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Account Executive

Public Relations

Art Director

Research/Account Planning


Primary Research
Using Facebook, we surveyed over 100 women between the ages of 21-34 years old. The majority of them, specifically 92.5 percent, had been to a Buffalo Wilds Wings. Only 7.5 percent had never been at the time of this
We asked how often these women go to Buffalo Wild Wings and the choice most frequently selected was only
when my friends and/or significant other goes, with 36.8 percent in agreement, followed by other, monthly,
never, only to watch sporting events, and weekly.

The majority of women surveyed felt positive about Buffalo Wild Wings with 30.8 percent loving the restaurant
and 53.8 percent somewhat liking it. The remaining percentage of women who responded said that they did not
like it or selected other. Those who chose other as their answer were likely the women who had never been to
Buffalo Wild Wings before this survey (maybe they went after to find out what they were missing?).
On our next question, we asked women to describe why they do or do not go to Buffalo Wild Wings. The responses were varied with 33 of the responses being positive, 41 negative, and the remaining 31 neutral (ex: not
going out to eat often). The main complaints were related to the atmosphere, quality of service, food choices offered, price, and that it is not a restaurant they consider. However, when asked how they would describe Buffalo
Wild Wings (atmosphere, food, other customers, service, etc.), the results were favorable. This seemed like
a big contrast from the previous question. In fact, over half of the comments were positive with the customer
service, wings and sauces being praised in particular.
In our next question, we wanted to gauge the level of awareness that women have of Buffalo Wild Wings. Most
of the women surveyed (48.1 percent) did not know that Buffalo Wild Wings features a healthy options menu,
offers takeout for individuals on-the-go, and has donated over $2 million to the Boys and Girls Club of America.
The data we collected led us to believe that a targeted appeal to younger women (21-34) would not only increase
awareness of Buffalo Wild Wings, but could also be profitable since women in general are currently an insufficiently marketed customer base.

Secondary Research
Why choose younger women? Buffalo Wilds Wings mainly targets men.
Exactly! That is why we chose a unique approach. Women make up more than half of the worlds population
and according to a survey by Nielsen, Women are the sole breadwinners in 40 percent of U.S. households with
children, controlling 4.3 trillion (73 percent) of U.S. spending.1 In addition to women, the restaurant industry
is trying to target millennials (18-34) because their spending habits are expected to peak in the coming years,
and they go out to eat with greater frequency than older generations. In fact, millennials eat at restaurants 10
percent more than the general population.2
Buffalo Wilds Wings has been changing their appearance and brand image to appeal to different types of
people in other words, not just men who are interested in sports. For example, they are transforming restaurants into a stadia layout that brings in more natural light, has separate dining areas, lighter colors, better
acoustics, and skylights.3

What do women purchase?

Nearly everything! Women buy or influence the purchase of 80 percent of all consumer goods in the U.S. Everything from riding mowers to consumer electronics to homes.4 When considering a marketing strategy toward
women, it is important to be authentic, avoid talking at them, provide details, and understand that they are
trying to achieve several goals with every purchase. Additionally, women tend to have higher expectations for
customer service. The good news for companies is that when they elevate the customer experience for women,
they elevate it for everyone.5

Nielsen. (2015, August 31). Top 10 Trusted Brands: What Brands do Male and Female Consumers Trust the Most? Retrieved April 10, 2016, from

Lutz, Ashley. (2015, March 25). 5 ways millennials dining habits are different from their parents. Retrieved April 10, 2016, from http://www.

Gordon, Jack. (2014, April 21). How Buffalo Wild Wings is Rethinking the Sports Bar. Retrieved April 10, 2016, from

Winnett, Caroline. (2009, March 03). Gender and Marketing the Female Brain. Retrieved April 10, 2016, from

Brennan, Bridget. (2015, January 21). Top 10 Things Everyone Should Know About Women Consumers. Retrieved April 10, 2016, from http://

Secondary Research
What drives a woman to buy something?
Women make purchasing decisions based on emotions. Thats basically it. We are joking; women are never that
easy to understand. While that is a true statement in many respects, women associate brands and products
with certain feelings which may be happiness, joy and tranquility, or negative emotions like disgust, frustration
and distrust. Distrust is a problematic emotion to overcome for advertisers because it is hard to convince someone to be willing to give you another chance when trust has been eroded. Women want to purchase good, quality
products for themselves and their families. Also, if given the choice, they will buy from ethical companies that
are doing positive things in the community. Buffalo Wild Wings donates an extensive amount to the Boys and
Girls Club of America, veterans, and other charitable causes but people do not realize this about them unless
they are actively searching.
Presently, Buffalo Wild Wings has not excluded women but also hasnt done enough to make them feel included either. The messaging in our campaign, Your Place or Mine?, is being used to build affinity between women
and the Buffalo Wild Wings brand.

