April 22 2016

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Miss Reynolds & Mrs.

Class News
We have 40 eggs in our incubators and
will be excited to hopefully have chicks hatching the week of May 9th. We will be learning
about the life cycle of a chick over the next few
weeks and are eager to have baby chicks soon!

Important Dates

Tuesday, May 3rd: May

Crowning bring flower
Wednesday, May 4th:
Early Release after mass

April 22, 2016

Important Information:

Academically Next Week...

Early Release for 2nd

Reading Groups: Our reading groups will continue to focus on
Grade: Please make sure you written responses. Most of the students are reading chapter books
mark your calendars for the day of
our All School Mass on Wednesday, May 4th. Only the 2nd graders will be dismissed early. They
will wear their 1st Communion
outfits or Sunday Best if they did
not receive 1st Eucharist to school.
They will not bring anything else

in their respective reading groups. The focus for the remainder of

the school year will be that they correctly and independently answer their comprehension questions.
Phonics: We will begin Unit 15 in Fundations. This unit continues to
focus on the d syllable type. Please look on the blog for the parent letter for more information about this unit next Tuesday.
Religion: We will continue to work on preparing for First Eucharist.
We will be working on Chapter 21: All Are Invited. Please make sure to
be reviewing your childs book with them every Thursday night.
Math: We will begin working on Chapter 10: Fractions. We will be
working on 1/2, 1/4, and 3/4 next week. This unit will go quickly as
we are not required to teach most of the material based on the Diocesen standards. We will be frequently skipping pages in our homework
book! Be on the look out!

Miss Reynolds: megan.reynolds@stfrancisraleigh.org

Mrs. Ruiz: karin.ruiz@stfrancisraleigh.org

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