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UUM Universiti Utara Malaysia PEPERIKSAAN AKHIR SEMESTER KEDUA SES! 2013/2014 FINAL EXAMINATION SECOND SEMESTER SESSION 2013/2014 KOD/ NAMA KURSUS : GLUL2023 UNDANG-UNDANG PERNIAGAAN | BUSINESS LAW COURSE CODE / NAME : 8 JUN / JUNE 2014 (AHAD / SUNDAY) +: 9.00 AM — 12,00 PM (3 JAM / HOURS) : DMAS, DTSO, KOLEJ TEKNOLOGI ALPHA, IKIP INSTRUCTION . Kertas soalan ini mengandungi EMPAT (4) soalan di dalam LIMA (5) halaman bercetak tidak termasuk. kulit hadapan, This book scrjot contains FOUR (4) questions in FIVE (5) printed pages excluding the cover page. 2. Anda dikehendaki menjawab SEMUA soalan. You are required to answer ALL questions. NO. MATRIK : im MATRIC NO. (dengan perkataan / with word) ‘dengan angka /with number) NO. KAD PENGENALAN : ll [IDENTIFICATION CARD NO. PENSYARAH : | izoruren JANGAN BUKA KERTAS PEPERIKSAAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERI ARAHAN DO NOT OPEN THIS EXAMINATION PAPER UNTIL INSTRUCTED SULIT/CONFIDENTIAL GLUL2023 Undang-Undang Perniagaan SOALAN SATU/QUESTION ONE i. Bincangkan peringkat semasa dalam pembentukan perjanjian sewa beli, Sokong jawapan anda dengan peruntukan undang-undang yang relevan, Discuss the current stage under the formation of hire purchase agreement, Support your answer with relevant statutory provisions. (15 markah/marks) ji, Terangkan hak berkanun bagi penyewa dalam penamatan perjanjian sewa beli. Sokong jawapan anda dengan peruntukan undang-undang yang relevan. Explain the statutory right for hirer in termination of hire purchase agreement. Support your answer with relevant statutory provisions (10 markab/marks) SOALAN DUA/QUESTION TWO Bineangkan permasalahan-permasalahan berikut. Sokong jawapan anda dengan peruntukan- peruntukan yang bersesuaian. Explain the following issues, Support your answer with relevant provisions Lolipop Cupcake Sdn Bhd (LCSB) ialah sebuah kedai bakeri yang menyediakan pelbagai jenis kek bersaiz kecil. Suatu hari, Jenny ingin mengadakan sambutan ulang tahun kelahirannya yang ke 21. Dia memilih dan membeli 30 biji kek cawan berperisa kacang tanah kerana tertarik pada bentuknya tanpa memberitahu bahawa dia alah kepada rasa kacang tanah. Selepas memakan sebiji kek cawan tersebut, lalu muka Jenny bertukar menjadi merah dan gatal-gatal. Oleh itu, dia ingin menyaman Lolipop Cupcake Sdn Bhd (LCSB) kerana gagal dalam memberitahu kepada pelanggan. 4 GLUL2023 Undang-Undang Perniagaan Lolipop Cupcake Sdn Bhd (LCSB) is a bakery shop which prepares variety of cakes in small sizes, One day, Jenny wants to have an anniversary for her 21st celebration for her birthday. She chooses and bought 30 peanut cupcakes in flavaur peanut cupcakes because she was imerested in its design without telling that she is allergic to peanut, After having one of the cupcakes, her face became red and itchy. Therefore, she wants to sue Lolipop Cupcake Sdn Bhd (LCSB) because neglecting to inform the customer. (0 markah/marks) Semasa melawat Korea hujung tahun 2013, Albert dan isterinya telah membeli Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.0 untuk kegunaan bersama, Selepas balik dari lawatan, Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.0 itu telah disimpan oleh Albert. Pada pertengahan tahun 2014, tanpa pengetahuan isterinya, Albert telah menjual Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.0 tersebut melalui laman sesawang En Muthu. sangat berminat dengan harga tersebut dan telah membelinya. Isteri Albert berasa marah dan ingin mengambil tindakan undang-undang ke atas Albert, During visiting Korea in the end of year 2013, Albert and his wife bought Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.0 for their use. After coming back from the visit, a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.0 was kept by Albert, In the mid year of 2014, without his wife’s knowledge, Albert sold the said Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.0 through the Mudahmy. website. En Muthu was really interested with the price and bought it. Albert’s wife was very angry and wanted to bring a legal suit against Albert (7 markah/marks) Syarikat Florist Glory Sdn Bhd (FGSB) terkenal kerana menjalankan perniagaan menjual dan menghantar bunga-bunga segar kepada para pelanggannya dalam tempoh masa yang singkat Kebiasaannya bunga akan sampai dalam masa satu hingga tiga hari dari hari pesanan. Pada hari Isnin, Puan Rosmah telah memesan 1000 kuntum bunga mawar untuk kegunaan majlis perkahwinan anaknya