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Orcinol test for pentoses or Bial’s test

A method used to detect the presence of pentoses with a test reagent consisting of orcinol, HCl and
ferric chloride.

This test is used to detect the presence of a pentose in urine. In the presence of pentoses, the test
reagentdehydrates pentoses to form furfural. Furfural, then, reacts with orcinol. The iron ion in the
test reagent will produce a bluish product. Thus, a bluish solution with which precipitate may
form indicates positive for (or the presence of) pentoses.
(+) result: pink coloration on filter paper

Dische diphenylamine test(Diphenylamine test for deoxyribose). A presumptive test for

nitrates. The reagent is a solution of diphenylamine ((C6H5)2NH) in sulphuric acid. A positive result is
indicated by a blue colour. It was once used in testing for gunshot residue, but is not particularly
reaction between the Dische reagent and 2-deoxypentose results in the
development of a blue color. The reaction depends on the conversion of the pentose
to -hydroxylaevulinic aldehyde which then reacts with diphenylamine to give a a
blue colored complex .The intensity of the blue color is proportional to the
concentration of DNA. Dische reagent does not react with the ribose sugar in RNA
and does not form a blue-colored complex .

(+) result: DNA yields blue color

Test for phosphates

Qualitative tests for phosphates can be made quickly in the field by means of acid
ammonium molybdate solution, which, dropped upon a specimen, indicates the
presence of phosphorus by a yellow stain or a crust of yellow phospho-ammonium

(+) result: yields yellow ppt.

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