U1 Essay 2

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U1 Essay 2

Question: Identify three people (it would be best if both sexes and a variety of ages were
represented). Individually, ask each person to define "What is a family?" Your paper should
include your subjects gender, marital status, and approximate age as well as their complete
response to the question. In addition to those three definitions, include your own definition.
Note: Most people will try to give "simple" answers. Encourage them to give complete
thoughtful answers.
For me family is everything, but it goes a lot deeper than that. In the text The Marriage
and Family Experience it states, A Major reason we may have a difficulty defining family is
that when we think of families, we tend to think of the nuclear family, consisting of mother,
father, and children. (Strong & Cohen, 2014, p.11). For me thats the basic of a family, but I
know that there are times where friends are closer than family. The reason why is because they
are there for you no matter what, they support you, and most of they love you unconditionally.
That is what makes a family a family, you are there for the good times and the bad showing your
support and love, this is despite your beliefs, wants or needs.
I interviewed several people trying to get a feel for what a family is to others in my
community. First I asked a single male age 19, What is a family? he replied A family is a
social unit that is built on love, trust, and honesty for one another. I agree that a family is social
unit, if not for my family I probably wouldnt do anything but watch Netflix and do homework.
However, I disagree that it is built on honesty. My grandparents lie about everything, and yet we
still love them because they are family. Thats where trust comes in you must trust that despite
everything your family loves you. The male I interviewed finished his conclusion on family by
stating, People dont have to get along to be family, people dont have to be related to be family,
but family is family. I completely agree with this statement.
Next I asked a young single girl age 10, she answered A family is when you love
someone so much that you stick together through lifes turns and corners, and you would do
anything for. This reminded me much of my answer family is just there for you. She continued
They love you no matter what and will help you succeed in life; they will be there when you are
unhappy to make you happy. For me this was powerful that a ten-year-old could come up with
such a deep answer. I felt it really went along with my thoughts on what makes a family.
Third, I asked a married female age of 50 she stated, A family is a group of people
bound together in love. They fight together to stay together through the easy times as well as the
hard times. I love the use of the word bound it has a strong sense of loyalty to it. She concluded
by saying, My husband isnt related to me by blood, but he is my family and I love him. My
children are a part of me, of my own blood, and I love them. To me a family is a circle of people
you trust your heart with, the people you would lay down your life for. I love how she
mentioned that her husband is not related to her by blood, so many people define family by blood
but it goes much deeper than that. I think what it boils down to is loyalty, trust, and love.

Strong, B, & Cohen, T. F. (2014). The marriage and family experience: Intimate relationships in
a changing society (12th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

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