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‘Alexyss Thomas Joel Roney Brianne Smith Ndia Thurman . uweT 1102 2/8/2016 Time Warner Cable Arena Project Proposal The Time Warner Arena is a multi-million dollar business that is the home to the Hornets and many other events, With other surrounding businesses the arena brings in a lot of money, tourists, and resources, like jobs and restaurants. However, there is a rich history and how the cost and building has affected the city of Charlotte along with the people. So, what do you know about the Time Warner Cable Arena? Asa team we plan to explore many topics about the Time Warner Cable Arena such as: the vast history, different types of events, the Hornets themselves, the businesses around the arena, how events affect the profits of these businesses, how long different types of events take to setup and takedown and anything else you may want to know about the arena. These are just a few of the topics we will be . diving into to discover what makes the Time Warner Arena Cable function as a part of Charlotte. The interview process is an extremely important element in our group's project. As of now we currently do not have any idea as to who we are going to be interviewing, however the method our group plans on using is vital to acquiring all the information we need to complete this semester long project. How we plan on deciding who our interviewee will be is that once we have exhausted our research options we will all decide what topic has the least amount of information. From there we will attempt to contact administrators of the Time Warner Cable Arena to see if they could send us in the correct direction of finding an employee that has the specialization to answer our questions. Once that person is identified Alexyss'Thomas Time warner Guup 2 ‘we will make a list of all needed information then schedule a time to meet them and acquire the final resource bits we need to present a wonderful presentation. Our proposed plan will be effective and appropriate because the Time Warner Cable Arena will not only affects the Charlotte area but also the people who live here too. The perfect reason why it will be effective is for the students to know how an arena in their city and how it affects them in an organized, entertaining, and appropriate way. It’s important for our audience to know what is going on in the town ‘that we live in and it’s best to keep up with the latest news. Charlotte residents should know where their money is going and ifit’s being used for a good cause. This should definitely be considered since the arenas renovations were paid for with taxes which is what the residents pay contribute to when they pay their taxes every year. However, the arenas’ profit is what they have made at the end of the year and it will most likely come from the ticket sales, concession stands, and sponsors even. Ifthere is a pay back in place has not been found yet but it will be a part of further research done throughout the project as well as other financial information. The audience should care about our topic since they go to school here at UNC Charlotte. The Charlotte 49ers men’s basketball team played at the arena on December 23a 2015 against ye. Georgetown, and this brought in alot of publicity for our school Students, alumni, and Charlotte locals oat filled the stands to watch the men play. Our audience should care about our presentation about The Time Warner Cable Arena, because it is a moneymaking business, surrounded by other businesses that is. ‘a major part of the Charlotte area. Most people know of the arena because of the Hornets, but there are other events that are held there as well. The research will be interesting for them because it will discuss how the Bobcats Arena went to the Time Warner Cable Arena, how many people can be seated at a concert, basketball, and hockey game, along with who is in control of this whole arena and how much it cost. Our timeline basically consists of a few major events/points within the process of our project. The first part being the research process, which will be taken care of by Ndia and Alexyss. The next part being the interview process which will be based on any holes left in the research, this will be done by Joel. He will decide not only who gets interviewed but also what questions are asked. The following part will be the organization and editing of the information within the slides, this will be done by Brianne. Lastly is the actual presentation, this will be done by all of us collectively. In the end we aim to not only have an all-around effective presentation, but to also leave no question that may be asked unanswered. Date Goal 2/22 turn in revised proposal (everyone) | a4 find sources and start research (everyone/ Ndia and Alexyss) 37s organize and identify useful information (Brianne) 3722 find and interview a person (ioel) Bat organize slides and add multimedia (Brianne) a review and edit slides (everyone) have the project finished up (everyone) finalize and polish everything (everyone) present (everyone) Lemomhen Yow haut to addntaothe, madeo 2 Luinguiehic, Spoiidd, Gestunal, ured and Visual Comardin a plam Cor bun (ou Muth Usethese-un tha Prgnomsttattoin » Go frward w] Youn plame and dusearch, Bader 40

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