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Combinations For

Successful Astrologers
N. Sundara Rajan, India.
[Publisher: This article first appeared in Oct
1967 in the Astrological Magazine and for a
year fan mails were published by Dr Raman
in response to this article. Finally Dr Raman
was forced to publish a letter stating that he
will no longer publish the fan mails as it
was more than a year than the articles
publication. Kindly note the author uses his
own ayanamsa, also for recent studies one
can study Terri McCartneys article titled
The Astrology for Astrologers in this


hat makes one a successful

astrologer? Scientists there are
plenty but there was only one
Newton or one Einstein. Likewise, among
VarahaMihira and in modern times we had
the one and only B V Raman. Our ancient
authorities on astrology like Brihat Jataka,
Phaladeepika etc deal with a number of Raja
Yogas for success in different professions
and various spheres of life, but they are
strangely silent or speak very little about the
planetary combinations which make for a
successful and eminent astrologer. This was
perhaps why Varaha Mihira and brilliant
astrologers, who came after him, were
symbols of humility. But these great
ancestors have not failed in their duty to us
and we find hints here and there scattered,
on the combinations which make one an
eminent astrologer. The rarity of mention
of these rules can be imagined from the fact
that after spending much time and energy
on more than a dozen ancient astrological
treatises, I was able to lay my hands on only
18 rules which I list below and place before
the enlightened readers. Also I have

Sundara Rajan's name needs no

introduction; he has played mentor and

friend to most astrological magazines
whether it be R Santhanams, B V Ramans or
Star Teller and now Saptarishis Astrology.
He started astrology in 1956, created one of
the first astrology softwares, has written
more than 1000 articles since 1963 in Dr
Ramans magazine and others, has published
4 books, created the Vincity ephemeris, his
ayanamsa is called the Sundara Rajan
Ayanamsa adopted by 2 international
softwares and his friend, mentor was the
legend of legends of yesteryears the
Highness of Nadi Astrology Late C G
Rajan. Although Shri Sundara Rajan has
numerous stunning world predictions to his
credit but he is phenomenally humble man
which only shows the grace of Rishis.


appended in illustration horoscopes of seven of the worlds eminent and leading

astronomers and astrologers of the last century.
Rule A: Jataka Parijata (Ch.15, Shl.47) while describing the effects of the 10th Bhava and
various professions from the 10th Bhava says, If the lord of the 10th house occupies the
Navamsa of Mercury, the native will make his livelihood by astrology and allied Shastras.
Rule B: Varaha Mihira, in his famous Brihat Jataka (Ch.18, Sh.2) says, If the Sun is in
Gemini, the native will be an astrologer.
Rule C: Again in Ch.19, Sh.2, he says If the Moon is in Leo is aspected by Mercury, the
native will be an astrologer.
Rule D: Again in Ch.17, Sh.4, while describing the effects of the Moon in various houses,
Varahamihira says: The native with the Moon in Cancer will have knowledge of astrology.
Mantreswara, in Phaladeepika (Ch.5, Sh.5), says: If the lord of the 10th house occupies
the house of Mercury, the native will earn his livelihood through knowledge of the planets.
Rule E: Kiranur Nataraja, in his Tamil astrological treatise Jatakalankara while describing the
effects for natives born under four quarters (padas) of the 27 asterisms says: A person born
with the Moon in the 3rd and 4th quarters of Aswini will be fond of astrology.
Rule F: He again says: A person with the Moon in the 3rd quarter of Rohini will be versed in
mantras and astrological mathematics.
Rule G: Kiranur Nataraja again says that one who is born with the Moon in first quarter of
Visaka will be an astrologer. He also, like Varaha Mihira, says that if the Moon is in Leo
aspected by Mercury, the native will be a talented astrologer.
Rule H: He further states while dealing with the 2nd Bhava and its effects: The native in
whose natal chart Mercury is in a Kendra, the lord of the 2nd Bhava is in exaltation, Venus is
in a common (dual) sign, benefics in the 3rd Bhava and Venus in exaltation this native will
be an expert in astrology.
Rule I: Sage Garga, in his Hora Sastra, describing the effects of TriGrahaYogas
(combinations of three planets) in the 5th Bhava, says: A man who has got the Moon, Venus
and Saturn in the 5th will have knowledge of Jyotisha.
Rule J: Illustrious Satyacharya, in his Satyacharyam, says: If the lord of the ascendant is in
the 5th Bhava in a benefic sign, amsa or asterism, the native attains the siddhi of a particular
God or Deity associated with that benefic and becomes a friend of powerful persons in
Rule K: Also Lagna Lord in the 3rd makes one famous in Jyotisha.
Rule L: Again Satyacharya says: If the lord of the 5th is in the 2nd Bhava with a benefic yoga,
the native will be an astrologer and his predictions will come true. Further the native will
enjoy wealth through Divine Favor. Again, while describing various professions from the

