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For Immediate Release: April 19, 2016

Contact: Nathan Ballard (415) 235-6283


Gascon Refused To Let African-American Police
Sgt. Testify, So SFPOA Videotaped Her Testimony
And Submitted It To Gascons Panel
20-Year Veteran Cites Strong Support From Police
SAN FRANCISCO Today, the San Francisco Police Officers Association (SFPOA)
released a videotaped deposition from San Francisco Police Sgt. Tracy McCray that it
submitted to District Attorney George Gascons Blue Ribbon Panel.
Gascon formed the panel to prove his theory that widespread racial bias exists in the San
Francisco Police Department. Gascon has refused to let any police officers who disagree
with him give testimony before his handpicked panel.
In March, the SFPOA demanded that African-American police officers, including
McCray, be allowed to testify before the panel. Other than Chief Greg Suhr, Gascon has
only let one officer testify: Sgt. Yulanda Williams, a vocal critic of the department.
The union is strongly critical of Gascons deliberate exclusion of African-American
officers who dont share Gascons view that the department has a widespread problem
with racial bias.
How can George Gascon really hold his panel out to be legitimate if he refuses to allow
the testimony of Sgt. McCray and the other African-American officers who disagree with
him? said Martin Halloran, President of the SFPOA. Its pretty obvious that George
Gascon is afraid to hear from anyone who dares to disagree with him.
McCray has served on the force since 1994 and is stationed in the Bayview. In her
testimony, McCray, who is African-American and a member of the LGBT community,
says that she has never been subject to bias as a result of her race, gender, or sexual
orientation by the police department or SFPOA.

Ive always felt supported, said McCray. Ive never felt that who I am, or what I am,
has ever hindered me or gotten in the way of anything that Ive wanted to do.
The videotaped deposition of McCray is here:
The submission of McCrays testimony comes a day after the union released a videotaped
deposition from Gary Delagnes, a retired San Francisco police officer and former union
president. Delagnes contradicted Gascons broad-brush condemnation of the police
department and recounted the dinner in Cambridge, Massachusetts in April, 2010, where
Gascon used racially disparaging language.
Excerpt from Delagnes deposition:

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