Buffalo Wild Wings is a sports bar. Does the average woman even like sports?
Yes, they do. Even though women like ice skating, they also watch male-driven sports which include: football,
baseball, basketball and NASCAR. Women make up more than a third of 14 million-plus people that tune into
major sporting events like the NBA Finals, World Series, Daytona 500, and Stanley Cup Finals, according to data
from Nielsen.
I dont think people realize how large of a percentage women are, says Stephen Master, a Nielsen Vice President. He is quick to mention that women have been a big part of the viewing audience for the better part of the
last decade.1
Women make up an estimated 45 percent of NFL fans. In fact, Sunday Night Football ranked first among women
ages 18 to 49 for the first time last season and Fox network said its female football viewing audience hit an
all-time record. The Super Bowl was the highest watched television program for women this year, with over 50
million female viewers - that is more viewership than the Oscars, Grammys and Emmys combined.2

Van Riper, Tom. (2011, September 30). The Sports Women Watch. Retrieved April 10, 2016, from

Harwell, Drew. (2014, September 12). Women are Pro Footballs Most Important Demographic. Retrieved April 10, 2016, from https://www.

Secondary Research
OK, but they probably dont drink beer, right?
There is a common misconception that women only drink martinis, margaritas and white wine. Did you know
that over 30 percent of women consider beer as their favorite alcoholic beverage? While wine and mixed drinks
are still more popular among women, Buffalo Wild Wings sells those drinks too (even though beer is specifically stated in their slogan).
Recently, Buffalo Wild Wings launched a new menu that highlights the local brews available in each location
and studies have shown that women are interested in locally brewed craft beers. Women associate craft beer
with small companies and handcrafted products. Studies have also shown that handcrafted, artisanal, higher-priced and quality were more important to younger consumers (21-34). Further research from Nielsen found
that millennial craft beer drinkers are purchasing beer the most at nightclubs, bars and stadiums.1

So, how do we target women in this age group (21-34)?

Typically, women are very visual and perceptive to marketing tactics. They place a high value on transparency
and do not want to be targeted using feminine stereotypes, like a commercial featuring a woman in sky-high
stilettos, drinking a fruity beverage, and eating a salad. Believe it or not, women enjoy wings and dont care if
they get sauce under their nails.
More than ever before, women are becoming executives of companies, delaying marriage, and having children
later in life. To meet this trend, ads geared toward women should not exclusively feature couples or families.
Also, women enjoy witty, off-beat humor which aligns with the general tone of Buffalo Wild Wings. By using
appropriate media choices, such as social media, we can effectively target this audience as women first, consumers second.

Nielsen. (2015, July 14). Tapped In: Craft and Local are Powerful Trends in the Beer Aisle. Retrieved April 10, 2016, from http://www.nielsen.

Brennan, Bridget. (2015, January 21). Top 10 Things Everyone Should Know About Women Consum

ers. Retrieved April 10, 2016, from
Gordon, Jack. (2014, April 21). How Buffalo Wild Wings is Rethinking the Sports Bar. Retrieved April 10,

2016, from
Harwell, Drew. (2014, September 12). Women are Pro Footballs Most Important Demographic. Re

trieved April 10, 2016, from
Lutz, Ashley. (2015, March 25). 5 ways millennials dining habits are different from their parents.

Retrieved April 10, 2016, from
Nielsen. (2015, July 14). Tapped In: Craft and Local are Powerful Trends in the Beer Aisle. Retrieved

April 10, 2016, from
Nielsen. (2015, August 31). Top 10 Trusted Brands: What Brands do Male and Female Consumers Trust

the Most? Retrieved April 10, 2016, from
Van Riper, Tom. (2011, September 30). The Sports Women Watch. Retrieved April 10, 2016, from http://
Winnett, Caroline. (2009, March 03). Gender and Marketing the Female Brain. Retrieved April 10, 2016,



Company Overview:
Buffalo Wild Wings is a casual American restaurant and sports bar founded in 1982 by Jim Disbrow and Scott
Lowery. With over 1,175 locations throughout five countries, the company strives to create an untraditional
sports bar atmosphere through its playful focus on Wings. Beer. Sports.

