Peer Teaching Lesson Plan #2 Choreographed Movement

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Peer Teaching Lesson Plan #2

Choreographed Movement
Target Grade Level: 1st 2nd grade
Teaching Materials: Adventures of Randy the Raindrop, their body
SLO/Objective: Students will be able to imitate the movements that
reflect the poem Adventures of Randy the Raindrop.
Teaching/Learning Sequence:
Adventures of Randy the Raindrop by Patty Jean Wiese, found
on Pintrest, posted by TeachersPayTeachers.
Randy the Raindrop lived in a cloud. (arms above head in circle)
The heat from the sun made him big, strong, and proud. (fan face,
then show muscles)

He got bigger and bigger until one day OH MY!(move arms out farther
from body)

He fell through the floor of his house in the sky!

(crouch down on the


Randy was scared, then he saw more raindrops falling.

(cover eyes,

then uncover them)

Hey Randy, Isnt this fun? they were calling. (put hands cupping mouth)
Then onto a leaf with a splash, Randy fell, (clap hands)
And what happened next is a strange thing to tell. (put hands up in air)
Randy was made up of water, you know, (shake finger)
A part of him went to help the tree grow. (crouch down then raise hands and
stand up)

The rest of him went into a puddle so round,

(put arms in circle in front of


Then the sun cam out and shone on the ground.

(spirit fingers in a circle


The sun warmed Randy and he started to change. (hug body)

He became water vapor My isnt that strange? (spirit fingers moving up
into the air)

Little drops of water, too tiny to see,

Floated in the sky Yes that was Randy!
Randys home once again was a cloud in the sky.

(arms above head in


He was a raindrop once more, but then by and by

The sun made him bigger and bigger and then (move arms out father
from body)

He fell through the floor of his house once again!

(crouch down on the


- T: Today 2nd graders, we are going to move our bodies to
reflect the poem, Adventures of Randy the Raindrop, but
first I am going to read it to you. As I read the poem, listen
closely and think of what the poem is really about and
what it is describing.
- T will read the poem expressively and emphasize different
words to help get the meaning across students.
- T will ask the students what the poem was about and what
it was describing.
- S will give their answers.
- T: Yes! It is about a raindrop. Good job class!
- T will ask the students what else they know about rain.

- T will ask the students the different ways rain can fall from
the sky.
- T will then tell the students that they are now going to be
moving their bodies like rain and moving their bodies to
the different adventures of Randy the raindrop.
- T can play music in the background that sounds like a
gentle storm or a thunderstorm, or both if time allows. This
will help the students realize the different moods of the
types of storms and of how the rain falls.
- T will say the first line and do the movement.
- S will then repeat the line and the action.
- T will say the second line and do the movement.
- S will then repeat the line and the action.
- This will go on throughout the whole poem. (The actions for
the poem are up above next to the lines.
- T will then read the poem and have the kids do the
movements. T will give clues with each line. S can join in
and say the poem too if they are comfortable enough doing

- T: Alright class, now you know what rain does and how rain
falls and gets back into the clouds, so next time it rains,
you can remember the different things that we learned and
you can see if the rain is doing those things.
Or if enough time allows

S will sit back down at their desks and the teacher will
hand out a piece of paper.
T: After moving like rain, I want you guys to write down
your favorite things about rain, and maybe a picture of
what you like to do when it rains outside.
This ending activity allows students to connect with the
movements they created in class and also allows them to
write down what stood out to them about rain.

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