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After evaluating my transcript, I believe that it could use a bit of fixing.

However, I take
pride in passing all of my classes and maintaining a GPA of a 3.5 and above. Throughout high
school, I kept up with my studies and managed to obtain a social life. I had a balance between
Pre Ap, AP, and honors classes throughout high school. I never took on more than I could
handle, but I chose classes that would challenge me and make me think. I chose a mixture
between AP and general classes to make room in my schedule for activities such as FFA, tennis,
swimming/diving, and leadership. I earned the grades I see on my transcript. I am disappointed
when I look at my transcript and see the one D in Alg 2/Trig. I know I could of tried harder in
that class. There were many opportunities such as the after school program and private tutoring
that I decided to pass up. I thought I could handle it on my own. It turns out I couldnt pull
through and that is one regret I have on my transcript. If I only asked for help then maybe I
would not have had to retake the class, but the amount of work you put in is reflected in the
outcome. Work hard and become a leader, be lazy and become a slave. - Proverbs 12:24
As for my attendance, I believe that it could also use improvement. There were many
days I missed because I just didnt feel like going to school. Especially this year, my attendance
has declined. For the first time in my high school career I received a letter regarding the number
of absences/truancies I have. This year has been the toughest year. Senioritis has crept its way
into my life somehow and it makes it very difficult throughout the last few weeks of school.
Aside from this year, my attendance has been average. I have always kept at least a 95%
attendance throughout the years.

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