Campaign Objectives:
To increase awareness of Buffalo Wild Wings as the ultimate place for social occasions by 20 percent among
women between the ages of 21-34.
To maximize ticket sales and repeat traffic by 30 percent combined.

Campaign Strategies:

A pre-campaign survey will be sent out to the target audience.

The campaign will be conducted over the course of twelve months from January 2017 to December 2017.
It will target women ages 21-34 who are becoming professionally established and reside in the Greater Orlando area.
It will utilize local magazines ads, radio spots, tv commercials, billboards, social media outlets, and press releases.
At the end of December 2017, a post-campaign survey will be distributed to our target audience.

Campaign Tactics:
A new mailing list will target our audience by linking sponsored social media posts to a rewards sign-up page where
coupon incentives will be a catalyst for an increase in foot traffic.
Media will revolve around our Your Place or Mine? concept with ads featuring entertaining, real-life scenarios
where women decide to go to Buffalo Wild Wings.
Additional promotional media will be created in March and October to coincide with Womens History Month and
Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Overall, our ads will challenge the idea that Buffalo Wild Wings is a traditional sports bar. By the end of our campaign women will feel more comfortable attending Buffalo Wild Wings.

Campaign Concept:
Buffalo Wild Wings: Your Place or Mine?
The concept of the campaign, Your Place or Mine?, has been created to encourage women to consider Buffalo Wild
Wings as a viable dining option and change their assumptions of Buffalo Wild Wings as a typical, male-dominated sports bar. The campaign strives to convey to women that Buffalo Wild Wings is a welcoming franchise for
them too. The theme was inspired by the popular line, Your Place or Mine?, that has a playful, sexy innuendo. Our
twist to this well-known line is that Buffalo Wild Wings is a place for everyone and our witty, entertaining campaign
will prompt this emotional understanding among our audience.

Ads will target indifferent women and introduce Buffalo Wild Wings as a go-to chain that is suitable for
nearly all social occasions. A clever and humorous portrayal of Buffalo Wild Wings inclusive environment
will convince them.

Key fact: According to a survey distributed by our firm, 53.8 percent of women between the ages of 21
to 34 somewhat like Buffalo Wild Wings, but were critical of the sports bar atmosphere and dont
feel very welcomed when they come to the restaurant.
Advertising problem: According to our findings, 41 percent of women dont have a strong desire to
attend Buffalo Wild Wings because they dont believe that it is a place for them.
Advertising objective: To demonstrate that Buffalo Wild Wings is a fun, welcoming and appropriate
venue for women who currently choose to dine and host social gatherings elsewhere.
Target consumer: Women, ages 21-34, professionally established. Women in this audience follow
Faith Popcorns cocooning trend, which states a consumers tendency to retreat from uncomfortable
Direct: Hooters, Social House and other local and notable sports bars in their neighborhood.
Indirect: Social gatherings at home, takeout, and more popular chains for women like Chipotle, Applebees and Chilis.
Key consumer benefit: Female consumers will become more comfortable and confident in their future
decisions to dine at Buffalo Wild Wings.
Support: Women drive 80 percent of all consumer purchasing through a combination of their buying
power and influence. The impact of women on the economy is substantial and their global incomes are
projected to reach $18 trillion by 2018. Additionally, even if a woman does not work and earn a steady
paycheck, she is almost always the gatekeeper to the households expenditures.
Tone Statement: Witty, lighthearted, amusing.
Mandatories and Limitations: Logo, Slogan. $4 million for production. No target outside of the one
specified above.



a 27 year old administrative assistant

Her Scores

Her Timeouts

Her Network

Although Jess generally chooses quality over quantity, she still manages to
remain financially responsible with
her budget.

Jess loves to treat herself to timeouts

with her boyfriend, dog, girls nights
and time to herself.

Jess hopes to continue climbing the

corporate ladder and tries to keep up
with the latest in technology.


Budget: $4 million

Sports play a major role in the Buffalo Wild Wings brand which is why our media timeline will be heavily influenced
by the basketball, baseball and football seasons - so, basically our ads will run throughout the entire year (2017).
Our first TV ad will air in January, go through NCAA March Madness, and conclude at the end of March.
Our radio ads will also begin in January and serve as additional campaign reminders.

