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Questions for Next Time (cont’d)

•  Can organisation cope with ‘authentic’ leadership now? How?

•  How do we understand our own sate of being?

•  Can you lead in isolation?

•  How do we discover our own true leadership?

•  How do you develop capability for people to purposefully work with dynamic complexity while maintaining and
developing a sense of self?

•  A fish rots from its head. How do we influence the head to take the journey inward? Why? Will this help?

•  How do we allow for difference?

•  Do we keep describing managers as leaders when they are really managers?

•  Can we really define the leadership ‘end game’ at this time? If so, how? If not, what do we do then?

•  How do we know when we have reached leadership UTOPIA?

•  How is ‘leadership’ and ‘followship’ co-arising and co-emerging together at this time?

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