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The Story of Susie Bribe

By Natalie Falemaka
U of U Writing B3

"Susie, tell me something about you and your family."

"Where do I begin? I guess I'll start from the beginning."
My name is Susie Bribe. I am 14 years old. My favorite thing
to do is write poems. The future goal is to be like Edgar Allen Poe.
His work gives me goose bumps every time I read it. I love Edgar
Allen Poe. My family is like any other family you would find in your
neighborhood. We love each other and act pretty normal for the
most part. I say for the most part because there are things that
my neighbors have definitely raised their eyebrows about our
family outings. However, it doesn't bother us. It only makes us
laugh! In fact, I take pride being with my family. I have one older
sister, two younger brothers, a mom and dad, an Uncle Chuck
who lives with us and my absolute favorite cat in the world, King
Fatness. We all live together in one two story house. The house is
red which my favorite color is. I could just stare at the color red
for hours and it would not bother me but back to my family. I am
going to start with Eileen.
My older sister is Eileen. She's an excellent cook! I'm not
being bias either, my friends thinks so, too. Eileen graduated high
school and attended a culinary school in France. From there, she

learned, from the French people, how to chop, skim, saut,

bisque, brule, and bake an excellent French croissant. She cooks
an amazing lemon chicken smothered in sweet lemon sauce with
a hint of salt and vinegar, topped with a pinch of spicy chili
powder. It's my favorite dish to eat. When I get home, my sister
makes it for me, which is what makes her amazing. She never
makes me go hungry.
Max and mike are our twins. With Eileen as the oldest and
me as the middle child, the twins are our babies. My mother likes
to especially point that out when she pinches their cheeks before
they enter their school doors. My brothers love soccer! They want
to compete at the Olympics when they grow older. They are very
talented when it comes to soccer. I know without a doubt they can
do it! Because I'm older than they are, I feel an obligation to
watch over them. My brothers might say I am too bossy. It's true!
However, I do it because I love them and I don't like to see them
getting hurt.
Mom and dad are next. All I can say is I wouldn't be who I am
if it wasn't for them. Mom is a stay at home mom and an
advocate for the Red Cross. Dad is also a stay at home but he's a

painter. His usual work is abstract of nature, which is our

backyard. Our backyard has a flower garden, three trees, and a
small pond in the middle. Our neighbors compliment my parents
for our backyard. They both met in Japan and Japan is known for
their garden designs. I guess they wanted to incorporate that
culture in our yard. They both taught me to work hard and be
determined. There is nothing I cannot achieve without work on my
part is something they always tell me.
Uncle Chuck is another thing. I am just joking but I think he
is the reason why neighbors are a bit suspicious with our family.
Uncle Chuck move here from Africa. He was the tribe's right hand
man. Uncle Chuck practiced rituals and danced in ceremonies.
One time, he told me for one of his dances, he had to pretend he
was an elephant. He said he waved one arm as the trunk,
stomped his feet, and made elephant noises as the music. He still
does it! After it rains, he would go outside and perform it. He says
it brings good luck but all it does is give me gas because of hard I
was laughing. He has taken an interest with washing and drying
machine. It reminds him of the African wind. Sometimes I think he
makes things up but I still love him regardless.

Last is the absolute best pet ever to have lived on the face
the earth, King Fatness. I found him in an alley digging in the
garbage cans to find something to eat. He was slow to walk and
you could easily see his rib cage. I carried him home and begged
my parents for him to stay. I had to take care of him was their
reply. I was so happy! The frail cat turned obese in two weeks. He
likes to hog over the remote and sits on dad's chair. It reminded
me of the King England sitting with his fat on the throne. From
there on, he was named King Fatness. I love going to the attic
with King Fatness and play hide and seek. He finds me in every
game! The cat likes outside the most, especially the trees.
Sometimes I would help him up but would then be told to get him
down a few minutes later. It's okay though. He loves heights.
My family and I like to spend time together at home. We
sometimes do outings but we like it best in our home. Who
wouldn't? Although two story, our house is probably the most
alive home in the neighborhood. With Eileen cooking, dad
painting, and the twins playing soccer, our house is diverse with
activities to do. Everywhere else is quiet and hardly anyone is at
home. We are fine with it though. It makes less suspicious

neighbors. Our favorite family activity is a bonfire in the front. I

would grab branches from the tree, light a match and we all
would huddle around the warmth burning of the fire. I love those
nights when we do it.
Overall, I am Susie Bribe. I love my family. I love my house. I
love poems like I mentioned in the beginning. I want to one day
be like Edgar Allen Poe. "That's me."
"Great! Do you have anything else to add?"
"Yes. What time are we finished so I can go home?"