Radio will take a brief hiatus during the summer (May, June and July) and pick up again in August during the

same timeframe as our second TV ad.
In March, the first press release will announce details about our March event in celebration of Womens History
In June, our next TV ad will air during the MLB season, continue through the NFL season opener in August, and conclude at the end of September.
The second press release will be published in October to generate more coverage for our Breast Cancer Awareness
To help reinforce our campaigns media strategy, our magazine ads will be printed nearly every month (with the
exceptions of April and August).
Social media is prominent throughout our entire campaign (January 2017 December 2017).
Our outdoor/billboard ads will be featured during the basketball (NBA) and football (NFL) seasons (January to March
and September to December). We will strategically place a total of 15 boards throughout the Greater Orlando area to
ensure maximum exposure and message reinforcement among our target audience.
Emails will be sent out during months with major holidays and offer special deals/coupons.


Paid Social Media Campaign
Total: $340,000

Our target audiences strong presence on social media is why we chose it as our main medium. In addition to high
consumptions of social media, campaigns today can narrowly target audiences by interests, demographics, and even
professions to ensure effective allocation of budget funds. There are relatively low costs associated with social media
compared to other traditional advertising methods. Through this medium, we have the potential to develop brand loyalty,
interact with consumers to gain feedback on areas of success or improvement, and conduct market research. The funds
we have allocated for this medium will generate approximately 68,000,000 impressions throughout our campaign. Since
women are particularly prevalent on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter, our campaign will have a presence
across these platforms.
Facebook and Instagram: The paid advertising tool on Facebook will allow our campaign to promote posts and push
enticing coupons such as 2 for 1 margarita and craft beer promotions, that appeal to women. Instagram will be another
vehicle for generating further awareness of our campaign and help us to measure use of the #MyPlace hashtag.
Pinterest: A Buffalo Wild Wings Pinterest account will include a variety of boards to showcase innovative ways that
make the restaurant tempting to women. One board example would be several tips/uses for Buffalo Wild Wings as a
venue for a multitude of social events, from corporate gatherings to bachelorette parties.
Twitter: The main objective of Twitter will be to push conversation around the hashtag #MyPlace and get it trending in
reference to Buffalo Wild Wings.

Cable Television

The campaign will allocate a large portion of the budget to TV advertisements because of the strong visual and auditory elements they will provide for our target message. TVs effectiveness is supported by new studies which state that
viewers are still likely to receive an ads message even if they arent providing their undivided attention. Additionally,
a possible way to circumvent the issue of DVRs is to place some of our ads during sporting events since they typically
have a larger audience viewing live.
According to a study by Nielsen, The average American spends four or more hours a day watching television. TV is the
best medium for conveying messages with sight, sound, color, motion, etc. Our campaign is based in the Greater Orlando
area, making cable TV a more practical and less costly option than broadcast. By targeting shows that younger women
tend to watch, we can reach them at home much easier. Examples of possible TV stations to feature our ads on include:
Lifetime, Oxygen, Style Network, E!, ABC, CW, and ESPN.
We will circulate a total of two TV ads over the course of our campaign that will portray amusing situations of women
taking ownership of Buffalo Wild Wings as their place. Our television ads will be strategically released to complement
the basketball (NBA) and football (NFL) seasons in particular.



Since we are targeting professional working women, we believe that incorporating radio ads will increase our likelihood
of reaching them throughout the day. Radio ads allow us to communicate with them on their way to work, at lunchtime,
and on the drive home from work. We may experience additional success by featuring our ads during popular talk show
segments. Ultimately, our mission is to influence listeners to visit Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch or after work. Some
possible radio channels that fit for our audience include: 95.3, 107.7, 101.9, 105. 3, 106.7 and 99.5.

Email Marketing/MailChimp
Total: $260,000

Through email marketing, we can reach our target audience on their computers and mobile devices. This will allow us
to distribute coupons, keep our audience informed on upcoming events, and drive traffic to our social media pages. If
our emails are unopened, they will at least serve as a reminder to our audience and boost awareness. Unlike direct mail,
emails can be shared and are easily trackable which will allow us to determine who is opening the emails and adjust
our approach accordingly.

