April Draft

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Join us for meetings!

When: Wednesdays @ 8:17PM

Where: Asante Classroom 123C
(in ERC below the Great Hall)

Welcome to the
April ICRA Newsletter!

The Spring
ICRA Executive Board Office Hours

What to look forward to in this months issue:

Meet and learn more about Nathan Tong,
Vice President of Advocacy!
Meet and lean more about next years
ICRA President, Tyan Smith!
Learn more about events coming up soon including:
SURFS, Tunnel of Oppression and Muirstock!

Tyan Smith, NCC: M 12PM 2PM

Hee Yeon, NRHH Chair: M 1PM 3PM
Derek Iwata, VP Programming: M 5:3PM 7:30PM
Amber Tang, VP Leadership: W 9:30AM 11:30AM
Will Hsu, ICRA President: W 11:30AM 1:30PM
Nathan Tong, VP Advocacy: W 3PM 6PM
Edith Rodriguez, VP Admin: Th 6:30PM 8:30PM

Meet Nathan Tong!

Name: Nathan Tong
Position: Vice President of Advocacy
Favorite Titan(s): Robin
Nathan is a 2nd year Sixth College student from Huntington Beach,
California currently residing in Sixth College. His current favorite food is
Hawaiian food, but he will generally enjoy any type of food His favorite
shows include Marvels Agents of Shield, The Vampire Diaries, and
The Originals. He is studying Nano engineering and hopes to research
drug delivery in the future

Next Years ICRA President

The ICRA elections for executive board are underway. We now have
our new President elect Tyan Smith. Tyan is an amazing young man
who has been part of ICRA for two years. He is this years National
Communications Coordinator, and has enjoyed every second of it.
Well since he is the elect lettuce have some fun facts. Tyan enjoys
exercising and playing sports, whether it is tennis or football he
works hard and has fun. He does not have a favourite colour,
because he feels that it really depends on context and mood. He
loves to watch anime, movies, cartoons, and play video games (yes,
that includes league of legends). He enjoys getting to know new
people, and also loves to help out. Tyan looks forward to being next
years president, and cannot wait to get started. Sir Tyan
To learn even more about ICRAs next President, Tyan Smith, head over to the March Newsletter to see his spread, Meet Tyan Smith!
or to meet him, visit his office hours this Spring Quarter on Mondays from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm in the ICRA Office (located in the Gallery
above the Market in the Village) as he holds ICRAs current position of National Communications Coordinator (NCC)

Apply to NRHH! By Hee Yeon Hwang, NRHH Chair

Are you a student involved in improving residential life? Do you want to receive resources for personalized
professional development? Would you like to connect with different residential leaders from different areas on
campus? Or do you want alumni network and service opportunities? Then apply to be part of the National Residence
Hall Honorary (NRHH)!
NRHH is a leadership-based honorary that values recognition and service in residential life. NRHH plans
quarterly recognition and service projects as well as providing leadership and professional development to the
members. Our Sheila Ryan Chapter has also been recognized as the Outstanding NRHH Chapter of the Year in the
Pacific region!
The applications for Spring 2016 is now available at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NRHHSpring16. Some benefits
of applying are personalized professional development, alumni network, and connecting with leaders from different
residential areas. Submit your application by noon on April 22nd to take advantage of these great opportunities! If you
have any questions, please email Hee Yeon Hwang, the NRHH Chair at NRHHchair@ucsd.edu.

