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2/16 Meeting Minutes: Event

Locations, Activities and Food

Tuesday, 02.16.2016
Location: Loyola University Chicago, IC Room 214
Time Convened: 7:00pm
Time Adjourned: 8:34pm
Recorded by: Jeremiah Johnson

Emma Buchholz,
Small Group #2 Member
Samantha Happ,
Small Group #2 Member
Jeremiah Johnson
, Small Group #2 Member
Mattison Moran,
Small Group #2 Member
Jessie Staed,
Small Group #2 Member
Molly Tatosian,
Small Group #2 Member

Last Meeting Follow-up: Tuesday, February 9th (In Class)
1. Brainstorm on possible ideas for group project

New Business
1. Brainstorm on location of event, possible activities for the event and food
donations from nearby restaurants

Everyone opened the contract for the Benefit Event for HOW on the google docs to
review what we had so far
Talked about where we should hold our event

We came up with a few idea

Possible event places:
Outdoor Venue
We then talked about some activities we would have at our event
Some activities that we agreed on were as follows
Kickball tournament
Corn Hole tournament
Discussed if we would be getting the corn hole from Sams sorority, or if we would be
getting them from Halas
Our group talked about where we could get possible food donations from different
Some restaurants we agreed to contact were as follows
Petes Pizza
Insomnia Cookies
Molly asked her dad if they could donate food from his restaurant. Mollys dad said he
would talk to his friends, but he would need to know more details, like an actual number
of people and if we are looking for hot or cold food.

Action Items
1. Jessie talk to the AD of the Athletic Department to see if we can use Gentile for our
event and call some local bakeries to ask for donations
2. Molly talk to your dad about about donating food to us from his restaurant for the
3. Emma contact Damen MPR, Halas, and an outdoor venue as a backup if Gentile
does not work and contact Petes pizza about donating a slice
4. Everyone complete their designated part of the contract
5. Sam printout contract to give to Romanelli in class on Thursday February 18th

Next Meeting Agenda Items

1. Turn in Benefit Event for HOW contract to Romanelli

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