Outdoor/Billboard Ads

Outdoor/billboard advertising has many of the same benefits as radio. Since our target audience will frequently be in
transit, we believe that we can reach a significant portion of them by placing our ads on popular commuter routes. This
type of advertising is an effective tool in creating awareness (especially for more established brands like Buffalo Wild
Wings) and can be used to drive traffic to our social media sites. Furthermore, our audience can find us, which is a
benefit over other media. Possible billboard placement locations include the highways of I-4, 17-92 and I-95.

Local Magazine Ads


Our very visual campaign led to the logical decision to include magazine ads within our strategy. By creating full color
page ads to run in the most popular fashion and womens lifestyle magazines, our target women will be reached whether
they are relaxing at home, getting their nails done, at the doctors office, or on vacation. MNI offers deals to promote
our ads as a package in Orlando circulated copies of Cosmo, Elle, Bazaar, InStyle and Marie Claire. By incorporating
magazine ads, we can create a dynamic visual display and magazines have a much longer shelf life than newspapers.
We will insert a total of three clever magazine ads throughout the five magazines stated above for a duration of 10

Direct Mail
Although direct mail is a targeted medium and has some advantages, we found that it is also expensive
to successfully implement, has a relatively low response rate (one to two percent), and seldom achieves
its objectives during the first attempt. Our target audience may perceive mailed promotions as junk
and we would have to vigorously compete for their attention. Furthermore, obtaining accurate mailing
lists could pose somewhat of a challenge since this group is more likely to rent and relocate than older

Newspaper Ads
Newspaper ads were not an appropriate media choice for our target audience since research shows
that newspapers have limited readership among millennials (18-34). As such, we do not believe that
newspaper ads would be suited to our target demographic of women between 21-34. In addition, the
image quality and resolution isnt as appealing as magazine ads, we would have limited control over
ad placement, and they are mainly used to communicate a specific offer. This would not align with our
objectives of enhancing awareness and increasing tickets at Buffalo Wild Wings. In order to maximize
our budget, we have selected media that is more consistently used by younger women.

Public Relations Objective:

To engage women ages 21-34 with our brand by posting relevant content and drawing them in to become a
permanent part of our follower base.

Public Relations Strategies:

Advertise special deals and promotions that draw in our specific target audience.
Keep the Your Place or Mine? theme and storylines consistent and cohesive throughout the entire campaign.
Create extra content beyond the regular, more expensive ads.
Meld new content with the typical content seen on Buffalo Wild Wings accounts to avoid alienating current
Promote events and activities within the restaurant to draw the audience inside.

Public Relations Tactics:

Share coupons and deals featuring menu items like margarita and beer specials that can only be found on
social media.
Engage the audience by asking questions and stimulating conversation on why Buffalo Wild Wings is their
Pay for content to be promoted and circulated on a larger scale targeting the audience.
Establish a 70-30 rule to only promote our specific campaign content 30 percent of the time and leave the
other 70 percent to the content current followers want.
Lunch plan:
We will increase awareness among our target audience that Buffalo Wild Wings offers a viable lunch menu
and a faster, takeout ordering option if they need to grab something quick to eat.
Marketing bar and restaurant ideas:
Post a photo of a special dish or drink on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to get a reward at Buffalo Wild
Complimentary appetizer to the first 25 people to like our Facebook post.
Offer a secret menu item to those who mention a Facebook, Twitter or Instagram post.
Post a suggestion poll on Facebook how to improve, customer recommendations, etc. This will show that
Buffalo Wild Wings cares.
Share positive press about community involvement, donations, etc.
Recognize excellent service and employees publicly.
Hold a beat the clock contest where the price of beers and wings will be cheaper to start but the price will
go up slightly every hour that passes.
Beer tasting nights Buffalo Wild Wings offers a large assortment of local, craft beers.
Establish a birthday recognition program.
Name day: Pick a persons name one day of the month who gets a free meal when they eat in (not for takeout).
This person is unlikely to eat at the restaurant alone and that would increase profits.


Facebook (3)
2 for 1 Margaritas or Beers
Redeem now! Show this
coupon on your phone and
like us on Facebook to get
your choice between 2 for 1
margaritas OR craft beers!

March Madness Womens Month

SURPRISE! Were surprising women
all over Orlando this month with free
lunch at work in honor of
Comment below with your business
name and you might just be next.