S.U.R.F.S. by Amber Tang, Vice President of Leadership Devlopment

Surprise SURFS session by Lynnay Consul
Lynnay Consul currently serves as an RA for Sixth College, previously served as ICRAs very own Vice President of
Advocacy, and has attended multiple conferences and leadership training sessions. She is also an incredibly friendly
and caring role model. More often than not, you can find her singing along to a catchy tune. Lynnay has been planning
for her SURFS sessions for a while now, so you can expect that it will be creative and engaging!
DATE: Thursday, April 14th
TIME: 7:00PM
LOCATION: Sixth Lodge
Sun God Floaties by Health Promotion Services
Health Promotion Services at UCSD is back this year to teach us all about alcohol safety!! As the highly anticipated
Sun God Festival quickly approaches, we all need to remember to take care of ourselves and our close friends. Come
participate in activities that are both engaging and informative! If you want to learn all about alcohol safety and
education, this is the session for you! If youre interested in student health in general, you can contact Health
Promotion Services at their website: https://wellness.ucsd.edu/studenthealth/services/Pages/Health-Promotion.aspx
DATE: Thursday, April 21st
TIME: 5:00PM
LOCATION: Sixth Lodge
See Through, See You by Neehar Gaddam
Watch out for another Sixth College RA Neehar Gaddam! Neehar is an active member of the UCSD residential life
community who has gone through both training sessions and leadership conferences. He also used to be an active
Community Board member at Sixth College and is currently in the UCSDs Sheila Ryan Chapter of the National
Residence Hall Honorary. This year, he also serves the chair of the Rezzies decoration committee. With all his
experience, Neehaw wants to teach us all about better communication and avoiding assumptions of other individuals.
Make sure to check out his session this quarter!
DATE: Thursday, April 28th
TIME: 3:00PM
LOCATION: Revelle Conference Room
Be Prepared by Patrick Hu
Patrick Hu who is currently the chair of ERCs residence council PERC, also used to be a former Boy Scout with firstaid training! Get excited for his session because he wants to use a lot of props including fake blood, bandage wraps,
and much more to teach us all about how to temporarily treat injuries such as open wounds and broken bones. If
youre interested in extremely hands on activities and learning how to care for others in situations where people might
need temporary medical relief, then this is the session for you! Learn how to help others like how a boy scout would!
DATE: Thursday, May 5th
TIME: 6:00PM
LOCATION: Asante Classroom A/D
Oh Scrap! By Amber Tang
Amber Tang is back again this quarter with her scrapbooking de-stressing session! If youre tired of midterms, love
learning about creative activities, and capturing great UCSD experiences, then come check out her session! Amber
Tang is an active member of the UCSD community, currently serving as ICRAs Vice President of Leadership and took
on this popular de-stressing idea from another university during at one of the many leadership conferences she went
to. Make sure to come to express your artistic side!
DATE: Thursday, May 12th
TIME: 5:00PM
LOCATION: Fireside Lounge

Green Move Outs by Econauts

The Econauts are back at it again to give us some more helpful sustainability tips this time on what to do during move
out! And of course, theyre bringing sustainable bag decorating to encourage everyone to reuse materials! If you want
to learn more about how to better care for the environment or are interested in expressing your creativity in a
sustainable way, then definitely check out this session. If youre interested in learning more about sustainability, then
you come contact the Econauts on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/econauts/?fref=ts
DATE: Thursday, May 19th
TIME: 5:00PM
LOCATION: Mariposa Room
The Power of Persuasion
SURFS doesnt always invite people from other universities to come and present, but when we do, we invite Michael
Tong, a recent undergraduate from the University of Southern California! Michael Tong is a highly successful
individual who used to chair for USCs National Residence Hall Honorary and has been involved in several different
positions in Human Resources, Management, and Leadership. As such, he has attended multiple conferences and
has had various types of training. If youre interested in learning how to master the art of persuasion and practicing
how to communicate more effectively to get your ideas across, then this is the session for you.
DATE: Monday, May 23rd
TIME: 4:00PM
LOCATION: Village Conference Room C

Tunnel of Oppression by Derek Iwata, Vice President of Programming

On Tuesday and Wednesday, April 19th and 20th, The Tunnel of Oppression will take place in the Building 2
Conference Rooms in the Village at Torrey Pines. This event is being led by the Village Residence Life staff with the
assistance of many other student leaders.This program offers an interactive performance that highlights contemporary
issues of oppression. Participants will be guided through various scenes that will both educate and challenge them to
think more deeply about issues regarding harassment, persecution and cruelty. At the end of the tour the attendees
will be provided with the opportunity to discuss the experience. This program without a doubt will offer a unique and
insightful experience unlike any other so you will definitely not want to miss out on this amazing opportunity! The tours
will last about an hour and it should be noted that attendance is not first come first serve. Space is limited on both days
of the event so you must RSVP online beforehand. To do so, please go to tinyurl.com/VTPTOP2016. The earliest time
offered is 6:15 pm and the latest is 8:00 pm. If you have any questions regarding the event and its content, please
contact Vaishakhi Desai, the Assistant Direct of Residence Life at the Village, at vadesai@ucsd.edu.

