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ONE WORLD CIRCLE (OWC): Ten Questions for Indigenous Nations

Non-Binding Unofficial Personal Opinion Interview

In Regard to Loss and Damage Due to Colonialism

Responses helping The American Cooperation Party Platform Building Process Lead to
Reconciliation and Restitution for 566+Native American Tribes
Thank You from Barry Tillman, Co-Founder, American Cooperation Party, 505.567.9290,
Please request an email version or join our team to interview the Navajo Nation Government for ACP


The following questions are designed to expose how the UN

International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples1 is not
designed to correct the systematic Colonialist losses and
damage to Indigenous land, resources and people.

1. How was tribal leadership eroded after European contact?

2. What was considered the Fundamental Rights of your tribe as a People

that was passed down to every generation?

3. In what ways did communication and relationships change among tribal


4. What was the consequence of the interruption of young peoples training

for adulthood in the tribal community?

5. What was the male and female gender life-tasks before European contact
and how was this partnership eroded by Colonialism.

1 Friday, 8 August 2014: 3-6PM UNHQ, New YorkTheme: "Bridging the gap:
implementing the rights of indigenous peoples". The United Nations Permanent Forum on
Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) is an advisory body to the Economic and Social
Council (ECOSOC), with a mandate to discuss indigenous issues related to economic and
social development, culture, the environment, education, health and human rights.

6. What happened to the Shamans and the medicine people and their
healing knowledge-sharing with the people?

7. How did oppression of language and culture affect your tribe?

8. What was the intergenerational relationship between elder and youth and
how was it changed and what was lost?

9. How were the tribal resources, both individual and communal distributed
among the people?

10. What was the world-view regarding the relationship between the people
of your tribe and the land?


Describe how your tribe was damaged and list categories of

specifically identified Historical Grievances


Is your tribe willing to participate in designing a

Reconciliation2 and Restitution3 Plan?

2 - the act of causing two people

or groups to become friendly again after an argument or disagreement; the process of
finding a way to make two different ideas, facts, etc., exist or be true at the same time.

3 - the act of returning something

that was lost or stolen to its owner.

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