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i" Vocabulary 1: Clothes 1. Find the following items of clothing and accessories in the pictures above. Which item is not there? What other items can you see? waistcoat jumper dungarees tracksuit bottoms | bracelet trainers blazer dinner jacket scarf cardigan bow tie high-heeled shoes 2 The following adjectives can be used to describe clothes. Which of them can you match to the pictures above? tight-fitting formal tasteful wendy baggy colourful unfashionable shabby sual plain smart w terproof In exercises A and B, put the correct form of the appropriate verb in each space A fit suit — match go with Personally, I don't think those shoes (1) that dress. T mean red and blue just don't (2) "do they? And as for those earrings, well they really don't @) her ~ someone with short hair should not be wearing long ones like that, He looks alright though, except perhaps for those trousers. Do you think they @ him properly? They look a litte tight on him to me. B wear puton get dressed [As it was Sunday I got up and had breakfast in my dressing gown. I didn't ja I well after 11 o'clock. I (2) a long-sleeved jumper at first, but immediately changed my mind. It was far too hot outside and I spent the whole day (3) just a short-sleeved cotion shirt and shorts. Language focus 2: Articles 11 Read the text entitled ‘The home computer, ignoring the spaces for the moment, and answer the following questions. What isthe attitude ofthese people to the educational value ‘of computers? a parents b the government some educationalists What are your views? 2. Now read the text again and complete each of the gaps with 2, an or the, of leave it blank. There isan example at the beginning (0) 3 Read the main rules forthe use of articles on page 208 of the Grammar reference. Then use them to give reasons for each ofthe answers in exercise 2, Example: 0a singular noun is being mentioned for the first time Essays Read the following Writing Part 2 instructions. Your class has been discussing the role of technology in today's society. For homework your teacher has asked you to write an essay, giving your opinions on the following statement, The mobile phone has made a positive contribution to our lives today. Write your essay. You should write 120-180 words, Mobile phones are ne longer a lanury itera ond they clearlg have imany advantages for those who use thens. However, there are also some dravbocks. On the positive side, they enable us fo conmnaunicate with ether people wherever thes haoiy be and at ang thee of the day. Teenagers who need help can contect their parents imbsediately and arnergency services can be called ‘fo the scene of an accident without deloiy, Another adrantooe is thet mong models now have nore than one Function and con be used as canneres, NPS players or even computers, On the negative side, the mobile phone 15 thought Te be a serious threat te health, particulorly in the case of ‘children. Moreover, drivers whe #se lone at the wheel constitute a danger fe others and fatal accidents hare occurred. Finally, wher for many people is a useful device, for others 2 a nuisance and they object te the constant ringing tones in public places. Lrconclusion, mobile phones have ‘certainly tnoproved many people's lives, but we need fo be carefinl about when land where we use then z Read the model answer to the instructions above. What is the purpose of each of the four paragraphs? Example: Paragraph | ~a general introduction a The underlined words and expressions in the model can be grouped in the following way: Expressing contrasts Adding information Concluding On the positive side! Another advantage is In conclusion On the negative side Moreover Finally b Add the following alternative linking devices to the appropriate group in exercise a. On the one hand Besides this On balance To sum up In addition (to this) On the other hand Some people feel that Another disadvantage is What is more Furthermore Others argue that The following linkers can also be used to organize ideas. First of all.../ To begin with... Secondly... Finally... Examiners look for evidence of a good range of structures and vocabulary. Which words has the writer of the model answer used to avoid repeating ‘mobile phones’? Read the following Writing Part 2 instructions and the advice in the How to go about it box. Your class has been discussing the role of technology in today’s society. For homework your teacher has asked you to write an essay, giving your opinions on the following statement; The computer has greatly improved our lives today: Articles 1 Read the following text quite quickly. To what extent do you share the writer’s views? Lam,self-confessed technophobe. I have come to hate technology and the way it dominates every aspect of the life. One of the worst offenders is the computer, which for many has become the most important object both in home and the workplace, where they spend the more time staring at a si creen than interacting Sure, they can be used to write the emails and ‘chat’ to friends — or even to total strange! but isn’t it ironic that the more we communicate, less communicative 1 2 3 4 5 with the people around them. Computers have killed an art of conversation, 6 7 8 we seem to become? Equally ir 9 also known, perhaps because the people who use one should be put in the ating is mobile phone, or ‘cell phone’, as it is 10 prison cell for doing so. They shout into them on train or send pointless text 11 messages to one another: I once sat in a bar and watched young couple text each 12 other from opposite sides of the same table. But it’s not just young who are 13 addicted to these toys; the high percentage of over-60s have joined in the ‘fun’. 14 Indeed, the older you are, the louder you have to shout into the your phone — or 15 so it seems, anyway, But maybe I'm a one with the problem, maybe I should 16 just get myself a laptop and a mobile, go away to mountains and then contact my friends and family from there. I might get to talk to them more that wa An e-mail fan | think the computer is such a (0)__useful___ invention. Take e-mail, for USE ‘example. It's such an easy and (1) way to write letters. When PAIN | was younger, | rarely ever put pen to paper, not even to say ‘thank you’ for presents sent by (2) relatives. They must have thought | THOUGHT was so (3) Now, though, you can't keep me away from the GRATITUDE keyboard. [can (4) spend hours typing away on my computer, CHEER all types of messages to all types of people. One of the worst (5) for me of writing by hand was always the ‘ADVANTAGE 6) of knowing that people would be able to see and criticize my EMBARRASS untidy handwriting and (7). spelling. Now, of course, thanks to the CARE spelicheck, | can edit what I've written quickly and (8)___ before | EFFORT send it off. | just can’t get over how (9) fast everything is. WONDER Teenagers nowadays take all this for granted, but when | was their age, none of this existed. Young people don't realize how (10) they are. FORTUNE

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