Put Your Mind to Mental Health! By Will Hsu, ICRA President

Did you know that May is Mental Health Awareness Month? What is your local ResCouncil doing to help spread awareness for
UCSD students to take advantage of campus resources and practice good mental health and overall well-being? Even if most of
your ResCouncils programs are already planned for the quarter, here are some ways you can contribute to cause:

Here are some possible campus and programming resources that you could use:
o CAPS Wellness Peer Educators: Mental health workshops from trained fellow UCSD students!
o The Zone: De-stress workshops
The ribbon color for mental health awareness is LIME GREEN. $10.00 USD at a Michaels craft store can probably get
you enough materials to make a couple hundred of these ribbons. Or, you can also get stickers printed! Some ideas of
what you can do with these ribbons can include:
o Distributing them to your ResCouncil members and challenging them to wear the ribbon throughout May.
o Having them as giveaways at your other programs sign-in stations, with a small quarter card, notifying people
that May is Mental Health Awareness month, what the ribbons symbolize, and respective campus resources
that students should learn more about.
Plan a passive program with your ResCouncil! Some ideas may include:
o Short & sweet decorative posters posted around your residential area throughout May
o Instagram/Twitter contest with your own hashtag have people post photos supporting mental health
awareness on social media throughout May using your specific hashtag. Near the end of May, random photos
can be chosen to win a raffle prize!
If you have a chance, plan an active program to bring out some of your campus resources and have them do some of
their workshops!

No matter what you do, have a way to direct your fellow residents to campus resources! Maybe a quarter-card-sized handout with
important phone numbers, websites, etc. (e.g. CAPS, Suicide Prevention Hotline, etc.) Youre not the experts, so you shouldnt
be giving diagnoses or advising your friends to try doing what works for you; everyones situation is different.
I think that being a part of the Triton Community means having a sense of care for one another and wanting each other to
succeed and be well. So, lets all work to combat any negative stigmas around mental health!

AskICRA (tinyurl.com/askICRa)
by Nathan Tong, Vice President of Advocacy
AskICRA is a module meant to allow residents and students to ask questions about housing and dining here at UCSD.
Any questions are welcome, and this tool is especially useful for those who have a question that cant be answered by
an RA/HA or who want to ask anonymously. Here are some of the questions asked by your fellow residents:
Question 1: Why does the Village Market not sell pizza by the slice? Everyone is inquiring about it. (Asked by
Drew Mills)
Response 1: The Village Market was not built to have the capacity to offer pizza by the slice. It would be very
logistically difficult. The market does not have a full kitchen, the equipment, or the personnel to offer individual and
made to order options. Also, the market is there to provide convenience to residents who want groceries, those who
have kitchens and want to prepare their own meals, and those who want a quick grab and go option.
Some potential alternatives include a new option coming in Fall Quarter 16. At Oceanview Terrace, there will be a new
late night option that will include made to order pizzas and pizza by the slice. So look out for that when it arrives in the
Question 2: Tower West does not have vacuums in any of the apartments, while the other buildings do. I was
wondering if this is an accident on part of Housing or if the Village was constructed this way. I have tried to
check out vacuum cleaners, but so far I have been unsuccessful in doing so. (Anonymous)
Response 2: In any location where a unit is accessed via stairs, instead of an elevator, a vacuum is provided, which is
why each apartment in tower west does not have their own vacuum. However, the RAs should each have one that
residents can check out. There should also be a number of vacuums at the leasing desk that residents can check out
as well. There should only be a maximum of one vacuum per apartment, so anyone with more than one is
recommended to return it to the leasing desk. Thank you.

Muirstock by Edith Rodriguez, VP of Administration

On April 22nd, Muir College celebrates the end of John Muir
Week with Muir Stock, a music festival with food and activities such as
Henna, tie-dye, photo booth and many more. Muir Stock is a great way
that benefits the Triton Food Pantry because all proceeds go to them.
Muir Stock will happen at Muir Quad. By the way it is free for all UCSD
students so come out !
ICRA is now a proud sponsor of Muir Stock so keep an eye out for the
flyers that will be posted up around your college!
Food begins being served at 2:00 PM
Activities begin at 2:00 PM and go until 5:00 PM
While the concert begins from 5:30PM to 11:00 PM
Muir Stock is not only for Muir Students, all students from any residential
area are welcome to come and join the fun. There will be many activities
for everyone to enjoy. Come out to enjoy some free BBQ and it will be
Kosher, Vegan and Vegetarian friendly.
Muir Stock is a great way for residents from different colleges to
come out with their friends and have a great time. Also it benefits the
Triton Food Pantry so you will help out your fellow Tritons while enjoying
some great music and having a great time.

Questions, Comments, or Want a

Summary of your Program in the
next ICRA Newsletter?!
Email me, Derek Iwata, Vice President
of Programming, at
Thank you! [:

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