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NAME: Brandon Gibson

Log Sheet for Recording

Learning Outcome

Specific Detail

What microphone type

has you chosen and

What are you recording e.g. guitar, vocals, etc.

I have chosen to record the drums.
Dynamic or condenser microphone?
Dynamic microphone.
Why have you chosen this microphone?
Condenser microphones are geared towards vocal input rather than instrumental. The pop
shield that must be there for safety reasons would get in the way of the drummer.

What placement have

you used and why?

How many microphones are you using? 2

Where are your microphones placed, and how far away?
One on half of the drum kit, and another on the other half.
Why have you chosen this placement?
I chose this because the microphone will be able to pick up the sound accurately.

What other equipment

have you used?

What cables have you used to connect the microphone to the audio interface?

Evaluation of sound
and any changes you
have made.

Were you happy with your initial placement and sound of the instrument?

Recording evaluation

If you recorded again, what did you re-record and why? Did you re-record the whole track or
just parts of it? What went wrong? How many times did you re-record until you were happy?
No, as the drummer was trying to rehearse and get used to the song. We re-recorded until
we were happy with it.

Health and Safety


What Health and Safety Procedures have you covered during the set up of your recording?
I Ensured the wires we out of the way and microphones were placed in the right places. The
wires would provide a trip hazard.

Location of recording

N:\Year 11\Music\Unit 6 Recording

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