10th Bhava, he says that Mercury makes one earn his livelihood through the profession of
Rule M: Another famous Tamil astrological treatise Veemakavi, based on a system similar to
that of the Nadis, states thus: If the lord of the 4th house is a malefic and is placed in a trine;
if the lords of 2nd, 8th and 12th and Mercury join together or if Jupiter joins them, the native
will be a scholar and an astrologer.
Rule N: It is however another famous Tamil astrological classic, Jataka Choodamani, that lys
down four sets of distinct combinations which go to make an expert astrologer.
Combination 1: If no malefics are placed in kendras from the Sun, and if Venus is in
exaltation in the 2nd house with Mercury, the native will be a scholar and an expert
astrologer and of charitable disposition.
Combination 2 (Rule O): If the lord of the 2nd is in a kendra associated with or aspected by
Mercury and Jupiter from his own house aspects and the full Moon is in conjunction with
Saturn, he will be a talented astrologer.
Combination 3 (Rule P): If Jupiter is in a kendra or trikona and the lord of the ascendant is
in exaltation and in conjunction with the lord of the 2nd or with Mercury, the native will be
an astrologer and will write treatises on astrology.
Combination 4 (Rule Q): If the lord of the 2nd is the Sun or Mars and is aspected by Jupiter
or Venus, the native will be wellversed in Jyotisha; if the lord of the 2nd is Jupiter or Venus
and is in exaltation and aspected by the Sun or Mars, he will recite the Vedas or holy
scriptures and compose them.
Rule R: Jambunadeeyam, the famous treatise by Sage Jambunada, says: If Mercury is in
swakshetra in Kanya (Virgo), the native will be a poet and an astrologer.
From, the above, it is clear that all the treatises on astrology stress the importance of
Mercury primarily and only next in importance come the Moon, Venus and Jupiter and to a
lesser extent, the Sun. If this one planet Mercury is well placed and very strong (by
Shadvarga, shadbala, etc) he is capable of making one an eminent and outstanding scholar in
astrology. Not only that, he makes the native versatile and a scholar in many subjects,
mostly spiritual. This is said not to play down the significance of other planets, but just to
impress on the readers how this single planet, by himself, is quite capable of bestowing on
the native astrological caliber of a high order. But usually in practice, it is found that
Mercury receives help from the other planets by association, aspect, etc. In the Bhava
Karakatwa for success in astrology, all the texts lay stress on the 2nd Bhava and some stress
the importance of the 5th Bhava while Satyacharyam and Veemakavi (Rule K and Rule M)
refer to the 3rd and the 4th Bhavas in addition. Therefore it is seen that the requisites for a
successful and eminent astrologer are: 1) the full strength (by shadvarga, shadbala etc) of
Mercury; 2) the strength of the 2nd and 5th Bhavas and their lords, occupants, etc; and 3) the
interrelation of these two factors to other planets and Bhavas in the nativity.
The success, eminence and accuracy of an astrologer will vary according to the
percentage of the sum total of the above factors. In addition to the above, the Shastras