Lunch Date
We get the lunch rush.
Thats why we made the Fast Break
menu to get you in and out and back to
work on time. From healthy options to
little indulgences.


Instagram (3)
Breast Cancer Awareness
event photo
Get tipsy for charity with us
throughout the month of October.
For every glass of pink beer sold,
we will donate back 30% to the
National Breast Cancer
Foundation, Inc.

Woman cheering
at sports bar
Its #MyPlace

Free Dinner
Post a photo sharing why
Buffalo Wild Wings is your
place and you could win a
free dinner for you and your
friends! Make sure to use
#MyPlace. Contest ends
Friday at Midnight.





Sidebar Ad

:30 spot Lisas Place



Camera scene starts with 28-year-old Chris,

walking through Downtown Orlando when he
comes across Lisa.

SFX: Cars driving by.

Chris [surprised]: Lisa, hi! Didnt expect to see
you here.

Camera pans to Lisa, who is just as excited to

see Chris.

Lisa: This is too funny. I was just about to text


Camera returns to Chris.

Chris. It must be fate. So are you still down for

our date tonight?

Shot returns to Lisa, whose face lights up.

Camera returns to Chris.
Shot pans to Lisa, who is looking forward to
Camera scene changes to Buffalo Wild Wings,
where Lisa and Chris are enjoying their date
over wings and beer.

Lisa: Of course, Im pretty excited.

Chris: Great, me too. So, meet at your place or
Lisa: My place, duh!
SFX: [laughter and glasses clinking in toast]
Flo Ridas Welcome to My House chorus plays.
ANNCR: In the ultimate question, Your Place or
Mine?, the answers always My Place.
Buffalo Wild Wings

:30 spot Lisas Place

:30 spot Nicoles Place

Open on a shot of three professional women in their
mid-20s, huddled in one of their office cubicles at
Camera zooms to Nicole who looks annoyed.

Camera switches to Becky who is deep in thought. She

soon gets an idea.
Camera switches to a wide shot of the whole office.
The women are no longer there.

SFX: Faint phones ringing in the background.

Nicole [whispering]: Ok girls, Im sick of spending all

of our lunch breaks here in the office. How can we go
to my place without causing too much attention?
Becky [excited]: Ive got an idea! Trust me, ladies,
theyll never even notice...
SFX: Faint phones, keyboards typing, an occasional
cough in the background.

Camera follows Bill walking down the hall. He abruptly

stops in front of a cubicle and notices a very obvious
cardboard cutout of Becky at her desk. Slowly, he
continues walking. He finds another awkward cutout of
Nicole by the printer.
Camera turns to Jeff talking and holding a cup of
coffee, clueless that the cutout of Nicole next to him
isnt real.
Scene switches to the three women enjoying themselves at Buffalo Wild Wings .

Jeff [voice crescendos]: Anyway, youre a really good

SFX: [laughter and glasses clinking in toast] Flo Ridas
Welcome to My House chorus plays.
ANNCR: Next time your friends ask, Your place or
mine?, the answer is always Buffalo Wild Wings

:30 spot Nicoles Place

:30 spot Jess Place

Jess [loudly]: Hello?
Chris: Hey! Jess, so um, did we decide to
meet at your place or mine?
Jess [with difficulty]: Hey, yes! Everyones
here! Where are you?

Chatter and laughter in the background.
Phone ringing.
Crickets in the background.
Excited crowd continues cheering in the
Crickets continue.

Chris [slowly]: Oh ok, Im outside your

place now but I dont see anyone here
Jess: Ohhh, did you go to my place? Or, like,
my place?
Chris [confusedly]: How many places do you-Can you just send me the address?
Jess [loudly]: What? Oh yeah you can dress
however you want! Listen well save you a
seat, see you soon!
ANNCR: Next time you ask Your place or
mine?, dont get left out. The answer is
always Buffalo Wild Wings

Noisy crowd continues.

Friends laughing in background.

:30 spot Ashleys Place

Ashley: Oh honey, you shouldnt have!
Jeff: So you like it?
Ashley [thrilled]: Yes! Its perfect. And so
Jeff [relieved]: Oh, great, because I wanted something that we could both
know, at your place.
Ashley: Oh, were definitely heading to my
place right now. I dont know how I got so
lucky to have my dream guy spoil me with
all cards.
Jeff: Nothing but the best for my baby.
ANNCR: Ladies, if he puts a wing on it,
youve found the one. Celebrate at your
Buffalo Wild Wings

Romantic music plays in background.







