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True North

Slavery in North America

Slavery is a sensitive subject

We must handle it carefully
Although slavery is illegal today in
North America, people of colour still
face its consequences today


Discrimination against Black people

still exists and people of other cultural
background cannot fully understand
the implications

A sensitive subject

Therefore, respect is non-negotiable!

NO racial slurs or racist comments
toward any ethnicities will be tolerated

The Author: Kathryn Lasky

Born in 1944
Grew up in Indianapolis
Now lives in Cambridge,
Writes mainly for children
One of her book was adapted
into a movie,
Legend of the Guardians: The
Owls of GaHoole

This historical fiction novel tells the lives of two 19th-century teen
girls: Afrika, a run-away slave from a Virginia plantation, and
Lucy, a restless young socialite from Boston. While Afrika travels
the Underground Railroad, dodging slave catchers and their
hounds, Lucy prepares for her sister's upcoming wedding to a
prominent New Yorker even though she would rather be helping
her grandfather with his abolitionist efforts.
The paths of the two girls converge when Lucy discovers Afrika
hiding in her grandfather's house after Pap has died from a
stroke. Together, the two girls embark on a dangerous journey to
the Canadian border.


What do you know?

Learning about Slavery

In order to learn more about slavery, you will
research a sub-topic in a group and create an
informal presentation to teach your peers about
an element central to slavery in North America.
Basically, I want you to specialize, to become an
expert in one topic to share it with the rest of the

1. Assign a role to each team member.
2. Read the guiding questions associated to your topic.
Make sure everyone understands them!
3. Read the text Slavery: No Freedom, No Rights and select the
information that is relevant to your given topic.
4. Split the research questions and information between the team
5. Research! (use recommended websites)
6. Create a presentation using Prezi or PowerPoint, or create a poster.
(+/- 3 minutes)

Everyone is responsible for researching!
Facilitator Big Group
Time Manager
Tech Manager
Facilitator Mini-group 1
Facilitator Mini-group 2
Facilitator Mini-group 3

Submit a sheet
with all team
members names
and roles!

Cotton Industry
Harriet Tubman
Underground Railroad


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