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Reading Lesson Plan Format

JMU Student Name:

12:00 pm

Katie Spinelli

Grade Level:


Date/Time you plan to teach the lesson: February, 17th, 2016

Lesson Type: READ ALOUD

Title, Author & Summary of the Text Used in this Lesson:

Read Aloud on Franklins Valentines written by Paulette Bourgeois and Brenda Clark and illustrated by Brenda Clark
Summary: Franklin was rushed to school on Valentines Day and he dropped all of his valentines without knowing. He
gets to schoolrealizes that he has dropped them and becomes upset because he doesnt have valentines for his friends.
His friends tell him that he doesnt need valentines to be their friendespecially because he accidentally dropped them.
He goes home, makes new valentines and brings them in the next day for a Friendship day
Describe how and provide a rationale for the way you have grouped students for this lesson:
The students will sit on the carpet to have a brain break probably after a lesson.

Standard(s) Addressed:
Reading 1.9: The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of fictional texts: e) ask and answer who, what,
when, where, why and how questions about what is read f) identify characters, setting, and important events h) identify the main
idea or theme
Writing 1.13 The student will write to communicate ideas for a variety of purposes: a) generate ideas b) focus on one topic f) use
correct spelling for commonly used sight words and phonetically regular words in final copies g) share writing with others

The students will
The students will understand why Valentines Day is celebrated and how we can celebrate with friends
The students will understand and be able to describe why Valentines Day is not the only day to be nice to people
The students will understand the importance of accepting people and being kind to others

Reading Lesson Plan Format

JMU Student Name:
12:00 pm

Katie Spinelli

Grade Level:


Date/Time you plan to teach the lesson: February, 17th, 2016

Tier Two Vocabulary Words and Student Friendly Definitions:

friend- someone that makes them happy and you can spend time with
rushed/hurried(ask what that means)sees if the kids know, if they dont I will explain that he was moving very fast
and sometimes you can forget things if you rush/hurry or move very fast.

Materials needed/preparation of the learning environment:

Franklins Valentines written by Paulette Bourgeois and Brenda Clark, die cut hearts to make valentines and crayons and
colored pencils (already on their desk)

Plans for differentiation: To reach all levels of learners, I have varied the difficulty of my questions. I will ask them
questions before, during and after the reading. I will call on different students to make sure they all understand why they
are making valentines and how they are for a family member. I will call on students that do not focus when stories are
being read aloud to them. I will also make sure that the students that do focus are not the only ones that are called on.

Before Reading
Engage: Describe how
you will:
capture students
interest and

Introduce the book by reading the title, author, and illustrator

-Say: Whos excited for Valentines Day show me a thumbs up
-Say: Who has ever felt like they did not do what they were supposed to do or
lost somethingthumbs up
-Say: How many of you have read Franklin books or watched the movies


Reading Lesson Plan Format

JMU Student Name:
12:00 pm

Katie Spinelli

Grade Level:


Date/Time you plan to teach the lesson: February, 17th, 2016

introduce the text;

activate students
knowledge; and
set the purpose for

thumbs up
Start reading the book.

Explore: Describe
how you will:
preview the text

I will talk about how it feels to lose something important and how they felt and
how I felt when I lost something important.
For example, one time I lost a toy that was my brothers. I was very upset that I
lost that toy. When I told him he was forgiving (means that he understood) and I
was able to replace it later when we went to the store.


During Reading
Explain: Describe how
you will:
model/explain your
thinking (list page
numbers and what
you will say/do)
invite students to
model/explain their
thinking about the
words? (list page
numbers and what
you will say/do)

After the first page, I will point to Franklin and make sure everyone knows who
he is
Second page, I will point to the valentines to make sure everyone sees that they
fell out of the backpack
Third page- I will elude to the fact that there is foreshadowing (not using that
word) about him losing his valentines because he was so upset.
Fourth page, I will point to how disappointed Franklin looks (ask if anyone has
ever been upsetor if they have felt like Franklin looks)
Fifth page, I will point out how Franklin is crying
After, I will ask the kids if they would not be someones friend because they
didnt give them a valentine.
Bear talks to Franklin about how he doesnt care that there is no valentine for
them ask if the kid would do the same to their friends
When he is with his parents, I would point out that they can come to us for help


Reading Lesson Plan Format

JMU Student Name:
12:00 pm

Katie Spinelli

Grade Level:


Date/Time you plan to teach the lesson: February, 17th, 2016

and they could ask their parents as well

Ask the kids how they would feel if they got valentines late?
Tell the kids that its no big deal and that they can give the staff valentines late
for everything theyve done or to be niceThinking about people in a positive
way isnt bad!

After Reading
Elaborate: Describe
how you will:
engage students in
developing a more
understanding of
the purpose for

I am going to explain that you can have valentines day after valentines day. You can
be kind to people you like every dayits not just a holiday.
Say: All of us have papers at our desks with hearts.
Say: We are going to make valentines for our staff (custodians, secretaries and
principals) because they often dont get the recognition we should give them
Say: you can use the crayons and colored pencils and whatever else you want out of
the scrap paper box


Evaluate: Describe
how you will:
encourage students
to assess their
understanding and
evaluate (formally)
student progress
toward achieving

I will go around and make sure kids are on task and I will show others their work.
Considering this is after Valentines dayit would be shown to the parents and they
will realize that you dont have to have a holiday to be nice
I will help them spell different teachers, custodians and employees names because
they worked hard to shovel snow and worked so people could have school. They
clean rooms, bathrooms and help keep the school running smoothly


Reading Lesson Plan Format

JMU Student Name:
12:00 pm

Katie Spinelli

Grade Level:


Date/Time you plan to teach the lesson: February, 17th, 2016

the educational

Closure: Describe how

you will:
remind students of
the lesson objective
link the new
learning to future

I will ask them to come to the carpet for discussion after they have given the
valentines to either Ms. Kettelkamp or myself.
I will remind students of how they felt when they lost something important
I will remind the students that they should be nice always and accepting of others
even if they have done something wrong
I will ask them to turn and talk to their neighbors about those situations and will ask
to raise their hands if they felt like they were upset/ didnt like to lose something.
I will make sure that they understand that you can be nice and thankful to people that
help run the school and help the kids in everyday life.

What could go wrong with this lesson and what will you do about it?
-Students could not understand the directions and they could make valentines for someone in the classI would tell
them thats inappropriate
-Students could think that this is a love story and make fun of people for making valentines for people who go
unnoticed in the schoolI would tell them thats inappropriate
-Students could not know how to spell a principal/staff members nameI would try to spell as best as I could
-Students could not know who to give their valentine toI would give them ideas, I would make one for Ms. Libby
(custodian) for an example to look at after they have finished theirs

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