Self Eval Hayley 1

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Hayley Nolan, HCPNS

April, 17th, 2015

Week 13


Self Evaluation, Winter 2015

During my placement at Credit Valley Hospitals complex continuing care unit, I have developed various
skills that are fundamental to my future practice as a registered practical nurse. I have collaborated with
my fellow nursing students, instructor and nurses on unit to identify strengths and weaknesses in my
current nursing practice.

Areas of Strength

Establishing a therapeutic nurse-client relationship

Intra and interprofessional collaboration


Creating detailed and thorough care plans

Patient advocacy


Time Management

Holistic nursing practice

Areas Needing Improvement


Clinical preparedness

Knowledge of standard practices, procedures and

Clinical decision-making, critical thinking and
professional judgement

Summary of Strengths:

Summary of Areas Needing Improvement:

During my placement on IE-CCC, I have had the

opportunity to establish many therapeutic nurse-client
relationships with patients on the unit. I believe I
provide compassionate care with the clients best
interest as the main focus. I convey respect, empathy
and understanding when working with vulnerable
populations. I continuously advocate for patients. I have
collaborated with others on the unit to provide quality
care to patients. When creating a plan of care, I
approach the clients needs for a holistic viewpoint
which allows me to create a thorough care plan. I
understand the importance of prioritizing patients
needs when working with multiple assignments. I
understand that I must use effective communication to
relay information accurately and quickly. I will continue
to develop these strengths into the next semester and
throughout my nursing career.

Although I have developed many skills in which I feel

competent, I still lack the confidence required to
practice independently. I must trust my nursing skills,
judgement and knowledge in order to provide care to
patients. I will utilize open access lab times to practice
skills in which I do not feel competent and request
teacher assistance as needed. I understand that being
prepared for clinical is essential to success. In future
semesters, I will ensure that I fulfill the necessary
requirements (ex. vaccinations, medication research,
readings, etc.) before I attend clinical. This includes
ensuring that I get enough rest. I will continue to
familiarize myself to the standard practices, procedures
and guidelines required to practice nursing. I will utilize
various resources including textbooks, online learning,
lecture notes, CNO documents and instructor
knowledge. I believe that combining these strategies
will allow me to further develop the decision making,
critical thinking and professional judgement required to
be a competent nurse. I will continue to develop these
strengths into the next semester and throughout my
nursing career.

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