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Google is known to be very innovative, push their employees to be creative and innovative this might cause
a strain on the relationship this is because the employer might be asking for too much cause tension cause the
employee to be less productive
However the environment has many benefits many employee benefits, which means that the benefits might
outweigh the stress of having to be innovative.
google created a motivated workforce employer does not over manage this is beneficial to the
environment as they have to be creatively free. by having all these benefits creates better relations.

Google is can be seen as ethical, there have never been any serious complaints about the employer employee relations.
Looking at a more generic answer and then applying it to google. In order to have good employer employee relations the
management should follow ethical conduct. So it can be assumed that google is being ethical as there have never been any news
articles regarding employees feeling underappreciated or unhappy about the relations.
This therefore, affects how people perceive Google as an ethical organization. Moreover, a good relation between employers
and employees led to an increase in productivity level. **** Creativity

there is less minorities and women, this could cause conflict. the fact that there are less woman in the
workforce may cause a stigma and the women might be treated differently e.g. head chef woman went lower in the
hierarchy like she got kicked out from being top boss, and then she left for yahoo, this could show unfair treatment to
women. the effect of this conflict could cause a bad reputation for google as nowadays there is an uprising for equality
of the sexes.
since google wants the most skilled workers out there means they have a diverse range of people working for them, the effect of
this cultural diversity means that the workforce could be enriched, as there are different cultures being brought in and different customs.
however, these different customs may cause conflict as the employer might not know what the employee wants or needs.

power difference google wants skilled employees, so they have an array of cultures in the workforce. the
problems that may come with thsi is that soome cultures have a more subservent view, such as employees are under
the management, and some cultures employees are seen as equals and have equal say. the power difference

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