prepare resume to submit to employers
January 2019: Apply for jobs
March 2019: Prepare and attend job interviews
May 2020: Graduate from college and receive degree/certificate
in film industry
August 2020: Accept job offer in film industry
Outcome: Josh will attend a one or two year certificate program at a
community college or technical school in film editing within one year of
graduating from high school with appropriate accommodations, such
as notes and tutoring.
How outcome was developed: This outcome was developed based
upon Joshs employment goals and his present level of performance in
various subject areas. Josh will need accommodations in his
certification program, which can be provided through the school
disability services. It is practical for Josh to continue his education and
become skilled in film editing. I believe his experience in high school in
working with the football team as their videographer and editor also
plays a big role in this choice for his education.
IEP Goal: Given 10 schools with film certification options, Josh will
choose 6 to apply to by October 2017.
Timeline of progress:
May 2016: Research schools with certificates or degrees in the
film industry
December 2016: Choose 6 schools to apply to and review all
application requirements (SAT, ACT, resume, experience)
May 2017: Take necessary tests for applications

October 2017: Apply to 6 schools

May 2018: Decide which school to attend in Fall 2018
Fall 2018: Begin school and certification in film editing
May 2019/2020: Depending on certificate program, receive
certificate and have jobs

Independent Living:
Outcome: Within three months of graduating, Josh will live with at least
one roommate in an apartment.
How outcome was developed: This outcome was developed based on
results of Joshs life skill inventory. He is capable of basic life skill needs
such as dressing, hygiene, feeding, and transportation. He will need
help with budgeting and how to take care of an apartment or home.
IEP Goal: By January 2018, Josh will complete a personality test to help
him understand his personality and compare with other personalities
when deciding who should be his roommate.
Timeline of progress:
December 2017: Begin researching housing options at six
schools applied.
January 2018: Take personality test and find what resources are
available to find compatible roommates.
May 2018: After accepting school, choose where to live when a
part of the certification program
June 2018: Solidify roommate plans for Fall
August 2018: Move in with roommate(s) in apartment
Recreation and Leisure:
Outcome: While completing his certification program, Josh will join a
guitar club and attend 90% of the clubs events.
How outcome was developed: This outcome was developed based on
Joshs interest in playing the guitar. He plays both acoustic and electric
and enjoys learning how to play new songs and share his talent with
others. A guitar club would be an excellent way for him to share his
talent and also socialize with people who have a common interest.
IEP Goal: Josh will learn five new songs on the guitar and perform them
in front of his family or teacher by May 2018.
Timeline of progress:
May 2018: Perform five songs to family or teacher
August 2018: Look into various clubs
September 2018: Join a club of interest (most likely guitar)

Job Analysis: Film Editor

Rationale for choosing this particular job

o The film editor job was chosen because it not only meets
the interests of Josh, but also meets his strengths. Josh is
very good at completing tasks and he works hard in all
situations As a film editor, Josh would be given a task of
editing different clips and given specific instructions. This
was also chosen because of Joshs experience with film
editing with the football team. This job would give Josh
great experience to work towards his ultimate goal of
becoming a movie director.

Brief summary of the job

o Film editors work in the post-production process of
filmmaking. They take all of the footage and put together
the shots into a cohesive story. A film editor uses computer
software to edit the film. They work very closely with
directors to decide what footage should be cut, how the
scenes should be arranged, and where music or other
sounds should be added. Film editors capture a directors
vision and get to tell an exciting story.

Description of how well the job matches or does not match what
your student wants in a job
o The job matches the students wants in a majority of the
areas. There were nine matches and seven non-matches.
Josh could be successful in this job because it is very detail
oriented and requires hard work and patience. The job
does not require much writing or math, which are two of
Joshs biggest struggle areas. Josh would enjoy working
closely with a director to learn the skills required to be an
effective director.

Next steps (look for a different job or keep pursuing this field)
o Josh should keep pursuing this field. He would be
successful in editing film because he has experience in this
field from high school. Josh needs to research available
certification programs and continue to gain experience in
film editing at school.

Student Progress Summary

Over the course of the semester, Josh and I have created a
transition plan with numerous goals. Josh now attends a different high
school and has been filming and editing their football game footage
like he was at his original high school. Josh enjoys working with the film
and has gained much experience from this opportunity.
Josh still does not have a part time job. He plans on looking for a
job over the summer possibly at the local grocery store or movie
theatre. He also hopes to be driving independently by the summer.
This will help him work towards his independent living goals so that he
can provide himself transportation.
Since Josh is only a sophomore, he has not begun seriously
researching colleges that offer the Film Editing Certification. This
process will begin next semester and into his junior year. Josh has an
excitement for working in the Film Industry and is beginning to
understand he will need valuable experience if he wants to achieve his
goal of becoming a movie director.
Josh is still playing the guitar and when presented with the goal
of learning five new songs before he graduates high school, he became
excited and eager to learn. This will help Josh achieve his recreation
and leisure IEP goal. Josh needs to develop more self-awareness of his
disability and what kind of accommodations he will need in college or
in a future workplace. This is important for Josh to be successful in the
This transition plan will help Josh follow his dreams of becoming a
movie director and give direction for life after high school. Josh will be
successful in post secondary settings if he continues to work hard and
try his best in all areas. His hardworking attitude and passion for the
film industry will help him follow this transition plan.

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