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Peer Feedback and Evaluation, Winter 2015

!Student: Siamah Ekram, HCPNS

Evaluator: Hayley Nolan, HCPNS
Clinical Competencies

Needs Development


She exhibits exceptional professionalism in the clinical
setting. She is punctual, respectful and competent. She
has a great attitude when working with patients,
students and nursing staff.


Siamah possesses the necessary knowledge, skills and
judgement to perform many nursing tasks on the unit
independently, but is sometimes reluctant to make
independent decisions.

Establishing a Therapeutic Nurse-Client


Siamah conveys compassion, empathy, and trust
through her nursing care. She respects all patients and
the choices they have made for their care. She carefully
utilizes nursing interventions such as therapeutic touch.

Self Care

Siamah understands that it takes hard work and
dedication to be successful. I believe that Siamah needs
to ensure that her health needs are met in order to
provide quality care to patients.


Siamah is an excellent team player. She is eager and
willing to assist other students when necessary. She
understands the importance of sharing responsibilities
and roles when collaborating with other students.


I believe Siamah possess leadership qualities such as
knowledge and understanding the importance of
teamwork. I believe it would be to her benefit to
volunteer for leadership roles and step outside of her
comfort zone.

Student Evaluator ______________________ Date 04/16/2015

Student Evaluated ______________________ Date 04/16/2015

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