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Melissa Van Balen

Project 2 Lesson Plan

EDCI 56600-002

Coaching for Future Success:
How to help your employees develop meaningful personal development goals
This e-course is designed for workforce training in a manufacturing company but
is not necessarily industry specific.
This training is targeted for entry to mid-level managers within the organization
who have direct reports and are responsible for assisting in their personal and
professional develop plan.
As a result of this course, the learner will be able to help their employees
construct robust, attainable and meaningful development goals using the
SMART model.
This course is intended to be used as a part of a larger leadership development
curriculum to be delivered via the organizations learning management system
(LMS). Other courses within the curriculum will include communication skills,
problem solving, change management and leading teams. However, it could be
used as a stand-alone option for those needing development in this particular
The course is navigated by clicking through each slide. Navigation is controlled
so that the learner must view each screen in its entirety, but can go back and
review anything previously viewed at any time. A learner can realistically
complete this course in 15-20 minutes.
Learners will begin with an introduction to different types of goals (short-term
and long-term) and how they build upon each other to support higher, loftier
goals. They will then be introduced to the concept of SMART goals. SMART is
an acronym that describes the components of a robust, clearly defined goal:
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely.

Melissa Van Balen

Project 2 Lesson Plan
EDCI 56600-002

Each section of the course will define the elements of SMART and give
examples for how each would be properly used. The learner will be presented
with samples of poorly defined goals and be asked to reframe the goal in order
to fit the framework of the SMART model. The electronic job aid, Are your goals
SMARTer?, will be available in the resources tab of the e-course and can be
used as reference at any time during the course.
There are two additional elements to the SMART model: evaluation and rejoice.
These serve to give the learner an opportunity to evaluate the goal after
completion. These will be covered after the learner has had an opportunity to
learn the SMART model and adequately practice. These two elements are also
represented on the job aid.
The course will conclude with an electronic rubric for the learner to match the
elements of their goals with the components of SMART. A non-interactive PDF
version of this rubric will be linked from the SMARTer job aid as well.


Electronic job aid: Are your goals SMARTer?

This job aid describes and further defines each of the 5 components of a
SMART goal (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely) to
include two follow-up elements (Evaluate, Rejoice).
Each component is clickable and will have an audio narration and
illustration or photo depicting how it is used in goal construction. It links
out to the SMART Evaluation Rubric for use within the course and as a
tool to use for future goal creation.

SMART Evaluation Rubric

This printable rubric will be used to evaluate goals to ensure that they
meet the criteria of a SMART goal. This rubric will be included in the
course and linked from the electronic job aid as well.

Learners will be asked throughout the instruction to evaluate fictitious sample
goals for each of the five elements of the SMART model. The learner will not
be able to complete the course without completing all sections of the ecourse.

Melissa Van Balen

Project 2 Lesson Plan
EDCI 56600-002


Learners will be asked at the beginning of the course to outline a personal
goal. This will be used as a pre-assessment of the learners goal development
abilities. After the instruction, the learners will be asked to re-frame their goals
using the SMART model outlined in this course. Using the SMART rubric, the
learners will evaluate their re-framed goals. If the goal meets all five criteria
(specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely) the learner has
successfully demonstrated their learning and, therefore, the effectiveness of
the instruction.

Color-based Cueing:
The clickable elements within the job aid will be colored and formatted in a
different way than those around it in order to draw the learners attention. The
element and the text will change when the mouse is hovered over it. This will
support the cueing principal in that it will help to guide the learner through the
job aid and signal for them to interact with the element (Mayer, 2014).
Coherence Principal:
The job aid will not include extraneous graphics, text, or audio not directly
related to the instruction. This supports the coherence principal in that the
learner will only be presented with essential material in order to support
essential processing (Mayer, 2014).
Mayer, R. (2014). The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia
Learning. (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology).

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