impose on the astrologer certain spiritual duties. They require him to be a religious, sincere,
truthful and honest person. It is needless to say though many persons may possess
knowledge of astrology and some may even be adepts in reciting in whole or part the classics
on astrology, yet they may not make the grade in point of accuracy of predictions, due to
deficiency of any one of the above factors. An analysis of the charts of some of the worlds
most famous and successful astrologers confirms the above conclusions. The first four are
the charts of the worlds most famous astrologers: Cheiro, Prof B. Suryanarain Rao, Prof B
V Raman and the late Madras scholar Prof C G Rajan, who was my preceptor. The fifth is
the horoscope of an eminent Indian astronomer who is very well known in India and abroad
and who has a number of publications and ephemerides to his credit. In deference to his
wishes, I am not mentioning his name. The sixth is the horoscope of a very successful
Madras astrologer, famed in India and some Far Eastern countries. Last but not least, is the
chart of an erstwhile Office Superintendent of mine, who shunned publicity and who was an
amateur, but who in my humble opinion, should be ranked among the worlds foremost
astrologers for accuracy of predictions and mastery of the classical texts.
Now let me take Chart no.1, that of the late Count Louis Hamon, popularly known as
Cheiro (chart taken from Page 391 of The Astrological Magazine, April 1967 and modified by
me for Ayanamsa 22 59'.)

The birth star is in the 3rd quarter of Magha nakshatra ruled by Ketu. In Bhava, Jupiter
comes to the 2nd, Ketu to the 4th, Mars to the 8th, the Moon to the 9 th and Rahu to the 10th


Rule E applies to this chart, since Makha is the Anujanma star of Aswini. Jupiter and
Mars are both debilitated but obtain Neechabhanga due to the Moon being in the 10th from
lagna. Both are Vargottama and hence very strong. Also note that these two planets
exchange aspects being lords of the 2nd and the Ascendant. Mercury and Venus are in lagna
kendra (1st house) and Venus is exalted in Navamsa in the 2nd from Navamsa Lagna. Rule H
of Kiranur Nataraja aptly applies to this chart and no doubt Cheiro proved to be an expert in
this art. Satyacharyas Rule L applies to the letter and it is known throughout the world that
Cheiros predictions came true with unerring accuracy. When Cheiro was in New York,
press reporters showed him the handprints of a Dr. Meyer who was at that time arrested on
a charge of murdering a rich widow after insuring her in his favor. Cheiro was not told
about the identity of the doctor, but after an examination of the palmprints, he told the
reporters that the print was that of a man who had started his career normally but who
became a pervert later. Cheiro went on in his own uncanny way. This man will be arrested
and there would be a sensational trial. He will be sentenced to death, but at the last minute
he will escape the chair.

There was a sensational trial as predicted by Cheiro, the courtroom was packed and
the culprit was finally sentenced to die in the electric chair. The man had read about Cheiros
predictions and he wanted to have an interview with him. An interview was arranged by the
reporters and when Cheiro met him, the convict got hold of both his hands and begged him
to say if he would live.
Cheiro examined his hands and said he would live as there was no break in the Life
Line. The murderer filed an appeal to the Federal Court which was turned down. The day of
execution came and he was ordered to be executed at midnight. Cheiro was restless and
when midnight approached, Cheiro writes, he was parting his hair and pacing up and down
the room. He was worried for the life of the culprit and his reputation was at stake, since his
prediction had not come off. The clock struck twelve and Cheiro heard the paperboy shout
in the street below, Dr. Meyer escapes chair Supreme Court finds flaw in indictment and
Sentence reduced to Life. Cheiro has to his credit a number of such hair raising predictions.
Cheiro has written in one of his books that he owes all his success to a Hindu saint whom he
met in the Himalayas. The saint, according to Cheiro, took him to his hermitage and kept
him for one month where he taught him the laws of palm reading. Then while bidding him

