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Marketing Manager

Marketing Manager

Marketing Manager
Christopher William Patch
Business 1010

Marketing Manager

Marketing Manager
Marketing has changed business now every company has to fight to get their product out
into the market place. The job of figuring out how to execute that falls on the shoulders of
marketing managers. The proper execution of marketing can change the history of a company if
the marketing fails the company fails. Being a market manager is a fast paced job that can be
very demanding and extremely rewarding when you see your work sore to the top.
Job Description

Plan marketing and branding objectives.

Expand product solutions and offerings.
Prepare marketing strategies alongside other company executives and staff.
Analyze market trends and recommend changes to marketing and business development

strategies based on analysis and feedback.

5. Prepare and adhere to budgets.
6. Oversee creation and delivery of press releases, advertisements, and other marketing
7. Design print ads and publications.
8. Ensure brand messages are consistent.
9. Gather and analyze customer insight.
10. Nurture and enrich all external perceptions of the company and growth of market share.
11. Engage consumers on social media.
12. Deepen relationships with all media to ensure the most effective messaging and
positioning of the organization.
13. Lead all areas of content generation and production across all media platforms.
14. Take calculated risks based on data-driven analytics.
15. Drive overall CRM and direct marketing.
16. Engage other organizations within the community.
17. Collaborate with sales and sourcing to develop strategic partnership activities and
implement the execution framework and strategic plan on identified opportunities.
18. Develop and lead a marketing team that will develop and execute new concepts, business
models, channels and partners to position business as innovator and leader.
General Education and Experience
Employers will require at least a bachelor degree in marketing management but more and
more companies are requiring masters program as well. On top of college education membership

Marketing Manager

in organizations like American Marketing Association can also add to your appeal. The AMA is a
global Association that strives to be the most relevant force and voice shaping marketing around
the world; an essential community for marketers. ( ). You can also further your education by
attending seminars and marketing events.
On top of education it takes a certainty person to be a marketing manager. Have strong
communication, sales and presentation skills. They must be goal oriented, flexible and creative
under pressure, often while juggling several projects at once. Expert knowledge of current
marketing trends and multimedia platforms is essential. They must have strong leadership skills
and the ability to hire, train and motivate team members. Marketing managers should also have
strong budgeting, Internet and computer skills.( )
General career path
After finishing schooling you will take an entry-level marketing job suck as a media buyer
responsible for purchasing advertising time and materials. After working in the marketing field
for some time you will usual get a job at a smaller company. Marketing specialists handle that
task, and they also provide promotional copy and package design and help with marketing
strategy. the next step is usually starting to be a marketing manager at bigger and bigger
companies tell you reach the top.
Average salaried
The national average salary of a marketing manager was put at $85,175 by glass door (Updated
Apr 11, 2016). When you are first entering into the field in an entry level position you can expect
to earn an average of $52,917 according to (Updated 13 Jan 2016). The more time
you spend in the field and the more education and connections that you get you pay will increase
to over $125,000.
Career Outlook
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) the employment of marketing managers is
expected to grow faster then the national average from 2014 to 2024. The reason for this growth
is because companies will seek to set their products apart in an increasing saturated market. the

Marketing Manager

following will result in a demand for talented marketing managers. To take advantage of the
demand you need to keep further educating yourself and building a name for you in the industry.
Bio of a market manager
What is your job title? How many years of experience do you have in that field?
My job title is Marketing Manager. I have been in this position for three years.
Would you describe the things you do on a typical day?
My specific focus is pricing. My responsibilities include taking write ups from the analysts and
determining price points for different products in different regions.
On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate your job satisfaction? What would it take to increase
that rating?
I would rate my job satisfaction at a 3. I really dont have much to do in a day, other than crunch
numbers and hypothesize some trends. As you can see, Im very dissatisfied with my job. Less
hours and more pay would help increase that number.
What dont they teach in school that wouldve been helpful to you?
They dont teach you in school how tedious marketing work can be. That would have been nice
to know, I believe I would have decided to change careers while I was in school had I known this
What dont they teach in school that wouldve been helpful to you?
They dont teach you in school how tedious marketing work can be. That would have been nice
to know, I believe I would have decided to change careers while I was in school had I known this
fact.( )
This is a bio of an entry-level marketing manager job that brings up some red flags in the
work. You need to know what you are getting and approach marketing with the right attitude if
you dont then it will become job that you dont like as long as you know what you are getting
into market managing can be a very interesting fulfilling job.
Pros and Cons of being a marketing manager


Marketing Manager
1. You will be given the opportunity to

1. Being the leader of a group can be hard

help educate and encourage the people

for people if they dont have the right

you are in charge of managing.

2. There are job opportunities in almost

personality for the job.

2. It can be hard to get a job in a different

every industry so you can work on

field then you are currently in.

something you are passionate about.

3. The starting salary is good and there is

3. The more money you make the higher

a lot of room for growth so you can end

the pressure to perform becomes.

up making lots of money

4. There is travel involved in work so you

4. Traveling can take you away from

will be able to get out and meet new

things that are important to you such as

people and work in new places.

5. If you love what you do this is perfect


because you will always be marketing.

Your Fit
I have a strong personality and I can lead people without feeling uncomfortable. I have a
sales background and have also been a manager in previous jobs that I have had. I am budget and
goal oriented and can meet a deadline. I am able to stay confident in what I do under pressure
and dont have a problem making decisions. I am good at owning up to my mistakes and only
make them one time. I am creative and have the ability to look at something with a new and
innovative perspective. I think that I could be a strong marketing manager.

Marketing Manager

Caffrey, A. (2015, February 25). Pros and Cons of Being a Sales and Marketing Manager.
Retrieved from
Entry-Level Marketing Manager Salary (United States) United States Home Change Country
Don't see what you are looking for?Get A Free Custom Salary Report . (n.d.). Retrieved
April 19, 2016, from
Marketing Degree Guide. (n.d.). Retrieved April 19, 2016, from
G. (2016, April 11). Marketing Manager Salaries. Retrieved from,17.htm
Marketing Professionals Shape the Way We See the World. (n.d.). Retrieved April 19, 2016, from
University Alliance. (2015). Marketing Manager Career & Job Outlook. Retrieved from
Schriffel, M. (2011, August 26). Career Path Reality Check for a Marketing Manager. Retrieved
from (2012, May). Marketing Manager: Career Info & Requirements. Retrieved from

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