March 1, 2017
Contact: Meghan Fisher
Public Relations Specialist
Phone: (561) 236-3126

Buffalo Wild Wings Celebrates Womens History Month

ORLANDO, FLA - This March, in honor of Womens History Month, Buffalo Wild Wings will be demonstrating their appreciation for women in the Greater Orlando area by surprising them with lunch at work.
The purpose of this promotion is to show their female customers how much they appreciate them and
goes along with the theme of Buffalo Wild Wings current campaign, Your Place or Mine? Last year in
2016, Buffalo Wild Wings completely transformed their restaurants to make them a better place for all
types of customers and in turn, give them a reason to call Buffalo Wild Wings, #MyPlace.
The Your Place or Mine? campaign is a campaign that focuses on encouraging women to share why they
love Buffalo Wild Wings and convincing new female customers to give them a try. Buffalo Wild Wings
isnt just a sports bar, but a restaurant where good friends and good food come together under one roof.
Each week, they will be surprising different groups of women at work with a free catered lunch. To follow
along and see who Buffalo Wild Wings surprises first, or to enter for a chance to have them come to
your work, follow them on Instagram @BuffaloWildWings.
Founded in 1982 and based in Minneapolis, Buffalo Wild Wings is a growing owner, operator and
franchisor featuring a variety of boldly-flavored, made-to-order menu items; including its namesake
Buffalo, New York-style chicken wings. The Buffalo Wild Wings menu specializes in 21 mouth-watering signature sauces and seasonings with flavor sensations ranging from Sweet BBQ to Blazin.
Guests enjoy a welcoming neighborhood atmosphere that includes an extensive multi-media system
for watching their favorite sporting events. Buffalo Wild Wings is the recipient of hundreds of Best
Wings and Best Sports Bar awards from across the country.

October 1, 2017
Contact: Meghan Fisher
Public Relations Specialist
Phone: (561) 236-3126

Buffalo Wild Wings to sell pink beer in October to raise money for breast cancer awareness and
ORLANDO, FLA - During the month of October, Buffalo Wild Wings will be sponsoring breast cancer
awareness and research initiatives in support of the restaurants recent campaign, #MyPlace.
Buffalo Wild Wings is selling limited edition pink beer drafts and 30 percent of the proceeds from
each glass sold will be donated to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. (NBCF), #HelpingWomenNow. This foundation was founded in 1991 by a 35 year breast cancer survivor, Janelle Hall. Their
mission is to, provide help and inspire hope to those affected by breast cancer through early detection,
education, and support services.
We are excited to mix up our typical philanthropic focus for the month and work with an extremely important cause that has impacted so many individuals worldwide, said Buffalo Wild Wings President
and CEO Sally J. Smith.
The beer will be sold starting October 1st at every Buffalo Wild Wings in the Greater Orlando area until
midnight on Halloween (October 31st).
Founded in 1982 and based in Minneapolis, Buffalo Wild Wings is a growing owner, operator and
franchisor featuring a variety of boldly-flavored, made-to-order menu items; including its namesake
Buffalo, New York-style chicken wings. The Buffalo Wild Wings menu specializes in 21 mouth-watering signature sauces and seasonings with flavor sensations ranging from Sweet BBQ to Blazin.
Guests enjoy a welcoming neighborhood atmosphere that includes an extensive multi-media system
for watching their favorite sporting events. Buffalo Wild Wings is the recipient of hundreds of Best
Wings and Best Sports Bar awards from across the country.

After our year long campaign has concluded, a survey will be distributed
to women in our target audience to determine if awareness of Buffalo Wild
Wings raised by 20 percent among this group. Additionally, we will be curious to discover whether the initial perceptions women had of Buffalo Wild
Wings changed, even slightly, since our Your Place or Mine? campaign began in January. Finally, we will gauge our success by measuring the #MyPlace
hashtag to see how prevalent it has become on social media (Instagram and
Twitter in particular).
As part of our campaign objectives, we will also evaluate whether Buffalo
Wild Wings ticket sales and repeat traffic have increased by 30 percent
combined. We will compare past restaurant ticket sales and sales during our
campaign. As a result of advertising to women, we believe that profits will
increase because they previously would not have felt as comfortable or likely
to select Buffalo Wild Wings as a place to dine and gather.

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