farewell the saint told him Go forth to the world and give predictions. Henceforth you will
be worldfamous. Just before his death which he had predicted to the hour, Cheiro told his
attendants: The mystery of Life, why we came here, where we are going, the secrets and
answers to all these questions lies in the Orient, in the FarEast, in India, the land of the
Chart No 2 is that of the late Prof B. Suryanarain Rao, grandfather
of the late Dr B V Raman, I reproduce the chart given in his own
book, The Astrological Self Instructor with modification for
ayanamsa for 21 49'
Rule M of Veemkavi is applicable to this chart. Lord of the 4th
the Sun is a natural malefic and is in the 9th Bhava. Lord of the
2nd Mercury is joined by Jupiter. Mercury occupies the house of
Jupiter in Navamsa and is aspected by Jupiter. Lord of the 12th
Mars aspects both Mercury and Jupiter and Prof. Rao was a scholar
and astrologer. A peculiar feature of this horoscope is that the Sun and
Saturn, though mutually inimical by nature, have joined hands in elevating the native to his
preeminent status. Note that the Sun is lord of the 5th from the Moon in Rasi and lord of the
5th from Lagna in Amsa. He occupies the house of Saturn and Saturn is in the 2nd from Asc
and the Sun, Venus and Mars are associated with the Moon in Amsa (D9). No wonder,
therefore, that Prof Rao was the recipient of the Suns


blessings in full measure which accounted for his success in astrology. I remember to have
read in one of his books that Prof. Raos father when he was childless had a dream one night
when the SunGod appeared and blessed him with a child, as a result of which he was named
after the Sun. Mercury and Jupiter are in Kendra from the Lagna in Rasi while Jupiter
occupies Lagna in Amsa and Mercury is in trine. These made Prof. Rao a great and prolific
writer and he wrote many books not only on astrology but also on other subjects. Jupiter is
strong by position, etc, which accounts for his versatility in Mantra Shastra also. Saturn in
the 2nd aspected by Venus from the 8th Bhava gave Prof Rao success in his predictions to an
amazing degree and Rahu in the 11th from the 2nd evoked for him appreciation even from the
Britishers and other Westerners. The relative strength of Jupiter over that of Mercury made
Prof. Rao an expert in the predictive aspect of astrology to the detriment of the
mathematical part which was left for his famous grandson to take over and elaborate on.
That takes us to Chart No 3, that of our beloved Late Prof B.V.Raman. I reproduce the
chart given in the Astrological Self Instructor with modifications for Ayanamsa 22 38'


Rule C of Varaha Mihira applies aptly to this chart since the Moon is in Leo Navamsa
is associated with Mercury. Rule H of Kiranur Nataraja also applies since Mercury is in a
Kendra and Venus is in exaltation and in a common sign in Navamsa. Rule N of Jataka
Choodamani also applies to Prof Ramans chart if the 2nd house is interpreted as 2nd house from
the Sun. Rahus position in the 2nd and aspect of the lord of that house Jupiter from a Kendra
have made Prof Ramans predictions remarkably true. Jupiter and Mercury occupying
Kendras in Rasi, while in Navamsa they occupy a Kendra and Trikona respectively have
made Prof Raman publisher, author, editor and journalist. Incidentally it may be stated that
the interaspects and associations in Rasi and Navamsa between Saturn, Jupiter and Mars
would have made Prof Raman an equally eminent lawyer or surgeon had he taken to those
studies. Actually Prof Raman has written a book on Ayurveda, the Hindu system of
medicine. Prof Ramans success in astrology is too well known and to dwell on it too long is
like carrying lignite to Neyveli.
Chart No. 4 is that of the late Jyotirbhushana C.G.Rajan of Madras


