Tammi Observation - Dec 15 2015

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Professional Semester I

Lesson Observation Form

Fall 2015
Intern Teacher: __Tammi Constantine________
Elementary School___

School: _Aahsaopi

Date: ___December 15, 2015________________ Subject: __Grade One


Planning and Preparation

Throughout the practicum you demonstrated very strong

lesson planning skills and professional commitment by always
being well prepared for lessons!


Provided very clear step-by-step instructions for the test. I like

how you posed questions to ensure student comprehension of
what to do to complete the test.
Created a positive environment through consistent
encouragement and positive reinforcement.
Demonstrated good adaptability by changing the structure of
the lesson to allow students to work ahead at their own pace.
Reading the situation and making adaptations on the spot is
an important skill to develop.
Provided individualized support for students.
Students were attentive and on task. This is an encouraging
sign about the engagement level in the class.

Classroom Leadership and Management

Good job being persistent in getting a student to pay

attention. It was effective how you demanded he sit in his desk
and provide eye contact to demonstrate he was ready to
Provided time guidelines and reminders about the time
remaining. The pacing of the lesson was good as students had
adequate time to complete the assignment and were
productive throughout the lesson.
Your presence in the classroom has really evolved during the
practicum! Proximity, firmness, and the maintenance of class
rules and routines were some of the strengths in your
management approach.
Good job monitoring the class while helping individual
Management is an area where you demonstrated substantial
growth during the five weeks. You should be very proud of
your accomplishments.


Nice simple summative assessment! The checklist is clear and

Excellent assessment of comprehension through the finger on
nose technique. This enabled you to attend to the concerns of
the three students who were not confident, mitigating
potential issues.

Professional Attributes and Responsibilities

Consistently demonstrated a professional, respectful


Focus of Lesson Observation: Instructions, pacing, and assessment

Excellent Work Tammi!!

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