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Cause and Effect Pre-Assessment

1. Cause is what happened and effect is why something happened.


2. Select the most likely CAUSE for the following EFFECT:
Steven cut his finger.
Outside Steven walked around.
In the house Steven ate pizza.
Yesterday Steven ran.
Steven picked up broken glass.
3. Select best possible effect for this cause:
Mark lost

his key.
He will be home late.
He will not be able to unlock the door.
He will buy a snack.
He will get a haircut.

4. Since no one signed up for the school talent show, the teachers
decided to cancel it and try again next year. What is the cause?
No one signed up for the school talent show.
They canceled the show.
They will try again next year.
Many kids signed up for the talent show.
5. Provide and example of a cause and an effect.


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