dan meminta syarikat FGSB menghantar bunga tersebut pada hari Khamis. Walaubagaimanpun, bunga mawar tersebut sampai pada awal pagi Jumaat dan didapati hampir 300 kuntum bunga mawar tersebut tidak segar. Puan Rosmah ingin menuntut, ‘anti rugi dari syarikat FGSB. GLUL2023 Undang-Undang Perniagaan Florist Glory Sdn Bhd company (FGSB) is known as a fanious company in selling and delivering fresh flowers to their customer in a short period of time. Normally flowers will be delivered 10 customer within one to three days. In Monday, Madam Rosmah ordered 1000 roses for her daughter's wedding and requested them to be sent on Thursday. However, the roses arrived on the early Friday morning and it was found that almost 300 roses were not fresh. Madam Rosmah wants ta claim compensation from FGSB company. (9 markah/marks) SOALAN TIGA/ QUESTION THREE i, Berdasarkan Akta Bil Pertukaran 1949, terangkan Based on the Bill of Exchange Acts 1949, explain (a) EMPAT (4) jenis pemalangan cek. FOUR (4) types of crossing of cheques. (15 markatvenarks) (b) EMPAT (4) ciri bil pertukaran yang sah menurut Akta Bil Pertukaran 1949. FOUR (4) characteristics of a valid negotiable instrument according to the Bills Of Exchange Act 1949. (10 markab/marks) eee SOALAN EMPAT/ QUESTION FOUR Ahmad telah melantik Babor sebagai ejennya untuk menjual sebidang tanah kepunyaan syarikatnya di Pulau Pinang. Ahmad telah berjanji akan membayar komisen dan kos yang terlibat dalam urusan penjualan tanah itu, Dalam usaha menjual tanah itu, Babor telah berjumpa dengan Cindy seorang broker hartanah. Cindy telah mendapatkan seorang pembeli iaitu Didi yang sanggup membayar RM1,000,000.00 juta ringgit untuk tanah syarikat tersebut yang berdekatan dengan Zon Perindustrian Bayan Lepas, Pulau Pinang. Harga jualan yang ditetapkan oleh Ahmad ialah RM750,000.00. Bagi mendapatkan pembeli, Cindy telah mengenakan caj berjumlah RM20,000.00 dan Cindy telah memberi diskaun sebanyak RM10,000.00 sebagai komisen kepada Babor. Babor akhimya menyerahkan RM750,000.00 kepada Ahmad, harga yang ditetapkan oleh Ahmad. Babor juga meminta Ahmad membayar caj jualan yang dikenakan oleh Cindy sebanyak RM20,000.00 tanpa diskaun. Babor seterusnya menyimpan untuk dirinya sendiri RM250,000.00 dan diskaun sebanyak RM10,000.00 yang diberi oleh Cindy sebagai komisen. Tiga bulan kemudian Ahmad diberitahu tanah syarikat itu dijual pada harga 1 juta ringgit dan caj untuk mendapatkan pembeli ialah RM10,000.00. Babor juga telah menyerahkan makiumat sulit syarikat kepada Edmond , iaitu pesaing kepada syarikat prinsipalnya, Ahmad. Ahmad meminta nasihat anda sama ada dia berhak menuntut keuntungan RM250,000.00 dan diskaun sebanyak RM10,000.00 yang diberi oleh Cindy. Ahmad juga musykil atas tindakan ejenya yang melanggar kewajipan amanah dalam kontrak ejensi. Nasihatkan pihak-pihak yang terlibat berdasarkan peruntukan undang-undang yang relevan dan kes-kes yang diputuskan, Ahmad has appointed Babor as his agent to sell his company’s piece of land in Penang. Ahmad promised to pay commissions and other costs involved in the business of selling the land. In order to sell the land, he met Babor and Cindy, a real estate broker. Cindy has finally got a buyer, Didi who is willing to pay RM1,000,000.00 million dollar for the company’s land nearby Bayan Lepas Industrial Zone, Penang, The sale price fixed by Ahmad GLUL2023 Undang- Undang Perniagaan is RM750,000.00. In order to get the buyer, Cindy charged for RM20,000.00 and Cindy provided discount amounting to RMI0,000.00 as commission given to Babor. Babor eventually gave RM750,000.00 10 Ahmad, the price initially fixed by Ahmad. Babor also requested Ahmad to pay the sales charge of RM20,000.00 by Cindy without any discount. Babor thus keep for himself RM250,000.00 and a discount of RM10,000.00 given by Cindy as part of his commission. Three months later Ahmad was notified that the land of the company was sold for RM 1,000,000.00 million and the charges for the buyer is RM10,000.00. Babor also submitted the company’s confidential information to Edmond, the competitor of his principal's company, Ahmad. Ahmad seeks your advice whether he is entitled to claim a profit of RM250,000.00 and the discount of RMI0,000.00 given by Cindy. Ahmad was daubtful about the action of his agent who breached his fiduciary duty in the law of agency. Advise the parties involved based on the relevant statutory provisions and decided cases, (25 markah/marks)

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