Rule D of Varaha Mihira applies to this chart. Not only the Moon is in Cancer but is
associated with Mercury the Karaka in the 9th Bhava. Also the Moon occupies the asterism
of Mercury. The Sun is in Gemini satisfying Rule B of Varaha Mihira. Rule J of
Satyacharya also applies very aptly. Rule M of Veemakavi is partly fulfilled by association of
lords of the 2nd and the 12th in Kendra from Lagna. The predominant strength of Mercury has
accounted for his eminence as a mathematician and astronomer of the first order. Also since
Mercury has lordship over the Tamil language, Mr. Rajan published more than 30 books on
astrology in easy flowing and lucid Tamil and some books in English. His works include
translations of some famous Sanskrit astrological texts like Brihat Jataka, Jambunadeeyam ,
Naradeeyam etc. In his Tamil work Jataka Ganitham he has dealt with the complete
mathematical part of astrology in such a simple style that even a layman who does not know
much of arithmetic beyond addition, subtraction, etc can master the subject. And he has not
deviated from Sripathis Jatakarma Paddahati. For the more advanced research student in
astronomy and astrology, his book Raja Jyothida Ganitham, from which one can calculate the
longitudes and latitudes of the planets for any epoch from 3200 B.C to 3100 A.D (about 6000
years) is a masterpiece. He has rendered colossal service to the cause of astrology and also to
the Tamil speaking public by publishing hitherto secret works in astrology. On the
predictive side I can personally vouch from a number of letters from natives in the country
and abroad, for the accuracy of his predictions. In addition to being an astronomer
astrologerauthor, Mr. Rajan held some distinguished Government appointments like
Tahsildar, Taluq Magistrate, CoEditor of Government Panchangas and translations of
Saptarishi Nadi published by the Madras Government. Scorpio, the ascendant, is a mystic
sign and being the house of Mars, gave him indefatigable energy and until his last breath, he
continued his research in astrology. All the planets except Saturn and RahuKetuthe
shadowy planets are endowed with full strength by varga, aspect, etc.. and among them
Mercury gains maximum strength which has accounted for his phenomenal success as an

Publisher: Few months back Mr Karthikeyan from Australia with the assistance of Mr Rahul Vedi,
Australia and a team member of Saptarishis Astrology had translated for SA one chapter of Jataka
Jambunaadeyam of Sage Jambunada, it would be published in subsequent issues.


Chart No.5 is that of a famous Indian astronomer, who has a number of ephemerides
and other astronomical publications to his credit.

The Moon occupies Aswini 4th quarter satisfying Rule E of Kiranur Nataraja. He is a
scholar in both Hindu and modern astronomy and well versed in Sanskrit. His ephemerides
are famous for their accuracy and he is the author of several astronomical publications which
are used by most Indian astrologers and even by some foreigners. But surprisingly enough,
as he himself confessed to me, he does not know much of astrology beyond the bare
fundamentals. Or rather, he did not take an interest in it. This is a very peculiar thing, as
ordinarily all successful astrologers right from Varaha Mihira down to B V Raman are good
astronomers also. For an astronomer, astrology is swimming to a fish, something automatic
and natural. In my humble opinion, the reasons for a lack of interest in astrology in the
native of this chart are as follow: astrology, in its purest form, has more spiritual roots and it
is Shastraic in its origin. Unless a person has got a Shastraic outlook and a flair for
spirituality, he is not likely to be interested in Jyotisha. Jupiter, Karaka for knowledge of the
Shastras and Venus are both affected in this chart considerably while Mercury is very strong