I, Chief Officer Jenkins, file a report against minor, Susie
Bribe. Susie bribe is a suspect with criminal charge of first degree
murder of family members and pet cat. Although a minor, Susie
Bribe has been evidently been proven to have killed each victim
in the marked approach our team picked up on. Setting place is at
the house at Oaken Street across from public Elephant Cemetery.
As an investigator of the Susie Bribe case, I hereby urge the court
to plead guilty and uphold the death penalty decision.

Bribe is an only child and lived in the small house next to the
cemetery with now deceased father. The father has been reported
an alcoholic and has been shown in the system a charge of rape
to unknown victim. Her mother left when she was three. After the
death of the father with death unknown, the Harley family took
Susie in 9 months prior to their deaths.
Under approved therapy sessions that Susie has been
undertaking for nine months, Bribe has explained each approach
she did to the victims of the Harley family. Through the
investigation of our teams, we now confirm with evidence how
each victim died.
Eileen Harley was not found as a whole. The team
discovered Eileen in pieces and cooked in the Harleys home
kitchen oven. By not found as whole, we mean through
observation, Eileen was missing a few limbs with bite marks on
the remaining limbs. We have reason to believe Bribe cooked the
victim and was eating her limb from limb. As Bribe described
Eileen She never makes me go hungry.

Max and Mike, the twins in the family, were found in their
room beds with various drug prescriptions beside them. Through
testing, evidence show the twins died due to over dosage of
drugs. The twins were also described to be in soccer uniforms.
The team also noted that the 2015 FIFA Womens Soccer rerun
was played in the bedrooms television next to the numerous
amounts of drugs.
Cary Harley, mother, was found in the backyards pool. From
testing, Mrs. Harley was discovered to die due to loss of blood
that was recently flowing in the pool she was found. Testing shows
Ms. Harley was found nearly out of her blood with 90% blood
Matt Harley, husband and father, just like Eileen, was not
found as a whole. Matt was also in pieces with some investigators
are still trying to find. On the scene, Matts head, cut off from the
body, was found upside down with a paintbrush sticking out the
hole. In the Harley home, the team has found paperwork with
Matts blood in figures of strange trees and animals. Bribe has
testified that the father.

Mr. Chuck or as Bribe described Uncle Chuck was found in

the basement in the dryer with bruising and cuts. We believe the
dryer was on with him in it. Bribes testimony of He has taken an
interest with washing and drying machine, also has us believe
she did it.
The Harley family also had a cat found hanged in the attic.
Although the other victims showed traced of cuttings, the cat was
the only to be found with no cuttings. With Bribes statement It's
okay though. He loves heights. We indeed believe Bribe played a
role to the cats death.
With the evidence of the scenes, the victims body, and
Susie bribes story, we hereby charge Susie Bribe with eight
degrees of man slaughter and animal abuse and do hereby plead
her guilty to the court. As charged, we sentence her 90 years to
life in the prison or with national consent, execution. However
from the victims condition, we believe justice of prison in life will

Along with the interview of Susie Bribe, Susie Bribe has also
written a poem revealing her deadly works titled Hidden truth by
Susie Bribe.

Hidden truth by Susie Bribe

I am Susie Bribe.
I am your scribe,
I take no interest to apologize.
How can I apologize for love?

I am Susie Bribe, Eileen,

I cooked her like my chicken
She was fun but it had to be done
My stomach growled when I saw her.

I am Susie Bribe, Max and Mike,

I heavily dosed for them to sleep
The world is bad and it made me mad
They needed to be safe.

I am Susie Bribe, Cary

I made her bleed to death
She was so mean and acted like a queen
Like my old mother.

I am Susie Bribe, Matt,

I painted your blood as paintings,
My life was down and it made me frown,
Painting was my therapy.

I am Susie Bribe, Uncle Chuck,

I stuffed into the washer and dryer,
You wanted my time and shined like a dime,
I wanted to make you shine brighter.

I am Susie Bribe, King Fatness,

The amazing cat I hanged in the attic,
You were fat and looked like a bat,
I just wanted to see if you were one.

I am Susie Bribe.

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