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Shaina Alcheck

ENG 181
Project 1 Part 2
Artists Statement: How Did We Get Here?
When choosing and event to take Zits back to, I was initially overwhelmed. There are so
many crucial Indian historical events. So, I picked one that I knew at least a little bit about; the
story of Pocahontas and John Smith. Additionally, I had recently found a theory that the entire
event was an adoption ceremony, which not only put the event at the forefront of my thoughts
but also gave me the idea to blend this story with the theme of the lack of love in Zitss life. I
chose incredibly helpful and credible resources, including the journal of John Smith, to help me
to reconstruct this historic event. I hope that when reading this extra chapter of Sherman Alexies
Flight the reader not only gets to understand Zits on a deeper level but also gains a more in depth
understanding of this amazing historical event.
Perhaps the most influential and informative source I used was John Smiths journal.
Being the only account of this event from someone who was there, the details were immensely
helpful. This includes details about how the people were dressed, about the number of rocks, the
hand washing, the club, details about Pocahontas and exactly what she did, and more. I chose not
to use a direct quote from this text because I did not think that Zits, despite his extensive
documentary watching, would have a quote memorized. However, the details, descriptions, and
emotions described in the journal gave me most of the information that I needed for the story that
I created.
The other sources that I used were mostly for facts and background information on this
incident. I tried to get as many perspectives on the story as possible, which is why I used both the

National Parks website and Powhatan websites. Additionally, Robert Tiltons book gave me very
interesting insights into the misappropriation of this story in modern culture, which I tried to
reference in my text. Lastly, I used a childrens website about Powhatan facts just to get general
information about how the tribe lived to ensure that the details I included were accurate. While
John Smiths diary provides a lot of details about the people and dress at the actual event, there is
very little about the style of living.
Stylistically I tried to mirror Sherman Alexies writing through short sentences,
repetition, and profanity. I used the short sentences not just to mirror Alexie but also to indicate
the characteristics of Zits. Zits thinks in short and clear sentences because he is a realist who
does not often overanalyze situations. However, during some scenes of deeper analysis of his
life, I make the sentences longer to indicate to the reader that Zits is growing as a character.
Additionally, I use repetition to emphasize what Zits is focusing on. For example, at the
beginning I use the word shouting in three sentences. Rather than acknowledging what he sees,
smells, or physically feels, I chose to have him focus on sound, and I indicate that to the reader
through repetition. Lastly, I use profanity for two main reasons. The first is to remind the reader
that Zits is an angry fifteen-year-old boy. The second is to emphasize certain emotions, including
shock and anger. When Zits was spurned by the wealthy Indian man in Seattle, I make a point to
include a lot of profanity in Zitss recollection of the event, in order to show the reader how
angry and hurt he was by the situation.
I chose to place this chapter in between the betrayal of Jimmys chapter and the hurt he
feels in his fathers chapter. I did this because I think that the position that I leave him in, of
feeling vulnerable and somewhat unlovable, will add to if not partially explain the interaction
with his father. Additionally, the juxtaposition of betrayal in Jimmys chapter to acceptance in

this chapter highlights the internal conflict between hope and distain within Zits. Furthermore, I
wanted Zits to be a witness rather than a participant, yet if this chapter had come earlier in the
novel Zits would have said or done something to alter the event. Calling on what just happened
with Jimmy allows me to justify Zitss belief that his actions will most likely not change the
event about to happen. Lastly, if this chapter was any closer to the beginning of the novel I do
not think that Zits would have been susceptible to the messages. He most likely would have
brushed the experience off as corny if not completely pointless. However, in his emotional state
near the end of the book, Zits is able to reflect on his internal desires to be accepted and loved,
which is crucial to his character development.
Works Consulted
"John Smith, 1580-1631. The Generall Historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer
Isles: With the Names of the Adventurers, Planters, and Governours From Their First Beginning
Ano: 1584. To This Present 1624. With the Procedings of Those Severall Colonies and the
Accidents That Befell Them in All Their Journyes and Discoveries. Also the Maps and
Descriptions of All Those Countryes, Their Commodities, People, Government, Customes, and
Religion Yet Knowne. Divided Into Sixe Bookes. By Captaine Iohn Smith, Sometymes Governour
in Those Countryes & Admirall of New England. Web. 02 Feb. 2016.
"The Pocahontas Myth - Powhatan Renape Nation - the Real Story, Not Disney's Distortion."
The Pocahontas Myth - Powhatan Renape Nation - the Real Story, Not Disney's Distortion. Web.
02 Feb. 2016. <>.
"Powhatan Indian Fact Sheet." Facts for Kids: The Powhatan Indians (Powhatans). Web. 15
Feb. 2016. <>.
Tilton, Robert S. Pocahontas: The Evolution of an American Narrative. Cambridge: Cambridge
UP, 1994. Print.
United States. National Park Service. "Pocahontas: Her Life and Legend." National Parks
Service. U.S. Department of the Interior, 2016. Web. Feb. 2016.

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