by association, aspect, etc and is exalted. The imbalance between the strengths of Jupiter and
Mercury relatively, in my opinion makes a native concentrate on either astrology or
astronomy exclusively, according s Jupiter or Mercury (relatively) gains predominance over
the other. In Prof. Suryanarain Raos chart, we have seen how Jupiter was considerably
stronger than Mercury, leading to a dominance of the astrological side over that of the
mathematical. In the present chart the process is reversed with the predominance of
Mercury over Jupiter leading to a neglect of astrology. This is confirmed by the fact that
Jupiter and Venus occupy the asterisms of Rahu and Saturn respectively. The ambition in
life of the native is to achieve unanimity in the different systems adopted by the Hindu
Panchanga makers. He looks forward to the day when a single ayanamsa will be adopted by
the entire community of Hindu astrologers and Panchanga makers. I personally feel he will
achieve success in his noble ambition, thanks to the strength of the Ascendant lord and the
Moon (karaka for ambition).
Chart 6 is that of a famous Madras Astrologer. In this chart peculiarly none of the given
astrological rules apply to the Rasi chart. However Rules A and Q apply to the Navamsa.
The association of Mercury, Jupiter and the Moon with the lord of the 2nd in the 11th (in Rasi
chart) and lord of the 5th (intuition) in the ascendant and the 5th occupied by Mokshakaraka
Ketu and aspected by Mercury, Jupiter and the Moon from the 11th have made the native an
extraordinarily capable and talented astrologer. Note that almost all planets occupy the two
houses, the 11th and the 12th. The native is well versed in ancient Shastras and an adept in
Tantra and Mantra Shastras.

He is noted for remedial measures and preparation of Talismans and Kavachas according to
Shastras. I think Saturn who occupies the asterism of Ketu and who is in the 11th being lord
of the Ascendant and the 2nd house with Ketu in the 5th accounts for the natives
specialization in the occult and mystic side of astrology.


In passing, I may state here that I agree fully with the views expressed in the April
1967 issue of The Astrological Magazine by Mr. Buel D Huggins that Kethu in the 5th
bestows on the native psychic abilities and extrasensory perception. Incidentally it may be
observed that in Charts No 1 to 3, Ketu is in the 5th Bhava from either the Ascendant or the
Moon while in Chart No 4, Rahu is in the 5th from the Ascendant in Rasi and Ketu in the 5th
from the Moon in Navamsa. In Chart No.6 Ketu is in the 5th from the Ascendant and in
Chart No.7, Ketu is in the 5th from the Moon. Thus Mr Huggins findings are confirmed in 6
out of 7 horoscopes discussed herein. I may be permitted to add here one more function of
Ketu in the 5th assigned in the ancient Hindu treatises: Ketu destroys issues or children
either wholly or partly in the 5th and the Shastras attribute this to serpents curse. This
assignment of Ketu is fulfilled amply in all the six charts mentioned above where he is in the
5th. The Hindu Hatha Yoga Shastras describe that the Kundalini Shakti or Serpent Power in
man, if developed fully, leads on to attainment of super human powers or Siddhis, of which
E.S.P is one. Thus while the serpent power represented by Ketu bestows on the native the
power of extra sensory perception or occult and mystic gifts of intuition, it is destructive to
the 5th Bhava in so far as it relates to issues or children. Perhaps destiny compensates for the
efficiency in one sphere of activity by deficiency in another!
Chart No 7 is that of an erstwhile Office Superintendent of mine, who had the power
of E.S.P developed well and whose psychic capabilities were remarkable.

Publisher: It has been observed that this 5th house ketu might be working on Ketu in the 5th from
Arudha Lagna (AL) too. As this publisher has in his possession a chart where the said native has
displayed minor stunning predictive abilities like twice on blind charts he predicted the name of chart
holder and at times gets intuition that in 5 minutes so and so person will call up, it happens multiple
times in a day and it has been happening since 2001. Let us test this further please.


The native, in addition, was a DeviUpasaka (a devotee of the Goddess). This man who
shunned publicity out of modesty, was an amateur and, therefore, was not very widely
known to the outside world; nevertheless, in my humble opinion, deserves to be ranked
among the foremost of astrologers. He had mastered all the classical texts on astrology and
when you had a doubt and asked him, he would come out with the appropriate shloka from
such diverse and varied authorities as Jataka Chandrika, Brihat Jataka, Uttara Kalamrita or
Phaladeepika, followed by his inimitable definition and explanation which could do credit to
an ancient commentator like Bhattotpala. His achievements will speak for themselves and I
was myself witness to some of his outstanding and uncanny predictions.
The day was 23rd October 1962; just three days after the Chinese staged a massive
aggression on the NEFA border. Day by day the military situation became serious, with
newspapers carrying big headlines of the advances of the enemy and the reverses of our
troops. In Parliament there was a big uproar which was echoed in the Congress Working
Committee. News came that the Chinese had crossed the Sela Pass and were on the
threshold of the plains of Assam. There were demands for the resignation of the Defense
Minister. It was 10 a.m. on the 23rd. Myself and my colleagues were sitting opposite to the
Superintendent in the office. Naturally as any other patriotic Indian, we were worried over
the outcome of the war.

I can still vividly picture him sitting

there, with his forehead bedecked with lines
of the sacred Vibhuti with a spot of Kum
Kum in the centre.
We asked him: Sir, what in your
opinion, will be the outcome of the war?
He casually threw a file in an
outgoing tray and pat came his reply: Dont
worry. There will be a cease fire in another
four weeks.
We took it lightly, for at that time
nobody could even imagine that such a thing
was feasible. And we all received a pleasant
shock, when, exactly in four weeks, on the
21st November 1962, the Chinese announced a
ceasefire and the war came to an end.
On another occasion, my marriage
negotiations were taking place and the
brides party had only the previous night
visited us and after talks, left our house late
in the night. The next morning at 10 a.m. I
attended the office as usual. The
negotiations of the previous night were
known only to the members of our family
and to the brides family. There was no
chance by any stretch of imagination of this
man knowing the information, since he lived
in a place some 25 miles away, and none of
us could possibly leak out the information in
such a short time and even if it had leaked
out, it could not have reached him overnight,
especially since none of the group except
myself was known to him. Yet, as soon as I
sat opposite to him the next morning, he
said cheerfully: My Dear Sundara Rajan,
you have got the marriage expression in your
face. Negotiations for your marriage are
under way and you will get married in two
months. Believe me, the marriage was
settled exactly in two moths and he attended
and blessed me.
Instances such as this are numerous
and for want of space I have given only two.
He used to tell us, in a mystic tone: For
twentyfive years now, my friends, on every
Tuesday I have performed Subramanya
Sahasranama and on every Friday I have

performed Lalita Sahasranama without fail.

Perhaps that accounts for my success.
In his chart (chart no.7) there are
some good yogas for an astrologer of gift and
intuition. First, Saraswathi Yoga is present
since Mercury and Jupiter are in Kendras
and Venus is in the 2nd and Jupiter occupies
his own house. Also Hamsa Yoga and Sasa
Yoga are present. Rule J of Satyacharya
applies, and as I have already explained, the
native is a DeviUpasaka. The Moon,
though debilitated in Rasi, obtains
Neechabhanga. Rule M of Veemakavi also
applies. Rule O of Jataka Choodamani applies
partly except for the conjunction of the
Moon with Saturn, Rule Q of the same text
applies to the letter. Note Ketu is in the 5th
from the Ascendant aspected by Jupiter. In
addition to being a gifted astrologer, he was
a great orator and he enchanted his audience
with his fluency and was listened to with
rapt attention and respect. When he spoke in
a lighter vein his speech was replete with
alliteration and similes. At other times he
used his tongue as a weapon with bitter
sarcasm and felled many a powerful
opponent. Note Venus is in the 2nd in the
house of an enemy and also associated in
Navamsa with the Sun and Ketu in the 2nd.
In all the above illustrations, I have
carefully selected, after much time and
energy, the horoscopes of some of the
worlds most outstanding astrologers; and
with equal care, I have selected and culled
out from ancient astrological texts, the rules
which deal with success in astrology. It may
be seen that one or more of the rules apply to
all the horoscopes under reference. From
these it appears to my humble self, that
success in astrology, as in any other walk of
life, is predestined and determined
according to ones Poorvapunya (the good
deeds of the past birth) and is reflected in the
natal horoscope of the person.


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